Inter-Office MemorandumToFileDateMarch 13, 1981FromL. StewartLocationPalo AltoSubjectAlto-1822OrganizationCSLInstallation and TestingXEROX Filed on: [Ivy]Installation.memoThis document describes installation and testing procedures for the Alto-1822 interface.Alto-1822 Installation NotesThis is a brief discussion of how to install an Alto-1822 interface in an Alto I or an Alto II. If youintend to control the device from Mesa, you must use an Alto II with either Mesa ROMs or a 3KCRAM.Alto IIA standard Alto II has nearly all the required signals on slot 18. However, to install an Alto-1822there, a few wires need to be added. If any of the J18 pins mentioned already have wires, stop andfind out why! If slot 18 is already used, slot 17 or 19 will work just as well.Alto Signal NameFromTo1822 Signal NameAUSYSCLKJ14-72J18-72AuSysClk5ACT*J11-102J18-118ITAc'TASKB*J10-14J18-117TASKB'WAKE5*J11-60J18-112WakeIT'In principle, it is possible to wire several devices to TaskA* or TaskB*, and the Alto-1822 drives pinJ18-117 with an open collector gate to permit this mode of operation. In practice, it is thought thatthe 1822 is the only device providing this capability, so it is not too useful.Alto IAn Alto I has much less standard wiring. To install an Alto-1822 in slot 2, the following wires (atleast) need to be added.Alto Signal NameFromTo1822 Signal NameAUSYSCLKJ7-72J2-72AuSysClk-TASKBJ6-14J2-117TASKB'-5ACTJ7-102J2-118ITAc'-WAKE5J7-60J2-112WakeIT'OKTORUNJ2-1J2-11OKToRun-SIOJ3-41J2-41SIO']gpj c8q]r-q7BrX ]q]r -q7Br Yq]r-q 7Br]WSsr M+ GX Dt ArJ @D > ;`t 84rN 6[ 5*P 1 1 1 1c "1 "1o 1 1L1L11111c1111m1m111cu1u111#1111*111 1 11111F1F1* p1p%1%1&1&1'10 10 10101111120120121213`13`14'14'1c41415:15:161616161c7 17 17171#81819Q19Q1*:{1:{1 / %0  ." %0  ,W %0  * %0  '`[ %f $Vur; !*t r` y    c " "o  LLcmmcuu#*  FF* pp%%&&'0 0 00112020223`3`4'4'c445:5:6666c7 7 77#889Q9Q*:{:{ < %0  q %0   %0   %0   %0  E %0  =g[Alto-1822 Installation and Testing2In addition to the signals mentioned above, the following signals must be present at whatever slotyou use:BUS[00]-[15]DBARCF1[0]-[3]F2[0]-[3]NEXT[6]-[7]OKTORUNRESETCablingThe Alto-1822 internal cable is a 40 conductor ribbon cable with a 40 pin PC Card edge connectorat the board end and a DB-37S connector at the Alto rear connector panel. Install it in the obviousway! The keyway on the Alto-1822 board occupies wires 33 and 34 of the 40 pin PC edgeconnector.An Alto-1822 external cable is somewhat more complicated. Depending on the situation, it shouldbe either a `Local-Host' cable or a `Distant-Host' cable. The former are for runs of up to about 30feet, the latter for runs up to about 1000 feet. Arpa Packet Radio units use Distant-Host wiringexclusively. Refer to `AICables.memo' and BBN-1822 for additional information.There is a design bug in the Alto-1822 interface having to do with proper termination of theDistant-Host signals. BBN report 1822 specifies that each pair be terminated at the transmittingend, but the 1822 board as delivered does not provide termination. If distant-host service isrequired, the fix is to solder-tack 180 ohm 1/4 watt resistors on the bottom surface of the PC boardaccross the outputs of the 75114 line drivers. Refer to page 6 of the schematic is a general menu-based bcpl test program for the Alto-1822. It includes both hardwaretest facilities and enough knowledge of protocol to exchange packets with either the Arpanet or theArpa Packet Radio net.Attached to this memo is an Alto screen image of the test program. When first started, the programwill load Alto-1822 microcode which is linked into the program and execute a silent boot to get the1822 task running. A polling process is also started which executes a no-op 1822 function andreports the device status in the Status area of the screen. The left portion of the status regioncontains the following fields:ICount: The difference between the input control block pointers and the start of the inputbuffer (number of words input so far).OCount: Same as ICount, except refers to the output buffer.IPost, OPost, CPost: The contents of the input, output, and control post locations of the1822 control block.The right portion of the status region contains