DIRECTORY AIS USING [CloseFile, CreateFile, FRef, OpenWindow, Raster, RasterPart, WRef, WriteSample], CADTypes USING [Scad, ScadSequence, VariableRec, VisibleMask, VisibleMaskSequence], CADIO USING [Error, WhatCellIsItOn], Commander USING [CommandProc, Register], ImagerColor USING [RGB], IO USING [int, PutFR], LightingModels USING [AmbientSource, Model, PointSource, PointSourceSequence], MessageWindow USING [Append], MultiPolynomial USING [Differentiate, EvaluationBindings, MultiPolSequence, Ref, RefFromRope, TotallyEvaluate, TotallySubstituteUnivariates, TSUBindings], Polynomial USING [Linear, RealRootRec, RealRoots, Ref], Real USING [Float, InlineFixC], Rope USING [Concat, ROPE], ShadingModels USING [Model, ShadingSequence], SurfaceTracer USING [], Geometry3dVector USING [Add, Combine, Cross, Dot, Mul, Normalize, Sub, Triple]; SurfaceTracerImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AIS, CADIO, Commander, IO, MessageWindow, MultiPolynomial, Polynomial, Real, Rope, Geometry3dVector EXPORTS SurfaceTracer ~ BEGIN ALPO: TYPE ~ MultiPolynomial.Ref; RootSequence: TYPE ~ RECORD [ roots: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF REF Polynomial.RealRootRec]; Triple: TYPE ~ Geometry3dVector.Triple; r: REAL _ 1.0; RGB: TYPE ~ ImagerColor.RGB; infinity: REAL _ 1E30; epsilon: REAL _ 1E-4; TraceSurfaces: PUBLIC PROC [ surfaces: REF MultiPolynomial.MultiPolSequence, variables: CADTypes.VariableRec, colors: REF ShadingModels.ShadingSequence, screenCenter, screenU, screenV: Triple, pixelsU, pixelsV: NAT, lightingModel: LightingModels.Model, filename: Rope.ROPE] ~ BEGIN surfaceSeq: REF STSurfaceSequence _ NEW[STSurfaceSequence[surfaces.length]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..surfaces.length) DO surfaceSeq[i] _ [ scad: [ surface: surfaces[i], named: FALSE, --garbage name: "", --garbage color: [1, 1, 1], --garbage cells: NIL --garbage ], gradientX: MultiPolynomial.Differentiate[surfaces[i], $x], gradientY: MultiPolynomial.Differentiate[surfaces[i], $y], gradientZ: MultiPolynomial.Differentiate[surfaces[i], $z], mask: NIL, shading: colors[i] ]; ENDLOOP; DrawSurface [ surfaceSeq: surfaceSeq, variables: variables, screenCenter: screenCenter, screenU: screenU, screenV: screenV, pixelsU: pixelsU, pixelsV: pixelsV, lightingModel: lightingModel, filename: filename, n: 1, doCells: FALSE]; END; TraceCells: PUBLIC PROC [ surfaces: REF CADTypes.ScadSequence, variables: CADTypes.VariableRec, colors: REF ShadingModels.ShadingSequence, masks: REF CADTypes.VisibleMaskSequence, screenCenter, screenU, screenV: Triple, pixelsU, pixelsV: NAT, lightingModel: LightingModels.Model, filename: Rope.ROPE] ~ BEGIN surfaceSeq: REF STSurfaceSequence _ NEW[STSurfaceSequence[surfaces.length]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..surfaces.length) DO surfaceSeq[i] _ [ scad: surfaces[i], gradientX: MultiPolynomial.Differentiate[surfaces[i].surface, variables.x], gradientY: MultiPolynomial.Differentiate[surfaces[i].surface, variables.y], gradientZ: MultiPolynomial.Differentiate[surfaces[i].surface, variables.z], mask: masks[i], shading: colors[i] ]; ENDLOOP; DrawSurface [ surfaceSeq: surfaceSeq, variables: variables, screenCenter: screenCenter, screenU: screenU, screenV: screenV, pixelsU: pixelsU, pixelsV: pixelsV, lightingModel: lightingModel, filename: filename, n: 1, doCells: TRUE]; END; STSurface: TYPE ~ RECORD [ scad: CADTypes.Scad, gradientX: MultiPolynomial.Ref, gradientY: MultiPolynomial.Ref, gradientZ: MultiPolynomial.Ref, mask: REF CADTypes.VisibleMask, shading: ShadingModels.Model]; STSurfaceSequence: TYPE ~ RECORD [ surfaces: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF STSurface]; DrawSurface: PROC [surfaceSeq: REF STSurfaceSequence, variables: CADTypes.VariableRec, screenCenter, screenU, screenV: Triple, pixelsU, pixelsV: CARDINAL, lightingModel: LightingModels.Model, n: NAT _ 0, filename: Rope.ROPE _ "Surface", doCells: BOOLEAN] ~ BEGIN raster: AIS.Raster _ NEW[AIS.RasterPart _ [pixelsV, pixelsU, rd, 8, -1, 65535]]; redFile: AIS.FRef _ AIS.CreateFile[Rope.Concat[filename, "-red.ais"], raster]; greenFile: AIS.FRef _ AIS.CreateFile[Rope.Concat[filename, "-green.ais"], raster]; blueFile: AIS.FRef _ AIS.CreateFile[Rope.Concat[filename, "-blue.ais"], raster]; redWindow: AIS.WRef _ AIS.OpenWindow[redFile, 0, pixelsV-1, 0, pixelsU-1]; greenWindow: AIS.WRef _ AIS.OpenWindow[greenFile, 0, pixelsV-1, 0, pixelsU-1]; blueWindow: AIS.WRef _ AIS.OpenWindow[blueFile, 0, pixelsV-1, 0, pixelsU-1]; break: SIGNAL = CODE; GotItSeq: TYPE ~ RECORD [yesOrNo: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF BOOLEAN]; gotIt: REF GotItSeq _ NEW[GotItSeq[9]]; ColorsTracedSeq: TYPE ~ RECORD [colorsTraced: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF RGB]; colorsTraced: REF ColorsTracedSeq _ NEW[ColorsTracedSeq[9]]; TracePixel: PROC[ul, ur, ll, lr: NAT] RETURNS[RGB] ~ BEGIN ulColor, urColor, llColor, lrColor: RGB; IF gotIt[ul] THEN ulColor _ colorsTraced[ul] ELSE BEGIN gotIt[ul] _ TRUE; END; IF gotIt[ur] THEN urColor _ colorsTraced[ur] ELSE BEGIN gotIt[ur] _ TRUE; END; IF gotIt[ll] THEN llColor _ colorsTraced[ll] ELSE BEGIN gotIt[ll] _ TRUE; END; IF gotIt[lr] THEN lrColor _ colorsTraced[lr] ELSE BEGIN gotIt[lr] _ TRUE; END; IF ur-ul = 1 OR CloseEnough[ulColor, urColor, llColor, lrColor] THEN RETURN [AverageRGB[ulColor, urColor, llColor, lrColor]] ELSE BEGIN um, lm, ml, mr, mm: NAT; v1, v2, v3, v4: RGB; um _ (ul + ur)/2; lm _ (ll + lr)/2; ml _ (ul + ll)/2; mr _ (ur + lr)/2; mm _ (ul + lr)/2; v1 _ TracePixel [ul, um, ml, mm]; v2 _ TracePixel [um, ur, mm, mr]; v3 _ TracePixel [ml, mm, ll, lm]; v4 _ TracePixel [mm, mr, lm, lr]; RETURN [AverageRGB[v1, v2, v3, v4]]; END; END; CloseEnough: PROC[c1, c2, c3, c4: RGB] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] ~ BEGIN RETURN[TRUE]; END; AverageRGB: PROC[c1, c2, c3, c4: RGB] RETURNS[RGB] ~ BEGIN RETURN[[ (c1.R+c2.R+c3.R+c4.R)/4.0, (c1.G+c2.G+c3.G+c4.G)/4.0, (c1.B+c2.B+c3.B+c4.B)/4.0]]; END; RoughSampleGrid: TYPE ~ RECORD[ rows: SEQUENCE nRows: NAT OF REF RoughSampleRow]; RoughSampleRow: TYPE ~ RECORD[ columns: SEQUENCE nCols: NAT OF RGB]; roughSampleGrid: REF RoughSampleGrid; direction: Triple _ Geometry3dVector.Normalize[Geometry3dVector.Cross[screenV, screenU]]; roughSampleGrid _ NEW[RoughSampleGrid[pixelsV + 1]]; FOR row: NAT IN [0..pixelsV] DO roughSampleGrid[row] _ NEW[RoughSampleRow[pixelsU + 1]]; ENDLOOP; FOR row: NAT IN [0..pixelsV] DO FOR column: NAT IN [0..pixelsU] DO u: REAL _ ((2 * Real.Float[column]) / Real.Float[pixelsU]) - 1; v: REAL _ ((2 * Real.Float[row]) / Real.Float[pixelsV]) - 1; screenOffset: Triple _ Geometry3dVector.Combine[screenU, u, screenV, v]; startingPoint: Triple _ Geometry3dVector.Add[screenCenter, screenOffset]; color: RGB _ Trace[surfaceSeq, variables, startingPoint, direction, lightingModel, doCells]; roughSampleGrid[column][row] _ color; ENDLOOP; MessageWindow.Append [IO.PutFR ["Sampled %g of %g rows",[row + 1],[pixelsV + 1]], TRUE]; ENDLOOP; FOR row: CARDINAL IN [0..pixelsV) DO FOR column: CARDINAL IN [0..pixelsU) DO red: REAL _ ( roughSampleGrid[row][column].R + roughSampleGrid[row + 1][column].R + roughSampleGrid[row][column + 1].R + roughSampleGrid[row + 1][column + 1].R) / 4; green: REAL _ ( roughSampleGrid[row][column].G + roughSampleGrid[row + 1][column].G + roughSampleGrid[row][column + 1].G + roughSampleGrid[row + 1][column + 1].G) / 4; blue: REAL _ ( roughSampleGrid[row][column].B + roughSampleGrid[row + 1][column].B + roughSampleGrid[row][column + 1].B + roughSampleGrid[row + 1][column + 1].B) / 4; redIntensityCard: CARDINAL _ Real.InlineFixC[red*255.0]; greenIntensityCard: CARDINAL _ Real.InlineFixC[green*255.0]; blueIntensityCard: CARDINAL _ Real.InlineFixC[blue*255.0]; AIS.WriteSample [redWindow, redIntensityCard, row, column]; AIS.WriteSample [greenWindow, greenIntensityCard, row, column]; AIS.WriteSample [blueWindow, blueIntensityCard, row, column]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; AIS.CloseFile[redFile]; AIS.CloseFile[greenFile]; AIS.CloseFile[blueFile]; END; Trace: PROC [surfaces: REF STSurfaceSequence, variables: CADTypes.VariableRec, fromPoint, direction: Triple, lighting: LightingModels.Model, doCells: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [color: RGB] ~ BEGIN t, xGrad, yGrad, zGrad: REAL; intersection, gradient, normal, surfaceToEye: Triple; somethingToDisplay: BOOLEAN; break: SIGNAL = CODE; gradientBindings: MultiPolynomial.EvaluationBindings; roots: REF RootSequence _ NEW[RootSequence[surfaces.length]]; surfaceToDisplay: NAT; reflectedLight: RGB; theSurface: STSurface; theShading: ShadingModels.Model; alpha: NAT _ 30; xRayEquation: Polynomial.Ref _ Polynomial.Linear[[fromPoint.x, direction.x]]; yRayEquation: Polynomial.Ref _ Polynomial.Linear[[fromPoint.y, direction.y]]; zRayEquation: Polynomial.Ref _ Polynomial.Linear[[fromPoint.z, direction.z]]; substitutionBindings: MultiPolynomial.TSUBindings _ LIST[ [$x, xRayEquation], [$y, yRayEquation], [$z, zRayEquation] ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..surfaces.length) DO poly: Polynomial.Ref _ MultiPolynomial.TotallySubstituteUnivariates [surfaces[i].scad.surface, substitutionBindings]; roots[i] _ Polynomial.RealRoots[poly]; ENDLOOP; t _ 0; somethingToDisplay _ FALSE; UNTIL somethingToDisplay DO indicesForNextRoot: LIST OF RECORD[i: NAT, j: NAT] _ NIL; nextRoot: REAL _ infinity; FOR i: NAT IN [0..roots.length) DO FOR