DIRECTORY AccessControl USING[OperationFailed], AccessControlMain, AccessControlMainAux, AccessControlPrivate USING[AccList, FileDataRecOffset, InternalAccessControlLogicError, MinSizeAccListRep, OffsetData, OwnerAccListType, OwnerPropertyPickleMap, OwnerPropertyRep, PickledOwnerProperty, PntrAccList, PntrDataRec, StringRep], AccessControlUtility USING[Compare, CompareCaseMatters, MakeRNameFromStringRep, MakeStringRepFromRName], AlpineEnvironment USING[AccessList, OwnerName, nullRootFile, OwnerProperty, OwnerPropertyValuePair, PageCount, UniversalFile, wordsPerPage], PrincOpsUtils USING[LongCopy], Rope USING[Concat], SkiPatrolLog USING[notice, OpFailureInfo]; AccessControlMainAuxImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS AC: AccessControl, ACP: AccessControlPrivate, ACU: AccessControlUtility, PrincOpsUtils, Rope, SkiPatrolLog EXPORTS AccessControlMainAux = BEGIN OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment; InitializeOwnerRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. pntrFileDataRec.state _ empty; pntrFileDataRec.ownerName _ [length: 0, text: ]; pntrFileDataRec.dataStart _ ACP.OffsetData; pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd _ ACP.OffsetData; END; WriteOwnerPropsToRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, ownerProperties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair, ownerName: AE.OwnerName] = CHECKED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AC.OperationFailed[ownerRecordFull], AC.StaticallyInvalid(badLengthName). FOR ownerProperty: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair _ ownerProperties, UNTIL ownerProperty = NIL DO RemoveOwnerPropFromRecord[pntrFileDataRec, ACP.OwnerPropertyPickleMap[] ! NotFound => CONTINUE]; ENDLOOP; FOR ownerProperty: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair _ ownerProperties, UNTIL ownerProperty = NIL DO WriteOwnerPropToRecord[pntrFileDataRec, ownerProperty.first, ownerName]; ENDLOOP; END; RemoveOwnerPropFromRecord: SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, pickledOwnerProp: ACP.PickledOwnerProperty] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. ownerProp: LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep _ LOOPHOLE[pntrFileDataRec + FindOffsetOfOwnerProp[pntrFileDataRec, pickledOwnerProp]]; size: CARDINAL _ ownerProp.size; PrincOpsUtils.LongCopy[to: ownerProp, from: ownerProp + size, nwords: pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd - (pntrFileDataRec.dataStart + size)]; pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd _ pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd - size; END; WriteOwnerPropToRecord: SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, ownerProperty: AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair, ownerName: AE.OwnerName] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AC.OperationFailed[ownerRecordFull], AC.StaticallyInvalid(badLengthName). pickledOwnerProperty: ACP.PickledOwnerProperty _ ACP.OwnerPropertyPickleMap[]; ownerProp: LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep _ LOOPHOLE[pntrFileDataRec + pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd]; roomAvailable: CARDINAL _ AE.wordsPerPage - pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd; ownerPropSize: CARDINAL _ SIZE[ACP.OwnerPropertyRep]; IF roomAvailable < ownerPropSize THEN { logProc: PROC [SkiPatrolLog.OpFailureInfo]; IF (logProc _ SkiPatrolLog.notice.operationFailed) # NIL THEN logProc[[ what: ownerRecordFull, where: "AccessControlMainAuxImpl.WriteOwnerPropToRecord", message: Rope.Concat["Owner = ", ownerName] ]]; ERROR AC.OperationFailed[ownerRecordFull]; }; ownerProp.ownerProperty _ pickledOwnerProperty; WITH ownerProperty SELECT FROM createAccessList => WITH prop: ownerProp SELECT createAccList FROM createAccList => ownerPropSize _ CondenseOwnerAccessList[createAccessList, ownerName, @prop.createAccList, roomAvailable]; ENDCASE; modifyAccessList => WITH prop: ownerProp SELECT modifyAccList FROM modifyAccList => ownerPropSize _ CondenseOwnerAccessList[modifyAccessList, ownerName, @prop.modifyAccList, roomAvailable]; ENDCASE; quota => WITH prop: ownerProp SELECT quota FROM