strings which describe the state of the IMP and Hostready relays and the state of the ``IMP was Down'' flipflop. (The Clear IWD button may be used toreset the latter indication if the IMP is Up.) The rest of the status region displays strings whichreport unusual status conditions such as Input Buffer Empty or Buffer Overrun. fr"G b+7 `[ ZAXW7U T-R O|t LPrB J31 IFC G DE C#A A%< @N <U ;UB 9S 8K'= 6Z 3t 0nrY .03 -d *8G (21 '.D %<& $$ Cos&G;Ro j/5 2ur `7, N ` =gXvAlto-1822 Installation and Testing3The uppermost portion of the menu contains functions which will load a packed RAMimage microcode file (Load uCode), execute a silent boot (Silent Boot), and perform a sequence oftests on the hardware (Test All). These three functions use parameters which may be altered in theParameter region of the menu. The STOP! button is used to halt the loop tests Echo, CAPEchoand Chat and to stop the Listen test if no packets are arriving. Quit exits the program.The Parameter region of the menu contains numerous fields. In general, the way to change a valueis to use the left mouse button to select one of the named boxes and then type in the new value,ending with or . Loop and Size respectively control the number of packets and thepacket length in words to be used in the echo tests Echo and Chat. Contents and Type offeralternative ways to control the contents of echo packets. Command controls the command word sentto the hardware when the Send Command button is pushed. Refer to AISWSpec.memo for detailsof some useful commands. Boot Vec sets up the Alto Reset Mode Register value for use with theSilent Boot function and the menu item immediately below contains the filename used by the LoaduCode function. For fun, you can boot from disk by setting Boot Vec 177777, and pushing SilentBoot -- now no longer silent!The remainder of the menu items in the Parameter field operate somewhat differently. Interruptsuses the three mouse buttons to separately toggle interrupt enables for 1822 Control functions,Input functions, and Output functions. These three enable bits are displayed as ``c'', ``i'', and ``o''.When activated, they print their corresponding letters in the Commentary window whenever themicrocode posts status. The Update item both enables and disables the status polling process andsets the interval used for polling. The right mouse button toggles the process and the left mousebutton sets the interval in 60Hz ticks.The Mode button toggles between Arpanet and Packet Radio modes, causing the appropriate hostnumber to appear in the Host window. The Host window can then be left-button selected tochange the program's idea of the local host number. The IMP field applies only to the Arpanetand should be set to the number of the local IMP.The Low Level Functions area of the menu generates various useful command functions and sendsthem to the hardware. Send Command transmits the command word from the parameter region, itis rarely needed. Master Reset generates a global reset to the 1822 board. Clear IWD attempts toreset the hardware IMP Was Down flip flop. It will fail if the IMP still has its ready relay open.Relay toggles the 1822 host relay. Test toggles the internal board loopback function. CAP Echo isreally a high level function. It sets up the software to receive packets up to the buffer capability ofthe program (16,384 bits), and transmit them back out. In essence, CAP Echo turns the Alto intoan outward facing software loopback plug.The High Level Functions region of the menu contains other kinds of tests. Interrupts really onlyverifies that the microcode is alive, since the Alto interrupt system is all microcode. It enables theinterrupts and then generates 1822 board commands to generate them. (Test must be ON, otherwisebogus packets would be sent to the IMP.) Test BLZ checks to see whether the 1822 board andmicrocode act correctly when given a zero length buffer for transmission. Scatter and Gather testthe scatter read and gather write functions of the ``AINcode'' version of the 1822 microcode. Listenis often useful. It simply enables the input logic and waits for a packet to arrive, then printsvarious things about it in the Commentary window. If no packet