Last Edited by: Crow, September 9, 1989 9:13:44 pm PDT
Bloomenthal, September 26, 1988 12:04:47 pm PDT
DIRECTORY Atom, BasicTime, CedarProcess, ColorDisplayManager, Containers, G3dRender, Imager, ImagerBackdoor, ImagerPixel, ImagerSample, PopUpButtons, Rope, Terminal, ThreeDViewer, TIPUser, UserProfile, ViewerClasses, ViewerOps;
IMPORTS Atom, BasicTime, CedarProcess, ColorDisplayManager, Containers, G3dRender, Imager, ImagerBackdoor, PopUpButtons, Rope, Terminal, TIPUser, UserProfile, ViewerOps
EXPORTS ThreeDViewer
PixelMap:   TYPE ~ ImagerPixel.PixelMap;
Context:   TYPE ~ G3dRender.Context;
ContextClass:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.ContextClass;
Rectangle:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.Rectangle;
ContextProc:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.ContextProc;
ImagerProc:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.ImagerProc;
ImagerProcRec: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ImagerProcRec;
ButtonChoice: TYPE ~ ThreeDViewer.ButtonChoice;
ButtonDesc:  TYPE ~ ThreeDViewer.ButtonDesc;
MouseProc:  TYPE ~ ThreeDViewer.MouseProc;
Box:    TYPE ~ ImagerSample.Box;
Viewer:   TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.Viewer;
ROPE:    TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE;
tipTable: TIPUser.TIPTable;  -- Jules
Utility Procedures
CurrentTime: PROC[] RETURNS[REAL] ~ {
RETURN[ BasicTime.PulsesToSeconds[BasicTime.GetClockPulses[]] ];
Procedures for setting up viewers
Init: PROCEDURE[context: Context] ~ {
ViewerOps.RegisterViewerClass[$Graphics3D, NEW[ViewerClasses.ViewerClassRec ← [
notify: MouseAction,
paint: PaintViewer,
destroy: ShutDown,
adjust: ViewerAdjusted,
tipTable: tipTable
MakeViewer: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ context: Context, displayType: ATOM ← $PseudoColor,
           bannerName: ROPE, menu: LIST OF ButtonDesc,
           mouseAction: MouseProc,
           verticalMenu: BOOLEANFALSE ] ~ {
menuBox: Box ← [[0,0], [0,0]];
outerViewer, graphicsViewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer;
column: ViewerClasses.Column ← color;
clrType: ATOM;
SELECT displayType FROM
$Bitmap => clrType ← $Dither1;
$ImagerDithered, $PseudoColor => clrType ← $Dither8;
$ImagerGray, $Gray => clrType ← $Gray8;
$FullColor, $ImagerFullClr => clrType ← $FullColor;
ENDCASE => {  -- $Interpress don't support viewers
SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[$MisMatch, "Display type doesn't support viewers"];
IF NOT SwitchDisplayTo[context, clrType] THEN clrType ← $LF;
IF context.terminal = NIL THEN context.terminal ← Terminal.Current[];
IF clrType = $LF THEN column ← left;
outerViewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[
flavor: $Container, 
info: [   -- ViewerClasses.ViewerRec
name: bannerName,   -- banner name
label: "3-D Viewer",  -- icon label
icon: document, -- IconFlavor: {document, dirtyDocument, fileCabinet, tool, typescript, private, unInit}
column: column,  -- Column: {left, right, color}
scrollable: FALSE
IF menu # NIL THEN menuBox ← MakeMenu[context, outerViewer, menu, verticalMenu];
Set up menu buttons
IF menuBox.max.f > menuBox.max.s THEN menuBox.max.f ← 0 ELSE menuBox.max.s ← 0;
Let graphics viewer lie below wide menu or right of long menu
Init[context];           -- register $Graphics3D viewerClass
graphicsViewer ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[