quota => prop.quota _ quota; ENDCASE; rootFile => WITH prop: ownerProp SELECT rootFile FROM rootFile => prop.rootFile _ rootFile; ENDCASE; spaceInUse => WITH prop: ownerProp SELECT spaceInUse FROM spaceInUse => prop.spaceInUse _ spaceInUse; ENDCASE; ENDCASE; ownerProp.size _ ownerPropSize; pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd _ pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd + ownerPropSize; END; OverWriteOwnerSpaceInUseToRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, spaceInUse: AE.PageCount] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. pntrOwnerProp: LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep _ ReadOwnerPropFromRecord[pntrFileDataRec, spaceInUse]; WITH prop: pntrOwnerProp SELECT spaceInUse FROM spaceInUse => prop.spaceInUse _ spaceInUse; ENDCASE; END; ReadOwnerPropFromRecord: SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, pickledOwnerProperty: ACP.PickledOwnerProperty] RETURNS[pntrOwnerProp: LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. RETURN[LOOPHOLE[pntrFileDataRec + FindOffsetOfOwnerProp[pntrFileDataRec, pickledOwnerProperty], LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep]]; END; ReadOwnerQuotaFromRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec] RETURNS[quota: AE.PageCount] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. WITH prop: ReadOwnerPropFromRecord[pntrFileDataRec, quota]^ SELECT quota FROM quota => quota _ prop.quota; ENDCASE => ERROR ACP.InternalAccessControlLogicError; END; ReadOwnerRootFileFromRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec] RETURNS[rootFile: AE.UniversalFile] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. pntrOwnerProp: LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep _ ReadOwnerPropFromRecord[ pntrFileDataRec, rootFile ! NotFound => GOTO notFound]; WITH prop: pntrOwnerProp^ SELECT rootFile FROM rootFile => rootFile _ prop.rootFile; ENDCASE => ERROR ACP.InternalAccessControlLogicError; EXITS notFound =>RETURN[AE.nullRootFile]; END; ReadOwnerSpaceInUseFromRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec] RETURNS[spaceInUse: AE.PageCount] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. WITH prop: ReadOwnerPropFromRecord[pntrFileDataRec, spaceInUse]^ SELECT spaceInUse FROM spaceInUse => spaceInUse _ prop.spaceInUse; ENDCASE => ERROR ACP.InternalAccessControlLogicError; END; ReadOwnerAccListFromRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, accListType: ACP.OwnerAccListType] RETURNS[pntrAccList: ACP.PntrAccList] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. pntrOwnerProp: LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep _ ReadOwnerPropFromRecord[pntrFileDataRec, (IF accListType = create THEN createAccList ELSE modifyAccList)]; RETURN[LOOPHOLE[@pntrOwnerProp.value, ACP.PntrAccList]]; END; ReadOwnerAccessListFromRecord: PUBLIC SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, accListType: ACP.OwnerAccListType, ownerName: AE.OwnerName] RETURNS[accessList: AE.AccessList] = CHECKED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. RETURN[ExpandOwnerAccList[ReadOwnerAccListFromRecord[pntrFileDataRec, accListType], ownerName]]; END; ExpandOwnerAccList: SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrAccList: ACP.PntrAccList, ownerName: AE.OwnerName] RETURNS[accessList: AE.AccessList] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. ownerSeen: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; pntrStringRep: LONG POINTER TO ACP.StringRep _ @pntrAccList.principals; accessList _ NIL; FOR accListCount: CARDINAL IN [0..pntrAccList.count) DO name: AE.OwnerName; size: CARDINAL; [name, size] _ ACU.MakeRNameFromStringRep[pntrStringRep]; pntrStringRep _ pntrStringRep + size; IF ACU.Compare[name, ownerName] THEN ownerSeen _ TRUE ELSE accessList _ CONS[name, accessList]; ENDLOOP; IF (ownerSeen OR pntrAccList.owner) THEN accessList _ CONS["owner", accessList]; IF THEN accessList _ CONS["world", accessList]; END; NotFound: ERROR = CODE; FindOffsetOfOwnerProp: SAFE PROCEDURE[pntrFileDataRec: ACP.PntrDataRec, pickledOwnerProp: ACP.PickledOwnerProperty] RETURNS[offsetToOwnerProp: