DIRECTORY ImagerPixelMaps USING [BoundedWindow, Clear, Create, DeviceRectangle, GetPixel, PixelMap], ImagerPixelMapsExtras USING [SetPixel], Matrix3d, Real USING [FixI, RoundI, RoundLI, SqRt], Filters USING [GetFilterWidth, PixelWeight, UncoveredRatio], FilteredTransforms; FilteredTransformsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Filters, ImagerPixelMaps, ImagerPixelMapsExtras, Matrix3d, Real EXPORTS FilteredTransforms = BEGIN filterWidth: INTEGER; Direction: TYPE = {xPass, x90Pass, yPass, y90Pass}; PixelCoords: TYPE ~ ARRAY [1..2] OF INTEGER; PixelPos: TYPE ~ ARRAY [1..2] OF REAL; xyRectangle: TYPE ~ FilteredTransforms.xyRectangle; PassInfoRec: TYPE ~ RECORD[ area: REAL, image: ImagerPixelMaps.PixelMap, window: xyRectangle, min: INTEGER, pass1, pass2: Direction, matrix: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4]; PassInfo: TYPE ~ REF PassInfoRec; EndPixelSeq: TYPE ~ REF EndPixelSeqRec; EndPixelSeqRec: TYPE ~ RECORD[ element: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF UnPixelInfo]; UnPixelInfo: TYPE ~ REF UnPixelInfoRec; UnPixelInfoRec: TYPE ~ RECORD[ unCovered: CoveredSeq, unPixels: UnPixelList]; CoveredSeq: TYPE ~ REF CoveredSeqRec; CoveredSeqRec: TYPE ~ RECORD[ element: SEQUENCE length: NAT OF BOOLEAN]; UnPixelList: TYPE ~ LIST OF UnPixel; UnPixel: TYPE ~ REF UnPixelRec; UnPixelRec: TYPE ~ RECORD[ pixel: INTEGER, unRatio: REAL]; Image, NewImage: ImagerPixelMaps.PixelMap; Window, NewWindow: xyRectangle; Dir: Direction; EndPixels: EndPixelSeq; SecondPass: BOOLEAN; Transform: PUBLIC PROC[ oldImage, newImage: ImagerPixelMaps.PixelMap, m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4, moveX, moveY: REAL _ 0.0, focalLength: REAL _ 1] ~ { GetPassInfo: PRIVATE PROC[] ~ { newWindow: xyRectangle _ GetSize[ newImage]; infoX, infoY, infoX90, infoY90: PassInfo; m90: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4 _ Rotate90[ m, window]; m _ FixMatrix[ m, focalLength]; -- round to precision of 3 digits past decimal point m90 _ FixMatrix[ m90, focalLength]; m90[4][1] _ m[4][1] _ moveX; -- this isn't where they belong, but it's convenient m90[4][2] _ m[4][2] _ moveY; IF NOT FinalArea[ m, window] THEN RETURN[]; infoX _ InterArea[ m, window, newWindow, xPass]; infoY _ InterArea[ m, window, newWindow, yPass]; infoX90 _ InterArea[ m90, window, newWindow, x90Pass]; infoY90 _ InterArea[ m90, window, newWindow, y90Pass]; SELECT TRUE FROM (infoX.area >= infoY.area) AND (infoX.area >= infoX90.area) AND (infoX.area >= infoY90.area) => { IF infoX.area = 0 THEN RETURN[]; EndPixels _ GetEndPixels[ infoX.window.xSize, infoX.window.ySize]; passInfo _ infoX}; (infoY.area >= infoX90.area) AND (infoY.area >= infoY90.area) => { EndPixels _ GetEndPixels[ infoY.window.ySize, infoY.window.xSize]; passInfo _ infoY}; (infoX90.area >= infoY90.area) => { EndPixels _ GetEndPixels[ infoX90.window.xSize, infoX90.window.ySize]; passInfo _ infoX90}; ENDCASE => { EndPixels _ GetEndPixels[ infoY90.window.ySize, infoY90.window.xSize]; passInfo _ infoY90}; }; passInfo: PassInfo; window: xyRectangle _ GetSize[ oldImage]; GetPassInfo[]; IF passInfo = NIL THEN RETURN[]; -- can't do