j: NAT IN [0..roots[i].nRoots) DO IF t < roots[i][j] AND roots[i][j] < nextRoot THEN BEGIN nextRoot _ roots[i][j]; indicesForNextRoot _ CONS[[i,j], NIL]; END ELSE IF t < roots[i][j] AND roots[i][j] = nextRoot THEN BEGIN indicesForNextRoot _ CONS[[i,j], indicesForNextRoot]; END; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; IF nextRoot = infinity THEN BEGIN color _ lighting.background; RETURN; END; t _ nextRoot; intersection _ Geometry3dVector.Combine[fromPoint, 1, direction, t]; UNTIL indicesForNextRoot = NIL OR somethingToDisplay DO thisSurface: NAT _ indicesForNextRoot.first.i; cellIsVisible: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; IF doCells THEN BEGIN thisCell: NAT; thisCell _ CADIO.WhatCellIsItOn[intersection, variables, surfaces[thisSurface].scad ! CADIO.Error => {cellIsVisible _ FALSE; CONTINUE} ]; IF cellIsVisible THEN cellIsVisible _ surfaces[thisSurface].mask[thisCell]; END; IF cellIsVisible THEN BEGIN somethingToDisplay _ TRUE; surfaceToDisplay _ thisSurface; theSurface _ surfaces[surfaceToDisplay]; theShading _ theSurface.shading; END; indicesForNextRoot _; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; gradientBindings _ LIST[ [$x, intersection.x], [$y, intersection.y], [$z, intersection.z] ]; xGrad _ MultiPolynomial.TotallyEvaluate[theSurface.gradientX, gradientBindings]; yGrad _ MultiPolynomial.TotallyEvaluate[theSurface.gradientY, gradientBindings]; zGrad _ MultiPolynomial.TotallyEvaluate[theSurface.gradientZ, gradientBindings]; gradient _ [x: xGrad, y: yGrad, z: zGrad]; normal _ Geometry3dVector.Normalize[gradient]; reflectedLight _ ScaleRGB[lighting.ambientSource, theShading.ambientReflectionCoefficient]; surfaceToEye _ Geometry3dVector.Sub[fromPoint, intersection]; FOR source: NAT IN [ DO surfaceToSource: Geometry3dVector.Triple _ Geometry3dVector.Sub[lighting.pointSources[source].position, intersection]; xRayEquation: Polynomial.Ref _ Polynomial.Linear[[intersection.x, surfaceToSource.x]]; yRayEquation: Polynomial.Ref _ Polynomial.Linear[[intersection.y, surfaceToSource.y]]; zRayEquation: Polynomial.Ref _ Polynomial.Linear[[intersection.z, surfaceToSource.z]]; substitutionBindings: MultiPolynomial.TSUBindings _ LIST[ [$x, xRayEquation], [$y, yRayEquation], [$z, zRayEquation] ]; poly: Polynomial.Ref _ MultiPolynomial.TotallySubstituteUnivariates [theSurface.scad.surface, substitutionBindings]; t1: REAL; positiveRootFound, lightCanReachSurface: BOOLEAN; [t1, positiveRootFound] _ LeastPositiveRoot[poly]; lightCanReachSurface _ (Geometry3dVector.Dot[normal, surfaceToSource] * Geometry3dVector.Dot[normal, surfaceToEye] >= 0) AND ~(positiveRootFound AND (t1 < 1)); IF lightCanReachSurface THEN BEGIN cosine: REAL _ ABS[Geometry3dVector.Dot[normal, Geometry3dVector.Normalize[surfaceToSource]]]; diffuseReflectance: RGB _ ScaleRGB [ MultiplyCMY [lighting.pointSources[source].color, theShading.surfaceColor], cosine * theShading.diffuseReflectionCoefficient]; specularReflectance: RGB _ ScaleRGB [ lighting.pointSources[source].color, IntegerPower[cosine, alpha] * theShading.specularReflectionCoefficient]; totalReflectance: RGB _ AddRGB [ diffuseReflectance, specularReflectance]; reflectedLight _ AddRGB [ reflectedLight, totalReflectance]; IF cosine < 0 THEN SIGNAL break; END; ENDLOOP; IF reflectedLight.R > 1.0 THEN reflectedLight.R _ 1.0; IF reflectedLight.G > 1.0 THEN reflectedLight.G _ 1.0; IF reflectedLight.B > 1.0 THEN reflectedLight.B _ 1.0; color _ reflectedLight; END; LeastPositiveRoot: PROC[poly: Polynomial.Ref] RETURNS [leastPositiveRoot: REAL, positiveRootFound: BOOLEAN] ~ BEGIN roots: REF Polynomial.RealRootRec _ Polynomial.RealRoots[poly]; positiveRootFound _ FALSE; FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..roots.nRoots) DO IF roots.realRoot[i] > 0.001 THEN IF positiveRootFound THEN leastPositiveRoot _ MIN[leastPositiveRoot, roots[i]] ELSE BEGIN positiveRootFound _ TRUE; leastPositiveRoot _ roots[i]; END; ENDLOOP; END; IntegerPower: PROC [base: REAL, exponent: INTEGER] RETURNS [result: REAL] ~ BEGIN SELECT exponent FROM 0 => result _ 1; 1 => result _ base; 2 => result _ base*base; 3 => result _ base*base*base; 4 => {foo: REAL _ base*base; result _ foo*foo}; 5 => {foo: REAL _ base*base; result _ foo*foo*base}; 6 => {foo: REAL _ base*base; result _ foo*foo*foo}; >6 => {foo: REAL _ base*base; result _ foo*foo*foo*IntegerPower[base, exponent-6]}; ENDCASE; END; AddRGB: PROC [a, b: RGB] RETURNS [sum: RGB] ~ BEGIN sum _ [ R: a.R + b.R, G: a.G + b.G, B: a.B + b.B]; END; MultiplyRGB: PROC [a, b: RGB] RETURNS [product: RGB] ~ BEGIN product _ [ R: a.R * b.R, G: a.G * b.G, B: a.B * b.B]; END; ScaleRGB: PROC [a: RGB, s: REAL] RETURNS [product: RGB] ~ BEGIN product _ [ R: a.R * s, G: a.G * s, B: a.B * s]; END; MultiplyCMY: PROC [a, b: RGB] RETURNS [product: RGB] ~ BEGIN product _ [ R: a.R * b.R, G: a.G * b.G, B: a.B * b.B]; END; MakePicProc: Commander.CommandProc ~ BEGIN surfaces: REF MultiPolynomial.MultiPolSequence _ NEW[MultiPolynomial.MultiPolSequence[1]]; colors: REF ShadingModels.ShadingSequence _ NEW[ShadingModels.ShadingSequence[1]]; lightingModel: LightingModels.Model _ [ background: [1, 1, 1], ambientSource: [0.1, 0.1, 0.1], pointSources: NEW[LightingModels.PointSourceSequence[1]]]; surfaces[0] _ MultiPolynomial.RefFromRope["x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 0.11111111"]; colors[0] _ [ surfaceColor: [1, 1, 0], ambientReflectionCoefficient: 1.0, diffuseReflectionCoefficient: 0.4, specularReflectionCoefficient: 0.8]; lightingModel.pointSources[0] _ [ position: [2, 0, 0], color: [1, 1, 1]]; TraceSurfaces[ surfaces: surfaces, variables: [$x, $y, $z], colors: colors, screenCenter: [2, 0, 0], screenU: Geometry3dVector.Mul[Geometry3dVector.Normalize[[0, 1, 0]], 1], screenV: Geometry3dVector.Mul[Geometry3dVector.Normalize[[0, 0, 1]], 1], pixelsU: 100, pixelsV: 100, lightingModel: lightingModel, filename: "FooSurface"]; END; Commander.Register[key: "MakePic", proc: MakePicProc, doc: "makes an AIS file."]; END. ´SurfaceTracerImpl.mesa Copyright c 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. James Rauen, August 25, 1986 11:15:51 pm PDT Last edited by: James Rauen January 13, 1988 4:20:03 pm PST Running SurfaceTracerImpl adds the command "MakePic" to the Command Tool. Type declarations