DIRECTORY Atom USING [ GetPropFromList, PutPropOnList, PropList ], Real USING [ Round, Fix, MinusInfinity, PlusInfinity ], RealFns USING [ CosDeg, SinDeg, SqRt, TanDeg ], Basics USING [ BITOR, BITAND ], BasicTime USING [ PulsesToSeconds, GetClockPulses ], IO USING [ Flush, PutRope, STREAM ], Rope USING [ ROPE, Cat ], Convert USING [ RopeFromReal, RopeFromInt ], Process USING [ PauseMsec ], CedarProcess USING [ DoWithPriority ], ImagerSample USING [ Clip, GetBox, SampleMap ], ImagerPixel USING [ MakePixelMap, PixelMap ], ScanConvert USING [ justNoticeable ], G3dVector USING [ Add, Cross, Div, Dot, Length, Mul, Normalize, Null, Sub ], G3dMatrix USING [ Identity, Mul, TransformVec ], G3dPlane USING [ Error, FromThreePoints ], G3dRender USING [ AllOut,Box, BoxFromRectangle, ClipState, Context, ContextProc, Error, FacingDir, IntegerSequence, IntersectRectangles, IntegerPair, LoadShadingClass, LoadSurfaceType, NatSequence, NoneOut, OutCode, Pair, Patch, PatchProc, PatchSequence, Pixel, PtrPatchSequence, PtrPatch, Quad, RealSequence, Rectangle, RectangleFromBox, RGB, SetPosition, SetView, ShadingClass, ShadingSequence, ShadingValue, ShapeInstance, ShapeSequence, ShapeProc, SixSides, Triple, TripleSequence, Vertex, VertexInfo, VertexInfoProc, VertexInfoSequence, VertexSequence, Xfm3D ], ShapeUtilities USING [ BackFacing, ClipPoly, GetPatch, GetPolyShades, GetVtxNmls, GetVtxShades, ReleasePatch, ShapePatch, ShapePatchToPatch, SortSequence, XfmPtToDisplay, XfmToDisplay, XfmToEyeSpace], SurfaceRender USING [ ]; SurfaceRenderImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, Basics, BasicTime, CedarProcess, Convert, ImagerPixel, IO, G3dMatrix, G3dPlane, G3dVector, Real, RealFns, Rope, ImagerSample, Process, ShapeUtilities, G3dRender EXPORTS SurfaceRender ~ BEGIN Context: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Context; ContextProc: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ContextProc; RGB: TYPE ~ G3dRender.RGB; -- [ r, g, b: REAL]; Pixel: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Pixel; IntegerPair: TYPE ~ G3dRender.IntegerPair; Pair: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Pair; Box: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Box; Rectangle: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Rectangle; SixSides: TYPE ~ G3dRender.SixSides; OutCode: TYPE ~ G3dRender.OutCode; NoneOut: OutCode ~ G3dRender.NoneOut; AllOut: OutCode ~ G3dRender.AllOut; Triple: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Triple; Quad: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Quad; TripleSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.TripleSequence; NatSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.NatSequence; IntegerSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.IntegerSequence; RealSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.RealSequence; ShapeInstance: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeInstance; ShapeSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeSequence; FacingDir: TYPE ~ G3dRender.FacingDir; Patch: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Patch; PatchProc: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PatchProc; PatchSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PatchSequence; PtrPatch: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PtrPatch; PtrPatchSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PtrPatchSequence; ShapePatch: TYPE ~ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatch; SortSequence: TYPE ~ ShapeUtilities.SortSequence; Vertex: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Vertex; VertexSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexSequence; VertexInfo: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexInfo; VertexInfoProc: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexInfoProc; VertexInfoSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexInfoSequence; ShadingValue: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShadingValue; ShadingSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShadingSequence; Xfm3D: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Xfm3D; Order: TYPE ~ {inFront, behind, coincident, intersects}; Bounds: TYPE ~ RECORD[left, right, bottom, top, near, far: REAL]; BoundsSequence: TYPE ~ RECORD[SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Bounds]; RenderData: TYPE ~ G3dRender.RenderData; ShadingClass: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShadingClass; ShapeProc: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeProc; -- PROC[ Context, ShapeInstance ] defaultWhite: REF RGB _ NEW[ RGB _ [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ]; -- default color debug: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; GetProp: PROC [propList: Atom.PropList, prop: REF ANY] RETURNS [REF ANY] ~ Atom.GetPropFromList; PutProp: PROC [propList: Atom.PropList, prop: REF ANY, val: REF ANY] RETURNS [Atom.PropList] ~ Atom.PutPropOnList; nullPtr: INT ~ 0; -- handy name for zero in sort sequences progressReportsPerFrame: INT _ 0; -- set to non zero for progress reports on long frames Sqr: PROCEDURE [number: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] ~ INLINE { RETURN[number * number]; }; ElapsedTime: PROC[startTime: REAL] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] ~ { timeX100: REAL _ 100.0 * (CurrentTime[] - startTime); RETURN[ Rope.Cat[ Convert.RopeFromReal[ Real.Fix[timeX100] / 100.0 ], "s," ] ]; }; CurrentTime: PROC[] RETURNS[REAL] ~ { RETURN[ BasicTime.PulsesToSeconds[BasicTime.GetClockPulses[]] ]; }; GetPtrPatchClipState: PUBLIC PROC[ shape: REF ShapeInstance, patch: REF PtrPatch] ~ { orOfCodes: OutCode _ NoneOut; andOfCodes: OutCode _ AllOut; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO k: NAT _ patch.vtxPtr[j]; orOfCodes _ LOOPHOLE[ Basics.BITOR[ LOOPHOLE[orOfCodes], LOOPHOLE[shape.vertex[k].clip]], OutCode]; andOfCodes _ LOOPHOLE[ Basics.BITAND[LOOPHOLE[andOfCodes], LOOPHOLE[shape.vertex[k].clip]], OutCode]; ENDLOOP; IF andOfCodes # NoneOut THEN patch.clipState _ out ELSE IF orOfCodes = NoneOut THEN patch.clipState _ in ELSE patch.clipState _ clipped; }; FlushLog: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF Context] ~ { log: IO.STREAM _ NARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log]]; IF log # NIL THEN IO.Flush[log]; }; ValidateContext: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ { j: CARDINAL _ 0; IF context.viewer = NIL AND context.pixels = NIL AND context.viewPort = NIL THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$Fatal, "Image Area Undefined"]]; IF context.class = NIL THEN Process.PauseMsec[3000]; -- wait 3s. (maybe viewers settling) IF context.class = NIL THEN G3dRender.Error[[$Fatal, "No Class for Context"]]; IF context.viewer # NIL AND context.viewPort = NIL AND (context.pixels = NIL OR context.pixels.samplesPerPixel = 1) THEN context.class.updateViewer[context]; IF context.viewPort = NIL AND context.pixels # NIL THEN { ValidateView[context]; ValidateDisplay[context]; } ELSE { ValidateDisplay[context]; ValidateView[context]; }; IF context.shapes # NIL THEN { -- get light sources and visible shapes (convenience) IF context.lightSources = NIL OR context.lightSources.length < context.shapes.length THEN context.lightSources _ NEW[ ShapeSequence[context.shapes.length] ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO IF context.shapes[i].class = NIL THEN G3dRender.LoadSurfaceType[context.shapes[i], $ConvexPolygon]; -- default IF context.shapes[i].class.type = $Light THEN { context.lightSources[j] _ context.shapes[i]; j _ j + 1; }; ENDLOOP; context.lightSources.length _ j; j _ 0; IF context.visibleShapes = NIL OR context.visibleShapes.length < context.shapes.length THEN context.visibleShapes _ NEW[ ShapeSequence[context.shapes.length] ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO shape: REF ShapeInstance _ ValidateShape[context, context.shapes[i]]; IF shape # NIL THEN { context.visibleShapes[j] _ shape; j _ j + 1; }; ENDLOOP; context.visibleShapes.length _ j; }; }; ValidateDisplay: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ { IF context.displayInValid THEN { context.class.validateDisplay[context]; IF context.shapes # NIL THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO context.shapes[i].vtcesInValid _ TRUE; context.shapes[i].shadingInValid _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; G3dRender.SetView[ -- get new screen dimensions into transformations context: context, eyePoint: context.eyePoint, ptOfInterest: context.ptOfInterest, fieldOfView: context.fieldOfView, rollAngle: context.rollAngle, upDirection: context.upDirection, hitherLimit: context.hitherLimit, yonLimit: context.yonLimit ]; IF context.window = NIL THEN context.window _ WindowFromViewPort[context]; -- fit to viewprt }; context.extentCovered _ [[0,0], [0,0]]; -- clear coverage (new frame, alpha buffer, or display) context.displayInValid _ FALSE; }; ValidateView: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ { IF context.viewPort = NIL THEN { -- evidently not using a viewer s: ARRAY [0..5) OF ImagerSample.SampleMap _ ALL[NIL]; pixels: ImagerPixel.PixelMap _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[ context.displayProps, $FullDisplayMemory ] ]; IF pixels # NIL THEN context.pixels _ pixels ELSE IF context.pixels = NIL THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "no pixel memory"]]; context.viewPort _ NEW[ Rectangle _ G3dRender.RectangleFromBox[ ImagerSample.GetBox[context.pixels[0]] ] ]; context.viewPort^ _ G3dRender.IntersectRectangles[ context.viewPort^, context.preferredViewPort -- clip viewPort to preferredViewPort ]; context.ndcToPixels _ [ -- going to VM so render with origin at top left context.viewPort.w-1.0, -(context.viewPort.h-1.0), REAL[context.depthResolution-1], 0.0, context.viewPort.h-1.0, 0.0 -- last line scales, this line adds ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.pixels.samplesPerPixel) DO -- re-address pixelmap s[i] _ ImagerSample.Clip[ context.pixels[i], G3dRender.BoxFromRectangle[context.viewPort^] ]; ENDLOOP; context.pixels _ ImagerPixel.MakePixelMap[s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]]; }; IF context.window = NIL THEN { context.window _ WindowFromViewPort[context]; context.viewInValid _ TRUE; }; IF context.viewInValid THEN SetView[ context, context.eyePoint, context.ptOfInterest, context.fieldOfView, context.rollAngle, context.upDirection, context.hitherLimit, context.yonLimit ]; context.viewInValid _ FALSE; IF context.pixels # NIL -- check for mismatched viewPort and pixel storage THEN IF < context.viewPort.w OR < context.viewPort.h THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "pixel memory smaller than viewport"]]; }; ValidateShape: PUBLIC ShapeProc ~ { render: REF RenderData _ NARROW[shape.renderData]; IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[shape]; IF shape.shadingClass = NIL THEN G3dRender.LoadShadingClass[shape]; -- load default IF Atom.GetPropFromList[shape.props, $Hidden] # NIL AND shape.class.type # $Light THEN RETURN[NIL]; -- not visible, removed from scene temporarily IF shape.positionInValid THEN G3dRender.SetPosition[ shape ]; IF shape.boundingRadius = 0.0 THEN GetBoundingSphere[ shape ]; IF shape.vtcesInValid THEN { -- do only if object or eyespace transform has moved shape.clipState _ ShapeUtilities.XfmToEyeSpace[ context, shape ]; }; IF shape.class.validate # NIL THEN [] _ shape.class.validate[context, shape, data]; -- get shading, etc. IF shape.clipState # out THEN { ShapeUtilities.XfmToDisplay[context, shape ]; }; IF shape.clipState # out AND shape.surface # NIL THEN RETURN[shape] ELSE RETURN[NIL]; }; ValidatePolyhedron: PUBLIC ShapeProc ~ { doAlways: BOOLEAN _ IF data # NIL THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE; xfm: Xfm3D _ G3dMatrix.Mul[shape.position, context.eyeSpaceXfm]; IF GetProp[ shape.shadingProps, $VtxInfoComputed] = NIL THEN ShapeUtilities.GetVtxNmls[context, shape]; IF shape.vtcesInValid AND (shape.clipState # out OR doAlways) THEN { IF shape.shade # NIL THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.shade.length) DO OPEN shape.shade[i]; -- transform normal vectors for shading, backfacing test [ [exn, eyn, ezn] ] _ G3dMatrix.TransformVec[ [xn, yn, zn] , xfm]; ENDLOOP; IF shape.surface # NIL THEN { -- get clipping info for patches patch: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape.surface]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.numSurfaces) DO IF patch[i] # NIL THEN IF shape.clipState = in THEN patch[i].clipState _ in -- unclipped, inside ELSE IF shape.clipState = clipped THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ shape, patch[i] ] -- evaluate clipping tags ELSE patch[i].clipState _ out; ENDLOOP; }; }; IF shape.shadingInValid AND (shape.clipState # out OR doAlways) THEN { shadingType: REF ANY _ shape.shadingClass.shadingType; SELECT shadingType FROM $Faceted => { polyShade: REF ShadingSequence; IF GetProp[shape.shadingProps, $PolygonInfoComputed] = NIL THEN ShapeUtilities.GetPolyShades[ context, shape ]; -- get data structure for facets polyShade _ shape.shadingClass.patchShade; IF shape.vtcesInValid THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..polyShade.length) DO IF polyShade[i] # NIL THEN { OPEN polyShade[i]; -- transform normal vectors [ [exn, eyn, ezn] ] _ G3dMatrix.TransformVec[ [xn, yn, zn] , xfm]; }; ENDLOOP; ShapeUtilities.GetPolyShades[ context, shape ]; -- shade polygons (2nd call sometimes) }; $Smooth, $ShadedLines => ShapeUtilities.GetVtxShades[ context, shape ]; -- shade vtces $Lines, $HiddenLines, $NormaledLines => IF context.antiAliasing THEN ShapeUtilities.GetVtxShades[ context, shape ]; NIL => {}; -- For lights, this is a little shaky, what does no shading mean??!! ENDCASE => WITH shadingType SELECT FROM shadingProc: REF ShapeProc => [] _ shadingProc[ context, shape ]; -- supplied proc ENDCASE => G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Unknown Shading Type"]]; shape.shadingInValid _ FALSE; }; shape.vtcesInValid _ FALSE; RETURN[shape]; }; ValidateRopeShape: PUBLIC ShapeProc ~ { shape.shadingInValid _ FALSE; shape.vtcesInValid _ FALSE; RETURN[shape]; }; GetBoundingSphere: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF ShapeInstance] ~ { { min, max: Triple; min _ max _ [shape.vertex[0].x, shape.vertex[0].y, shape.vertex[0].z]; FOR i: NAT IN (0..shape.vertex.length) DO -- get min and max in x, y, and z IF shape.vertex[i] # NIL THEN { IF shape.vertex[i].x < min.x THEN min.x _ shape.vertex[i].x ELSE IF shape.vertex[i].x > max.x THEN max.x _ shape.vertex[i].x; IF shape.vertex[i].y < min.y THEN min.y _ shape.vertex[i].y ELSE IF shape.vertex[i].y > max.y THEN max.y _ shape.vertex[i].y; IF shape.vertex[i].z < min.z THEN min.z _ shape.vertex[i].z ELSE IF shape.vertex[i].z > max.z THEN max.z _ shape.vertex[i].z; }; ENDLOOP; shape.centroid.x _ (min.x + max.x) / 2; -- get middle point in each coordinate shape.centroid.y _ (min.y + max.y) / 2; shape.centroid.z _ (min.z + max.z) / 2; shape.boundingRadius _ 0.; FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.vertex.length) DO -- find radius radius: REAL _ RealFns.SqRt[ Sqr[shape.vertex[i].x - shape.centroid.x] + Sqr[shape.vertex[i].y - shape.centroid.y] + Sqr[shape.vertex[i].z - shape.centroid.z] ]; IF radius > shape.boundingRadius THEN shape.boundingRadius _ radius; ENDLOOP; }; }; SetView: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, eyePoint, ptOfInterest: Triple, fieldOfView: REAL _40.0, rollAngle: REAL _ 0.0, upDirection: Triple _ [ 0., 0., 1.], hitherLimit: REAL _ .01, yonLimit: REAL _ 1000.0] ~ { context.eyePoint _ eyePoint; context.ptOfInterest _ ptOfInterest; context.fieldOfView _ fieldOfView; context.rollAngle _ rollAngle; context.upDirection _ upDirection; context.hitherLimit _ hitherLimit; context.yonLimit _ yonLimit; SetEyeSpace[ context ]; IF context.shapes # NIL THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO context.shapes[i].vtcesInValid _ TRUE; -- eyespace and image space will change IF context.shapes[i].shadingClass.shininess > 0.0 OR context.shapes[i].shadingClass.transmittance > 0.0 THEN context.shapes[i].shadingInValid _ TRUE; -- highlights and trans. will change ENDLOOP; }; SetEyeSpace: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ { in, right, up, normal: Triple; mtx: Xfm3D; wndw: Rectangle; viewSize, xSize, ySize, aspectRatio: REAL; IF context.viewPort.h <= 0 OR context.viewPort.w <= 0 THEN RETURN[]; in _ G3dVector.Normalize[G3dVector.Sub[context.ptOfInterest, context.eyePoint]]; IF G3dVector.Null[in] THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Eye and Pt of Interest identical"]]; right _ G3dVector.Normalize[G3dVector.Cross[in, context.upDirection]]; IF G3dVector.Null[right] THEN right _ [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]; -- looking straight down up _ G3dVector.Normalize[G3dVector.Cross[right, in]]; context.eyeSpaceXfm _ G3dMatrix.Identity[]; context.eyeSpaceXfm[0][0] _ right.x; context.eyeSpaceXfm[1][0] _ right.y; context.eyeSpaceXfm[2][0] _ right.z; context.eyeSpaceXfm[3][0] _ -G3dVector.Dot[right, context.eyePoint]; context.eyeSpaceXfm[0][1] _ up.x; context.eyeSpaceXfm[1][1] _ up.y; context.eyeSpaceXfm[2][1] _ up.z; context.eyeSpaceXfm[3][1] _ -G3dVector.Dot[up, context.eyePoint]; context.eyeSpaceXfm[0][2] _ in.x; context.eyeSpaceXfm[1][2] _ in.y; context.eyeSpaceXfm[2][2] _ in.z; context.eyeSpaceXfm[3][2] _ -G3dVector.Dot[in, context.eyePoint]; mtx _ G3dMatrix.Identity[]; -- Roll about z-axis, clockwise mtx[0][0] _ RealFns.CosDeg[context.rollAngle]; mtx[0][1] _ -RealFns.SinDeg[context.rollAngle]; mtx[1][0] _ RealFns.SinDeg[context.rollAngle]; mtx[1][1] _ RealFns.CosDeg[context.rollAngle]; context.eyeSpaceXfm _ G3dMatrix.Mul[context.eyeSpaceXfm, mtx]; IF NOT (context.window.w > 0.0 AND context.window.h > 0.0) THEN RETURN[]; aspectRatio _ context.pixelAspectRatio * (context.viewPort.w/context.viewPort.h); xSize _ IF aspectRatio > 1.0 THEN 1.0 ELSE aspectRatio; ySize _ IF aspectRatio < 1.0 THEN 1.0 ELSE 1.0 / aspectRatio; wndw.x _ MIN[xSize, MAX[-xSize, context.window.x] ]; wndw.w _ MIN[xSize-wndw.x, context.window.w ]; wndw.y _ MIN[ySize, MAX[-ySize, context.window.y] ]; wndw.h _ MIN[ySize-wndw.y, context.window.h ]; viewSize _ 2.0*RealFns.TanDeg[context.fieldOfView/2.0]; -- scale