Last Edited by: Crow, April 21, 1989 2:46:12 pm PDT
Rope, ViewerClasses, G3dRender;
ROPE:    TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE;
Context:    TYPE ~ G3dRender.Context;
ContextProc:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.ContextProc;
ImagerProcRec: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ImagerProcRec;
Box:    TYPE ~ G3dRender.Box;
Viewer:   TYPE ~ ViewerClasses.Viewer;
ButtonChoice: TYPE ~ RECORD[key: ATOM, doc: ROPE];
key displayed as choice on expanded button and is sent back to called proc,
doc is displayed when button is held over choice
ButtonDesc: TYPE ~ RECORD[
proc: PROC[context: Context, key: ATOM],
choices: LIST OF ButtonChoice ← LIST[],
label: ROPENIL,          -- label to appear on button
purpose: ROPENIL  -- brief explanation of button displayed when button expanded
MouseProc: TYPE ~ PROC[context: Context, bttn, ctlShft: ATOM, x, y: REAL];
Procedures for setting up viewers
MakeViewer: PROCEDURE [ context: Context, displayType: ATOM ← $PseudoColor,
         bannerName: ROPE, menu: LIST OF ButtonDesc,
         mouseAction: MouseProc, verticalMenu: BOOLEANFALSE ];
Procedures for updating viewers
SwitchDisplayTo: PROCEDURE [context: Context, displayType: ATOM]
      RETURNS[succeeded: BOOLEAN];
Tries to change color display over to indicated type, fails if no color display, etc.
ViewerUpdate: ContextProc;
Checks that viewPort and screen transformations are consistent with current viewer
DrawInViewer: PROCEDURE [ context: Context, procRec: REF ImagerProcRec ];
Mechanism to execute a procedure with the viewer's blessing