flavor: $Graphics3D, 
info: [parent: outerViewer, wx: menuBox.max.f, wy: menuBox.max.s]
context.viewer ← graphicsViewer;
Make sure all display classes have proc pointers
graphicsViewer.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ graphicsViewer.props, $MouseProc,
             NEW[MouseProc ← mouseAction] ];
graphicsViewer.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ graphicsViewer.props, $Context3D, context ];
Store 3D context and mouse Procedure for later use
Containers.ChildXBound[outerViewer, graphicsViewer]; -- set size to fill width
Containers.ChildYBound[outerViewer, graphicsViewer]; -- set size to fill height
ViewerOps.OpenIcon[outerViewer];     -- open viewer and paint, setting size
MakeMenu: PROCEDURE [ context: Context, viewer: Viewer, menu: LIST OF ButtonDesc,
        verticalMenu: BOOLEANFALSE ]
     RETURNS[menuBox: Box] ~ {
hSep: INTEGER = 2;
vSep: INTEGER = 2;
lastBttn: Viewer ← NIL;
FOR list: LIST OF ButtonDesc ← menu, UNTIL list = NIL DO
selection: PopUpButtons.Class;
button: Viewer;
left, top: NAT;
choiceList: PopUpButtons.ChoiceList ← NIL; -- to hand to PopUpButtons.MakeClass
tmpList: LIST OF ButtonChoice ← NIL;  -- for reversing input list
FOR choices: LIST OF ButtonChoice ← list.first.choices, UNTIL choices = NIL DO
tmpList ← CONS[choices.first, tmpList];  -- reverse list
FOR choices: LIST OF ButtonChoice ← tmpList, UNTIL choices = NIL DO
choiceList ← CONS[[choices.first.key, choices.first.doc], choiceList]; -- convert
selection ← PopUpButtons.MakeClass[[ -- build button class
classData: NEW[ PROC[context: Context, key: ATOM] ← list.first.proc ],
proc: ButtonPasser,
choices: choiceList,
doc: list.first.purpose
left ← IF lastBttn # NIL AND NOT verticalMenu
THEN lastBttn.wx + lastBttn.ww + hSep
top ← IF lastBttn # NIL AND verticalMenu
THEN lastBttn.wy + lastBttn.wh + hSep
button ← PopUpButtons.Instantiate[      -- instantiate button
class: selection,
viewerInfo: [parent: viewer, wx: left, wy: top, name: list.first.label],
instanceData: context
lastBttn ← button
menuBox.min.s ← menuBox.min.f ← 0;
menuBox.max.s ← lastBttn.wy + lastBttn.wh;
menuBox.max.f ← lastBttn.wx + lastBttn.ww;
ButtonPasser: PopUpButtons.PopUpButtonProc ~ {
PROC [viewer: Viewer, instanceData, classData, key: REF ANY]
Extracts appropriate procedure and calls it with context and key
proc: PROC[context: Context, key: ATOM] ← NARROW[
REF PROC[context: Context, key: ATOM]
context: Context ← NARROW[instanceData];     -- get 3D context
proc[context, NARROW[key]];          -- call proc
Procedures for updating viewers
SwitchDisplayTo: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE [context: Context, displayType: ATOM]
      RETURNS[succeeded: BOOLEAN] ~ {
side: ColorDisplayManager.Side ← IF Rope.Equal[
UserProfile.Token["ColorDisplay.Side", "left"], "right", FALSE]
THEN right ELSE left;
succeeded ← TRUE;
SELECT displayType FROM          -- translate to Plass terminology
$Bitmap => displayType ← $Dither1;
$ImagerDithered, $PseudoColor => displayType ← $Dither8;
$ImagerGray, $Gray => displayType ← $Gray8;
$FullColor, $ImagerFullClr => displayType ← $FullColor;
$Dither1, $Dither8, $Gray8, $FullColor => {};    -- already in Plass terminology
ENDCASE => {  -- $Interpress don't support viewers
SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[$MisMatch, "Display type doesn't support viewers"];
context.changed ← TRUE;
