<> <> G3DBasic.mesa -- basic types: triple quad, etc. and sequences based on them G3DShape.mesa -- shape types, vertex, shape, procedures for shapes G3DRender.mesa -- rendering types: CtlPoint, Patch, Context, basic classes SurfaceRender.mesa -- surface sorting, shading, display SceneUtilities.mesa -- setting up, modifying contexts and scenes ShapeUtilities.mesa -- shape and patch transform, clipping, shading, splitting FancyRenderPackage -- routines for smooth shading antialiasing, texture, etc. direct to pixels EdgeBlt.mesa -- scan conversion microcode/hardware simulation Scanconvert.mesa -- jaggy tilers and line drawing RenderWithPixels.mesa -- for setting up and drawing directly into VM, anti-aliasing MappedAndSolidTexture.mesa -- code for texture application to surface elements ThreeDViewer.mesa -- viewers with pop-up buttons ThreeD.TIP -- and TIP table RenderWithImager.mesa -- for drawing through imager ColorDisplayRender.mesa -- code for fancy rendering, using color display and/or viewers AISAnimation.mesa -- Playback of sequences from AIS files Animation3D.mesa -- hacks for calculating 3-d trajectories for animations DistributedRender.mesa -- distributes display task across ethernet ImageTwiddle.mesa -- image, colormap manipulations, Interactive3D.mesa -- tools for interacting with 3d contexts, hit detection, etc. ShapeTwiddle.mesa -- tools for modifying and building shapes StandardPatches.mesa -- procedures for expansion of patches (Bezier and Polygons now) RenderWithStreamPackage -- package for rendering under remote control RenderWithStreamImpl.mesa SceneBuildingPackage BasicRenderPackage FancyRenderPackage ThreeDDemoPackage -- An example main program with a menu of demos ThreeDDemoImpl.mesa RenderWithImager.mesa ColorDisplayRender.mesa SceneBuildingPackage BasicRenderPackage FancyRenderPackage ThreeDViewer.mesa AISAnimation.mesa, Animation3D.mesa, DistributedRender.mesa, ImageTwiddle.mesa, Interactive3D.mesa, ShapeTwiddle.mesa, StandardPatches.mesa ThreeDImagerPackage -- package for rendering through imager (not implemented) RenderWithImager.mesa ThreeDViewer.mesa SceneBuildingPackage BasicRenderPackage Animation3D.mesa, StandardPatches.mesa ColorDisplayRender.mesa SceneBuildingPackage BasicRenderPackage FancyRenderPackage AISAnimation.mesa, Animation3D.mesa, DistributedRender.mesa, ImageTwiddle.mesa, Interactive3D.mesa, ShapeTwiddle.mesa, StandardPatches.mesa <> ShadingProcs -- Perlin 3d texture and such things QuickListProcs -- Display lists for line drawings StandardPatchProcs -- Implementation of Bezier patches, b-splines PatchFromPolyProcs -- Implementation of patches from polygon data BezierFromPolyProcs -- Implementation of Bezier patches from polygon data <<>>