Copyright © 1984, 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Edited by: Crow, April 11, 1989 11:35:35 am PDT
Bloomenthal, September 26, 1988 12:04:48 pm PDT
Atom    USING [ GetPropFromList, PutPropOnList, PropList ],
Real    USING [ Round, Fix, MinusInfinity, PlusInfinity ],
RealFns   USING [ CosDeg, SinDeg, SqRt, TanDeg ],
Basics    USING [ BITOR, BITAND ],
BasicTime  USING [ PulsesToSeconds, GetClockPulses ],
IO     USING [ Flush, PutRope, STREAM ],
Rope    USING [ ROPE, Cat ],
Convert   USING [ RopeFromReal, RopeFromInt ],
Process   USING [ PauseMsec ],
CedarProcess  USING [ DoWithPriority ],
ImagerSample USING [ Clip, GetBox, SampleMap ],
ImagerPixel  USING [ MakePixelMap, PixelMap ],
ScanConvert  USING [ justNoticeable ],
G3dVector  USING [ Add, Cross, Div, Dot, Length, Mul, Normalize, Null, Sub ],
G3dMatrix  USING [ Identity, Mul, TransformVec ],
G3dPlane   USING [ Error, FromThreePoints ],
G3dRender  USING [ AllOut,Box, BoxFromRectangle, ClipState, Context, ContextProc,
        Error, FacingDir, IntegerSequence,
        IntersectRectangles, IntegerPair, LoadShadingClass,
        LoadSurfaceType, NatSequence, NoneOut, OutCode, Pair, Patch,
        PatchProc, PatchSequence, Pixel, PtrPatchSequence, PtrPatch,
        Quad, RealSequence, Rectangle, RectangleFromBox, RGB,
        SetPosition, SetView, ShadingClass, ShadingSequence,
        ShadingValue, ShapeInstance, ShapeSequence, ShapeProc,
        SixSides, Triple, TripleSequence, Vertex, VertexInfo,
        VertexInfoProc, VertexInfoSequence, VertexSequence, Xfm3D ],
ShapeUtilities USING [ BackFacing, ClipPoly, GetPatch, GetPolyShades, GetVtxNmls,
        GetVtxShades, ReleasePatch, ShapePatch, ShapePatchToPatch,
        SortSequence, XfmPtToDisplay, XfmToDisplay, XfmToEyeSpace],
SurfaceRender USING [ ];
SurfaceRenderImpl: CEDAR MONITOR
IMPORTS Atom, Basics, BasicTime, CedarProcess, Convert, ImagerPixel, IO, G3dMatrix, G3dPlane, G3dVector, Real, RealFns, Rope, ImagerSample, Process, ShapeUtilities, G3dRender  
EXPORTS SurfaceRender
Internal Declarations
Context: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Context;
ContextProc: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ContextProc;
RGB: TYPE ~ G3dRender.RGB;          --  [ r, g, b: REAL];
Pixel: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Pixel;
IntegerPair: TYPE ~ G3dRender.IntegerPair;
Pair: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Pair;
Box: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Box;
Rectangle: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Rectangle;
SixSides: TYPE ~ G3dRender.SixSides;
OutCode: TYPE ~ G3dRender.OutCode;
NoneOut: OutCode ~ G3dRender.NoneOut;
AllOut: OutCode ~ G3dRender.AllOut;
Triple: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Triple;
Quad: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Quad;
TripleSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.TripleSequence;
NatSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.NatSequence;
IntegerSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.IntegerSequence;
RealSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.RealSequence;
ShapeInstance: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeInstance;
ShapeSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeSequence;
FacingDir: TYPE ~ G3dRender.FacingDir;
Patch: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Patch;
PatchProc: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PatchProc;
PatchSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PatchSequence;
PtrPatch: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PtrPatch;
PtrPatchSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.PtrPatchSequence;
ShapePatch: TYPE ~ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatch;
SortSequence: TYPE ~ ShapeUtilities.SortSequence;
Vertex: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Vertex;
VertexSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexSequence;
VertexInfo: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexInfo;
VertexInfoProc: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexInfoProc;
VertexInfoSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.VertexInfoSequence;
ShadingValue: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShadingValue;
ShadingSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShadingSequence;
Xfm3D: TYPE ~ G3dRender.Xfm3D;
Order: TYPE ~ {inFront, behind, coincident, intersects};
Bounds: TYPE ~ RECORD[left, right, bottom, top, near, far: REAL];
BoundsSequence: TYPE ~ RECORD[SEQUENCE length: NAT OF Bounds];
RenderData:   TYPE ~ G3dRender.RenderData;
ShadingClass:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShadingClass;
ShapeProc:   TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeProc;  -- PROC[ Context, ShapeInstance ]
defaultWhite: REF RGBNEW[ RGB ← [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] ];        -- default color
Renamed Procedures
GetProp: PROC [propList: Atom.PropList, prop: REF ANY] RETURNS [REF ANY] ~
PutProp: PROC [propList: Atom.PropList, prop: REF ANY, val: REF ANY]
[Atom.PropList] ~ Atom.PutPropOnList;
Global Variables
nullPtr: INT ~ 0;    -- handy name for zero in sort sequences
progressReportsPerFrame: INT ← 0;  -- set to non zero for progress reports on long frames
Utility Procedures
Sqr: PROCEDURE [number: REAL] RETURNS [REAL] ~ INLINE { RETURN[number * number]; };
ElapsedTime: PROC[startTime: REAL] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] ~ {
timeX100: REAL ← 100.0 * (CurrentTime[] - startTime);
RETURN[ Rope.Cat[ Convert.RopeFromReal[ Real.Fix[timeX100] / 100.0 ], "s," ] ];
CurrentTime: PROC[] RETURNS[REAL] ~ {
RETURN[ BasicTime.PulsesToSeconds[BasicTime.GetClockPulses[]] ];
GetPtrPatchClipState: PUBLIC PROC[ shape: REF ShapeInstance, patch: REF PtrPatch] ~ {
orOfCodes: OutCode ← NoneOut;
andOfCodes: OutCode ← AllOut;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO
k: NAT ← patch.vtxPtr[j];
orOfCodes ← LOOPHOLE[
Basics.BITOR[ LOOPHOLE[orOfCodes], LOOPHOLE[shape.vertex[k].clip]],
andOfCodes ← LOOPHOLE[
Basics.BITAND[LOOPHOLE[andOfCodes], LOOPHOLE[shape.vertex[k].clip]],
IF andOfCodes # NoneOut
THEN patch.clipState ← out
ELSE IF orOfCodes = NoneOut
THEN patch.clipState ← in
ELSE patch.clipState ← clipped;
FlushLog: PUBLIC PROC [context: REF Context] ~ {
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log]];
IF log # NIL THEN IO.Flush[log];
Procedures for Updating Context
ValidateContext: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ {
j: CARDINAL ← 0;
IF context.viewer = NIL AND context.pixels = NIL AND context.viewPort = NIL
THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$Fatal, "Image Area Undefined"]];
IF context.class = NIL THEN Process.PauseMsec[3000]; -- wait 3s. (maybe viewers settling)
IF context.class = NIL THEN G3dRender.Error[[$Fatal, "No Class for Context"]];
IF context.viewer # NIL AND context.viewPort = NIL
AND (context.pixels = NIL OR context.pixels.samplesPerPixel = 1)
THEN context.class.updateViewer[context];
IF context.viewPort = NIL AND context.pixels # NIL
THEN { ValidateView[context]; ValidateDisplay[context]; }
ELSE { ValidateDisplay[context]; ValidateView[context]; };
IF context.shapes # NIL THEN {   -- get light sources and visible shapes (convenience)
IF context.lightSources = NIL OR context.lightSources.length < context.shapes.length
THEN context.lightSources ← NEW[ ShapeSequence[context.shapes.length] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO
IF context.shapes[i].class = NIL
THEN G3dRender.LoadSurfaceType[context.shapes[i], $ConvexPolygon]; -- default
IF context.shapes[i].class.type = $Light
THEN { context.lightSources[j] ← context.shapes[i]; j ← j + 1; };
context.lightSources.length ← j;
j ← 0;
IF context.visibleShapes = NIL OR context.visibleShapes.length < context.shapes.length
THEN context.visibleShapes ← NEW[ ShapeSequence[context.shapes.length] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← ValidateShape[context, context.shapes[i]];
IF shape # NIL THEN { context.visibleShapes[j] ← shape; j ← j + 1; };
context.visibleShapes.length ← j;
ValidateDisplay: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ {
This eventually assumes that context.viewPort # NIL
IF context.displayInValid THEN {
IF context.shapes # NIL THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO
context.shapes[i].vtcesInValid ← TRUE;
context.shapes[i].shadingInValid ← TRUE;
G3dRender.SetView[     -- get new screen dimensions into transformations
context:  context,
eyePoint:  context.eyePoint,
ptOfInterest: context.ptOfInterest,
fieldOfView: context.fieldOfView,
rollAngle: context.rollAngle,
upDirection: context.upDirection,
hitherLimit: context.hitherLimit,
yonLimit:  context.yonLimit
IF context.window = NIL
THEN context.window ← WindowFromViewPort[context]; -- fit to viewprt
context.extentCovered ← [[0,0], [0,0]]; -- clear coverage (new frame, alpha buffer, or display)
context.displayInValid ← FALSE;
ValidateView: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ {
IF context.viewPort = NIL THEN {     -- evidently not using a viewer
s: ARRAY [0..5) OF ImagerSample.SampleMap ← ALL[NIL];
pixels: ImagerPixel.PixelMap ← NARROW[
Atom.GetPropFromList[ context.displayProps, $FullDisplayMemory ]
IF pixels # NIL
THEN context.pixels ← pixels
ELSE IF context.pixels = NIL
THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "no pixel memory"]];
context.viewPort ← NEW[
Rectangle ← G3dRender.RectangleFromBox[ ImagerSample.GetBox[context.pixels[0]] ]
context.viewPort^ ← G3dRender.IntersectRectangles[
context.viewPort^, context.preferredViewPort -- clip viewPort to preferredViewPort
context.ndcToPixels ← [  -- going to VM so render with origin at top left
context.viewPort.w-1.0, -(context.viewPort.h-1.0), REAL[context.depthResolution-1],
0.0, context.viewPort.h-1.0, 0.0        -- last line scales, this line adds
FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.pixels.samplesPerPixel) DO  -- re-address pixelmap
s[i] ← ImagerSample.Clip[ context.pixels[i],
        G3dRender.BoxFromRectangle[context.viewPort^] ];
context.pixels ← ImagerPixel.MakePixelMap[s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]];
IF context.window = NIL THEN {
context.window ← WindowFromViewPort[context];
context.viewInValid ← TRUE;
IF context.viewInValid
THEN SetView[ context, context.eyePoint, context.ptOfInterest,
       context.rollAngle, context.upDirection,
       context.hitherLimit, context.yonLimit ]; 
context.viewInValid ← FALSE;
IF context.pixels # NIL    -- check for mismatched viewPort and pixel storage
THEN IF < context.viewPort.w
   OR < context.viewPort.h
THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "pixel memory smaller than viewport"]];
ValidateShape: PUBLIC ShapeProc ~ {
PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, data: REF] RETURNS[REF ShapeInstance];
Update shading and transform matrices, return visibility (based on clipping and "hidden")
render: REF RenderData ← NARROW[shape.renderData];
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[shape];
IF shape.shadingClass = NIL THEN G3dRender.LoadShadingClass[shape]; -- load default
IF Atom.GetPropFromList[shape.props, $Hidden] # NIL AND shape.class.type # $Light
THEN RETURN[NIL];    -- not visible, removed from scene temporarily
IF shape.positionInValid THEN G3dRender.SetPosition[ shape ]; 
IF shape.boundingRadius = 0.0 THEN GetBoundingSphere[ shape ];
IF shape.vtcesInValid THEN {   -- do only if object or eyespace transform has moved
 Transform vertices to eyespace, get clip state of vertices and whole shape
shape.clipState ← ShapeUtilities.XfmToEyeSpace[ context, shape ];
IF shape.class.validate # NIL
THEN [] ← shape.class.validate[context, shape, data];     -- get shading, etc.
