-- FilePageMgrIO.mesa -- Last edited by -- Kolling on January 27, 1984 2:39:57 pm PST DIRECTORY File USING[Handle, PageCount, PageNumber, RC, Reason]; FilePageMgrIO: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN -- The (controlling) process: starts the "sequential" io by calling RegisterRequest (which Notifies IdlerNeeded), and then loops on GetNext until that returns error # ok OR workToDo = FALSE. (GetNext does not return error # ok OR workToDo = FALSE to the controller until its idler, if any, has completed.) If the controller detects an error while doing io, it must call LogError to terminate this sequence; LogError will not return to the controller until the associated idler, if any, has stopped. It is the controller's responsibility to report errors to its caller. -- An idler sits around waiting for IdlerNeeded; when it sees it, it calls RegisterIdler and if workToDo # FALSE it then loops on GetNext until workToDo = FALSE (GetNext doesn't report errors to the idler, it just stops it with workToDo = FALSE). If the idler detects an error while doing io, it must call LogError to terminate this sequence and inform the controller of the error. -- By setting maxRequests in FilePageMgrIOImpl suitably, we can optimize for File really scheduling disk requests or (current case) only doing FCFS. IORequest: TYPE = RECORD[filePageNumber: File.PageNumber, nPages: File.PageCount, vM: LONG POINTER]; IOType: TYPE = {read, write}; Who: TYPE = {idler, controller}; RegisterRequest: PROCEDURE[controllingProcess: PROCESS, io: IOType, file: File.Handle, list: LIST OF IORequest] RETURNS[iORequest: IORequest]; -- non system fatal errors: none. GetNext: PROCEDURE[controllingProcess: PROCESS, who: Who] RETURNS[error: File.RC, errorIORequest: IORequest, workToDo: BOOLEAN, iORequest: IORequest]; -- non system fatal errors: none. LogError: PROCEDURE[controllingProcess: PROCESS, who: Who, why: File.Reason, errorIORequest: IORequest]; -- non system fatal errors: none. DoIO: PROCEDURE[io: IOType, file: File.Handle, iORequest: IORequest]; -- utility routine. -- non system fatal errors: none. END. Edit Log Initial: Kolling: August 25, 1983 6:30 pm: definitions module for FilePageManager io. Êê˜Jš_œÏcXœÏk œžœ/Ðbl œžœžœqÐckG œ4 ³ + P ¢œÏn œžœžœAžœžœ¡œžœ¡œžœ¡œž œžœ(žœžœ žœ"œžœ¡œž œžœ žœ7žœ"œžœ¡œž œžœ<"œ¡œž œ8œ#œžœ£˜J˜—…—