it; intermediate area collapses passInfo.image _ ImagerPixelMaps.Create[ oldImage.refRep.lgBitsPerPixel, [ 0, 0, passInfo.window.ySize, passInfo.window.xSize]]; ImagerPixelMaps.Clear[ passInfo.image]; filterWidth _ Filters.GetFilterWidth[]; Image _ oldImage; NewImage _ passInfo.image; Dir _ passInfo.pass1; SecondPass _ FALSE; Pass[ passInfo.matrix]; Image _ passInfo.image; NewImage _ newImage; Dir _ passInfo.pass2; SecondPass _ TRUE; Pass[ passInfo.matrix, passInfo.min]; EndPixels _ NIL; }; Pass: PROC[ m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4, min: INTEGER _ 0] ~ { max: NAT; Window _ GetSize[ Image]; NewWindow _ GetSize[ NewImage]; SELECT Dir FROM xPass, y90Pass => max _ Window.ySize; ENDCASE => max _ Window.xSize; FOR i:INTEGER IN [ min..max) DO a, b, c, d, e: REAL; [ a, b, c, d, e] _ CrunchMatrix[ m, i]; LineTransform[ i, a, b, c, d, e]; ENDLOOP; }; LineTransform: PROC[ line: INTEGER, a, b, c, d, e: REAL] ~ { newLow, newHigh: INTEGER; [low: newLow, high: newHigh] _ GetLineBounds[ a, b, c, d, e]; IF NOT SecondPass THEN { -- flag all the pixels that won't get covered FOR j:INTEGER IN [0..newLow) DO EndPixels[ j].unCovered[line] _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; FOR j:INTEGER IN (newHigh..EndPixels.length) DO EndPixels[ j].unCovered[line] _ TRUE; ENDLOOP; }; FOR j:INTEGER IN [ newLow..newHigh] DO -- for each new pixel PixelTransform[ line, j, a, b, c, d, e]; ENDLOOP; }; PixelTransform: PROC[ line, pixel: NAT, a, b, c, d, e: REAL] ~ { b1, b2: REAL; oldLow, oldHigh: INTEGER; total, totalUnWeight, totalWeight, unRatio: REAL _ 0.0; colorTest: INTEGER _ 0; newColor: [0..256) _ 0; upperBound: INTEGER; cut1, cut2, partCovered: BOOLEAN; SELECT Dir FROM xPass, y90Pass => upperBound _ Window.xSize - 1; ENDCASE => upperBound _ Window.ySize - 1; [b: b1, cut: cut1] _ TestBound[ ((pixel-filterWidth - e)*d - b), (a - (pixel-filterWidth - e)*c), upperBound]; [b: b2, cut: cut2] _ TestBound[ ((pixel+filterWidth - e)*d - b), (a - (pixel+filterWidth - e)*c), upperBound]; partCovered _ cut1 OR cut2; [low: oldLow, high: oldHigh] _ GetPixelBounds[ b1, b2]; FOR k:INTEGER IN [ oldLow..oldHigh] DO weight, unWeight: REAL _ 0.0; pixelValue: INTEGER; lPos: REAL _ (a* (k-1) + b) / (c*(k-1) + d) + e; hPos: REAL _ (a* (k+1) + b) / (c*(k+1) + d) + e; newWidth: REAL _ (hPos - lPos) * filterWidth / 2; newPos: REAL _ lPos + newWidth; IF partCovered THEN IF k = oldLow THEN unRatio _ unRatio + Filters.UncoveredRatio[ newPos, newWidth, pixel, filterWidth, FALSE] ELSE IF k = oldHigh THEN unRatio _ unRatio + Filters.UncoveredRatio[ newPos, newWidth, pixel, filterWidth, TRUE]; weight _ Filters.PixelWeight[ newPos, newWidth, pixel, filterWidth]; pixelValue _ GetPixel[ line, k, Image]; IF pixelValue = -1 THEN { -- pixel is outside Image unWeight _ weight; weight _ 0 } ELSE IF SecondPass THEN -- check for uncovered pixels from interImage [weight: weight, unWeight: unWeight] _ TestWeights[ line, k, weight]; total _ total + weight * pixelValue; totalWeight _ totalWeight + weight; -- COVERED weight for this pixel totalUnWeight _ totalUnWeight + unWeight; -- UNCOVERED weight for this pixel ENDLOOP; IF