Copyright c 1984 Xerox Corporation
Last edited by:
Taft on April 10, 1983 5:22 pm
Kolling on March 10, 1983 6:23 pm
Last Edited by: Kupfer, July 16, 1984 1:33:20 pm PDT
USING[AccessFailed, AddOwner, EnumerateAllOwners, LockFailed, OperationFailed, ReadOwnerFileProperties, ReadOwnerProperties, ReorganizeOwnerFile, RemoveOwner, StaticallyInvalid, Unknown, WriteOwnerProperties],
USING[Conversation, LockFailure, NeededAccess, OperationFailure, OwnerName, OwnerProperty, OwnerPropertySet, OwnerPropertyValuePair, PageCount, TransID, UnknownType, VolumeGroupID],
USING[AccessFailed, LockFailed, OperationFailed, StaticallyInvalid, Unknown],
USING[EstablishTransactionContext, TransactionWork];
OwnerActionsImpl: PROGRAM
IMPORTS AC: AccessControl, AO: AlpineOwner, FP: FilePrivate
EXPORTS AlpineOwner =
BEGIN OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment;
Create: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName, properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair, enforceTotalQuota: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[spaceLeftOnVolumeGroup: AE.PageCount] =
BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[duplicateOwner, ownerDatabaseFull, ownerRecordFull, totalQuotaExceeded], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure;
whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType;
Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- =
FOR item: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair ← properties, item.rest
IF item.first.property NOT IN AE.OwnerProperty THEN ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid;
spaceLeftOnVolumeGroup ← AC.AddOwner[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner, (NOT enforceTotalQuota), properties
! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess;
AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed;
AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed ← why; GOTO opFailed; END;
AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid;
AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown ← why; GOTO unknown; END;]
(SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere)
noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel];
lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout];
opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed];
statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid;
unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown];
END; -- Work
FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation: conversation, transID: transID, work: Work, workLevel: hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel = hard because it dirties the owner data base
Destroy: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName] =
BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[ownerRecordInUse, spaceInUseByThisOwner], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure;
whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType;
Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- =
AC.RemoveOwner[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner
! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess;
AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed;
AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed ← why; GOTO opFailed; END;
AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid;
AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown ← why; GOTO unknown; END];
(SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere)
noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel];
lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout];
opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed];
statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid;
unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown];
END; -- Work
FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation: conversation, transID: transID, work: Work, workLevel: hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel=hard because it dirties the owner data base
ReadProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName, desiredProperties: AE.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair] =
BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: LockFailed[timeout], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType;
Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- =
properties ← AC.ReadOwnerProperties[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner, desiredProperties
! AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed;
AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid;
AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown ← why; GOTO unknown; END];
(SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere)
lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout];
statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid;
unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown];
END; -- Work
FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work];
WriteProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName, properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair, enforceTotalQuota: BOOLEAN] =
BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel, ownerEntry], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[ownerRecordFull, ownerRecordInUse, regServersUnavailable, totalQuotaExceeded], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
whyAccess: AE.NeededAccess;
whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure;
whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType;
Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- =
FOR item: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair ← properties, item.rest
IF item.first.property NOT IN AE.OwnerProperty THEN ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid;
[] ← AC.WriteOwnerProperties[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, owner, (NOT enforceTotalQuota), properties
! AC.AccessFailed => BEGIN whyAccess ← why; GOTO noAccess; END;
AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed;
AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed ← why; GOTO opFailed; END;
AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid;
AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown ← why; GOTO unknown; END];
(SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere)
noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[whyAccess];
lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout];
opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed];
statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid;
unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown];
END; -- Work
FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation: conversation, transID: transID, work: Work, workLevel: hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel=hard because it dirties the owner data base
ReadDBProperties: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID] RETURNS [nOwners, nEntriesUsed, nEntries: NAT, totalQuota, totalSpaceInUse, volumeGroupSize: AE.PageCount] =
BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType;
Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- =
quotaLeft: AlpineEnvironment.PageCount;
[totalQuota: totalQuota, quotaLeft: quotaLeft, volumeGroupSize: volumeGroupSize, numberOfOwners: nOwners, numberOfOwnerSlotsInUse: nEntriesUsed, maxNumberOfOwnersAllowed: nEntries] ← AC.ReadOwnerFileProperties[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID
! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess;
AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed;
AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown ← why; GOTO unknown; END];
totalSpaceInUse ← totalQuota - quotaLeft;
(SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere)
noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel];
lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout];
unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown];
END; -- Work
FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work];
ReadNext: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, previousOwner: AE.OwnerName, desiredProperties: AE.OwnerPropertySet] RETURNS [owner: AE.OwnerName, properties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair] =
BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], StaticallyInvalid, Unknown[owner, transID, volumeGroupID].
whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType;
Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- =
[owner, properties] ← AC.EnumerateAllOwners[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, previousOwner, desiredProperties
! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess;
AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed;
AC.StaticallyInvalid => GOTO statInvalid;
AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown ← why; GOTO unknown; END];
(SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere)
noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel];
lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout];
statInvalid => ERROR AO.StaticallyInvalid;
unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown];
END; -- Work
FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work];
ReorganizeDB: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [conversation: AE.Conversation, transID: AE.TransID, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID, nEntries: NAT] =
BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AccessFailed[alpineWheel], LockFailed[timeout], OperationFailed[insufficientSpace, ownerDatabaseFull], Unknown[transID, volumeGroupID].
whyOpFailed: AE.OperationFailure;
whyUnknown: AE.UnknownType;
Work: FP.TransactionWork --[trans, pUpdateCost]-- =
AC.ReorganizeOwnerFile[conversation, trans, volumeGroupID, nEntries
! AC.AccessFailed => GOTO noAccess;
AC.LockFailed => GOTO lockFailed;
AC.OperationFailed => BEGIN whyOpFailed ← why; GOTO opFailed; END;
AC.Unknown => BEGIN whyUnknown ← why; GOTO unknown; END];
(SkiPatrolLog deals with these errors elsewhere)
noAccess => ERROR AO.AccessFailed[alpineWheel];
lockFailed => ERROR AO.LockFailed[timeout];
opFailed => ERROR AO.OperationFailed[whyOpFailed];
unknown => ERROR AO.Unknown[whyUnknown];
END; -- Work
FP.EstablishTransactionContext[conversation, transID, Work, hard]; -- This must start work with workLevel=hard because it dirties the owner data base
Edited on July 16, 1984 1:33:18 pm PDT, by Kupfer
Add some comments about SkiPatrolLog.