arrives, the mode can be exitedby pushing the STOP! button. Echo generates and transmits Loop packets of length Size andlistens for their return. Received packets are checked for equality with the transmit buffer. Correctpackets print ``!'', erroneous packets print ``?'', and if nothing comes back, a timer process printsoccasional ``~''s and transmits the next packet. This is a one-outstanding-packet test and does NOTuse any protocol, so the packets would be very confusing to an IMP. Check Buffers compares thefirst Size words of the input and output buffers and prints the number of differing words. Chat issomewhat like Echo except that it understands Arpanet and Packet radio protocols and generatestrue echo packets addressed to the IMP or PRU according to the Mode. Both Echo and Chat maybe halted with STOP!. In both cases, the packet contents may be altered with Type and Contents. fr"G bO `u ru r _ur; ]"ur'uru \ rurururur XM WYA Uurur TOurururur R*ur QEu r6 Our+ N;u rPu Lr -uru K1r HTu FrG DW Cv9# Aur2 @l$> >' ;ur> :6ur ur+ 89ur" 7,1 4A 2{u r9 0u r ur /qd -urur0ur ,g [ *1ur )]) &1Du r $I #'(ur !ur) 7urur Ou rJ )6  ur urur ur g N z#A Eur pur<ur  urL f?ururur ur:ururX =ZpAlto-1822 Installation and Testing4The final button, Edit, brings up a secondary menu which may be used for examining and alteringany of the packet buffers in the program. The various buffers are the main input and outputbuffers, and the packet headers for Arpanet no-op messages and echo messages, and Packet Radioterminal-on-packets and echo packets. The Arpanet protocol logic uses 96 bit leaders, and thePacket Radio protocol is CAP version 5.6. To select and browse a particular buffer, use the leftmouse button on, say, I Buffer, to bring up the first 8 words of the buffer. The middle and rightbuttons then step forwards or backwards througth the buffer in 8 word steps. Selecting one of thedata items allows that word to be changed. The packet editor will refuse to change anything pastSize. The Print button prints in the commentary the input and output buffers in 8 word chunks,and their exclusive OR, if there are any differences.If the Edit menu is in view, the edit menu Quit button must be pushed to return to the mainmenu.OperationsAfter the 1822 board is installed, pause before conecting any cables and run If Test Allprints anything ``Bad'', there is no sense going any further. If there are ``Control Timeout''messages coming from the polling process, then either the 1822 board is not plugged in, or thewakeup logic is broken somewhere. Remenber, the right mouse button with turn off the Updateprocess. For the echo tests to work without the cable to the IMP, the internal loopback test Testmust be ON. Try Loop 100 and Size 120 with Type Random.Once these initial tests work, hook up the cable to the IMP or Packet radio and check out the readyrelay logic. Test must be OFF to do this. An IMP will flap its ready relay if the host doesn'taccept a packet within 15 seconds or so. The Listen test is good to try next. Various Arpanet hostsmay send random packets. Listen prints some facts about them. Packet Radio Units sendRepeater-On-Packets periodically. This test will serve to tell if the input logic works. Of course, besure that the Arpanet NCC has turned on the IMP port! tells how to interpretincoming packets on the basis of the Mode switch.Once confidence has arrived, gingerly set Loop 5 or so, and Size 20, and push Chat. The testprogram will send three no-ops of the appropriate kind, then start sending echo packets addressedto the IMP or PRU. If they come back, you win! Of course, this test works extremely well if Testis ON. Also try a loopback plug at the IMP or PRU end of the 1822 cable. If there is reason tosuspect that the hardware works, but the protocols in AITest are obsolete, select CAP Echo and askthe appropriate network control center to send you some echo packets. fr"G burI `< _C ];# \ ?" Zu r 7 Yb W{B UururH Tq5 QEur+ O Lt Ihr/.u GrG F^F D Ju CTrOu Arurur ur >O = ur5 ;.ur" :ur 8:- 7 ? 5%ur 2Y*ur ur ur 0%< /O&8u -r@ ,E(*ur *E $!=gC TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN TIMESROMAN LOGO TIMESROMAN  TIMESROMAN 5 #j/&$0installation.memoStewartUnknown