-- File: AlpineInterimDirectoryImpl.mesa -- Last edited by: -- MBrown on March 16, 1983 5:09 pm -- Kolling on June 3, 1983 4:25 pm DIRECTORY AlpineEnvironment USING[bytesPerPage, ByteCount, FileID, FileStore, maxStringNameChars, nullUniversalFile, nullVolumeGroupID, Outcome, OwnerName, OwnerPropertyValuePair, PageCount, PageNumber, PropertyValuePair, UniversalFile, VolumeGroupID, wordsPerPage], AlpFile USING[Create, Delete, GetSize, Handle, Open, ReadPages, ReadProperties, SetSize, VALUEPageBuffer, WritePages, WriteProperties], AlpInstance USING[AccessFailed, Create, Failed, Handle, LockFailed, OperationFailed, PossiblyDamaged, Unknown], AlpineInterimDirectory USING[EnumProc, ErrorType, Inconsistency], AlpTransaction USING[Create, CreateWorker, Finish, GetNextVolumeGroup, Handle, ReadOwnerProperties, WriteOwnerProperties], FileIO USING[CreateOptions], Inline USING[LongCOPY], Mopcodes USING[zMISC, zPOP], RefText USING[ObtainScratch, ReleaseScratch], Rope USING[Equal, Fetch, IsEmpty, Length, Map, Match, ROPE, SkipTo, Substr, Upper], RPC USING[CallFailed]; AlpineInterimDirectoryImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AlpF: AlpFile, AlpI: AlpInstance, AlpT: AlpTransaction, Inline, RefText, Rope, RPC EXPORTS AlpineInterimDirectory = BEGIN OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment; initialDirSize: INT = 10; incrementDirSize: INT = 10; Error: PUBLIC ERROR [why: ErrorType] = CODE; ErrorType: TYPE = AlpineInterimDirectory.ErrorType; DirectoryInconsistent: PUBLIC SIGNAL [how: Inconsistency] = CODE; Inconsistency: TYPE = AlpineInterimDirectory.Inconsistency; Open: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileName: Rope.ROPE, createOptions: FileIO.CreateOptions, initialByteAllocation: AE.ByteCount] RETURNS[instHandle: AlpI.Handle, refUniversalFile: REF AE.UniversalFile, createdFile: BOOL] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[authenticateFailed, damaged, fileAlreadyExists, fileNotFound, illegalFileName, insufficientPermission, lockFailed, ownerNotFound, ownerRecordFull, quota, regServersUnavailable, remoteCallFailed, serverBusy, serverNotFound, transAborted]. Open1: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN [refUniversalFile, createdFile] _ OpenUnderTransKernel[transHandle, fileName, fileStore, owner, restOfFileName, createOptions, initialByteAllocation]; END; instHandle _ EstablishTransactionContext[fileName, TRUE, Open1]; END; Delete: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[fileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[directoryFileNotFound, ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[authenticateFailed, damaged, fileNotFound, illegalFileName, insufficientPermission, lockFailed, ownerNotFound, regServersUnavailable, remoteCallFailed, serverBusy, serverNotFound, transAborted]. Delete1: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN DeleteUnderTransKernel[transHandle, fileStore, owner, restOfFileName]; END; [] _ EstablishTransactionContext[fileName, TRUE, Delete1]; END; EnumerateDirectory: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[directoryName: Rope.ROPE, enumProc: EnumProc] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[authenticateFailed, damaged, illegalFileName, insufficientPermission, lockFailed, ownerNotFound, regServersUnavailable, remoteCallFailed, serverBusy, serverNotFound, transAborted] plus any errors raised by the enumProc. EnumerateDirectory1: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN EnumerateDirectoryUnderTransKernel[transHandle, fileStore, owner, enumProc]; END; [] _ EstablishTransactionContext[directoryName, FALSE, EnumerateDirectory1]; END; EstablishTransactionContext: PROCEDURE[fileOrDirectoryName: Rope.ROPE, file: BOOLEAN, p: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE]] RETURNS[instHandle: AlpI.Handle] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[directoryFileNotFound, ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[authenticateFailed, damaged, fileAlreadyExists, fileNotFound, illegalFileName, insufficientPermission, lockFailed, ownerNotFound, ownerRecordFull, quota, remoteCallFailed, regServersUnavailable, serverBusy, serverNotFound, transAborted] plus