-- NetworkStreamInternal.mesa (last edited by BLyon on: June 2, 1980  10:15 AM)
-- Function: The internal definitions module for the Pliot Network Streams.

  Stream USING [Object],
  PacketStream USING [Handle];

NetworkStreamInternal: DEFINITIONS =


  -- used by the implementation modules for the Network Streams
  ControlHandle: TYPE = POINTER TO ControlObject;
  ControlObject: TYPE = RECORD [
    streamObject: Stream.Object, psH: PacketStream.Handle];

  -- states for optional close protocol using subsequence types
  CloseState: TYPE = {
    sendClose, waitCloseReply, sendCloseReply, waitCloseReplyReply, closed};



Time: January 26, 1980  2:37 PM  By: Dalal  Action: created file.
Time: January 26, 1980  2:37 PM  By: Dalal  Action: split SPPInternal into two.