-- AlpUmbrella.df -- Includes the core of Alpine that resides on the server. -- Excludes object package, interim directory package, etc. -- This DF file changes only when a configuration is added to Alpine. -- Last edited by -- MBrown on February 2, 1984 4:58:24 pm PST -- Taft on November 4, 1982 11:52 am -- Kolling on December 7, 1982 5:18 pm -- To bringover system in order to work on one component: -- Bringover -p AlpUmbrella; Bringover AlpXxx -- To build system after performing AlpXxxCompileInternals: -- AlpUpperCompileInternals -- To bringover system in order to rebuild from sources: -- Bringover AlpUmbrella -- To build system from sources except for exported interface and Lupine stub bcds: -- AlpUmbrellaCompileExports; AlpUmbrellaCompileInternals -- Changing a public interface is a big deal, avoid it if possible. -- If you are not working in the root directory, e.g. you said "CD ///Alp/" to the CommandTool, -- then you must -- (1) Delete AlpineEnvironment.bcd AlpineDebug.bcd AlpineFile.bcd -- Delete AlpineOwner.bcd AlpineTransaction.bcd AlpineVolume.bcd -- (2) AddDebugSearchRule ///Alp/ -- These keep the symbol table machinery, which Lupine uses, happy. -- Having done this, you must consider changing the Cedar RPC version stamp on the -- public interfaces; if you aren't sure that the change is upward-compatible, you must -- change the version stamp. This requires changing AlpineRemoteExportImpl.version -- from "[n, n]" to "[n+1, n+1]". You must rebuild the object package, rolling -- AlpInstanceImpl.version in the same way. See Lupine documentation for details. -- Finally, you rebuild the world with: -- AlpExportsCompileExports; AlpUmbrellaCompileExports; AlpUmbrellaCompileInternals Exports [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top> ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> AlpUmbrella.df 02-Feb-84 17:00:00 PST Exports [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Umbrella> ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> AlpUmbrellaCompileExports.cm!1 03-Jan-84 15:48:01 PST AlpUmbrellaCompileInternals.cm!1 03-Jan-84 17:10:58 PST VerifyAlpine.cm!1 01-Feb-84 22:02:36 PST -- "VerfiyDF AlpUmbrella" does not work very well. Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpExports.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpAccessControl.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpCommunication.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpFile.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpFileMaps.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpFilePageMgr.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpLock.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpLog.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpLogMap.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpServerStubs.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpTransaction.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpUpper.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble> Include [Indigo]<Alpine>Release50>Top>AlpUtilities.df Of ~= ReleaseAs [Mumble]<Mumble>