factor for angle of view context.clippingPlanes[Near] _ [0., 0., 1., -context.hitherLimit]; context.clippingPlanes[Far] _ [0., 0., -1., context.yonLimit]; normal _ G3dVector.Normalize[[1., 0., -(wndw.x * viewSize/2.)]]; context.clippingPlanes[Left] _ [normal.x, 0., normal.z, 0.]; normal _ G3dVector.Normalize[[-1., 0., (wndw.x + wndw.w) * viewSize/2.]]; context.clippingPlanes[Right] _ [normal.x, 0., normal.z, 0.]; normal _ G3dVector.Normalize[[0., 1., -(wndw.y * viewSize/2.)]]; context.clippingPlanes[Bottom] _ [0., normal.y, normal.z, 0.]; normal _ G3dVector.Normalize[[0., -1., (wndw.y + wndw.h) * viewSize/2.]]; context.clippingPlanes[Top] _ [0., normal.y, normal.z, 0.]; context.eyeToNdc.addX _ -(wndw.x / wndw.w); context.eyeToNdc.addY _ -(wndw.y / wndw.h); context.eyeToNdc.addZ _ 1.0/(1.0 - context.hitherLimit/context.yonLimit); context.eyeToNdc.scaleX _ 1.0/(wndw.w * viewSize / 2.0); context.eyeToNdc.scaleY _ 1.0/(wndw.h * viewSize / 2.0); context.eyeToNdc.scaleZ _ -context.hitherLimit/(1. - context.hitherLimit/context.yonLimit); }; WindowFromViewPort: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context] RETURNS[REF Rectangle] ~ { window: REF Rectangle _ NEW[Rectangle]; vp: Rectangle; IF context.viewPort = NIL OR context.viewPort.h <= 0.0 OR context.viewPort.w <= 0.0 THEN RETURN[ NIL ]; vp _ [ context.viewPort.x * context.pixelAspectRatio, context.viewPort.y, context.viewPort.w * context.pixelAspectRatio, context.viewPort.h ]; IF vp.w > vp.h THEN { window.x _ -1.0; window.w _ 2.0; window.y _ -vp.h / vp.w; window.h _ 2.0 * vp.h / vp.w; } ELSE { window.y _ -1.0; window.h _ 2.0; window.x _ -vp.w / vp.h; window.w _ 2.0 * vp.w / vp.h; }; RETURN[ window ]; }; GetBounds: PROC[patch: REF PtrPatch, shape: REF ShapeInstance] RETURNS[pBnds: Bounds] ~ { pBnds.near _ pBnds.far _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]].ez; pBnds.left _ pBnds.right _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]].sx; pBnds.bottom _ _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]].sy; FOR j: NAT IN [1..patch.nVtces) DO -- get bounds in depth, on display pBnds.near _ MIN[pBnds.near, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].ez]; pBnds.far _ MAX[pBnds.far, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].ez]; pBnds.left _ MIN[pBnds.left, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sx]; pBnds.right _ MAX[pBnds.right, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sx]; pBnds.bottom _ MIN[pBnds.bottom, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sy]; _ MAX[, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sy]; ENDLOOP; }; GetPlane: PROC[patch: REF PtrPatch, shape: REF ShapeInstance] RETURNS[plane: Quad] ~ { p1, p2, p3: Triple; vtx: REF Vertex; vtx _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]]; p1 _ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez]; vtx _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[1]]; p2 _ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez]; vtx _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[2]]; p3 _ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez]; plane _ G3dPlane.FromThreePoints[p1, p2, p3, TRUE]; -- get normalized plane RETURN[ [plane.x*100.0, plane.y*100.0, plane.z*100.0, plane.w*100.0] ]; -- scale up }; precisionLimit: REAL _ 0.0001; -- limits precision of intersection calc. to one part in 10,000 CheckAgainstPlane: PROC[nPatch: REF ShapePatch, plane: Quad] RETURNS[order: Order] ~ { shape: REF ShapeInstance _ nPatch.shape; patches: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape.surface]; patch: REF PtrPatch _ patches[nPatch.patch]; minusSum, plusSum, side: REAL _ 0.0; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]]; pt: Triple _ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez]; dist: REAL _ pt.x*plane.x + pt.y*plane.y + pt.z*plane.z + plane.w; -- eval plane eq. IF dist < 0.0 THEN minusSum _ minusSum - dist ELSE plusSum _ plusSum + dist ENDLOOP; IF minusSum + plusSum < precisionLimit THEN RETURN[coincident]; -- coincident planes IF minusSum < precisionLimit*plusSum THEN side _ 1.0 ELSE IF plusSum < precisionLimit*minusSum THEN side _ -1.0 ELSE RETURN[intersects]; IF ABS[plane.w] < precisionLimit THEN RETURN[behind]; -- clip plane on edge (goes thru eye) IF plane.w * side > 0.0 THEN RETURN[inFront] -- all points of nPatch between plane and eyepoint (origin) ELSE RETURN[behind]; -- all points of nPatch on other side of plane }; ClipPolyToPlane: PROC[context: REF Context, nPatch: REF ShapePatch, plane: Quad] RETURNS[p1, p2: REF ShapePatch]~ { GetSurfacePlace: PROC[] RETURNS[place: INT32] ~ { -- place to add 2 polys place _ NARROW[GetProp[shape.props, $ClippedPatches], REF INT32]^; IF place+1 >= patches.maxLength THEN { newPatches: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NEW[ PtrPatchSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]] ]; newPatches.length _ patches.length; FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newPatches[i] _ patches[i]; ENDLOOP; shape.surface _ patches _ newPatches; }; shape.props _ PutProp[ shape.props, $ClippedPatches, NEW[INT32 _ place+2] ]; IF patchInfo # NIL THEN { IF place+1 >= patchInfo.maxLength THEN { newPatchInfo: REF ShadingSequence _ NEW[ ShadingSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]] ]; newPatchInfo.length _ patchInfo.length; FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newPatchInfo[i] _ patchInfo[i]; ENDLOOP; patchInfo _ shape.shadingClass.patchShade _ newPatchInfo; }; }; }; GetVertexPlace: PROC[] RETURNS[place: INT32] ~ { -- place to add 1 vertex place _ NARROW[GetProp[shape.props, $ClippedVertices], REF INT32]^; IF place >= shape.vertex.maxLength THEN { newVertices: REF VertexSequence _ NEW[ VertexSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]] ]; newShades: REF ShadingSequence _ NEW[ ShadingSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]] ]; newVertices.length _ shape.vertex.length; FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newVertices[i] _ shape.vertex[i]; ENDLOOP; newShades.length _ shape.shade.length; FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newShades[i] _ shape.shade[i]; ENDLOOP; shape.vertex _ newVertices; shape.shade _ newShades; }; shape.props _ PutProp[ shape.props, $ClippedVertices, NEW[INT32 _ place+1] ]; }; shape: REF ShapeInstance _ nPatch.shape; lerpProc: VertexInfoProc _ shape.shadingClass.lerpVtxAux; patches: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape.surface]; patchInfo: REF ShadingSequence _ shape.shadingClass.patchShade; patch: REF PtrPatch _ patches[nPatch.patch]; patch1, patch2: PtrPatch; i1, i2, place: NAT _ 0; lastVtx: REF Vertex _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[patch.nVtces-1]]; lastShade: REF ShadingValue _ shape.shade[patch.vtxPtr[patch.nVtces-1]]; lastDist: REAL _ lastVtx.ex*plane.x + lastVtx.ey*plane.y + lastVtx.ez*plane.z + plane.w; IF lerpProc # NIL THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$Unimplemented, "Aux not done yet "]]; patch1.type _ patch2.type _ patch.type; patch1.oneSided _ patch2.oneSided _ patch.oneSided; patch1.clipState _ patch2.clipState _ patch.clipState; patch1.dir _ patch2.dir _ patch.dir; patch1.props _ patch2.props _ patch.props; patch1.vtxPtr _ NEW[NatSequence[patch.nVtces+2]]; patch2.vtxPtr _ NEW[NatSequence[patch.nVtces+2]]; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]]; shade: REF ShadingValue _ shape.shade[patch.vtxPtr[j]]; dist: REAL _ vtx.ex*plane.x + vtx.ey*plane.y + vtx.ez*plane.z + plane.w; -- eval plane eq. IF lastDist * dist < 0.0 THEN { -- intersection, copy computed vertex to both newVtx: Vertex; newShade: ShadingValue; b: REAL _ dist / (dist - lastDist); a: REAL _ 1.0 - b; newVtx.x _ vtx.x * a + lastVtx.x * b; newVtx.y _ vtx.y * a + lastVtx.y * b; newVtx.z _ vtx.z * a + lastVtx.z * b; newVtx.ex _ vtx.ex * a + lastVtx.ex * b; newVtx.ey _ vtx.ey * a + lastVtx.ey * b; newVtx.ez _ vtx.ez * a + lastVtx.ez * b; [[,,]] _ ShapeUtilities.XfmPtToDisplay[ context, [newVtx.ex, newVtx.ey, newVtx.ez] ]; newShade.exn _ shade.exn*a + lastShade.exn*b; newShade.eyn _ shade.eyn*a + lastShade.eyn*b; newShade.ezn _ shade.ezn*a + lastShade.ezn*b; newShade.r _ shade.r * a + lastShade.r * b; newShade.g _ shade.g * a + lastShade.g * b; newShade.b _ shade.b * a + lastShade.b * b; newShade.t _ shade.t * a + lastShade.t* b; _ * a + * b; _ * a + * b; newShade.eb _ shade.eb * a + lastShade.eb * b; _ * a + * b; place _ GetVertexPlace[]; -- store clipped pt with shape shape.vertex[place] _ NEW[Vertex _ newVtx]; shape.shade[place] _ NEW[ShadingValue _ newShade]; patch1.vtxPtr[i1] _ patch2.vtxPtr[i2] _ place; i1 _ i1+1; i2 _ i2+1; }; IF dist = 0.0 THEN { -- right on plane, copy to both sides patch1.vtxPtr[i1] _ patch.vtxPtr[j]; i1 _ i1+1; patch2.vtxPtr[i2] _ patch.vtxPtr[j]; i2 _ i2+1; } ELSE IF dist*plane.w > 0.0 OR (plane.w = 0.0 AND dist > 0.0) THEN { patch1.vtxPtr[i1] _ patch.vtxPtr[j]; i1 _ i1+1; } -- on eye side of plane ELSE { patch2.vtxPtr[i2] _ patch.vtxPtr[j]; i2 _ i2+1; }; -- on far side of plane lastDist _ dist; lastVtx _ vtx; lastShade _ shade; ENDLOOP; patch1.nVtces _ i1; patch2.nVtces _ i2; IF i1 < 3 OR i2 < 3 THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Degenerate polygon"]]; place _ GetSurfacePlace[]; patches[place] _ NEW[PtrPatch _ patch1]; patches[place+1] _ NEW[PtrPatch _ patch2]; IF patchInfo # NIL THEN { patchInfo[place] _ patchInfo[place+1] _ patchInfo[nPatch.patch]; }; p1 _ NEW[ShapePatch _ [shape, place, 0, 0, nPatch.awayness]]; p2 _ NEW[ShapePatch _ [shape, place+1, 0, 0, nPatch.awayness]]; }; LineSeparable: PROC[in1, in2: REF ShapePatch] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] ~ { overlap: REAL; ptr1, ptr2: NAT; centroid1, centroid2: Pair _ [0.0, 0.0]; patches1: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[in1.shape.surface]; patches2: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[in2.shape.surface]; patch1: REF PtrPatch _ patches1[in1.patch]; patch2: REF PtrPatch _ patches2[in2.patch]; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]]; centroid1.x _ centroid1.x +; centroid1.y _ centroid1.y +; ENDLOOP; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]]; centroid2.x _ centroid2.x +; centroid2.y _ centroid2.y +; ENDLOOP; centroid1.x _ centroid1.x / patch1.nVtces; centroid1.y _ centroid1.y / patch1.nVtces; centroid2.x _ centroid2.x / patch2.nVtces; centroid2.y _ centroid2.y / patch2.nVtces; { max1, min2: REAL; cntrVec: Pair _ [ centroid2.x - centroid1.x, centroid2.y - centroid1.y ]; -- from 1 to 2 cntrVecMag: REAL _ RealFns.SqRt[cntrVec.x*cntrVec.x+cntrVec.y*cntrVec.y]; IF cntrVecMag = 0.0 THEN RETURN[FALSE]; -- can't be separated if identical centroids cntrVec.x _ cntrVec.x / cntrVecMag; cntrVec.y _ cntrVec.y / cntrVecMag; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]]; prod: REAL _ cntrVec.x * ( - centroid1.x) + cntrVec.y * ( - centroid1.y); IF j = 0 OR prod > max1 THEN { max1 _ prod; ptr1 _ j; } ; ENDLOOP; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]]; prod: REAL _ cntrVec.x * ( - centroid1.x) + cntrVec.y * ( - centroid1.y); IF j = 0 OR prod < min2 THEN { min2 _ prod; ptr2 _ j; } ; ENDLOOP; IF min2 >= max1 * (1.0 - precisionLimit) THEN RETURN[TRUE]; overlap _ max1 - min2; }; WHILE TRUE DO min1, min2, centroid1Dist, centroid2Dist, sgn: REAL; nPtr1, nPtr2: NAT; vtx1: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[ptr1]]; vtx2: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[ptr2]]; sepEdge: Triple _ [ -, -, 0.0]; sepEdge _ G3dVector.Normalize[sepEdge]; sepEdge.z _ -( * sepEdge.x + * sepEdge.y); centroid1Dist _ sepEdge.x * centroid1.x + sepEdge.y * centroid1.y + sepEdge.z; centroid2Dist _ sepEdge.x * centroid2.x + sepEdge.y * centroid2.y + sepEdge.z; IF centroid1Dist * centroid2Dist > 0.0 THEN RETURN[FALSE]; -- both on same side sgn _ IF centroid1Dist < 0.0 THEN -1.0 ELSE 1.0; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]]; dist: REAL _ sgn * (sepEdge.x * + sepEdge.y * + sepEdge.z); IF j = 0 OR dist < min1 THEN { min1 _ dist; IF min1 < 0.0 THEN nPtr1 _ j; }; ENDLOOP; sgn _ IF centroid2Dist < 0.0 THEN -1.0 ELSE 1.0; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]]; dist: REAL _ sgn * (sepEdge.x * + sepEdge.y * + sepEdge.z); IF j = 0 OR dist < min2 THEN { min2 _ dist; IF min2 < 0.0 THEN nPtr2 _ j; }; ENDLOOP; IF min1 > -ScanConvert.justNoticeable AND min2 > -ScanConvert.justNoticeable THEN RETURN[TRUE] ELSE { nOverlap: REAL _ 0.0; IF min1 < 0.0 THEN { nOverlap _ nOverlap - min1; ptr1 _ nPtr1; }; IF min2 < 0.0 THEN { nOverlap _ nOverlap - min2; ptr2 _ nPtr2; }; IF nOverlap >= overlap THEN RETURN[FALSE] ELSE overlap _ nOverlap; }; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; -- can't get here, but compiler doesn't know that }; PlaneSeparable: PROC[in1, in2: REF ShapePatch] RETURNS[Order] ~ { overlap: REAL; ptr1, ptr2, nxtPtr1, nxtPtr2: NAT; centroid1, centroid2: Triple _ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; patches1: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[in1.shape.surface]; patches2: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[in2.shape.surface]; patch1: REF PtrPatch _ patches1[in1.patch]; patch2: REF PtrPatch _ patches2[in2.patch]; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]]; centroid1 _ G3dVector.Add[ centroid1, [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez] ]; ENDLOOP; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]]; centroid2 _ G3dVector.Add[ centroid2, [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez] ]; ENDLOOP; centroid1 _ G3dVector.Div[ centroid1 , patch1.nVtces ]; centroid2 _ G3dVector.Div[ centroid2 , patch2.nVtces ]; { max1, next1: REAL _ Real.MinusInfinity; min2, next2: REAL _ Real.PlusInfinity; cntrVec: Triple _ G3dVector.Sub[ centroid2, centroid1 ]; -- from 1 to 2 cntrVecMag: REAL _ G3dVector.Length[ cntrVec ]; IF cntrVecMag = 0.0 THEN RETURN[intersects]; -- can't be separated if identical centroids cntrVec _ G3dVector.Div[ cntrVec, cntrVecMag ]; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]]; prod: REAL _ G3dVector.Dot[ cntrVec, G3dVector.Sub[ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez], centroid1 ] ]; IF j = 0 OR prod > max1 THEN { max1 _ prod; ptr1 _ j; next1 _ max1; nxtPtr1 _ ptr1; } -- new largest ELSE IF prod > next1 THEN { next1 _ prod; nxtPtr1 _ j; }; -- new 2nd largest ENDLOOP; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO vtx: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]]; prod: REAL _ G3dVector.Dot[ cntrVec, G3dVector.Sub[ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez], centroid1 ] ]; IF j = 0 OR prod < min2 THEN { min2 _ prod; ptr2 _ j; next2 _ min2; nxtPtr2 _ ptr2; } -- new min. ELSE IF prod < next2 THEN { next2 _ prod; nxtPtr2 _ j; }; -- new 2nd minimum ENDLOOP; IF min2 >= max1 * (1.0 - precisionLimit) THEN { max1Vec: Triple _ G3dVector.Add[ -- position of max1 projection on cntrVec centroid1, G3dVector.Mul[cntrVec, max1 / cntrVecMag] ]; IF G3dVector.Dot[max1Vec, cntrVec] > 0.0 THEN RETURN[inFront] -- cntrVec tilts away from the eye, in1 in front ELSE RETURN[behind]; -- cntrVec tilts toward the eye, in1 behind }; overlap _ max1 - min2; }; { vtx1: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[ptr1]]; vtx2: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[ptr2]]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..2) DO state1, state2: Order; adjPtr: NAT _ IF i = 0 THEN (ptr1 + 1) MOD patch1.nVtces ELSE (ptr1 + patch1.nVtces-1) MOD patch1.nVtces; vtx1a: REF Vertex _ in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[adjPtr]]; sepPlane: Quad _ G3dPlane.FromThreePoints[ [vtx1.ex, vtx1.ey, vtx1.ez], [vtx2.ex, vtx2.ey, vtx2.ez], [vtx1a.ex, vtx1a.ey, vtx1a.ez], TRUE -- normalize ! G3dPlane.Error => LOOP ]; sepPlane _ [sepPlane.x*100.0, sepPlane.y*100.0, sepPlane.z*100.0, sepPlane.w*100.0]; state1 _ CheckAgainstPlane[in1, sepPlane]; state2 _ CheckAgainstPlane[in2, sepPlane]; IF (state1 = behind AND state2 = inFront) OR (state1 = inFront AND state2 = behind) THEN RETURN[state1]; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT IN [0..2) DO -- failed to get good planes on first poly, try other one state1, state2: Order; adjPtr: NAT _ IF i = 0 THEN (ptr2 + 1) MOD patch2.nVtces ELSE (ptr2 + patch2.nVtces-2) MOD patch2.nVtces; vtx2a: REF Vertex _ in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[adjPtr]]; sepPlane: Quad _ G3dPlane.FromThreePoints[ [vtx1.ex, vtx1.ey, vtx1.ez], [vtx2.ex, vtx2.ey, vtx2.ez], [vtx2a.ex, vtx2a.ey, vtx2a.ez], TRUE -- normalize ! G3dPlane.Error => LOOP ]; sepPlane _ [sepPlane.x*100.0, sepPlane.y*100.0, sepPlane.z*100.0, sepPlane.w*100.0]; state1 _ CheckAgainstPlane[in1, sepPlane]; state2 _ CheckAgainstPlane[in2, sepPlane]; IF (state1 = behind AND state2 = inFront) OR (state1 = inFront AND state2 = behind) THEN RETURN[state1] ELSE IF i # 0 THEN RETURN[intersects]; ENDLOOP; }; RETURN[intersects]; -- come here on utter failure to get a reasonable answer }; ShowPrioritySeq: PROC[context: REF Context, sortOrder: REF SortSequence] ~ { j: NAT _ sortOrder[1].prev; context.class.loadBackground[context]; WHILE j > 0 DO ShowOnePatch[context, sortOrder[j].shape, sortOrder[j].patch]; j _ sortOrder[j].prev; ENDLOOP; }; LoadPrioritySequence: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, sortOrder: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL] RETURNS[LIST OF REF ANY, CARDINAL] ~ { sortKey: REF NatSequence; -- 1st element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of buckets: REF SortSequence; -- 2nd element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of -- REF ShapePatch sorted: REF SortSequence; active: REF SortSequence; bounds: REF BoundsSequence; -- RECORD[left, right, bottom, top, near, far: REAL]; activeKey: REF NatSequence; -- keeps order on active and bounds numActive: NAT _ 0; emptySpace: INTEGER _ -1; -- hole in active - negative means NIL endOfActive: NAT _ 0; -- beginning of unused space in active endOfSort: NAT; -- beginning of unused space in sort patchCount: CARDINAL _ 0; ExtendBds: PROC[seq: REF BoundsSequence] RETURNS[newSeq: REF BoundsSequence] ~ { newSeq _ NEW[ BoundsSequence[seq.length + MAX[16, INTEGER[seq.length/8]]] ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..seq.length) DO newSeq[i] _ seq[i]; ENDLOOP; }; ExtendNat: PROC[seq: REF NatSequence] RETURNS[newSeq: REF NatSequence] ~ { newSeq _ NEW[ NatSequence[seq.maxLength + MAX[16, INTEGER[seq.maxLength/8]]] ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..seq.maxLength) DO newSeq[i] _ seq[i]; ENDLOOP; }; Extend: PROC[seq: REF SortSequence] RETURNS[newSeq: REF SortSequence] ~ { newSeq _ NEW[ SortSequence[seq.length + MAX[16, INTEGER[seq.length/8]]] ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..seq.length) DO newSeq[i] _ seq[i]; ENDLOOP; }; DeleteActive: PROC[index: NAT] ~ { j: NAT _ activeKey[index]; active[j] _ NIL; -- nil entry bounds[j] _ [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]; emptySpace _ j; FOR i: NAT IN [index..numActive-1) DO -- close up pointer array activeKey[i] _ activeKey[i+1]; ENDLOOP; activeKey[numActive-1] _ 0; numActive _ numActive - 1; }; InsertActive: PROC[index: NAT, pBnds: Bounds, patch: REF ShapePatch] ~ { place: NAT; IF emptySpace < 0 THEN { place _ endOfActive; endOfActive _ endOfActive+1; IF endOfActive >= active.length THEN { -- overflow, extend sequences active _ Extend[active]; bounds _ ExtendBds[bounds]; activeKey _ ExtendNat[activeKey]; }; } ELSE { place _ emptySpace; emptySpace _ -1; }; IF index = 0 THEN IF numActive = 0 -- first entry in active list ? THEN { patch.prev _ sorted[1].next; _ sorted[patch.prev].next; } ELSE _ sorted[active[activeKey[index]].prev].next -- heading active list ELSE _ active[activeKey[index-1]].next; -- not heading active list IF numActive > 0 THEN patch.prev _ sorted[].prev; -- back ptr. from next patch sorted[patch.prev].next _ endOfSort; -- fore pointer from current patch sorted[].prev _ endOfSort; -- back ptr to new patch IF endOfSort >= sorted.length THEN sorted _ Extend[sorted]; sorted[endOfSort] _ patch; -- put in sorted array endOfSort _ endOfSort + 1; -- increment store location FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [index..numActive) DO -- open up pointer array activeKey[i+1] _ activeKey[i]; ENDLOOP; activeKey[index] _ place; -- insert pointer to Patch and bounds arrays active[place] _ patch; bounds[place] _ pBnds; numActive _ numActive + 1; }; Promote: PROC[from, to: NAT] RETURNS[NAT] ~ { fromPlace: NAT _ activeKey[from]; toPlace: NAT _ activeKey[to]; promoteeAddr: NAT; -- location of promotee in sorted sequence tBnds: Bounds _ bounds[fromPlace]; tActive: REF ShapePatch _ active[fromPlace]; FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [to..from) DO -- move intermediate entries back one activeKey[i+1] _ activeKey[i]; ENDLOOP; activeKey[to] _ fromPlace; -- insert promoted entry promoteeAddr _ sorted[tActive.prev].next; -- get pointer to promotee sorted[tActive.prev].next _; -- redirect fore pointer from promoted patch sorted[].prev _ tActive.prev; -- redirect back ptr from promoted patch tActive.prev _ active[toPlace].prev; -- link promotee into new position _ sorted[tActive.prev].next; sorted[tActive.prev].next _ promoteeAddr; -- redirect fore pointer to promoted patch sorted[].prev _ promoteeAddr; -- redirect back ptr to promoted patch RETURN[to+1]; -- next site to insert polygon }; Insert: PROC[inPatch: REF ShapePatch, start, level: NAT _ 0] RETURNS[NAT] ~ { newPatch: REF ShapePatch _ NEW[ShapePatch _ inPatch^]; -- insulate external patch ptrs rearParts: LIST OF REF ShapePatch _ NIL; shape: REF ShapeInstance _ newPatch.shape; away: REAL _ newPatch.awayness; selfIntersecting: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- shape property? patches: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape.surface]; patch: REF PtrPatch _ patches[newPatch.patch]; pBnds: Bounds _ GetBounds[patch, shape]; -- Get bounding box for patch i: NAT _ start; inserted: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; insertionPt: NAT; WHILE level = 0 AND i < numActive AND bounds[activeKey[i]].far <= pBnds.near DO DeleteActive[i]; i _ i+1; -- cull anything at beginning no depth overlap ENDLOOP; WHILE i < numActive DO newPlane: Quad; j: NAT _ activeKey[i]; i _ i+1; IF bounds[j].right <= pBnds.left THEN LOOP; -- bounds overlap on screen? IF bounds[j].left >= pBnds.right THEN LOOP; IF bounds[j].top <= pBnds.bottom THEN LOOP; IF bounds[j].bottom >= THEN LOOP; IF LineSeparable[active[j], newPatch] THEN LOOP; -- linearly separable on screen IF active[j].shape = shape -- overlapping, same shape THEN IF NOT selfIntersecting THEN IF NOT shape.insideVisible THEN LOOP -- no backfacing polygons ELSE IF ABS[active[j].awayness - newPatch.awayness] < 0.5 -- kluge!! THEN LOOP; -- from same poly newPlane _ GetPlane[patch, shape]; -- try plane of new polygon as separator SELECT CheckAgainstPlane[active[j], newPlane] FROM inFront, coincident => { -- polygon in front of or coincident with new plane IF inserted THEN insertionPt _ Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt]; -- new order LOOP; }; -- else go to next polygon behind => { -- insert in front of polygon IF inserted THEN LOOP; InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted _ TRUE; insertionPt _ i-1; LOOP; }; intersects => { -- vertices on both sides of plane, test other way shape: REF ShapeInstance _ active[j].shape; oldPatches: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape.surface]; oldPatch: REF PtrPatch _ oldPatches[active[j].patch]; oldPlane: Quad _ GetPlane[oldPatch, shape]; -- plane of polygon from active list SELECT CheckAgainstPlane[newPatch, oldPlane] FROM behind, coincident => { -- new poly behind or coincident with old plane IF inserted THEN insertionPt _ Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt]; LOOP; }; -- else go to next polygon inFront => { -- insert in front of polygon IF inserted THEN LOOP; InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted _ TRUE; insertionPt _ i-1; LOOP; }; intersects => { -- not resolvable, check for separating plane SELECT PlaneSeparable[newPatch, active[j]] FROM behind => { -- new poly behind old poly IF inserted THEN insertionPt _ Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt]; LOOP; }; -- else go to next polygon inFront => { -- insert in front of polygon IF inserted THEN LOOP; InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted _ TRUE; insertionPt _ i-1; LOOP; }; intersects => { -- not resolvable, split new polygon by plane of old rearPatch: REF ShapePatch; [newPatch, rearPatch] _ ClipPolyToPlane[context, newPatch, oldPlane]; rearParts _ CONS[rearPatch, rearParts]; patchCount _ patchCount + 1; -- a new polygon generated IF inserted -- replace whole patch with front part if inserted THEN active[activeKey[insertionPt]].patch _ newPatch.patch ELSE IF NOT LineSeparable[active[j], newPatch] THEN { InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted _ TRUE; insertionPt _ i-1; i _ i+1; -- insert front part }; }; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE; ENDLOOP; IF NOT inserted THEN { InsertActive[i, pBnds, newPatch]; insertionPt _ i; }; IF NOT debug THEN WHILE rearParts # NIL DO -- continue recursively with rear parts insertionPt _ Insert[rearParts.first, MIN[numActive, insertionPt+2], level+1]; rearParts _; ENDLOOP; RETURN[insertionPt]; }; [sortOrder, patchCount] _ LoadDepthSequence[context, sortOrder]; -- sort by nearest vertex sortKey _ NARROW[sortOrder.first, REF NatSequence]; buckets _ NARROW[, REF SortSequence]; sorted _ NEW[SortSequence[2*patchCount+2]]; bounds _ NEW[BoundsSequence[2*patchCount]]; active _ NEW[SortSequence[2*patchCount]]; activeKey _ NEW[NatSequence[2*patchCount+1]]; sorted[0] _ NEW[ShapePatch _ [NIL, 0, 1, 0, 0.0]]; -- initialize list header sorted[1] _ NEW[ShapePatch _ [NIL, 0, 0, 0, 0.0]]; -- initialize dummy list tail endOfSort _ 2; FOR i: NAT IN [0..sortKey.length) DO -- compose initial sort into complete ordering j: NAT _ sortKey[i]; WHILE j # nullPtr DO [] _ Insert[buckets[j]]; -- insert next polygon in order in list j _ buckets[j].next; IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[sortOrder, patchCount]; -- quit if stop signal received ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; sortKey[0] _ sorted[0].next; -- start linked list at 1st element sortKey.length _ 1; sorted[sorted[1].prev].next _ 0; -- bind off linked list at last real element sorted[sortKey[0]].prev _ sorted[1].prev; -- set pointer to list tail at 1st element RETURN[ LIST[sortKey, sorted, NIL], patchCount ]; }; LoadDepthSequence: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, sortOrder: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL ] RETURNS[LIST OF REF ANY, CARDINAL] ~ { sortKey: REF NatSequence; -- 1st element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of buckets: REF SortSequence; -- 2nd element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of -- REF ShapePatch shape: REF ShapeSequence _ context.visibleShapes; patchCount: CARDINAL _ 0; bucketListPtr: INT _ 1; -- start bucket count at 1 to allow use of zero as null minDepth: REAL _ context.yonLimit; maxDepth: REAL _ context.hitherLimit; zScale: REAL _ 1.; NewSortOrder: PROC[] ~ { buckets _ NEW[SortSequence[patchCount+1]]; sortKey _ NEW[NatSequence[context.depthResolution]]; sortKey.length _ context.depthResolution; }; FOR i: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO -- get minimum and maximum depth and patch count radius: REAL _ shape[i].boundingRadius; IF shape[i].centroid.ez - radius < minDepth THEN minDepth _ shape[i].centroid.ez - radius; IF shape[i].centroid.ez + radius > maxDepth THEN maxDepth _ shape[i].centroid.ez + radius; patchCount _ patchCount + shape[i].numSurfaces; shape[i].props _ PutProp[ -- set sizes for intersections in priority sdort shape[i].props, $ClippedPatches, NEW[INT32 _ shape[i].numSurfaces] ]; shape[i].props _ PutProp[ shape[i].props, $ClippedVertices, NEW[INT32 _ shape[i].vertex.length] ]; ENDLOOP; minDepth _ MAX[minDepth, 0]; -- nothing allowed behind the eyepoint IF (maxDepth - minDepth) > 0. THEN zScale _ (context.depthResolution - 1) / (maxDepth - minDepth); IF sortOrder # NIL THEN { sortKey _ NARROW[sortOrder.first]; buckets _ NARROW[]; } ELSE NewSortOrder[]; IF buckets.length < patchCount OR sortKey.length < context.depthResolution THEN NewSortOrder[]; -- get new storage if sizes have expanded FOR i: NAT IN [0..sortKey.length) DO sortKey[i] _ nullPtr; ENDLOOP; -- clear sort structure FOR s: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO -- Enter patches (by nearest z) in bucket lists patch: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape[s].surface]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape[s].numSurfaces) DO IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[NIL, 0]; -- shut down if stop signal received IF patch[i] # NIL AND patch[i].clipState # out THEN { -- can't be proven not visible neg, pos: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; dirSum: REAL _ 0.0; zNear: REAL _ maxDepth; iz: INT; FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch[i].nVtces) DO -- get minimum z-coordinate zNear _ MIN[zNear, shape[s].vertex[patch[i].vtxPtr[j]].ez]; ENDLOOP; iz _ INTEGER[Real.Fix[zScale *(zNear - minDepth)]]; -- get matching bucket addr. IF iz < 0 THEN iz _ 0; -- clip at zero IF patch[i].type = $ConvexPolygon THEN -- normals valid only for polygons FOR k: NAT IN [0..patch[i].nVtces) DO j: NAT _ patch[i].vtxPtr[k]; dir: REAL _ G3dVector.Dot[ -- normal front or back facing? [shape[s].vertex[j].ex, shape[s].vertex[j].ey, shape[s].vertex[j].ez], [shape[s].shade[j].exn, shape[s].shade[j].eyn, shape[s].shade[j].ezn] ]; IF dir > 0.0 THEN pos _ TRUE ELSE IF dir < 0.0 THEN neg _ TRUE; dirSum _ dirSum + dir; -- sum normals to characterize orientation ENDLOOP; IF pos AND NOT neg THEN patch[i].dir _ back ELSE IF neg AND NOT pos THEN patch[i].dir _ front ELSE patch[i].dir _ undetermined; IF NOT (patch[i].oneSided AND patch[i].dir = back) THEN { -- will be displayed bckPtr, nxtPtr: INT _ nullPtr; nxtPtr _ sortKey[iz]; WHILE nxtPtr # nullPtr AND buckets[nxtPtr].awayness < dirSum DO bckPtr _ nxtPtr; -- find right place in ordered chain nxtPtr _ buckets[nxtPtr].next; ENDLOOP; buckets[bucketListPtr] _ NEW[ShapePatch]; buckets[bucketListPtr].shape _ shape[s]; buckets[bucketListPtr].patch _ i; buckets[bucketListPtr].next _ buckets[bucketListPtr].prev _ nullPtr; -- clear IF nxtPtr # nullPtr THEN { -- not at tail of list buckets[bucketListPtr].prev _ buckets[nxtPtr].prev; buckets[bucketListPtr].next _ nxtPtr; buckets[nxtPtr].prev _ bucketListPtr; }; IF bckPtr # nullPtr THEN { -- not at head of list buckets[bucketListPtr].next _ buckets[bckPtr].next; buckets[bucketListPtr].prev _ bckPtr; buckets[bckPtr].next _ bucketListPtr; }; IF bckPtr = nullPtr THEN { -- at head of list sortKey[iz] _ bucketListPtr; -- reset list header }; IF nxtPtr = nullPtr THEN -- at tail of list buckets[sortKey[iz]].prev _ bucketListPtr; -- reset tail ptr at head buckets[bucketListPtr].awayness _ dirSum; -- sum of dot prods of vertex nmls -- with eyept dir, quantitative measure of "backfacingness" bucketListPtr _ bucketListPtr + 1; }; }; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; sortKey.length _ context.depthResolution; RETURN[ LIST[sortKey, buckets], patchCount ]; }; GetDepths: PROC[ context: REF Context] ~ { shape: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence _ context.visibleShapes; minDepth: REAL _ context.yonLimit; maxDepth: REAL _ context.hitherLimit; zScale: REAL _ 1.; FOR i: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO -- get minimum and maximum depth radius: REAL _ shape[i].boundingRadius; IF shape[i].class.type # $ConvexPolygon THEN radius _ 1.1 * radius; -- fudge for patches IF shape[i].centroid.ez - radius < minDepth THEN minDepth _ shape[i].centroid.ez - radius; IF shape[i].centroid.ez + radius > maxDepth THEN maxDepth _ shape[i].centroid.ez + radius; ENDLOOP; minDepth _ MAX[minDepth, context.hitherLimit]; -- nothing allowed behind the eyepoint IF (maxDepth - minDepth) > 0. THEN zScale _ (context.depthResolution - 1) / (maxDepth - minDepth); context.eyeToNdc.addZ _ 1./(1. - minDepth/maxDepth); --smash hither-yon factors context.eyeToNdc.scaleZ _ -minDepth/(1. - minDepth/maxDepth); FOR s: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO ShapeUtilities.XfmToDisplay[context, shape[s] ]; ENDLOOP; }; DoBackToFront: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, sortInfo: LIST OF REF ANY, action: PROC[REF ShapePatch] ] ~ { sortKey: REF NatSequence _ NARROW[sortInfo.first]; buckets: REF SortSequence _ NARROW[]; FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [0..sortKey.length) DO j: NAT _ sortKey[i]; WHILE j # nullPtr DO j _ buckets[j].prev; -- jump to tail of list and work back action[buckets[j]]; -- call back with next polygon in order IF j = sortKey[i] THEN j _ nullPtr; -- exit if head of list reached IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; CombineBoxes[context]; -- get combined bounding box on scene }; DoFrontToBack: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, sortInfo: LIST OF REF ANY, action: PROC[REF ShapePatch] ] ~ { sortKey: REF NatSequence _ NARROW[sortInfo.first]; buckets: REF SortSequence _ NARROW[]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..sortKey.length) DO j: NAT _ sortKey[i]; WHILE j # nullPtr DO action[buckets[j]]; -- call back with next polygon in order j _ buckets[j].next; IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; CombineBoxes[context]; -- get combined bounding box on scene }; DoForPatches: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, set: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence, patchAction: PROC[REF ShapePatch], shapeAction: PROC[REF ShapeInstance] _ NIL ] ~ { FOR s: NAT IN [0..set.length) DO IF set[s].clipState = in AND shapeAction # NIL THEN shapeAction[set[s]] ELSE { patch: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[set[s].surface]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..set[s].numSurfaces) DO IF patch[i] # NIL THEN { IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received IF set[s].clipState = in THEN patch[i].clipState _ in -- unclipped, inside ELSE IF set[s].clipState = clipped THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ set[s], patch[i] ] ELSE patch[i].clipState _ out; IF patch[i].clipState # out THEN patchAction[NEW[ ShapePatch _ [set[s], i, 0, 0, 0.0] ]]; }; ENDLOOP; }; ENDLOOP; }; CombineBoxes: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context] ~ { -- get combined bounding box context.extentCovered _ [ [LAST[NAT], LAST[NAT]], [FIRST[NAT], FIRST[NAT]] ]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.visibleShapes.length) DO IF context.extentCovered.min.f > context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.f THEN context.extentCovered.min.f _ context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.f; IF context.extentCovered.max.f < context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.f THEN context.extentCovered.max.f _ context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.f; IF context.extentCovered.min.s > context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.s THEN context.extentCovered.min.s _ context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.s; IF context.extentCovered.max.s < context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.s THEN context.extentCovered.max.s _ context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.s; ENDLOOP; }; ShowOnePatch: PROC[ context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, i: NAT] ~ { patch: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape.surface]; IF shape.clipState = in THEN patch[i].clipState _ in -- unclipped, inside ELSE IF shape.clipState = clipped THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ shape, patch[i] ] ELSE patch[i].clipState _ out; IF patch[i].clipState # out THEN { patch: REF Patch _ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[ context, NEW[ ShapePatch _ [shape, i, 0, 0, 0.0] ] ]; [] _ shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ]; }; }; ShowOneVtx: PROC[ context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, j: NAT] ~ { patch: REF PtrPatchSequence _ NARROW[shape.surface]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.length) DO containsVtx: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; FOR k: NAT IN [0..patch[i].nVtces) DO IF patch[i].vtxPtr[k] = j THEN { containsVtx _ TRUE; EXIT; }; ENDLOOP; IF containsVtx THEN { IF shape.clipState = in THEN patch[i].clipState _ in -- unclipped, inside