SurfaceSequence: TYPE ~ SurfaceTracer.SurfaceSequence; Global constants Public procedures Construct the ST surface sequence representation. substitute for $x, $y, $z Draw the surface. Construct the ST surface sequence representation. substitute for $x, $y, $z Draw the surface. Private surface representation Polynomials are in (x, y, z) coordinates. Other information kept besides the Scad are the gradients, the shading of the surface, and the cell mask. Image generation Create the AIS mechanism Create Andrew's Adaptive Anti-Aliasing Algorithm mechanism. ulColor _ colorsTraced[ul] _ Trace[]; urColor _ colorsTraced[ur] _ Trace[]; llColor _ colorsTraced[ll] _ Trace[]; lrColor _ colorsTraced[lr] _ Trace[]; UVOffsets: PROC[subPixelIndex: NAT] RETURNS[uOffset, vOffset: REAL] ~ BEGIN subRow: NAT _ Stuff Calculate the viewer direction vector. Generate the first grid of samples. Calculate the (u, v) of the upper left corner of the pixel at (row, column). The range of u and v is -1 <= u <= 1, -1 <= v <= 1. Calculate the (x, y, z) of the upper left corner of the pixel. Trace the upper left corner of the pixel. Do the next sample. Continue for one extra row and one extra column of pixels, so that tracing all the upper left corners will generate a complete set of samples. Iterate over the pixels and calculate each. Terminate gracefully. Declarations Eventually, the following should be passed as parameters Define the ray equations. Iterate over the surfaces. Substitute the ray equations into each surface and find the roots. Examine the roots in order of increasing value of t, beginning at zero, until one is found that should be displayed. If no such roots are found, return the background color. Look for all occurrences of the next root. If no next root was found, return the background. Otherwise, calculate the point of intersection and see if any occurrence of the root should be displayed. IF intersection.x > 0 AND intersection.y > 0 AND intersection.z > 0 THEN ERROR; Calculate the unit vector normal to the surface at the point of intersection. Calculate the total reflected light, beginning with the ambient source. Add in the reflection from each point source. See if light can reach the surface. If it can, add in the diffuse and specular reflection from that source. Do the next source. Scale down the reflected light if there's too much. Return the color of the reflected light. Internal procedures MultiplyCMY: PROC [a, b: RGB] RETURNS [product: RGB] ~ BEGIN product _ [ R: 1 - ((1 - a.R) * (1 - b.R)), G: 1 - ((1 - a.G) * (1 - b.G)), B: 1 - ((1 - a.B) * (1 - b.B))]; END; surfaces[0] _ MultiPolynomial.RefFromRope["x^2y^2 + y^2z^2 + x^2z^2 + xyz"]; surfaces[0] _ MultiPolynomial.RefFromRope["256 z^3 - 128 x^2 z^2 + 144 x y^2 z + 16 x^4 z - 27 y^4 - 4 x^3 y^2"]; colors[1] _ [ surfaceColor: [0, 1, 0], ambientReflectionCoefficient: 1.0, diffuseReflectionCoefficient: 0.4, specularReflectionCoefficient: 0.8]; ÊG˜šœ™Icodešœ Ïmœ1™K˜HKšœI˜IK˜—™)KšœŸœR˜\K˜%K˜—™£KšŸœ˜Kš œŸœ!ŸœŸœŸœ˜f—KšŸœ˜K˜———™+šŸœŸœŸœŸ˜$šŸœ ŸœŸœŸ˜'šœŸœ˜ Kšœ!˜!Kšœ%˜%Kšœ%˜%Kšœ,˜,—šœŸœ˜Kšœ!˜!Kšœ%˜%Kšœ%˜%Kšœ,˜,—šœŸœ˜Kšœ!˜!Kšœ%˜%Kšœ%˜%Kšœ,˜,—KšœŸœ˜8KšœŸœ ˜