IF shape.clipState # out THEN {
 Transform vertices to screen coordinates, get screen extent for whole shape
ShapeUtilities.XfmToDisplay[context, shape ];
IF shape.clipState # out AND shape.surface # NIL THEN RETURN[shape] ELSE RETURN[NIL];
ValidatePolyhedron: PUBLIC ShapeProc ~ {
PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, data: REF] RETURNS[REF ShapeInstance];
Update shading and transform matrices
xfm: Xfm3D ← G3dMatrix.Mul[shape.position, context.eyeSpaceXfm];
IF GetProp[ shape.shadingProps, $VtxInfoComputed] = NIL
THEN ShapeUtilities.GetVtxNmls[context, shape];
IF shape.vtcesInValid AND (shape.clipState # out OR doAlways) THEN {
IF shape.shade # NIL THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.shade.length) DO
OPEN shape.shade[i]; -- transform normal vectors for shading, backfacing test
[ [exn, eyn, ezn] ] ← G3dMatrix.TransformVec[ [xn, yn, zn] , xfm];
IF shape.surface # NIL THEN {   -- get clipping info for patches
patch: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape.surface];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.numSurfaces) DO
IF patch[i] # NIL
THEN IF shape.clipState = in
THEN patch[i].clipState ← in        -- unclipped, inside
ELSE IF shape.clipState = clipped
THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ shape, patch[i] ]  -- evaluate clipping tags
ELSE patch[i].clipState ← out;
IF shape.shadingInValid AND (shape.clipState # out OR doAlways) THEN {
shadingType: REF ANY ← shape.shadingClass.shadingType;
SELECT shadingType FROM
$Faceted => {
polyShade: REF ShadingSequence;
IF GetProp[shape.shadingProps, $PolygonInfoComputed] = NIL
THEN ShapeUtilities.GetPolyShades[ context, shape ]; -- get data structure for facets
polyShade ← shape.shadingClass.patchShade;
IF shape.vtcesInValid THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..polyShade.length) DO
IF polyShade[i] # NIL THEN {
OPEN polyShade[i];         -- transform normal vectors
[ [exn, eyn, ezn] ] ← G3dMatrix.TransformVec[ [xn, yn, zn] , xfm];
ShapeUtilities.GetPolyShades[ context, shape ]; -- shade polygons (2nd call sometimes)
$Smooth, $ShadedLines => ShapeUtilities.GetVtxShades[ context, shape ]; -- shade vtces
$Lines, $HiddenLines, $NormaledLines => IF context.antiAliasing
THEN ShapeUtilities.GetVtxShades[ context, shape ];
NIL  => {};  -- For lights, this is a little shaky, what does no shading mean??!!
shadingProc: REF ShapeProc => [] ← shadingProc[ context, shape ]; -- supplied proc
ENDCASE => G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Unknown Shading Type"]];
shape.shadingInValid ← FALSE;
shape.vtcesInValid ← FALSE;
ValidateRopeShape: PUBLIC ShapeProc ~ {
PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, data: REF] RETURNS[REF ShapeInstance];
Update shading and transform matrices
shape.shadingInValid ← FALSE;
shape.vtcesInValid ← FALSE;
GetBoundingSphere: PUBLIC PROC[shape: REF ShapeInstance] ~ {
Find approximation to bounding sphere
{ min, max: Triple;
min ← max ← [shape.vertex[0].x, shape.vertex[0].y, shape.vertex[0].z];
FOR i: NAT IN (0..shape.vertex.length) DO -- get min and max in x, y, and z
IF shape.vertex[i] # NIL THEN {
IF shape.vertex[i].x < min.x
THEN min.x ← shape.vertex[i].x
ELSE IF shape.vertex[i].x > max.x THEN max.x ← shape.vertex[i].x;
IF shape.vertex[i].y < min.y
THEN min.y ← shape.vertex[i].y
ELSE IF shape.vertex[i].y > max.y THEN max.y ← shape.vertex[i].y;
IF shape.vertex[i].z < min.z
THEN min.z ← shape.vertex[i].z
ELSE IF shape.vertex[i].z > max.z THEN max.z ← shape.vertex[i].z;
shape.centroid.x ← (min.x + max.x) / 2;     -- get middle point in each coordinate
shape.centroid.y ← (min.y + max.y) / 2;
shape.centroid.z ← (min.z + max.z) / 2;
shape.boundingRadius ← 0.;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.vertex.length) DO -- find radius
radius: REAL ← RealFns.SqRt[
  Sqr[shape.vertex[i].x - shape.centroid.x]
+ Sqr[shape.vertex[i].y - shape.centroid.y]
+ Sqr[shape.vertex[i].z - shape.centroid.z] ];
IF radius > shape.boundingRadius
THEN shape.boundingRadius ← radius;
SetView: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, eyePoint, ptOfInterest: Triple,
       fieldOfView: REAL �.0,
       rollAngle: REAL ← 0.0, upDirection: Triple ← [ 0., 0., 1.],
       hitherLimit: REAL ← .01, yonLimit: REAL ← 1000.0] ~ {
context.eyePoint ← eyePoint;
context.ptOfInterest ← ptOfInterest;
context.fieldOfView ← fieldOfView;
context.rollAngle ← rollAngle;
context.upDirection ← upDirection;
context.hitherLimit ← hitherLimit;
context.yonLimit ← yonLimit;
SetEyeSpace[ context ];
IF context.shapes # NIL THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO
context.shapes[i].vtcesInValid ← TRUE;    -- eyespace and image space will change
IF context.shapes[i].shadingClass.shininess > 0.0
OR context.shapes[i].shadingClass.transmittance > 0.0
THEN context.shapes[i].shadingInValid ← TRUE;  -- highlights and trans. will change
SetEyeSpace: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context ] ~ {
in, right, up, normal: Triple;
mtx: Xfm3D;
wndw: Rectangle;
viewSize, xSize, ySize, aspectRatio: REAL;
IF context.viewPort.h <= 0 OR context.viewPort.w <= 0 THEN RETURN[];
transform from world to eye
in ← G3dVector.Normalize[G3dVector.Sub[context.ptOfInterest, context.eyePoint]];
IF G3dVector.Null[in] THEN
SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Eye and Pt of Interest identical"]];
right ← G3dVector.Normalize[G3dVector.Cross[in, context.upDirection]];
IF G3dVector.Null[right] THEN right ← [1.0, 0.0, 0.0];  -- looking straight down
up ← G3dVector.Normalize[G3dVector.Cross[right, in]];
normalize not really needed (to avoid roundoff problems)
context.eyeSpaceXfm ← G3dMatrix.Identity[];
context.eyeSpaceXfm[0][0] ← right.x;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[1][0] ← right.y;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[2][0] ← right.z;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[3][0] ← -G3dVector.Dot[right, context.eyePoint];
context.eyeSpaceXfm[0][1] ← up.x;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[1][1] ← up.y;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[2][1] ← up.z;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[3][1] ← -G3dVector.Dot[up, context.eyePoint];
context.eyeSpaceXfm[0][2] ← in.x;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[1][2] ← in.y;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[2][2] ← in.z;
context.eyeSpaceXfm[3][2] ← -G3dVector.Dot[in, context.eyePoint];
mtx ← G3dMatrix.Identity[];        -- Roll about z-axis, clockwise
mtx[0][0] ← RealFns.CosDeg[context.rollAngle]; 
mtx[0][1] ← -RealFns.SinDeg[context.rollAngle];
mtx[1][0] ← RealFns.SinDeg[context.rollAngle]; 
mtx[1][1] ← RealFns.CosDeg[context.rollAngle];
context.eyeSpaceXfm ← G3dMatrix.Mul[context.eyeSpaceXfm, mtx];
bound window by -1.0 < x, y < 1.0
IF NOT (context.window.w > 0.0 AND context.window.h > 0.0) THEN RETURN[];
aspectRatio ← context.pixelAspectRatio * (context.viewPort.w/context.viewPort.h);
xSize ← IF aspectRatio > 1.0 THEN 1.0 ELSE aspectRatio;
ySize ← IF aspectRatio < 1.0 THEN 1.0 ELSE 1.0 / aspectRatio;
wndw.x ← MIN[xSize, MAX[-xSize, context.window.x] ];
wndw.w ← MIN[xSize-wndw.x, context.window.w ];
wndw.y ← MIN[ySize, MAX[-ySize, context.window.y] ];
wndw.h ← MIN[ySize-wndw.y, context.window.h ];
viewSize ← 2.0*RealFns.TanDeg[context.fieldOfView/2.0]; -- scale factor for angle of view
generate clipping planes
context.clippingPlanes[Near] ← [0., 0., 1., -context.hitherLimit];
context.clippingPlanes[Far] ← [0., 0., -1., context.yonLimit];
normalize plane equation for true distances
normal ← G3dVector.Normalize[[1., 0., -(wndw.x * viewSize/2.)]];
context.clippingPlanes[Left] ← [normal.x, 0., normal.z, 0.];
normal ← G3dVector.Normalize[[-1., 0., (wndw.x + wndw.w) * viewSize/2.]];
context.clippingPlanes[Right] ← [normal.x, 0., normal.z, 0.];
normal ← G3dVector.Normalize[[0., 1., -(wndw.y * viewSize/2.)]];
context.clippingPlanes[Bottom] ← [0., normal.y, normal.z, 0.];
normal ← G3dVector.Normalize[[0., -1., (wndw.y + wndw.h) * viewSize/2.]];
context.clippingPlanes[Top] ← [0., normal.y, normal.z, 0.];
compute the transformation from the eye coord sys to normalized display coordinates (0.—1.)