any errors raised by the enumProc. whyError: ErrorType; transHandle: AlpT.Handle _ NIL; fileStore: AE.FileStore; owner: AE.OwnerName; restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE; BEGIN ENABLE RPC.CallFailed => BEGIN whyError _ remoteCallFailed; GOTO operationFailed END; transOutcome: AE.Outcome; [fileStore, owner, restOfFileName] _ DecomposeFileName[fileOrDirectoryName, NOT file]; instHandle _ AlpI.Create[fileStore, , ! AlpI.Failed => BEGIN whyError _ (IF why = authenticateFailed THEN authenticateFailed ELSE remoteCallFailed); GOTO operationFailed END;]; transHandle _ AlpT.Create[instHandle: instHandle, createLocalWorker: TRUE ! AlpI.OperationFailed => SELECT why FROM busy => BEGIN whyError _ serverBusy; GOTO operationFailed END; ENDCASE => REJECT]; p[transHandle, fileStore, owner, restOfFileName ! Error => BEGIN whyError _ why; GOTO operationFailed END; AlpI.Unknown => SELECT what FROM openFileID, transID => BEGIN whyError _ transAborted; GOTO operationFailed END; owner => BEGIN whyError _ ownerNotFound; GOTO operationFailed END; coordinator => BEGIN whyError _ serverNotFound; GOTO operationFailed END; ENDCASE => REJECT; AlpI.LockFailed => BEGIN whyError _ lockFailed; GOTO operationFailed; END; AlpI.AccessFailed => BEGIN whyError _ (IF missingAccess = spaceQuota THEN quota ELSE insufficientPermission); GOTO operationFailed; END; AlpI.OperationFailed => SELECT why FROM damagedLeaderPage => BEGIN whyError _ damaged; GOTO operationFailed; END; insufficientSpace => BEGIN whyError _ quota; GOTO operationFailed; END; ownerRecordFull => BEGIN whyError _ ownerRecordFull; GOTO operationFailed; END; regServersUnavailable => BEGIN whyError _ regServersUnavailable; GOTO operationFailed; END; ENDCASE => NULL; AlpI.PossiblyDamaged => BEGIN whyError _ damaged; GOTO operationFailed; END; ]; transOutcome _ transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE]; IF transOutcome # commit THEN ERROR Error[transAborted]; EXITS operationFailed => BEGIN IF whyError # remoteCallFailed AND transHandle # NIL THEN [] _ transHandle.Finish[abort, FALSE ! RPC.CallFailed => CONTINUE]; ERROR Error[whyError]; END; END; END; OpenUnderTrans: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE, createOptions: FileIO.CreateOptions, initialByteAllocation: AE.ByteCount] RETURNS [universalFile: AE.UniversalFile, createdFile: BOOL] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[fileAlreadyExists, fileNotFound, illegalFileName], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead, fileModify, handleReadWrite, ownerCreate, spaceQuota], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage, insufficientSpace, ownerRecordFull, regServersUnavailable], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[coordinator, openFileID, owner, transID], RPC.CallFailed. fileStore: AE.FileStore; owner: AE.OwnerName; restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE; refUniversalFile: REF AE.UniversalFile _ NIL; [fileStore, owner, restOfFileName] _ DecomposeFileName[fileName, FALSE]; [refUniversalFile, createdFile] _ OpenUnderTransKernel[transHandle, fileName, fileStore, owner, restOfFileName, createOptions, initialByteAllocation]; universalFile _ refUniversalFile^; END; OpenUnderTransKernel: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE, createOptions: FileIO.CreateOptions, initialByteAllocation: AE.ByteCount] RETURNS[refUniversalFile: REF AE.UniversalFile, createdFile: BOOL] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[fileAlreadyExists, fileNotFound], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead, fileModify, handleReadWrite, ownerCreate, spaceQuota], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage, insufficientSpace, ownerRecordFull, regServersUnavailable], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[coordinator, openFileID, owner, transID], RPC.CallFailed. directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle; volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID; [directoryFileHandle, volumeGroupID] _ GetOwnerRootFile[transHandle: transHandle, fileStore: fileStore, owner: owner, createRootFileIfMissing: (createOptions # oldOnly), openRootFileForWrite: (createOptions # oldOnly)]; [refUniversalFile, createdFile] _ OpenFile[transHandle, directoryFileHandle, fileName, restOfFileName, createOptions, volumeGroupID, owner, initialByteAllocation]; END; DeleteUnderTrans: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[directoryFileNotFound, ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[fileNotFound, illegalFileName], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead, fileModify, handleReadWrite], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage, regServersUnavailable], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[coordinator, openFileID, owner, transID], RPC.CallFailed. fileStore: AE.FileStore; owner: AE.OwnerName; restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE; [fileStore, owner, restOfFileName] _ DecomposeFileName[fileName, FALSE]; DeleteUnderTransKernel[transHandle, fileStore, owner, restOfFileName]; END; DeleteUnderTransKernel: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[directoryFileNotFound, ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[fileNotFound], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead, fileModify, handleReadWrite], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage, regServersUnavailable], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[coordinator, openFileID, owner, transID], RPC.CallFailed. directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle _ GetOwnerRootFile[transHandle: transHandle, fileStore: fileStore, owner: owner, createRootFileIfMissing: FALSE, openRootFileForWrite: TRUE].directoryFileHandle; DeleteFile[transHandle, directoryFileHandle, restOfFileName]; END; EnumProc: TYPE = AlpineInterimDirectory.EnumProc; -- PROC [fileName: ROPE, universalFile: AE.UniversalFile] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] EnumerateDirectoryUnderTrans: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, directoryName: Rope.ROPE, enumProc: EnumProc] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound], Error[illegalFileName], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage, regServersUnavailable], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[coordinator, openFileID, owner, transID], RPC.CallFailed, plus any errors raised by enumProc. fileStore: AE.FileStore; owner: AE.OwnerName; [fileStore, owner, ] _ DecomposeFileName[directoryName, TRUE]; EnumerateDirectoryUnderTransKernel[transHandle, fileStore, owner, enumProc]; END; EnumerateDirectoryUnderTransKernel: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, enumProc: EnumProc] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage, regServersUnavailable], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[coordinator, openFileID, owner, transID], RPC.CallFailed, plus any errors raised by enumProc. directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle _ GetOwnerRootFile[transHandle: transHandle, fileStore: fileStore, owner: owner, createRootFileIfMissing: FALSE, openRootFileForWrite: FALSE].directoryFileHandle; EnumerateFiles[transHandle, directoryFileHandle, enumProc]; END; DecomposeFileName: PROCEDURE[fileName: Rope.ROPE, expectRestOfFileNameEmpty: BOOL] RETURNS[fileStore, owner, restOfFileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN -- errors: Error[illegalFileName]. IsIllegal: SAFE PROCEDURE[c: CHAR] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = CHECKED BEGIN RETURN [NOT IsLegal[c]] END; rightSquareBracket, rightAngleBracket: INT; IF fileName.Map[action: IsIllegal] THEN ERROR Error[illegalFileName]; IF fileName.Length[] > AE.maxStringNameChars THEN ERROR Error[illegalFileName]; IF NOT Rope.Match[pattern: "[*]<*>*", object: fileName, case: FALSE] THEN ERROR Error[illegalFileName]; rightSquareBracket _ fileName.SkipTo[1, "]"]; fileStore _ fileName.Substr[start: 1, len: rightSquareBracket-1]; rightAngleBracket _ fileName.SkipTo[1, ">"]; owner _ fileName.Substr[start: rightSquareBracket+2, len: rightAngleBracket-rightSquareBracket-2]; restOfFileName _ fileName.Substr[start: rightAngleBracket+1]; IF fileStore.IsEmpty[] OR owner.IsEmpty[] OR (restOfFileName.IsEmpty[] # expectRestOfFileNameEmpty) THEN ERROR Error[illegalFileName]; END; IsLegal: PACKED ARRAY CHAR OF BOOL; InitIsLegal: PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN IsLegal _ ALL [FALSE]; FOR c: CHAR IN ['a .. 