-- file: FTPServerCommon.mesa, edit: HGM January 28, 1981 1:03 AM -- Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979, 1980 DIRECTORY FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs, String USING [AppendChar, AppendDecimal, AppendString], Storage USING [Node, Free]; FTPServerCommon: PROGRAM -- import list IMPORTS String, Storage, FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs -- export list EXPORTS FTPDefs -- share list SHARES FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs = BEGIN OPEN FTPDefs, FTPPrivateDefs; -- **********************! Constants !*********************** ftpsystem: POINTER TO FTPSystem = LocateFtpSystemObject[]; -- **********************! Program Primitives !*********************** FTPCreateListener: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ purpose: Purpose, filePrimitives: FilePrimitives, mailPrimitives: MailPrimitives, communicationPrimitives: CommunicationPrimitives, backstopServer: POINTER TO BackstopServer, backstopServerData: UNSPECIFIED, filter: PROCEDURE [STRING, Purpose]] RETURNS [ftplistener: FTPListener] = BEGIN -- verify presence of required modules and primitives IF purpose # mail THEN BEGIN IF ~ftpsystem.serverFilesLoaded THEN Abort[filesModuleNotLoaded]; IF filePrimitives = NIL THEN Abort[filePrimitivesNotSpecified]; END; IF purpose # files THEN BEGIN IF ~ftpsystem.serverMailLoaded THEN Abort[mailModuleNotLoaded]; IF mailPrimitives = NIL THEN Abort[mailPrimitivesNotSpecified]; END; IF communicationPrimitives = NIL THEN Abort[communicationPrimitivesNotSpecified]; -- allocate and initialize listener object ftplistener _ Storage.Node[SIZE[FTPListenerObject]]; ftplistener.filePrimitives _ filePrimitives; ftplistener.mailPrimitives _ mailPrimitives; ftplistener.communicationPrimitives _ communicationPrimitives; ftplistener.communicationSystem _ NIL; ftplistener.backstopServer _ IF backstopServer # NIL THEN backstopServer^ ELSE DefaultBackstopServer; ftplistener.backstopServerData _ backstopServerData; ftplistener.ftpCharterObject _ [ftplistener: ftplistener, purpose: files]; ftplistener.mtpCharterObject _ [ftplistener: ftplistener, purpose: mail]; ftplistener.ftpPort _ NIL; ftplistener.mtpPort _ NIL; -- initialize server queue InitializeQueue[@ftplistener.serverQueueObject, ServersCoincide]; -- create communication system BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => FTPDestroyListener[ftplistener, FALSE]; ftplistener.communicationSystem _ communicationPrimitives.CreateCommunicationSystem[]; -- activate ftp well known socket if requested IF purpose # mail THEN ftplistener.ftpPort _ communicationPrimitives.ActivatePort[ ftplistener.communicationSystem, ftpSocket, OuterServerProcess, @ftplistener.ftpCharterObject, responseFromUserSeconds, filter, files]; -- activate mtp well known socket if requested IF purpose # files THEN ftplistener.mtpPort _ communicationPrimitives.ActivatePort[ ftplistener.communicationSystem, mtpSocket, OuterServerProcess, @ftplistener.mtpCharterObject, responseFromUserSeconds, filter, mail]; END; -- enable END; ServersCoincide: PROCEDURE [ftpserver1, ftpserver2: FTPServer] RETURNS [coincide: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- compare server handles coincide _ ftpserver1 = ftpserver2; END; FTPDestroyListener: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [ ftplistener: FTPListener, abortServers: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN OPEN ftplistener; -- EnumerateQueue appendage AbortServer: PROCEDURE [element: Element] RETURNS [halt: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN -- local constants ftpserver: FTPServer = LOOPHOLE[element.identifier]; -- close connection communicationPrimitives.CloseConnection[ communicationSystem, ftpserver.ftper.connection]; -- proceed to next server halt _ FALSE; END; -- deactivate well known sockets if active IF ftpPort # NIL THEN communicationPrimitives.DeactivatePort[communicationSystem, ftpPort]; IF mtpPort # NIL THEN communicationPrimitives.DeactivatePort[communicationSystem, mtpPort]; -- abort existing servers if so instructed IF abortServers THEN [] _ EnumerateQueue[@serverQueueObject, AbortServer]; -- wait for existing servers to terminate FinalizeQueue[@serverQueueObject]; -- destroy communication system IF communicationSystem # NIL THEN communicationPrimitives.DestroyCommunicationSystem[communicationSystem]; -- release ftplistener object Storage.Free[ftplistener]; END; RejectNothing: PUBLIC PROCEDURE [STRING, Purpose] = BEGIN END; -- **********************! Server Process !*********************** OuterServerProcess: PROCEDURE [ charter: Charter, connection: Connection, originOfRequest: STRING] = BEGIN OPEN charter; -- InnerServerProcess procedure InnerServerProcess: PROCEDURE = BEGIN -- local variables executing: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; ftpserver: FTPServer _ NIL; -- intercept errors BEGIN ENABLE BEGIN FTPError => BEGIN SIGNAL FTPError[ftpError, message]; IF executing THEN RETRY ELSE CONTINUE; END; UNWIND => IF ftpserver # NIL THEN BEGIN ftpserver.ftper.connection _ NIL; DestroyServer[ftpserver ! FTPError => CONTINUE]; END; ANY => IF ftpsystem.catchUnidentifiedErrors THEN BEGIN IF ftpsystem.accessoriesLoaded THEN VerbalizeFtpError[unidentifiedError, errorMessage]; SIGNAL FTPError[unidentifiedError, errorMessage]; IF executing THEN RETRY ELSE CONTINUE; END END; -- create server and install connection IF ~executing THEN ftpserver _ CreateServer[ftplistener, purpose, connection]; -- execute server executing _ TRUE; ExecuteServer[ftpserver, localInsignia]; executing _ FALSE; -- destroy server and uninstall connection DestroyServer[ftpserver]; END; -- enable END; -- local constants localInsignia: STRING = [maxStringLength]; errorMessage: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- construct insignia String.AppendString[localInsignia, "Mesa/Pilot FTP "L]; String.AppendDecimal[localInsignia, ftpMajorVersion]; String.AppendChar[localInsignia, majorMinorSeparator]; String.AppendDecimal[localInsignia, ftpMinorVersion]; String.AppendString[ localInsignia, IF purpose = files THEN " File"L ELSE " Mail"L]; String.AppendString[localInsignia, " Server"L]; -- dispatch inner server process via backstop ftplistener.backstopServer[ ftplistener.backstopServerData, purpose, originOfRequest, localInsignia, InnerServerProcess]; END; -- **********************! Server Primitives !*********************** CreateServer: PROCEDURE [ ftplistener: FTPListener, purpose: Purpose, connection: Connection] RETURNS [ftpserver: FTPServer] = BEGIN -- allocate and initialize ftpserver object ftpserver _ Storage.Node[SIZE[FTPServerObject]]; ftpserver^ _ FTPServerObject[ ftplistener: ftplistener, serverQueueElementObject:, purpose: purpose, fileSystem: NIL, mailSystem: NIL, forwardingProvided:, enqueued: FALSE, ftper: NIL, propertyList: DESCRIPTOR[NIL, 0]]; -- create file system BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => DestroyServer[ftpserver]; IF purpose # mail THEN ftpserver.fileSystem _ ftplistener.filePrimitives.CreateFileSystem[ ftpsystem.bufferSize]; -- create mail system IF purpose # files THEN [ftpserver.mailSystem, ftpserver.forwardingProvided] _ ftplistener.mailPrimitives.CreateMailSystem[ ftplistener.filePrimitives, ftpsystem.bufferSize]; -- allocate and initialize ftper object ftpserver.ftper _ CreateFTPer[ ftplistener.communicationPrimitives, ftplistener.communicationSystem]; ftpserver.ftper.connection _ connection; -- allocate and initialize property list object ftpserver.propertyList _ CreatePropertyList[]; -- enqueue server [] _ EnQueue[ @ftplistener.serverQueueObject, @ftpserver.serverQueueElementObject, ftpserver]; ftpserver.enqueued _ TRUE; END; -- enable END; DestroyServer: PROCEDURE [ftpserver: FTPServer] = BEGIN OPEN ftpserver, ftpserver.ftplistener; -- dequeue server IF enqueued THEN DeQueue[@serverQueueObject, @serverQueueElementObject]; -- release property list object if any IF BASE[propertyList] # NIL THEN DestroyPropertyList[propertyList]; -- release ftper object if any IF ftper # NIL THEN BEGIN ftper.connection _ NIL; DestroyFTPer[ftper]; END; -- destroy mail system IF mailSystem # NIL THEN mailPrimitives.DestroyMailSystem[mailSystem]; -- destroy file system IF fileSystem # NIL THEN filePrimitives.DestroyFileSystem[fileSystem]; -- release ftpserver object Storage.Free[ftpserver]; END; ExecuteServer: PROCEDURE [ftpserver: FTPServer, localInsignia: STRING] = BEGIN OPEN ftpserver; -- Note: Returns only in response to a YouAreUser or Abort mark, -- or to a connectionClosed signal. -- local constants lastMessage: STRING = [maxStringLength]; -- local variables mark, code: Byte; lastFtpError: FtpError; -- process incoming commands DO ENABLE BEGIN FTPError => IF ftpError = connectionClosed THEN EXIT ELSE BEGIN lastFtpError _ ftpError; IF message # NIL THEN String.AppendString[lastMessage, message]; END; UNWIND => IF lastFtpError ~IN CommunicationError THEN BEGIN ftper.outputString.length _ 0; String.AppendString[ftper.outputString, lastMessage]; PutCommandAndEOC[ftper, markNo, SignalToCode[lastFtpError]]; END; ANY => IF ftpsystem.catchUnidentifiedErrors THEN BEGIN lastFtpError _ unidentifiedError; IF ftpsystem.accessoriesLoaded THEN VerbalizeFtpError[unidentifiedError, lastMessage]; END END; [mark, code] _ GetCommand[ftper]; SELECT mark FROM markIAmVersion => BEGIN GetEOC[ftper]; ftper.outputString.length _ 0; String.AppendString[ftper.outputString, localInsignia]; PutCommandAndEOC[ ftper, markIAmVersion, IF purpose = files THEN ftpVersion ELSE mtpVersion]; END; markComment => NULL; markYouAreUser, markAbort => EXIT; ENDCASE => IF purpose = files THEN SELECT mark FROM -- files markDirectory => PTFDirectory[ftpserver]; markStore, markNewStore => PTFStore[ftpserver, mark]; markRetrieve => PTFRetrieve[ftpserver]; markDelete => PTFDelete[ftpserver]; markRename => PTFRename[ftpserver]; ENDCASE => Abort[functionNotImplemented] ELSE SELECT mark FROM -- mail markStoreMail => PTFStoreMail[ftpserver]; markRetrieveMail => PTFRetrieveMail[ftpserver]; ENDCASE => Abort[functionNotImplemented]; ENDLOOP; END; -- **********************! Default Server Backstop !*********************** DefaultBackstopServer: BackstopServer = BEGIN -- dispatch server server[ ! FTPError => SELECT ftpError FROM IN CommunicationError, IN ProtocolError => CONTINUE; IN UnidentifiedError => IF ftpsystem.catchUnidentifiedErrors THEN CONTINUE; ENDCASE => RESUME ]; END; -- **********************! Main Program !*********************** -- no operation END. -- of FTPServerCommon