context.eyeToNdc.addX ← -(wndw.x / wndw.w);
context.eyeToNdc.addY ← -(wndw.y / wndw.h);
context.eyeToNdc.addZ ← 1.0/(1.0 - context.hitherLimit/context.yonLimit);
context.eyeToNdc.scaleX ← 1.0/(wndw.w * viewSize / 2.0);
context.eyeToNdc.scaleY ← 1.0/(wndw.h * viewSize / 2.0);
context.eyeToNdc.scaleZ ← -context.hitherLimit/(1. - context.hitherLimit/context.yonLimit);
WindowFromViewPort: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context]
        RETURNS[REF Rectangle] ~ {
Fits window to shape of viewport
window: REF Rectangle ← NEW[Rectangle];
vp: Rectangle;
IF context.viewPort = NIL OR context.viewPort.h <= 0.0 OR context.viewPort.w <= 0.0
vp ← [ context.viewPort.x * context.pixelAspectRatio, context.viewPort.y,
  context.viewPort.w * context.pixelAspectRatio, context.viewPort.h ];
IF vp.w > vp.h
window.x ← -1.0; window.w ← 2.0;
window.y ← -vp.h / vp.w; window.h ← 2.0 * vp.h / vp.w;
window.y ← -1.0; window.h ← 2.0;
window.x ← -vp.w / vp.h; window.w ← 2.0 * vp.w / vp.h;
RETURN[ window ];
Procedures for Sorting
GetBounds: PROC[patch: REF PtrPatch, shape: REF ShapeInstance] RETURNS[pBnds: Bounds] ~ {
Get bounding box for patch
pBnds.near ← pBnds.far ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]].ez;
pBnds.left ← pBnds.right ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]].sx;
pBnds.bottom ← ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]].sy;
FOR j: NAT IN [1..patch.nVtces) DO   -- get bounds in depth, on display
pBnds.near ← MIN[pBnds.near, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].ez];
pBnds.far ← MAX[pBnds.far, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].ez];
pBnds.left ← MIN[pBnds.left, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sx];
pBnds.right ← MAX[pBnds.right, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sx];
pBnds.bottom ← MIN[pBnds.bottom, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sy]; ← MAX[, shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]].sy];
GetPlane: PROC[patch: REF PtrPatch, shape: REF ShapeInstance] RETURNS[plane: Quad] ~ {
find plane defined by first three vertices
p1, p2, p3: Triple; vtx: REF Vertex;
vtx ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[0]]; p1 ← [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez];
vtx ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[1]]; p2 ← [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez];
vtx ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[2]]; p3 ← [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez];
plane ← G3dPlane.FromThreePoints[p1, p2, p3, TRUE]; -- get normalized plane
RETURN[ [plane.x*100.0, plane.y*100.0, plane.z*100.0, plane.w*100.0] ];   -- scale up
precisionLimit: REAL ← 0.0001; -- limits precision of intersection calc. to one part in 10,000
CheckAgainstPlane: PROC[nPatch: REF ShapePatch, plane: Quad] RETURNS[order: Order] ~ {
Returns status of newPatch with respect to plane
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← nPatch.shape;
patches: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape.surface];
patch: REF PtrPatch ← patches[nPatch.patch];
minusSum, plusSum, side: REAL ← 0.0;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]];
pt: Triple ← [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez];
dist: REAL ← pt.x*plane.x + pt.y*plane.y + pt.z*plane.z + plane.w;  -- eval plane eq.
IF dist < 0.0
THEN minusSum ← minusSum - dist
ELSE plusSum ← plusSum + dist
IF minusSum + plusSum < precisionLimit THEN RETURN[coincident];  -- coincident planes
IF minusSum < precisionLimit*plusSum
THEN side ← 1.0
ELSE IF plusSum < precisionLimit*minusSum
THEN side ← -1.0
ELSE RETURN[intersects];
IF ABS[plane.w] < precisionLimit
THEN RETURN[behind];        -- clip plane on edge (goes thru eye)
IF plane.w * side > 0.0
THEN RETURN[inFront] -- all points of nPatch between plane and eyepoint (origin)
ELSE RETURN[behind];      -- all points of nPatch on other side of plane
ClipPolyToPlane: PROC[context: REF Context, nPatch: REF ShapePatch, plane: Quad]
      RETURNS[p1, p2: REF ShapePatch]~ {
Clip polygon by plane, add new vertices and new polys to shape structures.
Return 2 polys p1 on near side of plane, p2 on far side.
GetSurfacePlace: PROC[] RETURNS[place: INT32] ~ { -- place to add 2 polys
place ← NARROW[GetProp[shape.props, $ClippedPatches], REF INT32]^;
IF place+1 >= patches.maxLength THEN {
newPatches: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NEW[
PtrPatchSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]]
newPatches.length ← patches.length;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newPatches[i] ← patches[i]; ENDLOOP;
shape.surface ← patches ← newPatches;
shape.props ← PutProp[ shape.props, $ClippedPatches, NEW[INT32 ← place+2] ];
IF patchInfo # NIL THEN {
IF place+1 >= patchInfo.maxLength THEN {
newPatchInfo: REF ShadingSequence ← NEW[
ShadingSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]]
newPatchInfo.length ← patchInfo.length;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newPatchInfo[i] ← patchInfo[i]; ENDLOOP;
patchInfo ← shape.shadingClass.patchShade ← newPatchInfo;
GetVertexPlace: PROC[] RETURNS[place: INT32] ~ { -- place to add 1 vertex
place ← NARROW[GetProp[shape.props, $ClippedVertices], REF INT32]^;
IF place >= shape.vertex.maxLength THEN {
newVertices: REF VertexSequence ← NEW[
VertexSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]]
newShades: REF ShadingSequence ← NEW[
ShadingSequence[place + MAX[16, INTEGER[place/8]]]
newVertices.length ← shape.vertex.length;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newVertices[i] ← shape.vertex[i]; ENDLOOP;
newShades.length ← shape.shade.length;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..INTEGER[place]) DO newShades[i] ← shape.shade[i]; ENDLOOP;
shape.vertex ← newVertices; shape.shade ← newShades;
shape.props ← PutProp[ shape.props, $ClippedVertices, NEW[INT32 ← place+1] ];
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← nPatch.shape;
lerpProc: VertexInfoProc ← shape.shadingClass.lerpVtxAux;
patches: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape.surface];
patchInfo: REF ShadingSequence ← shape.shadingClass.patchShade;
patch: REF PtrPatch ← patches[nPatch.patch];
patch1, patch2: PtrPatch;
i1, i2, place: NAT ← 0;
lastVtx: REF Vertex ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[patch.nVtces-1]];
lastShade: REF ShadingValue ← shape.shade[patch.vtxPtr[patch.nVtces-1]];
lastDist: REAL ← lastVtx.ex*plane.x + lastVtx.ey*plane.y + lastVtx.ez*plane.z + plane.w;
IF lerpProc # NIL THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$Unimplemented, "Aux not done yet "]];
patch1.type ← patch2.type ← patch.type;
patch1.oneSided ← patch2.oneSided ← patch.oneSided;
patch1.clipState ← patch2.clipState ← patch.clipState;
patch1.dir ← patch2.dir ← patch.dir;
patch1.props ← patch2.props ← patch.props;
patch1.vtxPtr ← NEW[NatSequence[patch.nVtces+2]];
patch2.vtxPtr ← NEW[NatSequence[patch.nVtces+2]];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← shape.vertex[patch.vtxPtr[j]];
shade: REF ShadingValue ← shape.shade[patch.vtxPtr[j]];
dist: REAL ← vtx.ex*plane.x + vtx.ey*plane.y + vtx.ez*plane.z + plane.w; -- eval plane eq.