'z] DO IsLegal[c] _ TRUE ENDLOOP; FOR c: CHAR IN ['A .. 'Z] DO IsLegal[c] _ TRUE ENDLOOP; FOR c: CHAR IN ['0 .. '9] DO IsLegal[c] _ TRUE ENDLOOP; IsLegal['+] _ TRUE; IsLegal['-] _ TRUE; IsLegal['.] _ TRUE; IsLegal['$] _ TRUE; IsLegal['[] _ TRUE; IsLegal[']] _ TRUE; IsLegal['<] _ TRUE; IsLegal['>] _ TRUE; END; -- A result of directoryFileHandle = NIL means that the owner root file does not exist. GetOwnerRootFile: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileStore: AE.FileStore, owner: AE.OwnerName, createRootFileIfMissing: BOOL, openRootFileForWrite: BOOL] RETURNS [directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle, volumeGroupID: AE.VolumeGroupID] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead, fileModify, ownerCreate, spaceQuota], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage, ownerRecordFull, regServersUnavailable], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[coordinator, owner, transID], RPC.CallFailed. refDirectoryFile: REF AE.UniversalFile _ NEW[AE.UniversalFile _ AE.nullUniversalFile]; ownerProperties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair; IF (NOT Rope.Equal[transHandle.inst.fileStore, fileStore, FALSE]) THEN ERROR; -- until filestores and volumegroups get straightened out. transHandle.CreateWorker[fileStore]; volumeGroupID _ transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]]; -- temporary. ownerProperties _ transHandle.ReadOwnerProperties[volumeGroupID: volumeGroupID, owner: owner, desiredProperties: [rootFile: TRUE]]; refDirectoryFile^ _ NARROW[ownerProperties.first, AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair.rootFile].rootFile; DO --loop to allow directory create after Open failure. IF refDirectoryFile^ = AE.nullUniversalFile THEN BEGIN IF NOT createRootFileIfMissing THEN RETURN [NIL, AE.nullVolumeGroupID]; [directoryFileHandle, refDirectoryFile] _ AlpF.Create[transHandle, volumeGroupID, owner, initialDirSize]; transHandle.WriteOwnerProperties[volumeGroupID: volumeGroupID, owner: owner, properties: LIST[[rootFile[rootFile: refDirectoryFile^]]]]; RETURN [directoryFileHandle, volumeGroupID]; END ELSE BEGIN fileID: AE.FileID; [directoryFileHandle, fileID] _ AlpF.Open[transHandle, refDirectoryFile^, (IF openRootFileForWrite THEN readWrite ELSE readOnly), [IF openRootFileForWrite THEN write ELSE read, wait], log, sequential ! AlpI.Unknown => SELECT what FROM volumeID, fileID => BEGIN SIGNAL DirectoryInconsistent[ownerRootFileNotFound]; refDirectoryFile^ _ AE.nullUniversalFile; LOOP; END; ENDCASE => REJECT;]; IF refDirectoryFile^.fileID # fileID THEN BEGIN refDirectoryFile^.fileID _ fileID; transHandle.WriteOwnerProperties[volumeGroupID: volumeGroupID, owner: owner, properties: LIST[[rootFile[rootFile: refDirectoryFile^]]]]; END; RETURN [directoryFileHandle, volumeGroupID]; END; ENDLOOP; END; DirEntry: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [wordCount(0): NAT, --number of words in the entire entry universalFile(1): AE.UniversalFile, length(11): NAT, --number of characters in the file name char(12): PACKED SEQUENCE COMPUTED CARDINAL OF CHAR ]; -- The format of a directory entry. Entries are word-aligned, do not cross page --boundaries, and are stored in arbitrary order. Unless a page is full, its final --DirEntry has wordCount = 0. A page is empty if its first DirEntry has wordCount = 0. DirEntryPtr: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO DirEntry; OpenFile: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle, fullFileName, fileName: Rope.ROPE, createOptions: FileIO.CreateOptions, createVolume: AE.VolumeGroupID, owner: AE.OwnerName, initialByteAllocation: AE.ByteCount] RETURNS [refUniversalFile: REF AE.UniversalFile, createdFile: BOOL] = BEGIN -- errors: Error[fileAlreadyExists, fileNotFound], AlpI.AccessFailed[handleReadWrite, ownerCreate, spaceQuota], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[insufficientSpace], AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed. state: {searching, inserting, done} _ searching; fileNameBuffer: REF TEXT; ExamineItem: PROCEDURE[directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr] RETURNS [quit: BOOL, kill: BOOL] = BEGIN -- Called for each entry of a page examined by ExaminePage until quit: TRUE returned. SELECT state FROM searching => IF FileNameEqual[directoryEntryPtr, fileNameBuffer] THEN BEGIN IF createOptions = newOnly THEN ERROR Error[fileAlreadyExists]; TRUSTED BEGIN refUniversalFile^ _ directoryEntryPtr.universalFile; END; createdFile _ FALSE; state _ done; RETURN [quit: TRUE, kill: FALSE]; END ELSE RETURN [quit: FALSE, kill: FALSE]; inserting => RETURN [quit: FALSE, kill: FALSE]; done => RETURN [quit: TRUE, kill: FALSE]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; nWordsForDirEntry: CARDINAL; -- Free words needed for inserting DirEntry. spaceFound: BOOL _ FALSE; -- TRUE if some page seen with enough free words. spacePage: AE.PageNumber; -- If spaceFound, this is the page with enough free words. AppendItem: PROCEDURE[directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr, nWordsAvailable: CARDINAL] RETURNS [nwordsWritten: CARDINAL] = BEGIN -- errors: AlpI.AccessFailed[ownerCreate, spaceQuota], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[insufficientSpace], AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed; -- Called for each page examined by ExaminePage, after all ExamineItem calls made. DO -- loop to simulate GOTO SELECT state FROM searching => BEGIN IF NOT spaceFound AND nWordsAvailable >= nWordsForDirEntry THEN BEGIN spacePage _ currentPage; spaceFound _ TRUE; END; IF currentPage = dirFilePages-1 THEN BEGIN -- fileName not found. fileHandle: AlpF.Handle; IF createOptions = oldOnly THEN ERROR Error[fileNotFound]; [fileHandle, refUniversalFile] _ AlpF.Create[transHandle, createVolume, owner, PagesForBytes[initialByteAllocation]]; fileHandle.WriteProperties[LIST[[stringName[fullFileName]]]]; createdFile _ TRUE; state _ inserting; LOOP; -- GOTO inserting END; RETURN [0]; END; inserting => IF nWordsAvailable >= nWordsForDirEntry THEN TRUSTED BEGIN directoryEntryPtr.wordCount _ nWordsForDirEntry; directoryEntryPtr.universalFile _ refUniversalFile^; directoryEntryPtr.length _ fileNameBuffer.length; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0 .. fileNameBuffer.length) DO directoryEntryPtr[i] _ fileName.Fetch[i]; ENDLOOP; state _ done; RETURN [nWordsForDirEntry]; END; done => RETURN [0]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; ExtendFile: PROCEDURE[] = BEGIN -- errors: AlpI.AccessFailed[handleReadWrite, ownerCreate, spaceQuota], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[insufficientSpace], AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed. IF dirFilePages = dirFileSize THEN BEGIN -- change the file size dirFileSize _ dirFileSize + incrementDirSize; directoryFileHandle.SetSize[dirFileSize]; END; -- change the byte length dirFilePages _ dirFilePages+1; directoryFileHandle.WriteProperties[LIST[[byteLength[dirFilePages*AE.bytesPerPage]]]]; END; pageBufferArray: ARRAY [0 .. AE.wordsPerPage) OF WORD; currentPage: AE.PageNumber _ 0; clearPage: BOOL _ FALSE; dirFilePages, dirFileSize: AE.PageCount; refUniversalFile _ NEW[AE.UniversalFile _ AE.nullUniversalFile]; IF createOptions = oldOnly AND directoryFileHandle = NIL THEN ERROR Error[fileNotFound]; [dirFilePages, dirFileSize] _ GetPageLength[directoryFileHandle]; IF dirFilePages = 0 THEN BEGIN IF createOptions = oldOnly THEN ERROR Error[fileNotFound]; ExtendFile[]; clearPage _ TRUE; END; fileNameBuffer _ FillBuffer[fileName]; nWordsForDirEntry _ SIZE[DirEntry[fileNameBuffer.length]]; DO TRUSTED BEGIN ExaminePage[directoryFileHandle, currentPage, clearPage, @pageBufferArray, ExamineItem, AppendItem]; END; IF