ELSE IF shape.clipState = clipped THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ shape, patch[i] ] ELSE patch[i].clipState _ out; IF patch[i].clipState # out THEN { patch: REF Patch _ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[ context, NEW[ ShapePatch _ [shape, i, 0, 0, 0.0] ] ]; [] _ shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ]; }; }; ENDLOOP; }; ShowObjects: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, frontToBack: BOOLEAN _ FALSE ] ~ { ShowPatch: PROC[p: REF ShapePatch] ~{ patch: REF Patch _ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[ context, p ]; [] _ p.shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ]; patchCount _ patchCount + 1; IF log # NIL AND context.antiAliasing AND progressReportsPerFrame > 0 AND patchCount >= nextReport THEN { log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ Rope.Cat[ "\n ", Convert.RopeFromInt[patchCount], " of " ], Rope.Cat[ Convert.RopeFromInt[patchTotal], " done in ", ElapsedTime[time] ] ] ]; nextReport _ MIN[patchCount + patchTotal/progressReportsPerFrame, patchTotal-1]; }; }; patchCount, patchTotal, nextReport: INT _ 0; time: REAL _ CurrentTime[]; log: IO.STREAM _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log] ]; timing: Rope.ROPE; justOne: REF IntegerPair _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SinglePatch] ]; oneVtx: REF IntegerPair _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SingleVtx] ]; shape: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence _ context.visibleShapes; IF shape = NIL THEN RETURN[]; IF context.depthBuffering THEN GetDepths[context]; IF justOne # NIL THEN { ShowOnePatch[context, shape[justOne.x], justOne.y]; RETURN[]; }; IF oneVtx # NIL THEN { ShowOneVtx[context, shape[oneVtx.x], oneVtx.y]; RETURN[]; }; IF context.depthBuffering AND NOT context.antiAliasing THEN DoForPatches[context, shape, ShowPatch] ELSE { IF GetProp[context.props, $SortToPriority] # NIL THEN [context.sortSequence, patchTotal] _ LoadPrioritySequence[context, NARROW[context.sortSequence] ] ELSE [context.sortSequence, patchTotal] _ LoadDepthSequence[context, NARROW[context.sortSequence] ]; timing _ Rope.Cat[ timing, " Sort: ", ElapsedTime[time] ]; time _ CurrentTime[]; IF context.delayClear THEN context.class.loadBackground[context]; -- load background IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received IF frontToBack THEN DoFrontToBack[context, NARROW[context.sortSequence], ShowPatch] ELSE DoBackToFront[context, NARROW[context.sortSequence], ShowPatch]; }; IF log # NIL THEN log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ timing, " Scan: ", ElapsedTime[time] ] ]; }; ShowWireFrameObjects: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context ] ~ { ShowPatch: PROC[p: REF ShapePatch] ~{ patch: REF Patch _ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[ context, p ]; [] _ p.shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ]; }; ShowShape: PROC[s: REF ShapeInstance] ~{ IF s.class.display # NIL THEN SELECT context.class.displayType FROM $PseudoColor, $Gray, $FullColor => [] _ s.class.display[ context, s ]; ENDCASE => OutputShape[context, s] ELSE OutputShape[context, s]; }; shape: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence _ context.visibleShapes; justOne: REF IntegerPair _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SinglePatch] ]; oneVtx: REF IntegerPair _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SingleVtx] ]; IF shape = NIL THEN RETURN[]; IF context.delayClear THEN context.class.loadBackground[context]; -- load background IF justOne # NIL THEN { ShowOnePatch[context, shape[justOne.x], justOne.y]; RETURN[]; }; IF oneVtx # NIL THEN { ShowOneVtx[context, shape[oneVtx.x], oneVtx.y]; RETURN[]; }; DoForPatches[context, shape, ShowPatch, ShowShape]; CombineBoxes[context]; -- get combined bounding box on scene }; OutputShape: PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance] ~ { patch: REF PtrPatchSequence; IF shape.surface = NIL THEN RETURN; IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received patch _ NARROW[shape.surface]; FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.numSurfaces) DO IF patch[i] # NIL THEN { p: REF Patch _ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[ context, NEW[ShapePatch _ [shape, i, 0, 0, 0.0]] ]; [] _ shape.class.displayPatch[ context, p ]; }; ENDLOOP; }; dummyShape: REF ShapeInstance _ NEW[ShapeInstance]; EdgesToPolygons: PatchProc ~ { MakeEdge: PROC[pt1, pt2: VertexInfo, edge: REF Patch] ~ { dirX, dirY, mag, offSetX1, offSetY1, offSetX2, offSetY2: REAL; dirX _ pt2.coord.ex - pt1.coord.ex; -- get unit vector in edge direction dirY _ pt2.coord.ey - pt1.coord.ey; mag _ RealFns.SqRt[ Sqr[dirX] + Sqr[dirY] ]; IF mag < ScanConvert.justNoticeable THEN RETURN[]; -- quit if too short to be seen dirX _ dirX / mag; dirY _ dirY / mag; offSetX1 _ dirX * baseRadius; offSetY1 _ dirY * baseRadius; offSetX2 _ dirX * baseRadius; offSetY2 _ dirY * baseRadius; FOR i: NAT IN [0..3) DO edge[i] _ pt1; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT IN [3..6) DO edge[i] _ pt2; ENDLOOP; edge[0].coord.ex _ edge[0].coord.ex+offSetY1; edge[0].coord.ey _ edge[0].coord.ey-offSetX1; edge[1].coord.ex _ edge[1].coord.ex-offSetX1; edge[1].coord.ey _ edge[1].coord.ey-offSetY1; edge[2].coord.ex _ edge[2].coord.ex-offSetY1; edge[2].coord.ey _ edge[2].coord.ey+offSetX1; edge[3].coord.ex _ edge[3].coord.ex-offSetY2; edge[3].coord.ey _ edge[3].coord.ey+offSetX2; edge[4].coord.ex _ edge[4].coord.ex+offSetX2; edge[4].coord.ey _ edge[4].coord.ey+offSetY2; edge[5].coord.ex _ edge[5].coord.ex+offSetY2; edge[5].coord.ey _ edge[5].coord.ey-offSetX2; IF patch.dir = back THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..3) DO -- reverse order to make backfacing temp: VertexInfo _ edge[i]; edge[i] _ edge[5-i]; edge[5-i] _ temp; ENDLOOP; IF edge.clipState = in THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..6) DO OPEN edge[i].coord; [[sx, sy, sz]] _ ShapeUtilities.XfmPtToDisplay[ context, [ex, ey, ez] ]; ENDLOOP; [] _ OutputPolygon[context, edge]; }; shape: REF ShapeInstance _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[patch.props, $Shape] ]; baseRadius: REAL _ .003; limit: NAT _ IF patch.type = $PolyLine THEN patch.nVtces - 1 ELSE patch.nVtces; IF dummyShape.shadingClass = NIL THEN { G3dRender.LoadShadingClass[dummyShape]; dummyShape.shadingClass.shadingType _ $Smooth; }; dummyShape.shadingClass.color _ shape.shadingClass.color; { IF patch.dir = undetermined THEN patch.dir _ ShapeUtilities.BackFacing[ context, patch ! G3dRender.Error => IF reason.code = $Condition THEN GO TO GiveUp ]; IF patch.dir = front OR NOT patch.oneSided THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..limit) DO edge: REF Patch _ ShapeUtilities.GetPatch[6]; -- will be released by OutputPolygon edge.type _ $ConvexPolygon; edge.nVtces _ 6; edge.oneSided _ patch.oneSided; edge.dir _ patch.dir; edge.clipState _ patch.clipState; edge.props _ Atom.PutPropOnList[ NIL, $Shape, dummyShape ]; MakeEdge[ patch[i], patch[(i+1) MOD patch.nVtces], edge ]; ENDLOOP; EXITS GiveUp => NULL }; ShapeUtilities.ReleasePatch[patch]; -- end of the line for this patch RETURN[NIL]; }; OutputPolygon: PUBLIC PatchProc ~ { shape: REF ShapeInstance _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[patch.props, $Shape] ]; { IF patch = NIL OR patch.clipState = out THEN GO TO CleanUp; -- reject if outside frame IF patch.type # $ConvexPolygon AND patch.type # $PolyLine THEN { SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Not a Polygon or PolyLine"]]; GO TO CleanUp; -- catches unexpanded patches, etc. }; IF context.antiAliasing AND ( patch.type = $PolyLine OR shape.shadingClass.shadingType = $Lines OR shape.shadingClass.shadingType = $ShadedLines ) -- antialiased lines THEN { patch _ EdgesToPolygons[context, patch]; GO TO CleanUp; }; IF patch.clipState = clipped THEN { patch _ ShapeUtilities.ClipPoly[context, patch]; IF patch.nVtces > 2 OR ( patch.type = $PolyLine AND patch.nVtces > 1 ) THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO OPEN patch[i].coord; [[sx, sy, sz]] _ ShapeUtilities.XfmPtToDisplay[context, [ex, ey, ez]]; ENDLOOP; }; }; IF patch.nVtces > 2 OR ( patch.type = $PolyLine AND patch.nVtces > 1 ) THEN { IF patch.type = $PolyLine OR shape.shadingClass.shadingType = $Lines THEN { patch _ context.class.displayPolygon[context, patch]; GO TO GiveUp; }; IF patch.dir = undetermined THEN patch.dir _ ShapeUtilities.BackFacing[ context, patch ! G3dRender.Error => IF reason.code = $Condition THEN GO TO GiveUp ]; IF patch.dir = front THEN patch _ context.class.displayPolygon[context, patch] ELSE IF patch.oneSided -- backfacing!! THEN GO TO GiveUp -- Reject if closed surface ELSE { IF shape.shadingClass.shadingType # $HiddenLines AND shape.shadingClass.shadingType # $NormaledLines THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO -- recalculate shading for back side patch[i].shade.exn _ -patch[i].shade.exn; -- reverse normals patch[i].shade.eyn _ -patch[i].shade.eyn; patch[i].shade.ezn _ -patch[i].shade.ezn; patch[i] _ shape.shadingClass.shadeVtx[context, patch[i], shape.shadingClass]; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces/2) DO -- reorder to keep clockwise on display tempVtx: VertexInfo _ patch[i]; patch[i] _ patch[patch.nVtces-1 - i]; patch[patch.nVtces-1 - i] _ tempVtx; ENDLOOP; patch _ context.class.displayPolygon[context, patch] }; EXITS GiveUp => NULL }; EXITS CleanUp => NULL; }; IF patch # NIL THEN ShapeUtilities.ReleasePatch[patch]; RETURN[NIL]; -- end of the line, nobody wants this polygon back certainly }; RopeDisplay: PUBLIC PatchProc ~ { shape: REF ShapeInstance _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[patch.props, $Shape] ]; msg: Rope.ROPE _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[shape.fixedProps, $RopeMessage ] ]; font: Rope.ROPE _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[shape.fixedProps, $RopeFont ] ]; xfm: Xfm3D _ G3dMatrix.Mul[shape.position, context.eyeSpaceXfm]; color: Pixel _ [ Real.Fix[shape.shadingClass.color.R*255.0], Real.Fix[shape.shadingClass.color.G*255.0], Real.Fix[shape.shadingClass.color.B*255.0], 0, 0 ]; position: Triple _ [shape.vertex[0].sx, shape.vertex[0].sy, shape.vertex[0].sz]; position2: Triple _ [shape.vertex[1].sx, shape.vertex[1].sy, shape.vertex[1].sz]; size: REAL _ G3dVector.Length[ G3dVector.Sub[position2, position] ]; IF context.antiAliasing -- ensure entire rope represented THEN shape.screenExtent.max.f _ Real.Round[context.viewPort.w]; context.class.draw2DRope[ context, msg, [ position.x/context.ndcToPixels.scaleX, 1.0 - position.y/ABS[context.ndcToPixels.scaleY] ], color, size, font ]; RETURN[NIL]; }; MakeFrame: PUBLIC ContextProc ~ { MakeTheFrame[context]; }; ShowShapes: PUBLIC ContextProc ~ { delay: BOOLEAN _ context.delayClear; context.delayClear _ FALSE; -- avoids frame clear before making new frame MakeTheFrame[context: context, clear: FALSE]; context.delayClear _ delay; }; MakeTheFrame: PROC[context: REF Context, clear: BOOLEAN _ TRUE] ~ { Action: PROC ~ { allLines: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; time: REAL _ CurrentTime[]; log: IO.STREAM _ NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log] ]; context.stopMe^ _ FALSE; -- get stop flag unstuck, if necessary context.imageReady _ FALSE; -- discourage use of bits by other processes context.extentCovered _ [[0,0], [0,0]]; -- clear bounding box of coverage ValidateContext[context]; -- update everything FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO IF context.shapes[i].class.doBeforeFrame # NIL THEN -- execute animation updates FOR doList: LIST OF ShapeProc _ context.shapes[i].class.doBeforeFrame, UNTIL doList = NIL DO context.shapes[i] _ doList.first[context, context.shapes[i]]; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; IF log # NIL THEN log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ " VtxOps: ", ElapsedTime[time] ] ]; IF clear AND NOT context.delayClear THEN context.class.loadBackground[context]; -- load background IF context.visibleShapes # NIL AND context.visibleShapes.length > 0 THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. context.visibleShapes.length) DO -- all line drawing? IF context.visibleShapes[i].shadingClass.shadingType # $Lines THEN allLines _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; IF allLines AND NOT context.antiAliasing THEN ShowWireFrameObjects[ context ] ELSE ShowObjects[ context: context, frontToBack: context.antiAliasing ]; context.imageReady _ TRUE; -- encourage use of bits by other processes IF log # NIL THEN { log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ " Frame: ", ElapsedTime[time], "\n"] ]; FlushLog[context]; }; } ELSE { IF log # NIL THEN { log.PutRope[" No visible objects in frame " ]; FlushLog[context]; }; }; }; CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action]; }; END. θSurfaceRenderImpl.mesa Copyright c 1984, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: Crow, April 11, 1989 11:35:35 am PDT Bloomenthal, September 26, 1988 12:04:48 pm PDT Internal Declarations Renamed Procedures Global Variables Utility Procedures Procedures for Updating Context This eventually assumes that context.viewPort # NIL PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, data: REF] RETURNS[REF ShapeInstance]; Update shading and transform matrices, return visibility (based on clipping and "hidden") Transform vertices to eyespace, get clip state of vertices and whole shape Transform vertices to screen coordinates, get screen extent for whole shape PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, data: REF] RETURNS[REF ShapeInstance]; Update shading and transform matrices PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, data: REF] RETURNS[REF ShapeInstance]; Update shading and transform matrices Find approximation to bounding sphere transform from world to eye normalize not really needed (to avoid roundoff problems) bound window by -1.0 < x, y < 1.0 generate clipping planes normalize plane equation for true distances compute the transformation from the eye coord sys to normalized display coordinates (0.1.) Fits window to shape of viewport Procedures for Sorting Get bounding box for patch find plane defined by first three vertices Returns status of newPatch with respect to plane Clip polygon by plane, add new vertices and new polys to shape structures. Return 2 polys p1 on near side of plane, p2 on far side. IF pIn.vtx[i].aux # NIL AND pIn.vtx[last].aux # NIL THEN { data: LORA _ LIST[ pIn.vtx[i].aux, pIn.vtx[last].aux, NEW[REAL _ a], NEW[REAL _ b] ]; pOut.vtx[outCnt] _ lerpProc[ context, pOut.vtx[outCnt], data ]; } ELSE pOut.vtx[outCnt].aux _ pIn.vtx[i].aux; Can patches be separated by a line on screen? Get Centroids of two patches Project vertices on vector from centroid1 to centroid2 to get max1 and min2 Clearly separable if projections don't overlap Use edge between selected vertices as separator Can patches be separated by a plane in eyespace? If so what is position of in1 wrt. in2 Get Centroids of two patches Project vertices on vector from centroid1 to centroid2 to get max1 and min2 Clearly separable if projections don't overlap Use plane through innermost vertices and an adjacent vertex as separator Debugging aid shows state of partially-completed priority order Keep 2 lists: (1) Active patches whose far limit is farther than current near limit (2) permanent list Compare with sorted active list (those that overlap in depth): - if far limit closer than current near, delete from active list - if same shape go to next one - if screen limits don't overlap go to next one - compare planes for intersection, clip if not separable, insert if in front - if clipped - insert new patches into shape data structures to create new ShapePatch - put frontmost new patch into active and permanent lists, continue with both halves ShapePatch: TYPE ~ RECORD[shape: REF ShapeInstance, patch, next, prev: INT, awayness: REAL]; Move entry forward in active list remove from previous spot in linked list insert in new spot Note! Cyclically overlapping surfaces may occur and should be checked for here Insert patch in sorted list Cull active polygons entirely closer than newPatch (if dealing with original poly) THEN IF ABS[active[j].awayness - away] > 0.5 * ABS[active[j].awayness + away] THEN IF active[j].awayness < away -- significantly different awayness THEN { -- if new entry more backfacing IF inserted THEN insertionPt _ Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt]; LOOP } ELSE { -- if earlier entry more backfacing IF NOT inserted THEN { InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted _ TRUE; insertionPt _ i-1; }; LOOP; } ELSE LOOP ELSE LOOP ELSE {}; -- self-intersecting shape, find common edge Builds front-to-back sorted array of buckets, bidirectional linked lists within buckets Maintain doubly-linked list with back pointer to tail at list head Procedures for Display Calculate depths scaled over max and min depth for depth-buffering Unclipped shape output PROC[ context: REF Context, patch: REF Patch, data: REF ANY _ NIL ] RETURNS[REF Patch] Make a polygon for each edge and tile it, this causes shading as seen from outside PROC[ context: REF Context, patch: REF Patch, data: REF ANY _ NIL ] RETURNS[REF Patch] Frame Generation and Animation Makes image without clearing frame, for compositing contexts, etc. Makes image, clears frame, etc. Κ>η˜Ihead™šœ Οmœ7™BJ™4Icode™/J˜šΟk ˜ Jšœžœ.˜;Jšœžœ-˜:Jšœ žœ"˜1Jšœ žœžœžœ˜"Jšœ žœ%˜5Jšžœžœžœ˜(Jšœžœžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜.Idefaultšœ žœ˜Mšœžœ˜'Jšœ žœ˜/Jšœ žœ˜.Jšœ žœ˜&Jšœ žœ=˜MJšœ žœ!˜1Jšœ žœ˜,Jšœ žœŽ˜žJšœžœΜ˜ΰJšœžœ˜—J˜—head2šœžœž˜ Iašžœ<žœi˜°Ošžœ˜J˜Jšœž˜ —head3šΟb™Jšœ žœ˜"Jšœ žœ˜*Jšžœžœ žœ Οc˜9Jšœžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜*Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜&Jšœ žœ˜$Jšœ žœ˜"Jšœ%˜%Jšœ#˜#Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ˜0Jšœ žœ˜*Jšœžœ˜2Jšœžœ˜,Jšœžœ˜.Jšœžœ˜.Jšœ žœ˜&Jšœžœ˜Jšœ žœ˜&Jšœžœ˜.Jšœ žœ˜$Jšœžœ˜4Jšœ žœ˜-Jšœžœ˜1Jšœžœ˜ Jšœžœ˜0Jšœ žœ˜(Jšœžœ˜0Jšœžœ ˜8Jšœžœ˜,Jšœžœ˜2Jšœžœ˜Jšœžœ-˜8Jšœžœžœ&žœ˜AJš œžœžœžœ žœžœ ˜?Jšœžœ˜*Jšœžœ˜-Jšœ žœ "˜LMš œžœžœžœžœ ˜NMšœžœžœ˜—šŸ™JšΟnœžœ!žœžœžœžœžœ.˜uJš‘œžœ!žœžœžœžœž œ&˜x—šŸ™Ošœ žœ 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