IF lastDist * dist < 0.0 THEN {     -- intersection, copy computed vertex to both
newVtx: Vertex; newShade: ShadingValue;
b: REAL ← dist / (dist - lastDist); a: REAL ← 1.0 - b;
newVtx.x ← vtx.x * a + lastVtx.x * b;
newVtx.y ← vtx.y * a + lastVtx.y * b;
newVtx.z ← vtx.z * a + lastVtx.z * b;
newVtx.ex ← vtx.ex * a + lastVtx.ex * b;
newVtx.ey ← vtx.ey * a + lastVtx.ey * b;
newVtx.ez ← vtx.ez * a + lastVtx.ez * b;
[[,,]] ← ShapeUtilities.XfmPtToDisplay[
context, [newVtx.ex, newVtx.ey, newVtx.ez]
newShade.exn ← shade.exn*a + lastShade.exn*b;
newShade.eyn ← shade.eyn*a + lastShade.eyn*b;
newShade.ezn ← shade.ezn*a + lastShade.ezn*b;
newShade.r ← shade.r * a + lastShade.r * b;
newShade.g ← shade.g * a + lastShade.g * b;
newShade.b ← shade.b * a + lastShade.b * b;
newShade.t ← shade.t * a + lastShade.t* b; ← * a + * b; ← * a + * b;
newShade.eb ← shade.eb * a + lastShade.eb * b; ← * a + * b;
IF pIn.vtx[i].aux # NIL AND pIn.vtx[last].aux # NIL
pIn.vtx[i].aux, pIn.vtx[last].aux, NEW[REAL ← a], NEW[REAL ← b]
pOut.vtx[outCnt] ← lerpProc[ context, pOut.vtx[outCnt], data ];
ELSE pOut.vtx[outCnt].aux ← pIn.vtx[i].aux;
place ← GetVertexPlace[];        -- store clipped pt with shape
shape.vertex[place] ← NEW[Vertex ← newVtx];
shape.shade[place] ← NEW[ShadingValue ← newShade];
patch1.vtxPtr[i1] ← patch2.vtxPtr[i2] ← place; i1 ← i1+1; i2 ← i2+1;
IF dist = 0.0
THEN {    -- right on plane, copy to both sides
patch1.vtxPtr[i1] ← patch.vtxPtr[j]; i1 ← i1+1;
patch2.vtxPtr[i2] ← patch.vtxPtr[j]; i2 ← i2+1;
ELSE IF dist*plane.w > 0.0 OR (plane.w = 0.0 AND dist > 0.0) 
THEN { patch1.vtxPtr[i1] ← patch.vtxPtr[j]; i1 ← i1+1; } -- on eye side of plane
ELSE { patch2.vtxPtr[i2] ← patch.vtxPtr[j]; i2 ← i2+1; }; -- on far side of plane
lastDist ← dist; lastVtx ← vtx; lastShade ← shade;
patch1.nVtces ← i1; patch2.nVtces ← i2;
IF i1 < 3 OR i2 < 3 THEN SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Degenerate polygon"]];
place ← GetSurfacePlace[];
patches[place] ← NEW[PtrPatch ← patch1]; patches[place+1] ← NEW[PtrPatch ← patch2];
IF patchInfo # NIL THEN {
patchInfo[place] ← patchInfo[place+1] ← patchInfo[nPatch.patch];
p1 ← NEW[ShapePatch ← [shape, place, 0, 0, nPatch.awayness]];
p2 ← NEW[ShapePatch ← [shape, place+1, 0, 0, nPatch.awayness]];
LineSeparable: PROC[in1, in2: REF ShapePatch] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] ~ {
Can patches be separated by a line on screen?
overlap: REAL;
ptr1, ptr2: NAT;
Get Centroids of two patches
centroid1, centroid2: Pair ← [0.0, 0.0];
patches1: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[in1.shape.surface];
patches2: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[in2.shape.surface];
patch1: REF PtrPatch ← patches1[in1.patch];
patch2: REF PtrPatch ← patches2[in2.patch];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]];
centroid1.x ← centroid1.x +; centroid1.y ← centroid1.y +;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]];
centroid2.x ← centroid2.x +; centroid2.y ← centroid2.y +;
centroid1.x ← centroid1.x / patch1.nVtces; centroid1.y ← centroid1.y / patch1.nVtces;
centroid2.x ← centroid2.x / patch2.nVtces; centroid2.y ← centroid2.y / patch2.nVtces;
Project vertices on vector from centroid1 to centroid2 to get max1 and min2
max1, min2: REAL;
cntrVec: Pair ← [ centroid2.x - centroid1.x, centroid2.y - centroid1.y ];  -- from 1 to 2
cntrVecMag: REAL ← RealFns.SqRt[cntrVec.x*cntrVec.x+cntrVec.y*cntrVec.y];
IF cntrVecMag = 0.0 THEN RETURN[FALSE];  -- can't be separated if identical centroids
cntrVec.x ← cntrVec.x / cntrVecMag; cntrVec.y ← cntrVec.y / cntrVecMag;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]];
prod: REAL ← cntrVec.x * ( - centroid1.x) + cntrVec.y * ( - centroid1.y);
IF j = 0 OR prod > max1 THEN { max1 ← prod; ptr1 ← j; } ;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]];
prod: REAL ← cntrVec.x * ( - centroid1.x) + cntrVec.y * ( - centroid1.y);
IF j = 0 OR prod < min2 THEN { min2 ← prod; ptr2 ← j; } ;
Clearly separable if projections don't overlap
IF min2 >= max1 * (1.0 - precisionLimit) THEN RETURN[TRUE];
overlap ← max1 - min2;
Use edge between selected vertices as separator
min1, min2, centroid1Dist, centroid2Dist, sgn: REAL;
nPtr1, nPtr2: NAT;
vtx1: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[ptr1]];
vtx2: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[ptr2]];
sepEdge: Triple ← [ -, -, 0.0];
sepEdge ← G3dVector.Normalize[sepEdge];
sepEdge.z ← -( * sepEdge.x + * sepEdge.y);
centroid1Dist ← sepEdge.x * centroid1.x + sepEdge.y * centroid1.y + sepEdge.z;
centroid2Dist ← sepEdge.x * centroid2.x + sepEdge.y * centroid2.y + sepEdge.z;
IF centroid1Dist * centroid2Dist > 0.0 THEN RETURN[FALSE]; -- both on same side
sgn ← IF centroid1Dist < 0.0 THEN -1.0 ELSE 1.0;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]];
dist: REAL ← sgn * (sepEdge.x * + sepEdge.y * + sepEdge.z);
IF j = 0 OR dist < min1 THEN { min1 ← dist; IF min1 < 0.0 THEN nPtr1 ← j; };
sgn ← IF centroid2Dist < 0.0 THEN -1.0 ELSE 1.0;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]];
dist: REAL ← sgn * (sepEdge.x * + sepEdge.y * + sepEdge.z);
IF j = 0 OR dist < min2 THEN { min2 ← dist; IF min2 < 0.0 THEN nPtr2 ← j; };
IF min1 > -ScanConvert.justNoticeable AND min2 > -ScanConvert.justNoticeable
nOverlap: REAL ← 0.0;
IF min1 < 0.0 THEN { nOverlap ← nOverlap - min1; ptr1 ← nPtr1; };
IF min2 < 0.0 THEN { nOverlap ← nOverlap - min2; ptr2 ← nPtr2; };
IF nOverlap >= overlap THEN RETURN[FALSE]
ELSE overlap ← nOverlap;
RETURN[FALSE];     -- can't get here, but compiler doesn't know that
PlaneSeparable: PROC[in1, in2: REF ShapePatch] RETURNS[Order] ~ {
Can patches be separated by a plane in eyespace? If so what is position of in1 wrt. in2
overlap: REAL;
ptr1, ptr2, nxtPtr1, nxtPtr2: NAT;
Get Centroids of two patches
centroid1, centroid2: Triple ← [0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
patches1: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[in1.shape.surface];
patches2: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[in2.shape.surface];
patch1: REF PtrPatch ← patches1[in1.patch];
patch2: REF PtrPatch ← patches2[in2.patch];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]];
centroid1 ← G3dVector.Add[ centroid1, [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez] ];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]];
centroid2 ← G3dVector.Add[ centroid2, [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez] ];
centroid1 ← G3dVector.Div[ centroid1 , patch1.nVtces ];
centroid2 ← G3dVector.Div[ centroid2 , patch2.nVtces ];
Project vertices on vector from centroid1 to centroid2 to get max1 and min2
max1, next1: REAL ← Real.MinusInfinity;
min2, next2: REAL ← Real.PlusInfinity;
cntrVec: Triple ← G3dVector.Sub[ centroid2, centroid1 ];  -- from 1 to 2
cntrVecMag: REAL ← G3dVector.Length[ cntrVec ];
IF cntrVecMag = 0.0 THEN RETURN[intersects];  -- can't be separated if identical centroids
cntrVec ← G3dVector.Div[ cntrVec, cntrVecMag ];
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch1.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[j]];
prod: REAL ← G3dVector.Dot[
G3dVector.Sub[ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez], centroid1 ]
IF j = 0 OR prod > max1
THEN { max1 ← prod; ptr1 ← j; next1 ← max1; nxtPtr1 ← ptr1; } -- new largest   
ELSE IF prod > next1 THEN { next1 ← prod; nxtPtr1 ← j; }; -- new 2nd largest
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch2.nVtces) DO
vtx: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[j]];
prod: REAL ← G3dVector.Dot[
G3dVector.Sub[ [vtx.ex, vtx.ey, vtx.ez], centroid1 ]
IF j = 0 OR prod < min2
THEN { min2 ← prod; ptr2 ← j; next2 ← min2; nxtPtr2 ← ptr2; } -- new min.
