-- Lock.mesa -- Last edited by -- KK on 18-Dec-81 13:41:01 -- MBrown on January 21, 1983 4:43 pm -- Taft on September 30, 1982 3:01 pm DIRECTORY AlpineEnvironment, AlpineInternal; Lock: DEFINITIONS = BEGIN LockID: TYPE = AlpineInternal.LockID; SubID: TYPE = AlpineInternal.LockSubID; nullLockID: LockID = AlpineInternal.nullLockID; -- A file is a typical entity; a sub entity of a file is a page, the file's length, etc. If consecutive pages are represented as consecutive sub entities, then the lock manager may use a run-encoded representation. An application may use the entity field to encode what it thinks of as types: "database record", "index value", etc. The sub entity field must then be used to encode the name of a specific object of that type: a particular record or index value. -- Since lock mangers are responsible for locking disjoint sets of entities, there is no need for LockIDs to be unique across lock managers, much less across all space and time. They aren't unique IDs in the strongest sense. LockMode: TYPE = AlpineEnvironment.LockMode; Set: PROC [ trans: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, lock: LockID, mode: LockMode, wait: BOOL ← FALSE] RETURNS [resultMode: LockMode]; -- ! Failed {conflict, timeout}, TransAborting; -- Caller must have started work for trans. -- Acquires lock, in lock mode mode, for transaction trans. Returns the mode in which -- the lock is now held by this transaction. -- If the lock cannot immediately be aquired because a conflicting lock is already set -- by another transaction, and wait=FALSE, raises Failed[conflict]. If wait=TRUE, waits -- until the lock can be acquired. Raises Failed[timeout] if this wait is too long. -- If transaction trans is selected to be aborted while a Set call is waiting, Set raises -- TransAborting. Trans is not yet aborted, but the caller should abort the operation -- in progress. ModeReleasableSet: TYPE = PACKED ARRAY LockMode OF ModeReleasable; ModeReleasable: TYPE = {no, yes} ← no; Release: PROC [trans: AlpineInternal.TransHandle, lock: LockID, releasable: ModeReleasableSet ← [read: yes]] RETURNS [LockMode]; -- ! Error {lockUnreleasable, unknown}; -- Releases a lock previously set by the same transaction if the lock's current mode -- is a member of the specified releasable set. -- Locks for a given LockID are counted, so the lock is actually released only if there -- have been as many Unlocks as there have been Locks. -- Note that the lock's mode remains at the strongest value reached during its lifetime; -- there is no way to downgrade an individual lock short of releasing it altogether. -- Returns none if the lock was released, otherwise returns the mode in which the -- lock is held by this transaction. -- Raises Error[unknown] if trans has not previously set lock. -- Raises Error[lockUnreleasable] if trans has previously set lock in an unreleasable mode. Compat: READONLY ARRAY LockMode OF PACKED ARRAY LockMode OF BOOL; -- Compatibility predicate: Compat[r][e] is TRUE iff a request r is compatible --with a granted lock e for another transaction. Sup: READONLY ARRAY LockMode OF PACKED ARRAY LockMode OF LockMode; -- Supremem relation: Sup[r][e] is the supremum of r and e in the partial ordering of --lock modes. That is, if mode r is requested for an object already locked in mode e --by the same transaction, the object will actually be locked in the mode Sup[r][e]. Error: ERROR [type: ErrorType]; ErrorType: TYPE = {lockUnreleasable, unknown}; Failed: ERROR [why: AlpineEnvironment.LockFailure]; -- {conflict, timeout} TransAborting: ERROR; END.