Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Last Edited by: Crow, April 11, 1989 11:28:54 am PDT
Imager    USING [ Rectangle],
ShapeUtilities  USING [ ShapePatch ],
G3dRender   USING [ Context, ContextProc, Patch, PatchProc, PtrPatch, ShapeInstance,
         ShapeProc, ShapeSequence, Triple ];
Context:    TYPE ~ G3dRender.Context;
ContextProc:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.ContextProc;
Triple:   TYPE ~ G3dRender.Triple;
Patch:    TYPE ~ G3dRender.Patch;
PtrPatch:   TYPE ~ G3dRender.PtrPatch;
PatchProc:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.PatchProc;
ShapePatch:  TYPE ~ ShapeUtilities.ShapePatch;
ShapeInstance: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeInstance;
ShapeProc:  TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeProc;
ShapeSequence: TYPE ~ G3dRender.ShapeSequence;
Utility Procedures
FlushLog: PROC [context: REF Context];
GetPtrPatchClipState: PROC[ shape: REF ShapeInstance, patch: REF PtrPatch];
Flush log buffers for safety (in case of crashes, etc.)
Procedures for Updating Context
ValidateContext: PROC[ context: REF Context ];
Updates all aspects of context (seen individually below), incorporates changes since last call
ValidateDisplay: PROC[ context: REF Context ];
Updates display to react to changes to viewer or initialize new display
ValidateView: PROC[ context: REF Context ];
Makes new matrices for initialization or changed viewing parameters, etc.
ValidateShape: ShapeProc;
Check that position and other info up to date. Calls type-specific routine such as the following. Returns FALSE if clipped out or otherwise not displayable
ValidatePolyhedron: ShapeProc;
Builds new matrices, color values, etc. reflecting changes or for initialization.
ValidateRopeShape: ShapeProc;
GetBoundingSphere: PROC[shape: REF ShapeInstance];
SetView: PROC[context: REF Context, eyePoint, ptOfInterest: Triple,
       fieldOfView: REAL �.0,
       rollAngle: REAL ← 0.0, upDirection: Triple ← [ 0., 0., 1.],
       hitherLimit: REAL ← .01, yonLimit: REAL ← 1000.0];
Sets view parameters and builds new eyespace matrix
SetEyeSpace: PROC[ context: REF Context ];
Builds new eyespace matrix
WindowFromViewPort: PROC[context: REF Context]
[REF Imager.Rectangle];
Fits window to shape of viewport
Procedures for Sorting and Display
LoadPrioritySequence: PROC[context: REF Context, sortOrder: LIST OF REF ANYNIL]
 This builds a priority-ordered sequence of patch references, splitting polygons where needed
LoadDepthSequence: PROC[context: REF Context, sortOrder: LIST OF REF ANYNIL]
 This builds a depth-ordered sequence of patch references
DoBackToFront: PROC[ context: REF Context, sortInfo: LIST OF REF ANY,
       action: PROC[REF ShapePatch]];
Does action for each patch in sorted sequence running through sequence backward
DoFrontToBack: PROC[ context: REF Context, sortInfo: LIST OF REF ANY,
       action: PROC[REF ShapePatch]];
Does action for each patch in order in sorted sequence
DoForPatches: PROC[context: REF Context, set: REF ShapeSequence,
       patchAction: PROC[REF ShapePatch],
       shapeAction: PROC[REF ShapeInstance]];
Does action for each patch in order encountered in context
CombineBoxes: PROC[context: REF Context];
finds bounding box for all object's bounding boxes in scene (for speedups in matting)
ShowObjects: PROC[ context: REF Context, frontToBack: BOOLEANFALSE ];
Displays entire context
OutputPolygon: PatchProc;
RopeDisplay: PatchProc;
Displays a single polygon, handling differing rendering modes, backfacing cull, clipping
Frame Generation and Animation
MakeFrame: ContextProc;
Makes new image from context, clears frame first, adds background, etc.
ShowShapes: ContextProc;
Makes image without clearing frame, for compositing contexts, etc.