ELSE IF prod < next2 THEN { next2 ← prod; nxtPtr2 ← j; }; -- new 2nd minimum
Clearly separable if projections don't overlap
IF min2 >= max1 * (1.0 - precisionLimit) THEN {
max1Vec: Triple ← G3dVector.Add[  -- position of max1 projection on cntrVec
G3dVector.Mul[cntrVec, max1 / cntrVecMag]
IF G3dVector.Dot[max1Vec, cntrVec] > 0.0
THEN RETURN[inFront]   -- cntrVec tilts away from the eye, in1 in front
ELSE RETURN[behind];   -- cntrVec tilts toward the eye, in1 behind
overlap ← max1 - min2;
Use plane through innermost vertices and an adjacent vertex as separator
vtx1: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[ptr1]];
vtx2: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[ptr2]];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..2) DO
state1, state2: Order;
adjPtr: NATIF i = 0
THEN (ptr1 + 1) MOD patch1.nVtces
ELSE (ptr1 + patch1.nVtces-1) MOD patch1.nVtces;
vtx1a: REF Vertex ← in1.shape.vertex[patch1.vtxPtr[adjPtr]];
sepPlane: Quad ← G3dPlane.FromThreePoints[
[vtx1.ex, vtx1.ey, vtx1.ez],
[vtx2.ex, vtx2.ey, vtx2.ez],
[vtx1a.ex, vtx1a.ey, vtx1a.ez],
TRUE     -- normalize
! G3dPlane.Error => LOOP
sepPlane ← [sepPlane.x*100.0, sepPlane.y*100.0, sepPlane.z*100.0, sepPlane.w*100.0];
state1 ← CheckAgainstPlane[in1, sepPlane];
state2 ← CheckAgainstPlane[in2, sepPlane];
IF (state1 = behind AND state2 = inFront) OR (state1 = inFront AND state2 = behind)
THEN RETURN[state1];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..2) DO    -- failed to get good planes on first poly, try other one
state1, state2: Order;
adjPtr: NATIF i = 0
THEN (ptr2 + 1) MOD patch2.nVtces
ELSE (ptr2 + patch2.nVtces-2) MOD patch2.nVtces;
vtx2a: REF Vertex ← in2.shape.vertex[patch2.vtxPtr[adjPtr]];
sepPlane: Quad ← G3dPlane.FromThreePoints[
[vtx1.ex, vtx1.ey, vtx1.ez],
[vtx2.ex, vtx2.ey, vtx2.ez],
[vtx2a.ex, vtx2a.ey, vtx2a.ez],
TRUE     -- normalize
! G3dPlane.Error => LOOP
sepPlane ← [sepPlane.x*100.0, sepPlane.y*100.0, sepPlane.z*100.0, sepPlane.w*100.0];
state1 ← CheckAgainstPlane[in1, sepPlane];
state2 ← CheckAgainstPlane[in2, sepPlane];
IF (state1 = behind AND state2 = inFront) OR (state1 = inFront AND state2 = behind)
THEN RETURN[state1] ELSE IF i # 0 THEN RETURN[intersects];
RETURN[intersects];     -- come here on utter failure to get a reasonable answer
ShowPrioritySeq: PROC[context: REF Context, sortOrder: REF SortSequence] ~ {
Debugging aid shows state of partially-completed priority order
j: NAT ← sortOrder[1].prev;
WHILE j > 0 DO
ShowOnePatch[context, sortOrder[j].shape, sortOrder[j].patch];
j ← sortOrder[j].prev;
LoadPrioritySequence: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context, sortOrder: LIST OF REF ANYNIL]
Keep 2 lists:
(1) Active patches whose far limit is farther than current near limit
(2) permanent list
Compare with sorted active list (those that overlap in depth):
- if far limit closer than current near, delete from active list
- if same shape go to next one
- if screen limits don't overlap go to next one
- compare planes for intersection, clip if not separable, insert if in front
- if clipped
- insert new patches into shape data structures to create new ShapePatch
- put frontmost new patch into active and permanent lists, continue with both halves
sortKey: REF NatSequence;  -- 1st element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of
buckets: REF SortSequence;  -- 2nd element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of
         -- REF ShapePatch
ShapePatch: TYPE ~ RECORD[shape: REF ShapeInstance, patch, next, prev: INT, awayness: REAL];
sorted: REF SortSequence;
active: REF SortSequence;
bounds: REF BoundsSequence;   -- RECORD[left, right, bottom, top, near, far: REAL];
activeKey: REF NatSequence;  -- keeps order on active and bounds
numActive: NAT ← 0;
emptySpace: INTEGER ← -1;   -- hole in active - negative means NIL
endOfActive: NAT ← 0;     -- beginning of unused space in active
endOfSort: NAT;     -- beginning of unused space in sort
patchCount: CARDINAL ← 0;
ExtendBds: PROC[seq: REF BoundsSequence] RETURNS[newSeq: REF BoundsSequence] ~ {
newSeq ← NEW[ BoundsSequence[seq.length + MAX[16, INTEGER[seq.length/8]]] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..seq.length) DO newSeq[i] ← seq[i]; ENDLOOP;
ExtendNat: PROC[seq: REF NatSequence] RETURNS[newSeq: REF NatSequence] ~ {
newSeq ← NEW[ NatSequence[seq.maxLength + MAX[16, INTEGER[seq.maxLength/8]]] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..seq.maxLength) DO newSeq[i] ← seq[i]; ENDLOOP;
Extend: PROC[seq: REF SortSequence] RETURNS[newSeq: REF SortSequence] ~ {
newSeq ← NEW[ SortSequence[seq.length + MAX[16, INTEGER[seq.length/8]]] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..seq.length) DO newSeq[i] ← seq[i]; ENDLOOP;
DeleteActive: PROC[index: NAT] ~ {
j: NAT ← activeKey[index];
active[j] ← NIL;        -- nil entry
bounds[j] ← [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
emptySpace ← j;
FOR i: NAT IN [index..numActive-1) DO   -- close up pointer array
activeKey[i] ← activeKey[i+1];
activeKey[numActive-1] ← 0;
numActive ← numActive - 1;
InsertActive: PROC[index: NAT, pBnds: Bounds, patch: REF ShapePatch] ~ {
place: NAT;
IF emptySpace < 0
place ← endOfActive; endOfActive ← endOfActive+1;
IF endOfActive >= active.length THEN {    -- overflow, extend sequences
active ← Extend[active]; bounds ← ExtendBds[bounds];
activeKey ← ExtendNat[activeKey];
ELSE { place ← emptySpace; emptySpace ← -1; };
IF index = 0
THEN IF numActive = 0      -- first entry in active list ? 
THEN { patch.prev ← sorted[1].next; ← sorted[patch.prev].next; }
ELSE ← sorted[active[activeKey[index]].prev].next -- heading active list   
ELSE ← active[activeKey[index-1]].next;    -- not heading active list
IF numActive > 0 THEN patch.prev ← sorted[].prev; -- back ptr. from next patch
sorted[patch.prev].next ← endOfSort; -- fore pointer from current patch
sorted[].prev ← endOfSort;  -- back ptr to new patch
IF endOfSort >= sorted.length THEN sorted ← Extend[sorted];
sorted[endOfSort] ← patch;    -- put in sorted array
endOfSort ← endOfSort + 1;   -- increment store location
FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [index..numActive) DO   -- open up pointer array
activeKey[i+1] ← activeKey[i];
activeKey[index] ← place;      -- insert pointer to Patch and bounds arrays
active[place] ← patch;
bounds[place] ← pBnds;
numActive ← numActive + 1;
Promote: PROC[from, to: NAT] RETURNS[NAT] ~ {
Move entry forward in active list
fromPlace: NAT ← activeKey[from];
toPlace: NAT ← activeKey[to];
promoteeAddr: NAT;     -- location of promotee in sorted sequence
tBnds: Bounds ← bounds[fromPlace];
tActive: REF ShapePatch ← active[fromPlace];
FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [to..from) DO   -- move intermediate entries back one
activeKey[i+1] ← activeKey[i];
activeKey[to] ← fromPlace;        -- insert promoted entry
remove from previous spot in linked list
promoteeAddr ← sorted[tActive.prev].next;  -- get pointer to promotee
sorted[tActive.prev].next ←; -- redirect fore pointer from promoted patch
sorted[].prev ← tActive.prev;  -- redirect back ptr from promoted patch
insert in new spot
tActive.prev ← active[toPlace].prev;   -- link promotee into new position ← sorted[tActive.prev].next;
sorted[tActive.prev].next ← promoteeAddr; -- redirect fore pointer to promoted patch
sorted[].prev ← promoteeAddr;  -- redirect back ptr to promoted patch
Note! Cyclically overlapping surfaces may occur and should be checked for here
RETURN[to+1];   -- next site to insert polygon
Insert: PROC[inPatch: REF ShapePatch, start, level: NAT ← 0] RETURNS[NAT] ~ {
Insert patch in sorted list
newPatch: REF ShapePatch ← NEW[ShapePatch ← inPatch^]; -- insulate external patch ptrs
rearParts: LIST OF REF ShapePatch ← NIL;
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← newPatch.shape;
away: REAL ← newPatch.awayness;
selfIntersecting: BOOLEANFALSE;     -- shape property?
patches: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape.surface];
patch: REF PtrPatch ← patches[newPatch.patch];
pBnds: Bounds ← GetBounds[patch, shape];  -- Get bounding box for patch
i: NAT ← start;
insertionPt: NAT;
Cull active polygons entirely closer than newPatch (if dealing with original poly)
WHILE level = 0 AND i < numActive AND bounds[activeKey[i]].far <= pBnds.near DO
DeleteActive[i]; i ← i+1;   -- cull anything at beginning no depth overlap
WHILE i < numActive DO
newPlane: Quad;
j: NAT ← activeKey[i];
i ← i+1;
IF bounds[j].right <= pBnds.left THEN LOOP;   -- bounds overlap on screen?
IF bounds[j].left >= pBnds.right THEN LOOP;
IF bounds[j].top <= pBnds.bottom THEN LOOP;
IF bounds[j].bottom >= THEN LOOP;
IF LineSeparable[active[j], newPatch] THEN LOOP; -- linearly separable on screen
IF active[j].shape = shape          -- overlapping, same shape
THEN IF NOT selfIntersecting
THEN IF NOT shape.insideVisible
THEN LOOP  -- no backfacing polygons
ELSE IF ABS[active[j].awayness - newPatch.awayness] < 0.5   -- kluge!!
