Carl Waldspurger, August 23, 1986 4:39:44 pm PDT
Definitions for Mathematics Expressions
MathRules USING [AtomBoxProc, AtomPaintProc, CompoundBoxProc, CompositionProc, AtomToASRopeProc, Size],
MathBox USING [BOX],
MathTypes USING [Style, FormatClass],
Vector USING [VEC],
Type Abbreviations from Imported Interfaces
VEC: TYPE ~ Vector.VEC;
BOX: TYPE ~ MathBox.BOX;
Style: TYPE ~ MathTypes.Style;
FormatClass: TYPE ~ MathTypes.FormatClass;
AtomBoxProc: TYPE ~ MathRules.AtomBoxProc;
AtomPaintProc: TYPE ~ MathRules.AtomPaintProc;
AtomToASRopeProc: TYPE ~ MathRules.AtomToASRopeProc;
CompoundBoxProc: TYPE ~ MathRules.CompoundBoxProc;
CompositionProc: TYPE ~ MathRules.CompositionProc;
Size: TYPE ~ MathRules.Size;
Expression Class Type Definitions
Argument: TYPE ~ RECORD [
name: ATOM, -- unique (within enclosing class) identifier for argument
aliases: LIST OF ATOM, -- aliases for name using convention $aliasFoo, $aliasBar
size: Size -- relative sizing information (big, script, etc.)
Symbol: TYPE ~ RECORD[
name: ATOM, -- unique (within enclosing class) identifier for symbol
aliases: LIST OF ATOM, -- aliases for name using convention $aliasFoo, $aliasBar
size: Size, -- relative sizing information (big, script, etc.)
value: EXPR -- a symbol is an expression
AtomFlavor: TYPE ~ {symbol, argument, placeholder};
AtomClass: TYPE ~ REF AtomClassRep;
AtomClassRep: TYPE ~
name: ATOM, -- class identifier, e.g. $integer
formatClass: FormatClass, -- e.g. atom
flavor: AtomFlavor, -- type of atom: symbol, argument, placeholder
style: Style, -- font info
boxRule: MathRules.AtomBoxProc, -- returns info about atom size
paintRule: MathRules.AtomPaintProc, -- paints atom onto imager context
cvtASRope: MathRules.AtomToASRopeProc, -- converts atom for AlgebraStructures
cvtReduceRope: MathRules.AtomToASRopeProc ← NIL, -- converts atom for Reduce
cvtSMPRope: MathRules.AtomToASRopeProc ← NIL, -- converts atom for SMP
cvtOtherRope: MathRules.AtomToASRopeProc ← NIL -- converts atom for Other
CompoundClass: TYPE ~ REF CompoundClassRep;
CompoundClassRep: TYPE ~
name: ATOM, -- class identifier, e.g. $product
formatClass: FormatClass, -- e.g. binaryOp
description: ROPE, -- for menu buttons, etc. to describe how expr looks, e.g. "a + b"
arguments: LIST OF Argument,
symbols: LIST OF Symbol,
boxRule: MathRules.CompoundBoxProc,
compBox: MathRules.CompositionProc,
cvtAS: ROPENIL, -- conversion specification to AlgebraStructures
cvtReduce: ROPENIL, -- conversion specification to Reduce
cvtSMP: ROPENIL, -- conversion specification to SMP
cvtOther: ROPENIL -- conversion specification to Other
MatrixClass: TYPE ~ REF MatrixClassRep;
MatrixClassRep: TYPE ~ RECORD [
name: ATOM, -- class identifier, e.g. $matrix or $determinant
formatClass: FormatClass, -- e.g. matrix
openSym, closeSym, space: EXPR -- expressions to use for (, ), and inter-elt spacing
Expression Type Definitions
An EXPR is an IMMUTABLE mathematical expression with formatting information.
EXPR: TYPE ~ REF MathExprRep; -- external abstract type
-------------- commented out 3/2/87 -------
MathExprRep: TYPE; -- internal concrete rep -- 3/2/87 - give up opacity to implement Eval, i.e. Evaluator needs to know internal rep of expressions. Perhaps should define "abstract" internal Editor expression rep(s), and give Evaluator access by means of selectors on the abstract rep.
-------------- copied in from MathExprImpl 3/2/87 -------
A Math Expression is either an atomic, compound, or matrix expression
MathExprRep: TYPE ~
atom => [
class: AtomClass, -- atomic data type
value: ROPE -- atomic value, e.g. integer as rope
compound => [
class: CompoundClass, -- compound operation class, e.g. summation or product
subExprs: LIST OF TaggedMathExpr ← NIL -- class operation arguments
matrix => [
class: MatrixClass, -- type of matrix op, e.g. determinant or matrix, etc.