context.displayProps ← Atom.RemPropFromList[ context.displayProps, $ViewerAdjusted ];
Clears flag indicating unfinished viewer change
ColorDisplayManager.Start[displayType, side ! ColorDisplayManager.Error => GO TO Quit];
EXITS Quit => succeeded ← FALSE;
ViewerUpdate: PUBLIC ContextProc ~ {
DrawInViewer[ context, NEW[ImagerProcRec ← [GetViewportFromViewer, NIL]] ];
DrawInViewer: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [context: Context, procRec: REF ImagerProcRec] ~ {
Pass procedure to PaintProc
IF context.viewer # NIL AND context.viewer.visible THEN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[
viewer: context.viewer,  -- pass record to viewer painter
hint: client,
whatChanged: procRec,
clearClient: FALSE
GetViewportFromViewer: ImagerProc ~ {
GetBox: PROC[pixelMap: PixelMap] ~ { -- not using Imager, get viewer's pixel map
deviceXfm: Imager.Transformation ← ImagerBackdoor.GetTransformation[
imagerCtx, client, device
rect: Rectangle ← ImagerBackdoor.GetBounds[imagerCtx];
rect ← G3dRender.IntersectRectangles[rect, context.preferredViewPort];
IF context.class.displayType = $Bitmap OR context.preferredRenderMode = $Imager
THEN {             -- rendering through imager
context.ndcToPixels ← [       -- render with origin at bottom left
rect.w-1.0, rect.h-1.0, REAL[context.depthResolution-1], -- scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ
rect.x, rect.y, 0.0             -- addX, addY, addZ
ELSE context.ndcToPixels ← [  -- not using imager, render with origin at top left
scaleX: deviceXfm.d * (rect.w - 1.0),     
addX: IF deviceXfm.d < 0.0 THEN rect.w - 1.0 ELSE 0.0,
scaleY: deviceXfm.b * (rect.h - 1.0),     
addY: IF deviceXfm.b < 0.0 THEN rect.h - 1.0 ELSE 0.0,
scaleZ: REAL[context.depthResolution] - 1.0,  
addZ: 0.0
context.viewPort ← NEW[ Rectangle ← rect ];
ImagerBackdoor.AccessBufferRectangle[imagerCtx, GetBox, context.preferredViewPort];
MouseAction: ViewerClasses.NotifyProc ~ {    -- called in response to mouse actions
PROC [self: Viewer, input: LIST OF REF ANY]
Called when mouse button pushed or held down while moving
Ignores events until previous action completes
IF ISTYPE[input.first, TIPUser.TIPScreenCoords] THEN-- If input is coords from mouse
IF ISTYPE[, ATOM] AND CedarProcess.GetStatus[activeMouseProc] # busy
THEN activeMouseProc ← CedarProcess.Fork[DoMouseAction, LIST[self, input] ];
activeMouseProc: CedarProcess.Process;
DoMouseAction: CedarProcess.ForkableProc ~ {
PROC [data: REF] RETURNS [results: REFNIL]
list: LORANARROW[data];
viewer: Viewer ← NARROW[list.first];
input: LORANARROW[];
mousePlace: TIPUser.TIPScreenCoords ← NARROW[input.first];  -- get mouse coordinates
context: Context ← NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[viewer.props, $Context3D]];
mouseProc: REF MouseProc ← NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[viewer.props, $MouseProc]];
choice: ATOM;            -- get button and control-shift state
shft, ctrl: BOOLEANFALSE;  
buttonName: ATOMNARROW[];
restOfInput: LIST OF REF ANY ←;
WHILE restOfInput # NIL DO
$Shift  => shft ← TRUE;
$Ctrl => ctrl ← TRUE;
ENDCASE;  -- ignore anything else
restOfInput ←;
choice ← IF shft AND ctrl THEN $ControlShift  -- load ctrl and shift key state
ELSE IF shft THEN $Shift
ELSE IF ctrl THEN $Control
IF mouseProc # NIL    -- Jules
THEN mouseProc[context, buttonName, choice, mousePlace.mouseX, mousePlace.mouseY];
ViewerAdjusted: ViewerClasses.AdjustProc ~ {  -- called when viewer changed