THEN LOOP; -- from same poly
THEN IF ABS[active[j].awayness - away] > 0.5 * ABS[active[j].awayness + away]     
THEN IF active[j].awayness < away   -- significantly different awayness
THEN {         -- if new entry more backfacing
IF inserted THEN insertionPt ← Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt];
ELSE {         -- if earlier entry more backfacing
IF NOT inserted THEN
{ InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted ← TRUE; insertionPt ← i-1; };
ELSE {};     -- self-intersecting shape, find common edge
newPlane ← GetPlane[patch, shape];  -- try plane of new polygon as separator
SELECT CheckAgainstPlane[active[j], newPlane] FROM
inFront, coincident => {   -- polygon in front of or coincident with new plane
IF inserted THEN insertionPt ← Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt];  -- new order
};                -- else go to next polygon
behind => {         -- insert in front of polygon
IF inserted THEN LOOP;
InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted ← TRUE;
insertionPt ← i-1; LOOP;
intersects => {    -- vertices on both sides of plane, test other way
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← active[j].shape;
oldPatches: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape.surface];
oldPatch: REF PtrPatch ← oldPatches[active[j].patch];
oldPlane: Quad ← GetPlane[oldPatch, shape]; -- plane of polygon from active list
SELECT CheckAgainstPlane[newPatch, oldPlane] FROM
behind, coincident => {   -- new poly behind or coincident with old plane
IF inserted THEN insertionPt ← Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt];
};               -- else go to next polygon
inFront => {         -- insert in front of polygon
IF inserted THEN LOOP;
InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch];
inserted ← TRUE; insertionPt ← i-1; LOOP;
intersects => {  -- not resolvable, check for separating plane
SELECT PlaneSeparable[newPatch, active[j]] FROM
behind => {   -- new poly behind old poly
IF inserted THEN insertionPt ← Promote[from: i-1, to: insertionPt];
};             -- else go to next polygon
inFront => {         -- insert in front of polygon
IF inserted THEN LOOP;
InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch];
inserted ← TRUE; insertionPt ← i-1; LOOP;
intersects => {  -- not resolvable, split new polygon by plane of old
rearPatch: REF ShapePatch;
[newPatch, rearPatch] ← ClipPolyToPlane[context, newPatch, oldPlane];
rearParts ← CONS[rearPatch, rearParts];
patchCount ← patchCount + 1;   -- a new polygon generated
IF inserted    -- replace whole patch with front part if inserted
THEN active[activeKey[insertionPt]].patch ← newPatch.patch
ELSE IF NOT LineSeparable[active[j], newPatch] THEN {         
InsertActive[i-1, pBnds, newPatch]; inserted ← TRUE;
insertionPt ← i-1; i ← i+1;    -- insert front part
IF NOT inserted THEN { InsertActive[i, pBnds, newPatch]; insertionPt ← i; };
IF NOT debug THEN WHILE rearParts # NIL DO-- continue recursively with rear parts
insertionPt ← Insert[rearParts.first, MIN[numActive, insertionPt+2], level+1];
rearParts ←;
[sortOrder, patchCount] ← LoadDepthSequence[context, sortOrder]; -- sort by nearest vertex
sortKey ← NARROW[sortOrder.first, REF NatSequence];
buckets ← NARROW[, REF SortSequence];
sorted ← NEW[SortSequence[2*patchCount+2]];
bounds ← NEW[BoundsSequence[2*patchCount]];
active ← NEW[SortSequence[2*patchCount]];
activeKey ← NEW[NatSequence[2*patchCount+1]];
sorted[0] ← NEW[ShapePatch ← [NIL, 0, 1, 0, 0.0]];   -- initialize list header
sorted[1] ← NEW[ShapePatch ← [NIL, 0, 0, 0, 0.0]];     -- initialize dummy list tail
endOfSort ← 2;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..sortKey.length) DO    -- compose initial sort into complete ordering
j: NAT ← sortKey[i];
WHILE j # nullPtr DO
[] ← Insert[buckets[j]];        -- insert next polygon in order in list
j ← buckets[j].next;
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[sortOrder, patchCount]; -- quit if stop signal received
sortKey[0] ← sorted[0].next;      -- start linked list at 1st element
sortKey.length ← 1;
sorted[sorted[1].prev].next ← 0;     -- bind off linked list at last real element
sorted[sortKey[0]].prev ← sorted[1].prev;   -- set pointer to list tail at 1st element
RETURN[ LIST[sortKey, sorted, NIL], patchCount ];
LoadDepthSequence: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, sortOrder: LIST OF REF ANYNIL ]
Builds front-to-back sorted array of buckets, bidirectional linked lists within buckets
sortKey: REF NatSequence;  -- 1st element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of
buckets: REF SortSequence;  -- 2nd element of 'sortOrder', sort buckets with linked lists of
         -- REF ShapePatch
shape: REF ShapeSequence ← context.visibleShapes;
patchCount: CARDINAL ← 0;
bucketListPtr: INT ← 1;   -- start bucket count at 1 to allow use of zero as null
minDepth: REAL ← context.yonLimit;
maxDepth: REAL ← context.hitherLimit;
zScale: REAL ← 1.;
NewSortOrder: PROC[] ~ {
buckets ← NEW[SortSequence[patchCount+1]];
sortKey ← NEW[NatSequence[context.depthResolution]];
sortKey.length ← context.depthResolution;
FOR i: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO -- get minimum and maximum depth and patch count
radius: REAL ← shape[i].boundingRadius;
IF shape[i].centroid.ez - radius < minDepth
THEN minDepth ← shape[i].centroid.ez - radius;
IF shape[i].centroid.ez + radius > maxDepth
THEN maxDepth ← shape[i].centroid.ez + radius;
patchCount ← patchCount + shape[i].numSurfaces;
shape[i].props ← PutProp[    -- set sizes for intersections in priority sdort
shape[i].props, $ClippedPatches, NEW[INT32 ← shape[i].numSurfaces]
shape[i].props ← PutProp[
shape[i].props, $ClippedVertices, NEW[INT32 ← shape[i].vertex.length]
minDepth ← MAX[minDepth, 0];     -- nothing allowed behind the eyepoint
IF (maxDepth - minDepth) > 0.
THEN zScale ← (context.depthResolution - 1) / (maxDepth - minDepth);
IF sortOrder # NIL
sortKey ← NARROW[sortOrder.first];
buckets ← NARROW[];
ELSE NewSortOrder[];
IF buckets.length < patchCount OR sortKey.length < context.depthResolution
THEN NewSortOrder[];       -- get new storage if sizes have expanded
FOR i: NAT IN [0..sortKey.length) DO sortKey[i] ← nullPtr; ENDLOOP; -- clear sort structure
FOR s: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO -- Enter patches (by nearest z) in bucket lists
patch: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape[s].surface];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape[s].numSurfaces) DO
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[NIL, 0]; -- shut down if stop signal received
IF patch[i] # NIL AND patch[i].clipState # out THEN { -- can't be proven not visible
dirSum: REAL ← 0.0;
zNear: REAL ← maxDepth;
iz: INT;
FOR j: NAT IN [0..patch[i].nVtces) DO   -- get minimum z-coordinate
zNear ← MIN[zNear, shape[s].vertex[patch[i].vtxPtr[j]].ez];
iz ← INTEGER[Real.Fix[zScale *(zNear - minDepth)]]; -- get matching bucket addr.
IF iz < 0 THEN iz ← 0;       -- clip at zero
IF patch[i].type = $ConvexPolygon THEN-- normals valid only for polygons
FOR k: NAT IN [0..patch[i].nVtces) DO
j: NAT ← patch[i].vtxPtr[k];
dir: REAL ← G3dVector.Dot[   -- normal front or back facing?
[shape[s].vertex[j].ex, shape[s].vertex[j].ey, shape[s].vertex[j].ez],
[shape[s].shade[j].exn, shape[s].shade[j].eyn, shape[s].shade[j].ezn]
IF dir > 0.0 THEN pos ← TRUE ELSE IF dir < 0.0 THEN neg ← TRUE;
dirSum ← dirSum + dir;  -- sum normals to characterize orientation
IF pos AND NOT neg THEN patch[i].dir ← back
ELSE IF neg AND NOT pos THEN patch[i].dir ← front
ELSE patch[i].dir ← undetermined;
IF NOT (patch[i].oneSided AND patch[i].dir = back) THEN { -- will be displayed
bckPtr, nxtPtr: INT ← nullPtr;
nxtPtr ← sortKey[iz];
WHILE nxtPtr # nullPtr AND buckets[nxtPtr].awayness < dirSum DO
bckPtr ← nxtPtr;       -- find right place in ordered chain
nxtPtr ← buckets[nxtPtr].next;
Maintain doubly-linked list with back pointer to tail at list head
buckets[bucketListPtr]   ← NEW[ShapePatch];
buckets[bucketListPtr].shape ← shape[s];
buckets[bucketListPtr].patch ← i;
buckets[bucketListPtr].next ← buckets[bucketListPtr].prev ← nullPtr;  -- clear
IF nxtPtr # nullPtr THEN {         -- not at tail of list
buckets[bucketListPtr].prev ← buckets[nxtPtr].prev;
buckets[bucketListPtr].next ← nxtPtr;
buckets[nxtPtr].prev ← bucketListPtr;
IF bckPtr # nullPtr THEN {         -- not at head of list
buckets[bucketListPtr].next ← buckets[bckPtr].next;
buckets[bucketListPtr].prev ← bckPtr;
buckets[bckPtr].next ← bucketListPtr;
IF bckPtr = nullPtr THEN {           -- at head of list
sortKey[iz] ← bucketListPtr;   -- reset list header
IF nxtPtr = nullPtr THEN             -- at tail of list     
buckets[sortKey[iz]].prev ← bucketListPtr; -- reset tail ptr at head
buckets[bucketListPtr].awayness ← dirSum; -- sum of dot prods of vertex nmls
      -- with eyept dir, quantitative measure of "backfacingness"
bucketListPtr ← bucketListPtr + 1;
sortKey.length ← context.depthResolution;
RETURN[ LIST[sortKey, buckets], patchCount ];
Procedures for Display
GetDepths: PROC[ context: REF Context] ~ {
Calculate depths scaled over max and min depth for depth-buffering
shape: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence ← context.visibleShapes;
minDepth: REAL ← context.yonLimit;
maxDepth: REAL ← context.hitherLimit;
zScale: REAL ← 1.;
FOR i: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO -- get minimum and maximum depth
radius: REAL ← shape[i].boundingRadius;
IF shape[i].class.type # $ConvexPolygon THEN radius ← 1.1 * radius; -- fudge for patches
IF shape[i].centroid.ez - radius < minDepth
THEN minDepth ← shape[i].centroid.ez - radius;
IF shape[i].centroid.ez + radius > maxDepth
THEN maxDepth ← shape[i].centroid.ez + radius;
minDepth ← MAX[minDepth, context.hitherLimit]; -- nothing allowed behind the eyepoint
IF (maxDepth - minDepth) > 0.