totalWeight = 0 THEN { -- totally uncovered IF NOT SecondPass THEN EndPixels[ pixel].unCovered[line] _ TRUE} ELSE { IF totalUnWeight = 0 AND unRatio = 0 THEN -- totally covered colorTest _ Real.RoundI[total / totalWeight] ELSE -- partially covered IF SecondPass THEN { background: INTEGER _ GetPixel[ line, pixel, NewImage]; colorTest _ Real.RoundI[ ((background*totalUnWeight + total) / (totalWeight + totalUnWeight)) * (1-unRatio) + background*unRatio] } ELSE { -- add to list of partially covered pixels SetUnPixel[ line, pixel, (totalUnWeight / (totalWeight + totalUnWeight))*(1-unRatio) + unRatio]; colorTest _ Real.RoundI[total / totalWeight]; }; IF colorTest > 0 THEN -- keep color within valid range IF colorTest < 256 THEN newColor _ colorTest ELSE newColor _ 255 ELSE newColor _ 0; SetPixel[ line, pixel, newColor]; }; }; TransformPixel: PROC[ p: PixelCoords, m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4] RETURNS[ point: PixelPos, boundsFault: BOOLEAN _ FALSE] ~ { newZ: REAL _ m[3][1]*p[1] + m[3][2]*p[2] + m[3][4]; IF newZ < m[1][1]/10 OR newZ < m[2][2]/10 THEN RETURN[ [0, 0], TRUE]; point[1] _ (m[1][1]*p[1] + m[1][2]*p[2] + m[1][4]) / newZ + m[4][1]; point[2] _ (m[2][1]*p[1] + m[2][2]*p[2] + m[2][4]) / newZ + m[4][2]; }; FinalArea: PROC[ m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4, window: xyRectangle] RETURNS[ BOOLEAN] ~ { corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4: PixelPos; area, longestSideLength: REAL; boundsFault: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; [ point: corner1, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [0, 0], m]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN[ FALSE]; [point: corner2, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [0, window.ySize-1], m]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN[ FALSE]; [point: corner3, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [window.xSize-1, 0], m]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN[ FALSE]; [point: corner4, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [window.xSize-1, window.ySize-1], m]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN[ FALSE]; [area: area, longestSideLength: longestSideLength] _ GetArea[ corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4]; IF area < longestSideLength/512 THEN RETURN[ FALSE] ELSE RETURN[ TRUE]; }; InterArea: PROC[ m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4, window, newWindow: xyRectangle, dir: Direction] RETURNS[ info: PassInfo] ~ TRUSTED { InterWindow: PROC[] ~ TRUSTED { minA, minB, maxA, maxB: INTEGER; [ low: minA, high: maxA] _ GetPixelBounds[ corner1[1], corner2[1]]; [ low: minB, high: maxB] _ GetPixelBounds[ corner3[1], corner4[1]]; SELECT dir FROM xPass => { size: INTEGER; info.min _ MIN[ newWindow.xSize, MAX[ 0, MIN[ minA, minB]]]; size _ MIN[ newWindow.xSize, MAX[ 0, MAX[ maxA+1, maxB+1]]]; info.window _ [ 0, 0, size, window.ySize]}; x90Pass => { size: INTEGER; info.min _ MIN[ newWindow.xSize, MAX[ 0, MIN[ minA, minB]]]; size _ MIN[ newWindow.xSize, MAX[ 0, MAX[ maxA+1, maxB+1]]]; info.window _ [ 0, 0, size, window.xSize]}; yPass => { size: INTEGER; info.min _ MIN[ newWindow.ySize, MAX[ 0, MIN[ minA, minB]]]; size _ MIN[ newWindow.ySize, MAX[ 0, MAX[ maxA+1, maxB+1]]]; info.window _ [ 0, 0, window.xSize, size]}; ENDCASE => { size: INTEGER; info.min _ MIN[ newWindow.ySize, MAX[ 0, MIN[ minA, minB]]]; size _ MIN[ newWindow.ySize, MAX[ 0, MAX[ maxA+1, maxB+1]]]; info.window _ [ 0, 0, window.ySize, size]}; }; corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4: PixelPos; boundsFault: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; a, b: INTEGER; matrix: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4 _ Matrix3d.Identity[]; SELECT dir FROM xPass, x90Pass => { matrix[1] _ m[1]; matrix[3] _ m[3]; matrix[4] _ m[4]; }; yPass, y90Pass => { matrix[1] _ [m[2][2], m[2][1], m[2][3], m[2][4]]; matrix[3] _ [m[3][2], m[3][1], m[3][3], m[3][4]]; matrix[4] _ [m[4][2], m[4][1], m[4][3], m[4][4]]; }; ENDCASE; info _ NEW[ PassInfoRec]; SELECT dir FROM xPass => { a _ window.xSize-1; b _ window.ySize-1}; x90Pass => { a _ window.ySize-1; b _ window.xSize-1}; yPass => { a _ window.ySize-1; b _ window.xSize-1}; ENDCASE => { a _ window.xSize-1; b _ window.ySize-1}; [ point: corner1, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [0, 0], matrix]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN; [ point: corner2, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [0, b], matrix]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN; [ point: corner3, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [a, 0], matrix]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN; [ point: corner4, boundsFault: boundsFault] _ TransformPixel[ [a, b], matrix]; IF boundsFault THEN RETURN; [area: info.area] _ GetArea[ corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4]; InterWindow[]; info.matrix _ m; info.pass1 _ dir; SELECT dir FROM xPass, x90Pass => info.pass2 _ yPass; ENDCASE => info.pass2 _ xPass; }; GetArea: PROC[ corner1, corner2, corner3, corner4: PixelPos] RETURNS[ area, longestSideLength: REAL] ~ { side1, side2, side3, side4: PixelPos; -- these are actually vector coordinates CrossProduct: PROC[ a, b: PixelPos] RETURNS[ aXb: REAL] ~ { RETURN[ a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1]]; }; side1[1] _ corner2[1] - corner1[1]; side1[2] _ corner2[2] - corner1[2]; side2[1] _ corner3[1] - corner1[1]; side2[2] _ corner3[2] - corner1[2]; side3[1] _ corner4[1] - corner2[1]; side3[2] _ corner4[2] - corner2[2]; side4[1] _ corner4[1] - corner3[1]; side4[2] _ corner4[2] - corner3[2]; area _ ABS[ CrossProduct[ side1, side2] + CrossProduct[ side3, side2]/2 + CrossProduct[ side1, side4]/2]; longestSideLength _ MAX[ MAX[ MAX[ (side1[1]*side1[1] + side1[2]*side1[2]), (side2[1]*side2[1] + side2[2]*side2[2])], (side3[1]*side3[1] + side3[2]*side3[2])], (side4[1]*side4[1] + side4[2]*side4[2])]; longestSideLength _ Real.SqRt[ longestSideLength]; }; Rotate90: PROC[ m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4, window: xyRectangle] RETURNS[ m90: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4] ~ TRUSTED { m90 _ Matrix3d.Identity[]; m90 _ Matrix3d.Translate[ m90, 0, -(window.xSize-1), 0]; m90 _ Matrix3d.RotateAboutZAxis[ m90, 