PROC [self: Viewer] RETURNS [adjusted: BOOLFALSE];
This changes display specifications and updates ContextClass where necessary
context: Context ← NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[self.props, $Context3D]];
context.stopMe^ ← TRUE;       -- bail out if in midframe somewhere
context.changed ← TRUE;
context.displayProps ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ context.displayProps, $ViewerAdjusted, $Done ];
This property will be removed when viewer is repainted by MakeAdjustments
DefaultPaint: ENTRY PROC[context: Context, imagerCtx: Imager.Context] ~ {
Called when viewer changed, Get display type, etc. from imager context and fix 3D context
GetLoaded: PROC[displayType: ATOM] ~ {
class: ContextClass ← G3dRender.GetDisplayClass[displayType];
class.drawInViewer ← DrawInViewer;   -- make sure procs are installed
class.updateViewer ← ViewerUpdate;
G3dRender.RegisterDisplayClass[class, displayType];
G3dRender.LoadDisplayClass[context, displayType];
displayType: ATOM ← Imager.GetClass[imagerCtx]; -- {$Bitmap, $Dither, $Gray, $FullColor}
context.stopMe^ ← TRUE;       -- bail out if in midframe somewhere
SELECT displayType FROM
$Bitmap => IF context.class = NIL OR context.class.displayType # $Bitmap
THEN GetLoaded[$Bitmap];
$Dither => IF context.preferredRenderMode = $Imager
THEN { IF context.class = NIL OR context.class.displayType # $ImagerDithered
THEN GetLoaded[$ImagerDithered]; }
ELSE IF context.class = NIL OR context.class.displayType # $PseudoColor
THEN GetLoaded[$PseudoColor];
$Gray   => IF context.preferredRenderMode = $Imager
THEN { IF context.class = NIL OR context.class.displayType # $ImagerGray
THEN GetLoaded[$ImagerGray]; }
ELSE IF context.class = NIL OR context.class.displayType # $Gray
THEN GetLoaded[$Gray];
$FullColor => IF context.preferredRenderMode = $Imager
THEN { IF context.class = NIL OR context.class.displayType # $ImagerFullClr
THEN GetLoaded[$ImagerFullClr]; }
ELSE IF context.class = NIL OR context.class.displayType # $FullColor
THEN GetLoaded[$FullColor];
ENDCASE => SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[$MisMatch, "Unknown Imager displayType"];
context.viewPort ← NIL;      -- Viewport set through UpdateViewer
context.displayInValid ← TRUE;
context.window ← NIL;
context.displayProps ← Atom.RemPropFromList[ context.displayProps, $ViewerAdjusted ];
context.stopMe^ ← FALSE;
IF context.autoRedraw THEN context.class.render[context];
PaintViewer: ViewerClasses.PaintProc ~ {
PROC [self: Viewer, context: Imager.Context, whatChanged: REF, clear: BOOL] RETURNS [quit: BOOLFALSE];
This will be called when the viewer is moved or by DrawInViewer above
context3d: Context ← NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[self.props, $Context3D]];
IF whatChanged = NIL
THEN {       -- if whatChanged = NIL THEN window changed
IF self.class.flavor = $Graphics3D THEN DefaultPaint[context3d, context]; }
ELSE {       -- somebody wants this proc called with an imager context
procRec: REF ImagerProcRec ← NARROW[ whatChanged ];
procRec.proc[context3d, context,];
ShutDown: ViewerClasses.DestroyProc ~ {
PROC [self: Viewer]
This will be called when the viewer is destroyed
context: Context ← NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[self.props, $Context3D]];
Start Code
tipTable ← TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["ThreeD.tip"];  -- Jules