*start* 02172 00024 US Date: 19 Jan 85 11:45 PST From: Burton.pa Subject: New version of Sketch To: LispFriends^ cc: Burton.pa Reply-to: Burton.pa There is a new version of Sketch. It contains new features and minor bug fixes, detailed below. There is one incompatible change in the way boxes are drawn. They are now drawn so that they fit together better and connect with other lines properly. Sketch is now stored on {eris}harmony>library>sketch. Note: the old version is on {eris}. With the standard directory search path you will get the new version by just doing LOAD(SKETCH.DCOM). The new version will not work in a sysout that has the old one loaded; you must get a new lisp.sysout or full.sysout. Updated documentation is on {eris}harmony>library>sketch.press. Summary of changes: Box elements now draw as if there were lines connecting the four corners. Copy select and delete select are now implemented. Thus, the CTRL and SHIFT keys can now be used to copy, move and delete elements without using the menu. A default setting was added that will put arrowheads on any new lines or open curves. The TEXT command was removed from the menu. To enter text, position the caret in the sketch window with the left mouse button and type. The text can be moved with either the Move command or via move selection. The element TextBox was added. Any characters typed into a textbox will be justified to fit in the box. The provides a convenient way of boxing text for slides. Hardcopy now centers the image on the page rather than print it in the lower left corner. The text in a sketch can be copied into another window (ie a Tedit window) as characters (rather than as a figure) by selecting them with the middle button instead of the left during copy selection. New command: Group - which groups a collection of elements, after which they are treated as a single element. The new command UnGroup unbundles the elements. There is also a package which implements Sketch streams, a lisp stream that a program can print to, draw to, etc. and get a sketch of the resulting image. See me if you have need. Enjoy, Richard