clearPage AND state # done THEN ERROR; SELECT state FROM searching => currentPage _ currentPage + 1; inserting => IF spaceFound THEN currentPage _ spacePage ELSE BEGIN ExtendFile[]; clearPage _ TRUE; currentPage _ dirFilePages-1 END; done => EXIT; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; RefText.ReleaseScratch[fileNameBuffer]; RETURN [refUniversalFile, createdFile]; END;--OpenFile DeleteFile: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle, fileName: Rope.ROPE] = BEGIN -- errors: Error[fileNotFound], DirectoryInconsistent[directoryFileNotFound], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead, fileModify, handleReadWrite], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed. state: {searching, done} _ searching; fileNameBuffer: REF TEXT; ExamineItem: PROCEDURE[directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr] RETURNS [quit: BOOL, kill: BOOL] = BEGIN -- errors: DirectoryInconsistent[directoryFileNotFound], AlpI.AccessFailed[fileRead, fileModify, handleReadWrite], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.OperationFailed[damagedLeaderPage], AlpI.PossiblyDamaged, AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed. -- Called for each entry of a page examined by ExaminePage until quit: TRUE returned. IF NOT FileNameEqual[directoryEntryPtr, fileNameBuffer] THEN RETURN [quit: FALSE, kill: FALSE] ELSE BEGIN fileHandle: AlpF.Handle _ NIL; universalFile: AE.UniversalFile; TRUSTED BEGIN universalFile _ directoryEntryPtr.universalFile; END; [fileHandle, ] _ AlpF.Open[transHandle: transHandle, universalFile: universalFile, access: readWrite, lock: [write, wait] ! AlpI.Unknown => SELECT what FROM fileID, volumeID => BEGIN SIGNAL DirectoryInconsistent[directoryFileNotFound]; CONTINUE; END; ENDCASE => REJECT]; IF fileHandle # NIL THEN fileHandle.Delete; state _ done; RETURN [quit: TRUE, kill: TRUE]; END; END; pageBufferArray: ARRAY [0 .. AE.wordsPerPage) OF WORD; currentPage: AE.PageNumber _ 0; dirFilePages: AE.PageCount; IF directoryFileHandle = NIL THEN ERROR Error[fileNotFound]; [dirFilePages, ] _ GetPageLength[directoryFileHandle]; fileNameBuffer _ FillBuffer[fileName]; DO IF currentPage = dirFilePages THEN ERROR Error[fileNotFound]; TRUSTED BEGIN ExaminePage[directoryFileHandle, currentPage, FALSE, @pageBufferArray, ExamineItem, NIL]; END; SELECT state FROM searching => currentPage _ currentPage + 1; done => EXIT; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; RefText.ReleaseScratch[fileNameBuffer]; END;--DeleteFile EnumerateFiles: PROCEDURE[transHandle: AlpT.Handle, directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle, enumProc: EnumProc] = BEGIN -- errors: AlpI.AccessFailed[handleReadWrite], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed, plus any errors raised by enumProc. state: {searching, done} _ searching; fileName: REF TEXT = RefText.ObtainScratch[AE.maxStringNameChars]; ExamineItem: PROCEDURE[directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr] RETURNS [quit: BOOL, kill: BOOL] = BEGIN-- errors: any errors raised by enumProc. universalFile: AE.UniversalFile; TRUSTED BEGIN universalFile _ directoryEntryPtr.universalFile; END; kill _ FALSE; CopyDirEntry[fileName, directoryEntryPtr]; quit _ enumProc[fileName, universalFile]; IF quit THEN state _ done; END; pageBufferArray: ARRAY [0 .. AE.wordsPerPage) OF WORD; currentPage: AE.PageNumber _ 0; dirFilePages: AE.PageCount; IF directoryFileHandle = NIL THEN RETURN; [dirFilePages, ] _ GetPageLength[directoryFileHandle]; DO IF currentPage = dirFilePages THEN RETURN; TRUSTED BEGIN ExaminePage[directoryFileHandle, currentPage, FALSE, @pageBufferArray, ExamineItem, NIL]; END; SELECT state FROM searching => currentPage _ currentPage + 1; done => EXIT; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; RefText.ReleaseScratch[fileName]; END; GetPageLength: PROCEDURE[directoryFileHandle: AlpF.Handle] RETURNS[AE.PageCount, AE.PageCount] = BEGIN -- errors: AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed. dirFileSize: AE.PageCount _ directoryFileHandle.GetSize; dirFileLengthProperty: LIST OF AE.PropertyValuePair = directoryFileHandle.ReadProperties[[byteLength: TRUE]]; dirFileLength: AE.ByteCount _ NARROW[dirFileLengthProperty.first, AE.PropertyValuePair.byteLength].byteLength; dirFilePages: AE.PageCount _ dirFileLength/AE.bytesPerPage; IF dirFilePages > dirFileSize THEN ERROR; RETURN [dirFilePages, dirFileSize]; END; FillBuffer: PROCEDURE[fileName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [fileNameBuffer: REF TEXT] = INLINE BEGIN -- Copies chars of fileName to a scratch REF TEXT, converts to upper case. len: NAT = fileName.Length[]; fileNameBuffer _ RefText.ObtainScratch[len]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. len) DO fileNameBuffer[i] _ Rope.Upper[fileName.Fetch[i]]; ENDLOOP; fileNameBuffer.length _ len; RETURN [fileNameBuffer]; END; FileNameEqual: PROCEDURE[directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr, fileNameBuffer: REF TEXT] RETURNS[BOOL] = TRUSTED INLINE BEGIN IF directoryEntryPtr.length # fileNameBuffer.length THEN RETURN [FALSE]; FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. directoryEntryPtr.length) DO IF Rope.Upper[directoryEntryPtr[i]] # fileNameBuffer[i] THEN RETURN [FALSE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN [TRUE]; END; CopyDirEntry: PROCEDURE[to: REF TEXT, from: DirEntryPtr] = TRUSTED BEGIN FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. from.length) DO to[i] _ from[i]; ENDLOOP; to.length _ from.length; END; PagesForBytes: PROCEDURE[byteLength: AE.ByteCount] RETURNS[pageCount: AE.PageCount] = BEGIN RETURN [(byteLength+AE.bytesPerPage-1)/AE.bytesPerPage]; END; ExamineItemProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE[directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr] RETURNS[quit: BOOL, kill: BOOL]; AppendItemProc: TYPE = PROCEDURE[directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr, nWordsAvailable: CARDINAL] RETURNS[nWordsWritten: CARDINAL]; ExaminePage: PROCEDURE[fileHandle: AlpF.Handle, page: AE.PageNumber, clearPage: BOOL, pageBuffer: LONG POINTER TO ARRAY [0..AE.wordsPerPage) OF WORD, examineItem: ExamineItemProc, appendItem: AppendItemProc] = TRUSTED BEGIN -- errors: AlpI.AccessFailed[handleReadWrite], AlpI.LockFailed, AlpI.Unknown[openFileID, transID], RPC.CallFailed, plus any errors raised by examineItem and appendItem. currentWord: INT [0..AE.wordsPerPage] _ 0; directoryEntryPtr: DirEntryPtr _ LOOPHOLE[pageBuffer]; pageDirty: BOOL _ FALSE; quit: BOOL _ FALSE; IF clearPage THEN BEGIN LongZero[where: pageBuffer, nWords: AE.wordsPerPage]; pageDirty _ TRUE; END ELSE fileHandle.ReadPages[pageRun: [page], pageBuffer: DESCRIPTOR [pageBuffer, AE.wordsPerPage]]; UNTIL quit OR currentWord = AE.wordsPerPage OR directoryEntryPtr.wordCount = 0 DO killItem: BOOL _ FALSE; wordCount: CARDINAL = directoryEntryPtr.wordCount; IF examineItem # NIL THEN [quit, killItem] _ examineItem[directoryEntryPtr]; IF killItem THEN BEGIN wordsToCopy: CARDINAL = AE.wordsPerPage-currentWord-wordCount; Inline.LongCOPY[from: directoryEntryPtr+wordCount, nwords: wordsToCopy, to: directoryEntryPtr]; LongZero[where: directoryEntryPtr+wordsToCopy, nWords: wordCount]; pageDirty _ TRUE; END ELSE BEGIN directoryEntryPtr _ directoryEntryPtr + wordCount; currentWord _ currentWord + wordCount; END; ENDLOOP; IF appendItem # NIL THEN BEGIN nWordsWritten: CARDINAL = appendItem[directoryEntryPtr, AE.wordsPerPage - currentWord]; IF nWordsWritten # 0 THEN BEGIN IF currentWord + nWordsWritten # AE.wordsPerPage THEN LOOPHOLE [directoryEntryPtr+nWordsWritten, DirEntryPtr].wordCount _ 0; pageDirty _ TRUE; END; END; IF pageDirty THEN fileHandle.WritePages[pageRun: [page], pageBuffer: DESCRIPTOR [pageBuffer, AE.wordsPerPage]]; END; LongZero: PROCEDURE[where: LONG POINTER, nWords: CARDINAL] = TRUSTED MACHINE CODE BEGIN -- errors: none. Mopcodes.zMISC, 102B; Mopcodes.zPOP; Mopcodes.zPOP END; InitIsLegal[]; END. CHANGE LOG Created by MBrown on January 13, 1983 1:19 pm Changed by MBrown on January 18, 1983 11:53 pm -- Define record type DirEntry to make things cleaner.