-- FileMap.mesa
-- Last edited by
--   Kolling on November 18, 1982 3:19 pm
--   MBrown on 12-Feb-82 17:26:28


        USING[FileID, VolumeID],
        USING[FileHandle, FPMFileHandle, LogMapHandle];



Handle: TYPE =  AlpineInternal.FileHandle;

Initialize: PROCEDURE[numHashSlotsDesired: NAT, fQLength: CARDINAL];
 -- errors defined in this interface: none.

Register: PROCEDURE [volumeID: AlpineEnvironment.VolumeID, fileID:
   RETURNS [handle: Handle];
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.
  -- Finds or creates a Handle for the supplied volume and file.

-- Access to immutable attributes.

GetVolumeID: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] RETURNS [volumeID:
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.

GetFileID: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] RETURNS [fileID: AlpineEnvironment.FileID];
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.

GetVolumeIDAndFileID: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle] RETURNS [volumeID:
 AlpineEnvironment.VolumeID, fileID: AlpineEnvironment.FileID];
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.

-- Access to read/write attributes.
SetInterlock: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle, new: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [old: BOOLEAN];

VerifyLogMapHandle: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle, proc: PROCEDURE RETURNS
    [AlpineInternal.LogMapHandle]] RETURNS [logMapHandle: AlpineInternal.LogMapHandle];
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.
  -- The caller of VerifyLogMapHandle is absolutely responsible for catching any signals raised
  -- by proc and forcing the unwind that will release the monitor that VerifyLogMapHandle
  -- holds.  The proc passed to VerifyLogMapHandle may return NIL if it is just doing an
  -- existence check.

VerifyFilePageMgrHandle: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle, proc: PROCEDURE RETURNS
    [AlpineInternal.FPMFileHandle]] RETURNS [filePageMgrHandle:
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.
  -- The caller of VerifyFilePageMgrHandle is absolutely responsible for catching any signals
  -- raised by proc and forcing the unwind that will release the monitor that
  -- VerifyFilePageMgrHandle holds. 

ClearLogMapHandle: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle, proc: PROCEDURE RETURNS
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.
  -- The caller of ClearLogMapHandle is absolutely responsible for catching any signals
  -- raised by proc and forcing the unwind that will release the monitor that
  -- ClearLogMapHandle holds.  The proc passed to ClearLogMapHandle may or may not
  -- result in the LogMapHandle being cleared.

-- Procedure to enter the Object's monitor, e.g., to serialize references to the file designated by the Object.

Enter: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle, proc: PROCEDURE];
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.
  -- The caller of Enter is absolutely responsible for catching any signals raised by proc and
  -- forcing the unwind that will release the monitor that Enter holds.

-- Obtains the next in the enumeration of Handles.

GetNext: PROCEDURE [handle: Handle ← NIL] RETURNS [nextHandle: Handle];
  -- errors defined in this interface: none.
  -- handle = NIL starts a new enumeration, and nextHandle = NIL is returned
  -- when the enumeration is exhausted.  The only guaranteed property of the enumeration is
  -- that all Handles in existence during the entire enumeration will be visited at least once; 
  -- some handles may be seen more than once.