DIRECTORY Rope, Basics, IO, Ascii, Convert, AlgebraClasses, Variables, Ints, Sequences, VariableSequences, DistribPolys; DistribPolysImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Rope, IO, Ascii, Convert, AlgebraClasses, Variables, Ints, Sequences EXPORTS DistribPolys = BEGIN OPEN AC: AlgebraClasses, VARS: Variables, SEQ: Sequences, VARSEQ: VariableSequences, DistribPolys; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; Object: TYPE = AC.Object; Method: TYPE = AC.Method; DollarProc: PUBLIC TermCharProc = { RETURN[char='$] }; RightBracketProc: PUBLIC TermCharProc = { RETURN[char='] OR char=')] }; BasicPolyTerminators: PUBLIC TermCharProc = { SELECT char FROM ', , '$ , '] , ') => RETURN[TRUE]; ENDCASE; RETURN[FALSE] }; DollarRope: PUBLIC Rope.ROPE _ " $"; ReadDPoly: PUBLIC PROC [in: IO.STREAM, V: VARSEQ.VariableSequence, coeffRing: AC.Object, termCharProc: TermCharProc _ BasicPolyTerminators] RETURNS [poly: DPolynomial, termChar: CHAR _ 000C] = { char: CHAR; firstTerm: BOOL _ TRUE; legalTermStartSeen: BOOL; coeff: AC.Object; sign: INTEGER; exponent: CARDINAL; degreeVec: DegreeVector; variable: Object; varIndexInt: Ints.Int; varIndex: CARDINAL; ReadDPFail: PUBLIC ERROR [subclass: ATOM _ $Unspecified] = CODE; ok: BOOL; zero: AC.Object _ AC.ApplyLkpNoRecastObject[$zero, coeffRing, LIST[coeffRing] ]; one: AC.Object _ AC.ApplyLkpNoRecastObject[$one, coeffRing, LIST[coeffRing] ]; legalFirstCharMethod: Method _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$legalFirstChar, coeffRing]; readMethod: Method _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$read, coeffRing]; equalMethod: Method _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$eqFormula, coeffRing]; negateMethod: Method _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$negation, coeffRing]; poly _ NIL; []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; IF in.PeekChar[] = '0 THEN { [] _ in.GetChar[]; -- toss it (assumes that we can strip a leading zero) []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; IF in.EndOf[] THEN RETURN[ZeroDPoly]; char _ in.PeekChar[]; IF char = '$ THEN RETURN[ZeroDPoly, in.GetChar[] ]; IF termCharProc[char] THEN RETURN[ZeroDPoly, char]; }; DO legalTermStartSeen _ FALSE; sign _ 1; coeff _ one; -- default term is +1 degreeVec _ NIL; []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; IF in.PeekChar[] = '- THEN { sign _ -1; [] _ in.GetChar[]; -- toss it []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; } ELSE IF in.PeekChar[] = '+ THEN { [] _ in.GetChar[]; -- toss it []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; } ELSE IF NOT firstTerm THEN ERROR; firstTerm _ FALSE; IF AC.ApplyLegalFirstCharMethod[legalFirstCharMethod, in.PeekChar[], coeffRing] THEN { legalTermStartSeen _ TRUE; coeff _ AC.ApplyReadMethod[readMethod, in, coeffRing]; []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; IF AC.ApplyPredNoLkpNoRecast[equalMethod, LIST[coeff, zero] ] THEN ERROR ReadDPFail[$ZeroCoefficient]; -- zero coeff not allowed }; IF sign < 1 THEN coeff _ AC.ApplyNoLkpNoRecastObject[negateMethod, LIST[coeff] ]; -- if sign < 1, then negate either coeff read or default coeff of 1 WHILE NOT in.EndOf[] AND (Ascii.Letter[in.PeekChar[]] OR in.PeekChar[]='*) DO legalTermStartSeen _ TRUE; exponent _ 1; IF in.PeekChar[] = '* THEN { [] _ in.GetChar[]; -- toss * multiplication []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; }; variable _ VARS.FromRope[in.GetID[] ]; varIndexInt _ SEQ.Find[V, variable]; IF varIndexInt = NIL THEN ERROR ReadDPFail[$UnknownVariable]; varIndex _ Ints.ToINT[varIndexInt]; []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; IF NOT in.EndOf[] THEN IF in.PeekChar[] = '* OR in.PeekChar[] = '^ THEN { char _ in.GetChar[]; -- toss (could be either * multiplication, first char of ** exponentiation, or ^ exponentiation, here) []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; } ELSE char _ 'X; -- anything IF NOT in.EndOf[] THEN IF (char = '* AND in.PeekChar[] = '*) OR char = '^ THEN { -- allow ** or ^ exponentiation IF in.PeekChar[] = '* THEN [] _ in.GetChar[]; -- toss []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; SELECT in.PeekChar[] FROM IN ['0..'9] => { exponent _ in.GetCard; []_ in.SkipWhitespace[]; IF exponent = 0 THEN ERROR ReadDPFail[$ZeroExponent]; }; ENDCASE=> ERROR ReadDPFail[$NonNumericExponent]; }; [ok, degreeVec] _ DVInsertVariablePower[varIndex, exponent, degreeVec]; IF NOT ok THEN ERROR ReadDPFail[$RepeatedVariable]; ENDLOOP; IF legalTermStartSeen THEN { [ok, poly] _ DPInsertTerm[coeff, degreeVec, poly]; IF NOT ok THEN ERROR ReadDPFail[$RepeatedMonomial]; } ELSE ERROR ReadDPFail[$UnexpectedCharacter]; IF in.EndOf[] THEN RETURN[poly]; char _ in.PeekChar[]; IF char = '$ THEN RETURN[poly, in.GetChar[] ]; IF termCharProc[char] THEN RETURN[poly, char ]; ENDLOOP; }; DPolyFromRope: PUBLIC PROC [in: Rope.ROPE, V: VARSEQ.VariableSequence, coeffRing: AC.Object, termCharProc: TermCharProc _ BasicPolyTerminators] RETURNS [out: DPolynomial] = { stream: IO.STREAM _ IO.RIS[in]; termChar: CHAR; [out, termChar ] _ ReadDPoly[stream, V, coeffRing, termCharProc]; }; DPolyToRope: PUBLIC PROC [in: DPolynomial, V: VARSEQ.VariableSequence, coeffRing: AC.Object, termRope: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] RETURNS [out: Rope.ROPE]={ firstTerm: BOOL _ TRUE; trivialMonomial: BOOL; coeff, coeffAbs: AC.Object; degreeVec: DegreeVector; coeffSign: Basics.Comparison; exponent, index: CARDINAL; one: AC.Object _ AC.ApplyLkpNoRecastObject[$one, coeffRing, LIST[coeffRing] ]; equalMethod: Method _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$eqFormula, coeffRing]; toRopeMethod: Method _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$toRope, coeffRing]; isOrdered: BOOL _ AC.HasProperty[coeffRing, $ordered]; signMethod, absMethod: Method; IF in = ZeroDPoly THEN RETURN[Rope.Concat["0", termRope]]; out _ ""; IF isOrdered THEN { signMethod _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$sign, coeffRing]; absMethod _ AC.LookupMethodInStructure[$abs, coeffRing]; }; WHILE in#NIL DO [coeff, degreeVec] _ in.first; in _; IF isOrdered THEN { coeffSign _ AC.ApplyCompareToZeroMethod[signMethod, coeff]; coeffAbs _ AC.ApplyNoLkpNoRecastObject[absMethod, LIST[coeff] ] } ELSE { -- for unordered coeffRing, act as though coeff is positive coeffSign _ greater; coeffAbs _ coeff; }; IF coeffSign = less THEN out _ Rope.Concat[out,"- "] ELSE IF NOT firstTerm THEN out _ Rope.Concat[out,"+ "]; firstTerm _ FALSE; IF NOT AC.ApplyPredNoLkpNoRecast[equalMethod, LIST[coeffAbs, one] ] THEN out _ Rope.Cat[out, NARROW[AC.ApplyNoLkpNoRecastRef[toRopeMethod, LIST[coeffAbs] ] ], " "]; trivialMonomial _ TRUE; degreeVec _ DVReverse[degreeVec]; WHILE degreeVec#NIL DO trivialMonomial _ FALSE; exponent _ degreeVec.first; degreeVec _; index _ degreeVec.first; degreeVec _; out _ Rope.Concat[out, VARS.ToRope[SEQ.Select[V, Ints.FromINT[index] ] ] ]; IF exponent>1 THEN out _ Rope.Cat[out, "**", Convert.RopeFromCard[exponent]]; -- temp change 5/21/87 for Bridging to SAC-2 out _ Rope.Concat[out," "]; ENDLOOP; IF trivialMonomial AND AC.ApplyPredNoLkpNoRecast[equalMethod, LIST[coeffAbs, one] ] THEN out _ Rope.Cat[out, NARROW[AC.ApplyNoLkpNoRecastRef[toRopeMethod, LIST[one] ] ], " "]; ENDLOOP; out _ Rope.Concat[out, termRope]; }; WriteDPoly: PUBLIC PROC [in: DPolynomial, V: VARSEQ.VariableSequence, coeffRing: AC.Object, out: IO.STREAM, termRope: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] = { polyRope: Rope.ROPE _ DPolyToRope[in, V, coeffRing]; out.PutF["\n %g \n", IO.rope[polyRope] ]; }; DPInsertTerm: PROC [coefficient: AC.Object, degreeVec: DegreeVector, inPoly: DPolynomial] RETURNS [ok: BOOL, outPoly: DPolynomial] ~ { nextCoeff: AC.Object; nextDegreeVec: DegreeVector; poly: DPolynomial _ inPoly; degreeVecComparison: [-1..1]; ok _ TRUE; IF inPoly=NIL THEN { outPoly_CONS[ [coefficient, degreeVec], NIL ]; RETURN }; outPoly _ inPoly; [nextCoeff, nextDegreeVec] _ poly.first; poly _; degreeVecComparison _ DVCompare[degreeVec, nextDegreeVec]; SELECT degreeVecComparison FROM 0 => { ok _ FALSE; RETURN }; 1 => { outPoly_CONS[ [coefficient, degreeVec], inPoly ]; RETURN }; ENDCASE; outPoly _ CONS[ [nextCoeff, nextDegreeVec], NIL]; WHILE poly# NIL DO [nextCoeff, nextDegreeVec] _ poly.first; poly _; degreeVecComparison _ DVCompare[degreeVec, nextDegreeVec]; SELECT degreeVecComparison FROM 0 => { outPoly _ inPoly; ok _ FALSE; RETURN }; 1 => { outPoly _ CONS[ [nextCoeff, nextDegreeVec], CONS[ [coefficient, degreeVec], outPoly] ]; outPoly _ DPReverse[outPoly]; outPoly _ DPNconc[outPoly, poly]; RETURN }; ENDCASE; outPoly _ CONS[ [nextCoeff, nextDegreeVec], outPoly]; ENDLOOP; outPoly _ CONS[ [coefficient, degreeVec], outPoly]; outPoly _ DPReverse[outPoly]; }; DPNconc: PROC [l1, l2: DPolynomial] RETURNS [DPolynomial] ~ { z: DPolynomial _ l1; IF z = NIL THEN RETURN[l2]; UNTIL = NIL DO z _; ENDLOOP; _ l2; RETURN[l1]; }; DPReverse: PUBLIC PROC [list: DPolynomial] RETURNS[val: DPolynomial] = { val _ NIL; UNTIL list = NIL DO val _ CONS[list.first, val]; list _; ENDLOOP; RETURN[val]; }; -- of Reverse DVInsertVariablePower: PUBLIC PROC [varIndex, exponent: CARDINAL, inDegreeVec: DegreeVector] RETURNS [ok: BOOL, outDegreeVec: DegreeVector] ~ { nextIndex, nextExponent: CARDINAL; degreeVec: DegreeVector _ inDegreeVec; outDegreeVec _ inDegreeVec; ok _ TRUE; IF inDegreeVec=NIL THEN { IF exponent=0 THEN RETURN ELSE { outDegreeVec_CONS[varIndex, CONS[ exponent, NIL] ]; RETURN } }; nextIndex _ degreeVec.first; degreeVec _; nextExponent _ degreeVec.first; degreeVec _; SELECT varIndex FROM = nextIndex => { ok _ FALSE; RETURN }; > nextIndex => IF exponent=0 THEN RETURN ELSE { outDegreeVec_CONS[varIndex, CONS[exponent, inDegreeVec] ]; RETURN }; ENDCASE; outDegreeVec _ CONS[nextExponent, CONS[nextIndex, NIL]]; WHILE degreeVec# NIL DO nextIndex _ degreeVec.first; degreeVec _; nextExponent _ degreeVec.first; degreeVec _; SELECT varIndex FROM = nextIndex => { outDegreeVec _ inDegreeVec;ok _ FALSE; RETURN }; > nextIndex => IF exponent=0 THEN { outDegreeVec _ inDegreeVec; RETURN } ELSE { outDegreeVec_DVCons4[nextExponent, nextIndex, exponent, varIndex, outDegreeVec]; outDegreeVec _ DVReverse[outDegreeVec]; outDegreeVec _ DVNconc[outDegreeVec, degreeVec]; RETURN }; ENDCASE; outDegreeVec _ CONS[nextExponent, CONS[nextIndex, outDegreeVec]]; ENDLOOP; outDegreeVec _ CONS[exponent, CONS[varIndex, outDegreeVec]]; outDegreeVec _ DVReverse[outDegreeVec]; }; DVCompare: PUBLIC PROC [dv1, dv2: DegreeVector] RETURNS [ [-1..1] ] ~ { index1, index2, exponent1, exponent2: CARDINAL; WHILE dv1#NIL AND dv2#NIL DO index1 _ dv1.first; dv1 _; exponent1 _ dv1.first; dv1 _; index2 _ dv2.first; dv2 _; exponent2 _ dv2.first; dv2 _; IF index1 > index2 THEN RETURN[1]; IF index1 < index2 THEN RETURN[-1]; IF exponent1 > exponent2 THEN RETURN[1]; IF exponent1 < exponent2 THEN RETURN[-1]; ENDLOOP; IF dv1#NIL THEN RETURN[1]; IF dv2#NIL THEN RETURN[-1]; RETURN[0]; }; DVDegree: PUBLIC PROC [degreeVec: DegreeVector, numVars: CARDINAL] RETURNS [degree: CARDINAL] ~ { IF degreeVec = NIL THEN RETURN[0]; IF degreeVec.first = numVars THEN RETURN[] ELSE RETURN[0]; }; DVRemoveMainVariablePower: PUBLIC PROC [in: DegreeVector, numVars: CARDINAL] RETURNS [out: DegreeVector] ~ { IF in = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; IF in.first = numVars THEN RETURN [] ELSE RETURN[in]; }; DVAddMainVariablePower: PUBLIC PROC [in: DegreeVector, varIndex, exponent: CARDINAL] RETURNS [out: DegreeVector] ~ { IF exponent>0 THEN RETURN[ CONS[varIndex, CONS[ exponent, in] ] ] ELSE RETURN[in]; }; DVCons4: PUBLIC PROC [x1, x2, x3, x4: CARDINAL, degreeVec: DegreeVector] RETURNS [DegreeVector] ~ { RETURN[ CONS[x1, CONS[x2, CONS[x3, CONS[x4, degreeVec]]]] ]; }; DVNconc: PUBLIC PROC [l1, l2: DegreeVector] RETURNS [DegreeVector] ~ { z: DegreeVector _ l1; IF z = NIL THEN RETURN[l2]; UNTIL = NIL DO z _; ENDLOOP; _ l2; RETURN[l1]; }; DVReverse: PUBLIC PROC [list: DegreeVector] RETURNS[val: DegreeVector] = { val _ NIL; UNTIL list = NIL DO val _ CONS[list.first, val]; list _; ENDLOOP; RETURN[val]; }; -- of Reverse END. ®DistribPolysImpl.mesa Last Edited by: Arnon, June 10, 1985 4:19:22 pm PDT Types from Imported Interfaces Types Distributed Polynomial IO Check for zero polynomial Parse the terms of a nonzero polynomial Initialization Look for (optional) sign preceding first term, or (mandatory) sign separating two terms Look for (optional) coefficient [Cannot be at EndOf[in] here] Look for (optional) monomial [Can be at EndOf[in] here] Check that we saw some kind of legal term IF exponent>1 THEN out _ Rope.Cat[out, "^", Convert.RopeFromCard[exponent]]; The term (coefficient, degreeVec) is inserted in the distributed polynoimal inPoly. NOT ok if degreeVec already occurs (and inPoly unchanged). If degreeVec doesn't yet occur, then ok, and outPoly is inPoly with (coefficient, degreeVec) inserted. DPInsertTerm is an insertion sort. Degree Vectors Variable varIndex raised to the exponent power is recorded in inDegreeVec. NOT ok if the variable already occurs (and inDegreeVec unchanged). If the variable doesn't yet occur, then ok; if exponent = 0, inDegreeVec unchanged, otherwise outDegreeVec is inDegreeVec with (varIndex, exponent) inserted. DVInsertVariablePower is an insertion sort. 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