90]; -- rotate window 90 degrees m90 _ Matrix3d.MatMult[ m, m90]; -- transform matrix }; FixMatrix: PROC[ m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4, focalLength: REAL] RETURNS[ fixedM: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4] ~ TRUSTED { FOR i: INTEGER IN [1..4] DO FOR j: INTEGER IN [1..4] DO fixedM[i][j] _ Real.RoundLI[ m[i][j]*1000]/1000.0; -- truncate to e-3 resolution ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; FOR i: INTEGER IN [1..4] DO fixedM[3][i] _ -fixedM[3][i]; ENDLOOP; fixedM _ Matrix3d.Scale[ fixedM, focalLength, focalLength, 1]; -- perspective transformation fixedM _ Matrix3d.Translate[ fixedM, 0, 0, focalLength]; }; CrunchMatrix: PROC[ m: Matrix3d.Matrix4by4, line: INTEGER] RETURNS[ a, b, c, d, e: REAL] ~ { SELECT Dir FROM xPass, x90Pass => { IF SecondPass THEN { linePos: REAL _ line - m[4][2]; den: REAL _ (linePos * m[3][2] - m[2][2]); IF den = 0 THEN a _ b _ c _ d _ 0 -- result is infinitely large ELSE { a _ m[1][1] + m[1][2] * (m[2][1] - linePos * m[3][1]) / den; b _ m[1][4] + m[1][2] * (m[2][4] - linePos * m[3][4]) / den; c _ m[3][1] + m[3][2] * (m[2][1] - linePos * m[3][1]) / den; d _ m[3][4] + m[3][2] * (m[2][4] - linePos * m[3][4]) / den} } ELSE { a _ m[1][1]; b _ m[1][2] * line + m[1][4]; c _ m[3][1]; d _ m[3][2] * line + m[3][4]}; e _ m[4][1]}; yPass, y90Pass => { IF SecondPass THEN { linePos: REAL _ line - m[4][1]; den: REAL _ (linePos * m[3][1] - m[1][1]); IF den = 0 THEN a _ b _ c _ d _ e _ 0 -- result is infinitely large ELSE { a _ m[2][2] + m[2][1] * (m[1][2] - linePos * m[3][2]) / den; b _ m[2][4] + m[2][1] * (m[1][4] - linePos * m[3][4]) / den; c _ m[3][2] + m[3][1] * (m[1][2] - linePos * m[3][2]) / den; d _ m[3][4] + m[3][1] * (m[1][4] - linePos * m[3][4]) / den} } ELSE { a _ m[2][2]; b _ m[2][1] * line + m[2][4]; c _ m[3][2]; d _ m[3][1] * line + m[3][4]}; e _ m[4][2]}; ENDCASE => a _ b _ c _ d _ e _ 0 }; GetEndPixels: PROC[ seqLen, lineLen: NAT] RETURNS[ seq: EndPixelSeq] ~ { seq _ NEW[ EndPixelSeqRec[ seqLen]]; FOR i: INTEGER IN [0..seqLen) DO seq[i] _ NEW[ UnPixelInfoRec]; seq[i].unCovered _ NEW[ CoveredSeqRec[ lineLen]]; ENDLOOP; }; SetUnPixel: PROC[ line, pixel: INTEGER, unRatio: REAL] ~ { thisUnPixel: UnPixel _ NEW[ UnPixelRec]; thisUnPixel.pixel _ line; thisUnPixel.unRatio _ unRatio; EndPixels[ pixel].unPixels _ CONS[ thisUnPixel, EndPixels[ pixel].unPixels]; }; TestWeights: PROC[ line, pixel: INTEGER, w: REAL] RETURNS[ weight, unWeight: REAL _ 0.0] ~ { weight _ w; IF EndPixels[ line].unCovered[ pixel] = TRUE THEN { unWeight _ w; weight _ 0} ELSE { -- check for partially covered pixels unPixels: UnPixelList _ EndPixels[ line].unPixels; unPixel: UnPixel; WHILE unPixels # NIL DO unPixel _ unPixels.first; IF unPixel.pixel = pixel THEN { -- got one unWeight _ w * unPixel.unRatio; weight _ w * (1 - unPixel.unRatio)}; unPixels _; ENDLOOP }; }; GetLineBounds: PROC[ a, b, c, d, e: REAL] RETURNS[ low, high: INTEGER] ~ { b1, b2, den1, den2: REAL; lastPixel, lastNewPixel: INTEGER; SELECT Dir FROM xPass => { lastPixel _ Window.xSize-1; lastNewPixel _ NewWindow.xSize-1}; x90Pass => { lastPixel _ Window.ySize-1; lastNewPixel _ NewWindow.xSize-1}; yPass => { lastPixel _ Window.ySize-1; lastNewPixel _ NewWindow.ySize-1}; ENDCASE => { lastPixel _ Window.xSize-1; lastNewPixel _ NewWindow.ySize-1}; den1 _ d; den2 _ c*lastPixel+d; IF den1 < 0.1 OR den2 < 0.1 THEN -- z is out of range RETURN[ 0, 0]; b1 _ b/den1 + e; b2 _ (a*lastPixel+b)/den2 + e; [low: low, high: high] _ GetPixelBounds[ b1, b2]; low _ MIN[ lastNewPixel, MAX[ 0, low]]; high _ MIN[ lastNewPixel, MAX[ 0, high]]; }; TestBound: PROC[ num, den: REAL _ 0.0, upperBound: INTEGER] RETURNS[ b: REAL, cut: BOOLEAN] ~ { IF upperBound = 0 THEN RETURN[ 0, TRUE]; IF ABS[ den] <= ABS[ num/upperBound] THEN { -- out of bounds IF (den >= 0 AND num > 0) OR (den < 0 AND num < 0) THEN b _ upperBound ELSE b _ 0; -- num/den < 0 or num/den = 0/0 = 0 cut _ TRUE} ELSE { b _ num / den; IF b < 0 THEN { b _ 0; cut _ TRUE} ELSE cut _ FALSE}; }; GetPixelBounds: PROC[ b1, b2: REAL] RETURNS[ low, high: INTEGER] ~ { rem: REAL; IF b1 < b2 THEN { [i:low] _ SplitToIandR[ b1]; [i:high, rem: rem] _ SplitToIandR[ b2 + 1]} ELSE IF b1 = b2 THEN { -- boundary falls within a single pixel [i:low] _ SplitToIandR[ b1]; [i:high, rem: rem] _ SplitToIandR[ b1 + 1]} ELSE { [i:low] _ SplitToIandR[ b2]; [i:high, rem: rem] _ SplitToIandR[ b1 + 1]}; IF rem = 0.0 THEN high _ high - 1; low _ low - (filterWidth-1); high _ high + (filterWidth-1); }; GetPixel: PRIVATE PROC[ line, pixel: INTEGER, image: ImagerPixelMaps.PixelMap] RETURNS[ sample: INTEGER _ -1] ~ { pt, ptL: PixelCoords; window: xyRectangle _ GetSize[ image]; SELECT Dir FROM xPass => { pt[1] _ pixel; pt[2] _ line}; x90Pass => { pt[1] _ (window.xSize - 1) - line; -- turn input -90 degrees pt[2] _ pixel}; -- (x,y) yPass => { pt[1] _ line; pt[2] _ pixel}; ENDCASE => { -- y90Pass pt[1] _ (window.xSize - 1) - pixel; pt[2] _ line}; IF 0 <= pt[1] AND pt[1] < window.xSize -- ensure that pixel is inside window AND 0 <= pt[2] AND pt[2] < window.ySize THEN { ptL _ ConvertRtoLCoords[ window, pt]; sample _ ImagerPixelMaps.GetPixel[ image, ptL[1], ptL[2]] } }; SetPixel: PRIVATE PROC[ line, newPixel: NAT, newColor: [0..256)] ~ { pt, ptL: PixelCoords; SELECT Dir FROM xPass, x90Pass => { pt[1] _ newPixel; pt[2] _ line}; -- (s, f) yPass, y90Pass => { pt[1] _ line; pt[2] _ newPixel}; ENDCASE => RETURN; -- no such thing ptL _ ConvertRtoLCoords[ NewWindow, pt]; ImagerPixelMapsExtras.SetPixel[ NewImage, ptL[1], ptL[2], newColor] }; GetSize: PROC[ image: ImagerPixelMaps.PixelMap] RETURNS[ window: xyRectangle] ~ { imageBounds: ImagerPixelMaps.DeviceRectangle _ image.BoundedWindow[]; window.xMin _ imageBounds.fMin; window.xSize _ imageBounds.fSize; window.yMin _ imageBounds.sMin; window.ySize _ imageBounds.sSize; }; ConvertRtoLCoords: PROC[ window: xyRectangle, ptR: PixelCoords] RETURNS[ ptL: PixelCoords] ~ { ptL[2] _ window.xMin + ptR[1]; ptL[1] _ (window.yMin + window.ySize - 1) - ptR[2]; }; SplitToIandR: PUBLIC PROC[ r: REAL] RETURNS[ i: INTEGER, rem: REAL] ~ { IF r >= 0.0 THEN i _ Real.FixI[ r] ELSE { i _ Real.FixI[ r]; -- truncates towards zero IF i # r THEN i _ i - 1}; -- I want to truncate towards negative infinity rem _ r - i; }; END. \FilteredTransformsImpl.mesa