-- AlpineImport.mesa
-- Shared communication paths (interface instances) to Alpine servers.
-- One instance per machine, NOT one per FileStore.
-- Last edited by
--   MBrown on January 30, 1984 11:49:28 am PST
--   Taft on  1-Feb-82 13:01:29


-- Right now the only path used between servers is AlpineTransMgr, but someday
--other interfaces will be used (for instance, to detect lock cycles).
-- We do not (yet) allow Unregister.  The time-stamp that Register records should help.
-- If we allow Unregistering, then we'll have to change the implementation of
--Equal to compare server names.


AlpineImport: DEFINITIONS LOCKS s.first USING s: Handle =

  -- Handle: TYPE =  REF opaque; (really defined below, allowing us to use inlines)

  Register: PROC [server: AlpineEnvironment.FileStore] RETURNS [Handle];
    -- Returns a Handle that is (permanently) associated with the indicated server.
    -- This call performs no communication; in particular, there is no guarantee that
    --a Handle ever contains an interface bound to the indicated server.

  -- Client may use the built-in assignment operation on Handles, and may
  --use the following additional operations:

  Equal: PROC [s, t: Handle] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = INLINE {
    RETURN [s=t] };

  Name: PROC [s: Handle] RETURNS [AlpineEnvironment.FileStore] = INLINE {
    RETURN [s.first.server] };
  GetTransMgrInterface: ENTRY PROC [s: Handle]
    RETURNS [AlpineTransMgrRpcControl.InterfaceRecord] = INLINE {
    IF s.first.transMgrInterface = NIL THEN NewInterfaces[s];
    RETURN [s.first.transMgrInterface] };
    -- Makes one binding try, and returns NIL as the second result if it fails.
    --Otherwise returns an AlpineCoordinator interface that is bound to the server
    --implied by Handle s.
    -- It is CRUCIAL that the client hang on to the REF AlpineCoordinatorIR during
    --any call made through the interface; this is what prevents the binding of the
    --interface from changing out from under the client.  This is guaranteed as long
    --as the client does not FORK the interface procedure or pass the procedure value
    --to someone else.

  TransMgrInterfaceCallFailed: PROC [
    s: Handle, i: AlpineTransMgrRpcControl.InterfaceRecord];
    -- This call serves notice that a call made through interface i, which was derived
    --from Handle s, has failed and hence the interface should probably be discarded.

  -- The following should be considered opaque to the client, but is here to allow
  --Equal, Name, and GetTransMgrInterface to be defined inline.

    server: AlpineEnvironment.FileStore,
      -- immutable, since clients store Handles in their data structures.
    local: BOOL ← FALSE,
      -- part of the kludge for providing local calls: tells ConversationTable what to do
    mostRecentRegister: BasicTime.GMT,
    mostRecentBind: BasicTime.GMT,
    transMgrInterface: AlpineTransMgrRpcControl.InterfaceRecord ← NIL
      --protected by monitor

  Handle: TYPE = LIST OF Object;
  nullHandle: Handle = NIL;
  NewInterfaces: PRIVATE PROC [s: Handle];
    -- ! (none.)
