-- WorkerControl.mesa
-- Last edited by
--   MBrown on November 8, 1982 3:13 pm

WorkerControl: DEFINITIONS =

  Initialize: PROC [hashArraySize: NAT];
    -- Call this procedure after AlpineZones.static is initialized, and before
    --calling any of the procedures in the TransactionMap interface.

  CallAfterAnalysisPass: PROC [];
    -- This proc should be called after the analysis pass of recovery.
    -- (It enumerates the workers that remain after the analysis pass, changing
    --workers that are in the active state to the completing state, with outcome = abort.)

  CallAfterUpdatePass: PROC [];
    -- This proc should be called after the update pass of recovery.  Once this procedure
    --returns, it is ok to call AlpineTransMgr.WorkerPrepare and WorkerFinish, and