nRows, nCols: INT, -- matrix size as rows x cols
elements: LIST OF TaggedMathExpr ← NIL -- matrix elements
---- commented out 3/2/87
AtomEXPR: TYPE ~ REF AtomExprRep; -- abstract
AtomExprRep: TYPE; -- concrete
CompoundEXPR: TYPE ~ REF CompoundExprRep; -- abstract
CompoundExprRep: TYPE; -- concrete
MatrixEXPR: TYPE ~ REF MatrixExprRep; -- abstract
MatrixExprRep: TYPE; -- concrete
-------------- copied in from MathExprImpl 3/2/87 -------
AtomExprRep: PUBLIC TYPE ~ atom MathExprRep;
CompoundExprRep: PUBLIC TYPE ~ compound MathExprRep;
MatrixExprRep: PUBLIC TYPE ~ matrix MathExprRep;
privately (n.b. not public) redefine opaque types in terms of concrete rep
EXPR: TYPE ~ REF MathExprRep;
AtomEXPR: TYPE ~ REF AtomExprRep;
CompoundEXPR: TYPE ~ REF CompoundExprRep;
MatrixEXPR: TYPE ~ REF MatrixExprRep;
ExprFlavors: TYPE ~ {atom, compound, matrix};
TaggedMathExpr: TYPE ~
id: ATOM,
expression: EXPR
Expression Class Constructors
MakeArgument: PROC[name: ATOM, aliases: LIST OF ATOM, size: Size] RETURNS[Argument];
effects: constructs and returns an argument object
MakeSymbol: PROC[name: ATOM, aliases: LIST OF ATOM, size: Size, value: EXPR] RETURNS[Symbol];
effects: constructs and returns a symbol object
MakeAtomClass: PROC[name: ATOM, formatClass: FormatClass, flavor: AtomFlavor, style: Style, boxRule: AtomBoxProc, paintRule: AtomPaintProc, cvtASRule: AtomToASRopeProc ← NIL] RETURNS[AtomClass];
effects: constructs and returns a new atom class object
MakeCompoundClass: PROC[name: ATOM, formatClass: FormatClass, description: ROPE, args: LIST OF Argument, syms: LIST OF Symbol, boxRule: CompoundBoxProc, compBox: CompositionProc, cvtAS: ROPENIL] RETURNS[CompoundClass];
effects: constructs and returns a new compound class object
MakeMatrixClass: PROC[name: ATOM, formatClass: FormatClass,
openSym, closeSym, space: EXPR] RETURNS[MatrixClass];
effects: constructs and returns a new matrix class object
Expression Constructors
MakeAtomicExpr: PROC[class: ATOM, value: ROPE] RETURNS[EXPR];
effects: constructs and returns a new atomic expression object
SIGNALS badAtomClass if class is unrecognized
MakeCompoundExpr: PROC[class: ATOM, args: LIST OF TaggedMathExpr] RETURNS[EXPR];
effects: constructs and returns a new compound expression object
SIGNALS badCompoundClass if class is unrecognized
SIGNALS badExprs if exprs has the wrong number or wrong type of elements
MakeMatrixExpr: PROC[class: ATOM, nRows, nCols: NAT,
elements: LIST OF TaggedMathExpr] RETURNS[EXPR];
effects: constructs and returns a new matrix expression object
SIGNALS badMatrixClass if class is unrecognized
SIGNALS badMatrixSize if nRows or nCols is invalid
SIGNALS badMatrix if rows has the wrong number or wrong type of elements
Parse/UnParse Routines
RopeFromExpr: PROC[expr: EXPR] RETURNS[ROPE];
effects: Returns a ROPE in a canonical format which can be parsed
by ExprFromRope[].
effects: Parses r as an EXPR in canonical format output by RopeFromExpr[].
SIGNALS parseError if r is malformed.
ExprFromStream: PROC[stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS[EXPR];
effects: Parses r as an EXPR in canonical format output by RopeFromExpr[].
SIGNALS parseError if r is malformed.
Expression Selectors
GetType: PROC[expr: EXPR] RETURNS[ExprFlavors];
effect: Returns atom if expr is an AtomEXPR,
Returns compound if expr is a CompoundEXPR
GetAtomClass: PROC[expr: AtomEXPR] RETURNS[AtomClass];
effects: Returns the class of atomic expression expr.
GetAtomExpr: PROC[expr: EXPR] RETURNS[AtomEXPR];
effects: If expr.Type = atom, returns atomic expression.
Otherwise SIGNALS wrongExprType
GetValue: PROC[expr: AtomEXPR] RETURNS[ROPE];
effects: Returns the value of atomic expression expr.
GetCompoundClass: PROC[expr: CompoundEXPR] RETURNS[CompoundClass];
effects: Returns the class of compound expression expr.
GetCompoundExpr: PROC[expr: EXPR] RETURNS[CompoundEXPR];
effects: If expr.Type = compound, returns compound expression.
Otherwise SIGNALS wrongExprType
GetMatrixExpr: PROC[expr: EXPR] RETURNS[MatrixEXPR];
effects: IF expr.Type[] = matrix, returns matrix expression
Otherwise SIGNALS wrongExprType
GetSubExprs: PROC[expr: CompoundEXPR] RETURNS[LIST OF TaggedMathExpr];
effects: Returns the subexpressions for compound expression expr.
GetMatrixElements: PROC[expr: MatrixEXPR] RETURNS[LIST OF TaggedMathExpr];
effects: Returns the rows of expression for matrix expression expr.
GetMatrixSize: PROC[expr: MatrixEXPR] RETURNS[NAT, NAT];
effects: Returns the size (dimensions) of expr as [nRows, nCols]
GetMatrixClass: PROC[expr: MatrixEXPR] RETURNS[MatrixClass];
effects: Returns the flavor of expr.
List Selectors
GetTaggedExpr: PROC[tag: ATOM, exprs: LIST OF TaggedMathExpr] RETURNS[TaggedMathExpr];
effects: Returns the TaggedMathExpr in exprs associated with tag.
SIGNALS exprNotFound if no association exists.
Signals & Errors
badAtomClass: ERROR;
badCompoundClass: ERROR;
badMatrixClass: ERROR;
badExprs: ERROR[reason: ATOM];
exprNotFound: ERROR;
wrongExprType: ERROR;
parseError: ERROR;