ACP.FileDataRecOffset] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: none. offsetToOwnerProp _ pntrFileDataRec.dataStart; WHILE offsetToOwnerProp < pntrFileDataRec.dataEnd DO pntrOwnerProp: LONG POINTER TO ACP.OwnerPropertyRep _ LOOPHOLE[pntrFileDataRec + offsetToOwnerProp]; IF pntrOwnerProp.ownerProperty = pickledOwnerProp THEN EXIT; offsetToOwnerProp _ offsetToOwnerProp + pntrOwnerProp.size; REPEAT FINISHED => ERROR NotFound; ENDLOOP; END; CondenseOwnerAccessList: SAFE PROCEDURE[accessList: AE.AccessList, ownerName: AE.OwnerName, pntrAccList: ACP.PntrAccList, roomAvailable: CARDINAL] RETURNS[totalSizeOfOwnerPropertyRep: CARDINAL] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- non system-fatal errors: AC.OperationFailed[ownerRecordFull], AC.StaticallyInvalid(badLengthName). pntrStringRep: LONG POINTER TO ACP.StringRep _ @pntrAccList.principals; totalSizeOfOwnerPropertyRep _ roomAvailable; roomAvailable _ roomAvailable - ACP.MinSizeAccListRep; -- room left for StringReps. pntrAccList^ _ [world: FALSE, owner: FALSE, gap: 0, count: 0, principals: ]; IF accessList # NIL THEN BEGIN tempList: AE.AccessList; FOR tempList _ accessList, UNTIL tempList = NIL DO SELECT TRUE FROM ACU.CompareCaseMatters[tempList.first, "*"], ACU.Compare[tempList.first, "world"] => _ TRUE; ACU.Compare[tempList.first, ownerName], ACU.Compare[tempList.first, "owner"] => pntrAccList.owner _ TRUE; ENDCASE => BEGIN sizeOfStringRep: CARDINAL _ ACU.MakeStringRepFromRName[tempList.first, pntrStringRep, roomAvailable]; pntrStringRep _ pntrStringRep + sizeOfStringRep; roomAvailable _ roomAvailable - sizeOfStringRep; pntrAccList.count _ pntrAccList.count+ 1; END; ENDLOOP; END; totalSizeOfOwnerPropertyRep _ totalSizeOfOwnerPropertyRep - roomAvailable; END; END. Edit Log Initial: Kolling: January 14, 1983 1:14 pm: things moved here because AccessControlMainImpl was too big. Edited on July 17, 1984 11:42:40 am PDT, by Kupfer AccessControlMainAuxImpl.mesa Copyright c 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last edited by Kolling on May 17, 1983 3:13 pm MBrown on January 30, 1984 11:32:46 am PST Last Edited by: Kupfer, August 6, 1984 2:38:10 pm PDT procedures that transfer between the owner record and properties: when an owner record is added, the two access lists, the quota, and the spaceinuse properties are specified; the rootfile property is only specified if the client has specified it. Consequently all subsequent writes can expect properties other than the rootfile property to exist. assumes it is okay for the properties to not already exist in the record. signals NotFound if owner prop not found. assumes property is not already in record. signals NotFound if owner prop not found. returns nullRootFile if no rootFile property in the record. signals NotFound if owner prop not found. just condenses to the short form, does not apply minimums. catches the owner name, but does not attempt to eliminate any other duplicates. Add SkiPatrolLog probe. changes to: WriteOwnerPropToRecord Edited on August 6, 1984 2:37:29 pm PDT, by Kupfer Remove the possible race condition in SkiPatrolLog probes by assigning the PROC to a temporary variable. changes to: WriteOwnerPropToRecord Ê “˜Jšœ™Jšœ Ïmœ1™<šœ™Jšœ ™ Jšœ+™+—™5J˜J˜JšÏk ˜ ˜˜ Jšžœ˜—J˜J˜˜šžœP˜UJ˜GJ˜;——˜šžœ5˜:J˜——˜šžœ4˜9J˜@——˜ Jšžœ ˜—˜Jšžœ ˜—šœ ˜ Jšžœ˜J˜J˜———šœž˜!Jšžœžœžœžœ9˜rJšžœ˜J˜J˜—Jšžœžœžœ˜!J˜J˜J˜J˜JšœA™AJ˜Jšœš™šJ˜J˜J˜š Ïnœžœžœž œžœ˜Pšž˜JšžœÏc!˜'J˜J˜0Jšœžœ ˜+Jšœžœ ˜)Jšžœ˜J˜J˜——JšœI™IJ˜š Ÿœžœžœž œžœ ˜Pš œžœžœžœ$žœ ˜Nšž˜Jšžœ e˜kJšžœžœžœžœ=˜Zšžœž˜šž˜˜*Jšžœ5˜8Jšœžœ˜—Jšžœ˜—šžœžœžœžœ*˜GJ˜——šžœž˜šž˜J˜HJšžœ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜————Jšœ)™)J˜šŸœžœž œžœ ˜Kšœžœž˜5Jšžœ !˜'š œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜LJ˜:—Jšœžœ˜ ˜_J˜$—J˜9Jšžœ˜J˜J˜——Jšœ*™*J˜šŸœžœž œžœ ˜Hšœžœ$žœž˜LJšžœ e˜kšœžœ˜0Jšžœ0˜3—š œ žœžœžœžœžœ˜LJ˜—Jšœžœžœ(˜DJšœžœžœžœ˜5šžœžœ˜'Jšœ žœ˜+šžœ3žœž˜=šœ ˜ Jšœ˜Jšœ9˜9J˜+J˜——Jšžœžœ"˜*J˜—J˜/šžœ˜šžœž˜ šœžœžœžœ˜PJ˜—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜——š Ÿœžœžœž œžœ ˜Qšžœžœž˜&Jšžœ !˜'Jšžœ7˜;šžœž˜J˜Jšžœžœžœ!˜5—Jšžœ˜J˜J˜——Jšœ;™;J˜š Ÿœžœžœž œžœ ˜Tšžœ žœž˜-Jšžœ !˜'š œžœžœžœžœ,˜NJ˜Jšœžœ ˜—Jšžœ˜šžœ ž˜J˜%Jšžœžœžœ!˜5—Jšžœ žœžœ˜)Jšžœ˜J˜J˜——šŸœžœžœž œ˜Ešžœžœ žœž˜