THEN zScale ← (context.depthResolution - 1) / (maxDepth - minDepth);
context.eyeToNdc.addZ ← 1./(1. - minDepth/maxDepth);  --smash hither-yon factors
context.eyeToNdc.scaleZ ← -minDepth/(1. - minDepth/maxDepth);
FOR s: NAT IN [0.. shape.length) DO
ShapeUtilities.XfmToDisplay[context, shape[s] ];
DoBackToFront: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context,
          sortInfo: LIST OF REF ANY,
          action: PROC[REF ShapePatch] ] ~ {
sortKey: REF NatSequence ← NARROW[sortInfo.first];
buckets: REF SortSequence ← NARROW[];
FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [0..sortKey.length) DO
j: NAT ← sortKey[i];
WHILE j # nullPtr DO
j ← buckets[j].prev;        -- jump to tail of list and work back
action[buckets[j]];        -- call back with next polygon in order
IF j = sortKey[i] THEN j ← nullPtr;   -- exit if head of list reached
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received
CombineBoxes[context];   -- get combined bounding box on scene
DoFrontToBack: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context,
          sortInfo: LIST OF REF ANY,
          action: PROC[REF ShapePatch] ] ~ {
sortKey: REF NatSequence ← NARROW[sortInfo.first];
buckets: REF SortSequence ← NARROW[];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..sortKey.length) DO
j: NAT ← sortKey[i];
WHILE j # nullPtr DO
action[buckets[j]];        -- call back with next polygon in order
j ← buckets[j].next;
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received
CombineBoxes[context];   -- get combined bounding box on scene
DoForPatches: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, set: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence,
          patchAction: PROC[REF ShapePatch],
          shapeAction: PROC[REF ShapeInstance] ← NIL ] ~ {
FOR s: NAT IN [0..set.length) DO   
IF set[s].clipState = in AND shapeAction # NIL
THEN shapeAction[set[s]]
patch: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[set[s].surface];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..set[s].numSurfaces) DO IF patch[i] # NIL THEN {
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[]; -- shut down if stop signal received
IF set[s].clipState = in
THEN patch[i].clipState ← in       -- unclipped, inside
ELSE IF set[s].clipState = clipped
THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ set[s], patch[i] ]
ELSE patch[i].clipState ← out;
IF patch[i].clipState # out
THEN patchAction[NEW[ ShapePatch ← [set[s], i, 0, 0, 0.0] ]];
CombineBoxes: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context] ~ { -- get combined bounding box
context.extentCovered ← [ [LAST[NAT], LAST[NAT]], [FIRST[NAT], FIRST[NAT]] ];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.visibleShapes.length) DO
IF context.extentCovered.min.f > context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.f
THEN context.extentCovered.min.f ← context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.f;
IF context.extentCovered.max.f < context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.f
THEN context.extentCovered.max.f ← context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.f;
IF context.extentCovered.min.s > context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.s
THEN context.extentCovered.min.s ← context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.min.s;
IF context.extentCovered.max.s < context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.s
THEN context.extentCovered.max.s ← context.visibleShapes[i].screenExtent.max.s;
ShowOnePatch: PROC[ context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, i: NAT] ~ {
patch: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape.surface];
IF shape.clipState = in
THEN patch[i].clipState ← in       -- unclipped, inside
ELSE IF shape.clipState = clipped
THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ shape, patch[i] ]
ELSE patch[i].clipState ← out;
IF patch[i].clipState # out THEN {
patch: REF Patch ← ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[
context, NEW[ ShapePatch ← [shape, i, 0, 0, 0.0] ]
[] ← shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ];
ShowOneVtx: PROC[ context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance, j: NAT] ~ {
patch: REF PtrPatchSequence ← NARROW[shape.surface];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.length) DO
containsVtx: BOOLEANFALSE;
FOR k: NAT IN [0..patch[i].nVtces) DO
IF patch[i].vtxPtr[k] = j THEN { containsVtx ← TRUE; EXIT; };
IF containsVtx THEN {
IF shape.clipState = in
THEN patch[i].clipState ← in       -- unclipped, inside
ELSE IF shape.clipState = clipped
THEN GetPtrPatchClipState[ shape, patch[i] ]
ELSE patch[i].clipState ← out;
IF patch[i].clipState # out THEN {
patch: REF Patch ← ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[
context, NEW[ ShapePatch ← [shape, i, 0, 0, 0.0] ]
[] ← shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ];
ShowObjects: PUBLIC PROC[ context: REF Context, frontToBack: BOOLEANFALSE ] ~ {
ShowPatch: PROC[p: REF ShapePatch] ~{
patch: REF Patch ← ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[ context, p ];
[] ← p.shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ];
patchCount ← patchCount + 1;
IF log # NIL AND context.antiAliasing AND progressReportsPerFrame > 0
    AND patchCount >= nextReport THEN {
log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[
Rope.Cat[ "\n ", Convert.RopeFromInt[patchCount], " of " ],
Rope.Cat[ Convert.RopeFromInt[patchTotal], " done in ", ElapsedTime[time] ]
] ];
nextReport ← MIN[patchCount + patchTotal/progressReportsPerFrame, patchTotal-1];
patchCount, patchTotal, nextReport: INT ← 0;
time: REAL ← CurrentTime[];
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log] ];
timing: Rope.ROPE;
justOne: REF IntegerPair ← NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SinglePatch] ];
oneVtx: REF IntegerPair ← NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SingleVtx] ];
shape: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence ← context.visibleShapes;
IF context.depthBuffering THEN GetDepths[context];
IF justOne # NIL
THEN { ShowOnePatch[context, shape[justOne.x], justOne.y]; RETURN[]; };
IF oneVtx # NIL
THEN { ShowOneVtx[context, shape[oneVtx.x], oneVtx.y]; RETURN[]; };
IF context.depthBuffering AND NOT context.antiAliasing
THEN DoForPatches[context, shape, ShowPatch]
IF GetProp[context.props, $SortToPriority] # NIL
THEN [context.sortSequence, patchTotal] ← LoadPrioritySequence[context,
               NARROW[context.sortSequence] ]
ELSE [context.sortSequence, patchTotal] ← LoadDepthSequence[context,
               NARROW[context.sortSequence] ];
timing ← Rope.Cat[ timing, " Sort: ", ElapsedTime[time] ]; time ← CurrentTime[];
IF context.delayClear THEN context.class.loadBackground[context]; -- load background
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[];  -- shut down if stop signal received
IF frontToBack
THEN DoFrontToBack[context, NARROW[context.sortSequence], ShowPatch]
ELSE DoBackToFront[context, NARROW[context.sortSequence], ShowPatch];
IF log # NIL THEN log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ timing, " Scan: ", ElapsedTime[time] ] ];
ShowWireFrameObjects: PUBLIC PROC[context: REF Context ] ~ {
ShowPatch: PROC[p: REF ShapePatch] ~{
patch: REF Patch ← ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[ context, p ];
[] ← p.shape.class.displayPatch[ context, patch ];
ShowShape: PROC[s: REF ShapeInstance] ~{
IF s.class.display # NIL
THEN SELECT context.class.displayType FROM
$PseudoColor, $Gray, $FullColor => [] ← s.class.display[ context, s ];
ENDCASE => OutputShape[context, s]
ELSE OutputShape[context, s];
shape: REF G3dRender.ShapeSequence ← context.visibleShapes;
justOne: REF IntegerPair ← NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SinglePatch] ];
oneVtx: REF IntegerPair ← NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $SingleVtx] ];
IF context.delayClear THEN context.class.loadBackground[context];  -- load background
IF justOne # NIL
THEN { ShowOnePatch[context, shape[justOne.x], justOne.y]; RETURN[]; };
IF oneVtx # NIL
THEN { ShowOneVtx[context, shape[oneVtx.x], oneVtx.y]; RETURN[]; };
DoForPatches[context, shape, ShowPatch, ShowShape];
CombineBoxes[context];   -- get combined bounding box on scene
OutputShape: PROC[context: REF Context, shape: REF ShapeInstance] ~ { 
Unclipped shape output
patch: REF PtrPatchSequence;
IF shape.surface = NIL THEN RETURN;
