Copyright © 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Edited by: Crow, September 27, 1986 1:30:39 pm PDT
Real    USING [ LargestNumber ],
Imager   USING [ Rectangle ],
ThreeDBasics USING [ Context, ShapeInstance ];
Basic Types
Context: TYPE ~ ThreeDBasics.Context;
FacingDirection: TYPE ~ {front, back, any};
CloseVertex: TYPE ~ RECORD[
vtx: NAT,
shape: REF ThreeDBasics.ShapeInstance
CloseVertexSequence: TYPE ~ RECORD[ SEQUENCE length: CARDINAL OF CloseVertex ];
Procedures for hit testing
NearbyVertices: PROC[ context: Context, cursorX, cursorY: REAL, numberToReturn: NAT ← 1,
       maxDistance: REAL ← Real.LargestNumber ]
    RETURNS[ closeVtx: REF CloseVertexSequence ];
Returns the closest displayed vertices up to "numberOfVertices" which lie within "maxDistance" (Manhattan distance) of the screen position given by (cursorX, cursorY)
BestPolygon: PROC[ closeVtx: REF CloseVertexSequence,
      facingDir: FacingDirection ← front, closest: BOOLEANTRUE ];
Procedures for erasable drawing
PasteOn: PROC[ context: Context, viewPort: Imager.Rectangle, action: PROC[Context] ];
Stores pixels underlying viewPort and saves them on context.props to RipOff the area later, if something is already stored on context.props it is RippedOff before action is executed
RipOff: PROC[ context: Context ];
Undoes the last PasteOn