Last Edited by: Hiller, September 7, 1984 0:02:00 am PDT Copyright (C) 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Main Program Loop Beginning of Transform first pass second pass clean up global storage before exiting Image _ NIL; NewImage _ NIL; loop through all lines in the image and transform each transform a line transform a pixel back-transform to find the old pixels that will fall under this new pixel find distance between the last pixel and the next. model this pixel as a symmetrical one that is centered between the last and the next. find values for this pixel and add to totals average the values and blend with background to get final pixel value Area Calculation runs an individual pixel through the entire matrix transform (including final translation) if image scaling is more than 10x in either direction, don't do it (you can't get a good picture anyhow at this point) m[4] contains the translations that should occur after the matrix transformation has been performed. This is not where they really belong, but the space isn't being used anyhow, and it seemed easier than passing around the new variables. if this is true, then the area is so small it won't change the value of any of the pixels it overlaps Beginning of InterArea transform first but not second variable convert corner points into vectors | (side1 X side2) + (side3 X side2) / 2 + (side1 X side4) / 2 | is area of quadrilateral Matrix Operations this procedure returns the relevant scaling and skew coefficients for the given line. It also does a reverse-transform to determine the values using the already transformed value from the first pass if necessary. c and d returned are the z scale and skew coefficients, for doing perspective. e is the translation to give the entire line after it has been transformed, to move it into its final position in the final image. Edge Blending Bounds Checking finds lowest and highest value of newPixel for this line, using the size of Window as the old line length. The values are constrained by the size of NewWindow. in the '90' passes, the input is rotated so x bounds become y bounds and vice versa get real values of edges of image assumes lower bound is 0 convert real boundaries to integers to find pixels which overlap the boundary Type Conversion returns location of the pixel in screen coordinates (s, f) Êœ˜šœ™J™8Jšœ>™>—J™šÏk ˜ JšœœO˜fJšœœ ˜'Jšœ ˜ Jšœ œ˜.Jšœ œ/˜@Jšœ˜J˜—šœœ˜&Jšœ@˜GJšœ˜—J˜Jšœ˜J˜Jšœ œ˜Jšœ œ$˜3Jš œ œœœœ˜,Jš œ œœœœ˜&Jšœ œ"˜3J˜Jš œ œœ œHœ@˜¹Jšœ œœ ˜!J˜Jšœ œœ˜'Jš œœœ œ œœ˜MJ˜Jšœ œœ˜'Jšœœœ0˜MJ˜Jšœ œœ˜%Jš œœœ œ œœœ˜HJ˜Jšœ œœœ ˜$Jšœ œœ ˜Jš œ œœ œ œ˜:J˜Jšœ*˜*Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ œ˜J™šœ™J˜šÏn œœœ˜JšœZœœ ˜‚J˜šž œœœ˜Jšœ,˜,Jšœ)˜)J˜Jšœ0˜0Jšœ!Ïc4˜UJ˜#JšœŸ4˜RJšœ˜J˜Jšœœœœ˜+Iašœ0˜0Jšœ0˜0Kšœ6˜6Kšœ6˜6J˜šœœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜ šœ"˜%Jšœœœ˜ JšœB˜BJšœ˜—Jšœ˜šœ"˜%JšœB˜BJšœ˜—šœ$˜$JšœF˜FJšœ˜—šœ˜JšœF˜FJšœ˜——J˜J˜—Kšœ™K˜Kšœ˜Kšœ)˜)J˜Jš œ œœœŸ+˜MJšœƒ˜ƒJšœ'˜'J˜'J˜Jšœ ™ Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ œ˜Jšœ˜J˜Jšœ ™ Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ˜Jšœ œ˜Jšœ%˜%J˜Jšœ&™&Jšœ ™ Jšœ™Jšœ œ˜J˜—J˜šžœœ"œ ˜