IF context.stopMe^ THEN RETURN[];  -- shut down if stop signal received
patch ← NARROW[shape.surface];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..shape.numSurfaces) DO IF patch[i] # NIL THEN {
p: REF Patch ← ShapeUtilities.ShapePatchToPatch[
context, NEW[ShapePatch ← [shape, i, 0, 0, 0.0]]
[] ← shape.class.displayPatch[ context, p ];
dummyShape: REF ShapeInstance ← NEW[ShapeInstance];
EdgesToPolygons: PatchProc ~ {
PROC[ context: REF Context, patch: REF Patch, data: REF ANYNIL ] RETURNS[REF Patch]
Make a polygon for each edge and tile it, this causes shading as seen from outside
MakeEdge: PROC[pt1, pt2: VertexInfo, edge: REF Patch] ~ {
dirX, dirY, mag, offSetX1, offSetY1, offSetX2, offSetY2: REAL;
dirX ← pt2.coord.ex - pt1.coord.ex;     -- get unit vector in edge direction
dirY ← pt2.coord.ey - pt1.coord.ey;
mag ← RealFns.SqRt[ Sqr[dirX] + Sqr[dirY] ];
IF mag < ScanConvert.justNoticeable THEN RETURN[];   -- quit if too short to be seen
dirX ← dirX / mag; dirY ← dirY / mag;
offSetX1 ← dirX * baseRadius; offSetY1 ← dirY * baseRadius;
offSetX2 ← dirX * baseRadius; offSetY2 ← dirY * baseRadius;
FOR i: NAT IN [0..3) DO edge[i] ← pt1; ENDLOOP;
FOR i: NAT IN [3..6) DO edge[i] ← pt2; ENDLOOP;
edge[0].coord.ex ← edge[0].coord.ex+offSetY1; edge[0].coord.ey ← edge[0].coord.ey-offSetX1;
edge[1].coord.ex ← edge[1].coord.ex-offSetX1; edge[1].coord.ey ← edge[1].coord.ey-offSetY1;
edge[2].coord.ex ← edge[2].coord.ex-offSetY1; edge[2].coord.ey ← edge[2].coord.ey+offSetX1;
edge[3].coord.ex ← edge[3].coord.ex-offSetY2; edge[3].coord.ey ← edge[3].coord.ey+offSetX2;
edge[4].coord.ex ← edge[4].coord.ex+offSetX2; edge[4].coord.ey ← edge[4].coord.ey+offSetY2;
edge[5].coord.ex ← edge[5].coord.ex+offSetY2; edge[5].coord.ey ← edge[5].coord.ey-offSetX2;
IF patch.dir = back THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..3) DO-- reverse order to make backfacing
temp: VertexInfo ← edge[i]; edge[i] ← edge[5-i]; edge[5-i] ← temp;
IF edge.clipState = in THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..6) DO
OPEN edge[i].coord;
[[sx, sy, sz]] ← ShapeUtilities.XfmPtToDisplay[ context, [ex, ey, ez] ];
[] ← OutputPolygon[context, edge];
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[patch.props, $Shape] ];
baseRadius: REAL ← .003;
limit: NATIF patch.type = $PolyLine THEN patch.nVtces - 1 ELSE patch.nVtces;
IF dummyShape.shadingClass = NIL THEN {
dummyShape.shadingClass.shadingType ← $Smooth;
dummyShape.shadingClass.color ← shape.shadingClass.color;
IF patch.dir = undetermined THEN patch.dir ← ShapeUtilities.BackFacing[
context, patch
! G3dRender.Error => IF reason.code = $Condition THEN GO TO GiveUp
IF patch.dir = front OR NOT patch.oneSided THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..limit) DO
edge: REF Patch ← ShapeUtilities.GetPatch[6]; -- will be released by OutputPolygon
edge.type ← $ConvexPolygon;
edge.nVtces ← 6;
edge.oneSided ← patch.oneSided;
edge.dir ← patch.dir;
edge.clipState ← patch.clipState;
edge.props ← Atom.PutPropOnList[ NIL, $Shape, dummyShape ];
MakeEdge[ patch[i], patch[(i+1) MOD patch.nVtces], edge ];
ShapeUtilities.ReleasePatch[patch];       -- end of the line for this patch
OutputPolygon: PUBLIC PatchProc ~ {
PROC[ context: REF Context, patch: REF Patch, data: REF ANYNIL ] RETURNS[REF Patch]
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[patch.props, $Shape] ];
{ IF patch = NIL OR patch.clipState = out THEN GO TO CleanUp; -- reject if outside frame
IF patch.type # $ConvexPolygon AND patch.type # $PolyLine THEN {
SIGNAL G3dRender.Error[[$MisMatch, "Not a Polygon or PolyLine"]];
GO TO CleanUp;           -- catches unexpanded patches, etc.
IF context.antiAliasing AND
( patch.type = $PolyLine OR shape.shadingClass.shadingType = $Lines
OR shape.shadingClass.shadingType = $ShadedLines )    -- antialiased lines
THEN { patch ← EdgesToPolygons[context, patch]; GO TO CleanUp; };
IF patch.clipState = clipped THEN {
patch ← ShapeUtilities.ClipPoly[context, patch];
IF patch.nVtces > 2 OR ( patch.type = $PolyLine AND patch.nVtces > 1 ) THEN {
FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO OPEN patch[i].coord;
[[sx, sy, sz]] ← ShapeUtilities.XfmPtToDisplay[context, [ex, ey, ez]];
IF patch.nVtces > 2 OR ( patch.type = $PolyLine AND patch.nVtces > 1 ) THEN {
IF patch.type = $PolyLine OR shape.shadingClass.shadingType = $Lines THEN {
patch ← context.class.displayPolygon[context, patch];
GO TO GiveUp;
IF patch.dir = undetermined THEN patch.dir ← ShapeUtilities.BackFacing[
context, patch
! G3dRender.Error => IF reason.code = $Condition THEN GO TO GiveUp
IF patch.dir = front
THEN patch ← context.class.displayPolygon[context, patch]
ELSE IF patch.oneSided          -- backfacing!!
THEN GO TO GiveUp         -- Reject if closed surface
IF shape.shadingClass.shadingType # $HiddenLines AND
shape.shadingClass.shadingType # $NormaledLines THEN FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces) DO-- recalculate shading for back side
patch[i].shade.exn ← -patch[i].shade.exn;  -- reverse normals
patch[i].shade.eyn ← -patch[i].shade.eyn;
patch[i].shade.ezn ← -patch[i].shade.ezn;
patch[i] ← shape.shadingClass.shadeVtx[context, patch[i], shape.shadingClass];
FOR i: NAT IN [0..patch.nVtces/2) DO  -- reorder to keep clockwise on display
tempVtx: VertexInfo ← patch[i];
patch[i] ← patch[patch.nVtces-1 - i];
patch[patch.nVtces-1 - i] ← tempVtx;
patch ← context.class.displayPolygon[context, patch]
EXITS CleanUp => NULL;
IF patch # NIL THEN ShapeUtilities.ReleasePatch[patch];
RETURN[NIL];     -- end of the line, nobody wants this polygon back certainly
RopeDisplay: PUBLIC PatchProc ~ {
shape: REF ShapeInstance ← NARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[patch.props, $Shape] ];
msg: Rope.ROPENARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[shape.fixedProps, $RopeMessage ] ];
font: Rope.ROPENARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[shape.fixedProps, $RopeFont ] ];
xfm: Xfm3D ← G3dMatrix.Mul[shape.position, context.eyeSpaceXfm];
color: Pixel ← [
0, 0 ];
position: Triple ← [shape.vertex[0].sx, shape.vertex[0].sy, shape.vertex[0].sz];
position2: Triple ← [shape.vertex[1].sx, shape.vertex[1].sy, shape.vertex[1].sz];
size: REAL ← G3dVector.Length[ G3dVector.Sub[position2, position] ];
IF context.antiAliasing          -- ensure entire rope represented
THEN shape.screenExtent.max.f ← Real.Round[context.viewPort.w];
context, msg,
[ position.x/context.ndcToPixels.scaleX, 1.0 - position.y/ABS[context.ndcToPixels.scaleY] ],
color, size, font
Frame Generation and Animation
MakeFrame: PUBLIC ContextProc ~ {
ShowShapes: PUBLIC ContextProc ~ {
Makes image without clearing frame, for compositing contexts, etc.
delay: BOOLEAN ← context.delayClear;
context.delayClear ← FALSE;    -- avoids frame clear before making new frame
MakeTheFrame[context: context, clear: FALSE];
context.delayClear ← delay;
MakeTheFrame: PROC[context: REF Context, clear: BOOLEANTRUE] ~ {
Makes image, clears frame, etc.
Action: PROC ~ {
time: REAL ← CurrentTime[];
log: IO.STREAMNARROW[ Atom.GetPropFromList[context.props, $Log] ];
context.stopMe^ ← FALSE;       -- get stop flag unstuck, if necessary
context.imageReady ← FALSE;    -- discourage use of bits by other processes
context.extentCovered ← [[0,0], [0,0]];  -- clear bounding box of coverage
ValidateContext[context];     -- update everything
FOR i: NAT IN [0..context.shapes.length) DO
IF context.shapes[i].class.doBeforeFrame # NIL THEN   -- execute animation updates
FOR doList: LIST OF ShapeProc ← context.shapes[i].class.doBeforeFrame,
context.shapes[i] ← doList.first[context, context.shapes[i]];
IF log # NIL THEN log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ " VtxOps: ", ElapsedTime[time] ] ];
IF clear AND NOT context.delayClear
THEN context.class.loadBackground[context];      -- load background
IF context.visibleShapes # NIL AND context.visibleShapes.length > 0
FOR i: NAT IN [0 .. context.visibleShapes.length) DO     -- all line drawing?
IF context.visibleShapes[i].shadingClass.shadingType # $Lines
THEN allLines ← FALSE;
IF allLines AND NOT context.antiAliasing
THEN ShowWireFrameObjects[ context ]
ELSE ShowObjects[ context: context, frontToBack: context.antiAliasing ];
context.imageReady ← TRUE;    -- encourage use of bits by other processes
IF log # NIL THEN {
log.PutRope[ Rope.Cat[ " Frame: ", ElapsedTime[time], "\n"] ];
IF log # NIL THEN {
log.PutRope[" No visible objects in frame " ];
CedarProcess.DoWithPriority[background, Action];