("!" "!" U0410) ("!" "! -- built-in predicate" R0304) ("!" "! -- built-in predicate" R0503) ("*" "*, multiplication" R0701) ("+" "+ - debugger option" R120404) ("+" "+, addition" R0701) ("," "," U0410) ("," ", -- built-in predicate" R0501) ("-" "-" R0701) ("-" "- - debugger option" R120404) ("-->" "-->" R1701) ("->" "->" U0410) ("->" "-> -- built-in predicate" R0506) ("->" "-> -- built-in predicate" R0507) ("->" "-> followed by ;" R0506) ("." "." R0301) ("." ". - debugger option" R120404) ("." ". -- built-in predicate" R0401) ("/" "/, floating point division" R0701) ("//" "//, integer division" R0701) ("/\" "/\, bitwise conjunction" R0701) (";" ";" R0301) (";" ";" U0410) (";" "; -- built-in predicate" R0502) (";" "; -- built-in predicate" R0506) ("<" "<" R070303) ("<" "< - debugger option" R120402) ("<" "< -- built-in predicate" R070303) ("<<" "<<, left shift" R0701) ("=" "=" U041101) ("=" "= - debugger option" R120405) ("=" "= -- built-in predicate" R1802) ("=" "=, explicit unification" R1802) ("=.." "=.." R0810) ("=.." "=.. -- built-in predicate" R0810) ("=:=" "=:=" R070301) ("=:=" "=:= -- built-in predicate" R070301) ("=<" "=<" R070305) ("=<" "=< -- built-in predicate" R070305) ("==" "== -- built-in predicate" R0902) ("=\=" "=\=" R070302) ("=\=" "=\= -- built-in predicate" R070302) (">" ">" R070304) (">" "> -- built-in predicate" R070304) (">=" ">=" R070306) (">=" ">= -- built-in predicate" R070306) (">>" ">>, right shift" R0701) ("?" "?" U041101) ("?" "? - debugger option" R120405) ("@" "@ - debugger option" R120404) ("@" "@ command, debugging option" U041101) ("@<" "@< -- built-in predicate" R0904) ("@=<" "@=< -- built-in predicate" R0906) ("@>" "@> -- built-in predicate" R0905) ("@>=" "@>= -- built-in predicate" R0907) ("abolish/2" "abolish/2 -- built-in predicate" R1307) ("abolish/2" "abolish/2 -- built-in predicate" R210201) ("abort" "abort" U041101) ("abort/0" "abort/0 -- built-in predicate" R1104) ("absolute_file_name/2" "absolute_file_name/2 -- built-in predicate" R210707) ("absolute_file_name/2" "absolute_file_name/2 -- built-in predicate" S030201) ("access" "access, random to streams" R210711) ("addition" "addition" R0701) ("ancestors" "ancestors" U041101) ("ancestors" "ancestors - debugger option" R120402) ("ancestors/1" "ancestors/1 -- built-in predicate" R1105) ("and" "and" R0301) ("and" "and" R0501) ("and" "and, bitwise" R0701) ("anonymous" "anonymous variables" R020104) ("arg/3" "arg/3 -- built-in predicate" R0809) ("arguments" "arguments" R020105) ("arithmetic" "arithmetic" R07) ("arithmetic" "arithmetic" U07) ("arithmetic" "arithmetic, expressions" R0701) ("arity" "arity of a functor" R020105) ("assert/1" "assert/1 -- built-in predicate" R1302) ("assert/2" "assert/2 -- built-in predicate" R1402) ("asserta/1" "asserta/1 -- built-in predicate" R1303) ("asserta/2" "asserta/2 -- built-in predicate" R1403) ("assertz/1" "assertz/1 -- built-in predicate" R1304) ("assertz/2" "assertz/2 -- built-in predicate" R1404) ("associativity" "associativity of operators" R0202) ("atom/1" "atom/1 -- built-in predicate" R0803) ("atomic/1" "atomic/1 -- built-in predicate" R0807) ("atoms" "atoms" R020103) ("atoms" "atoms, quoting" R210701) ("a[bort]" "a[bort] - debugger option" R120404) ("backtracking" "backtracking" R0302) ("backtracking" "backtracking loop, terminating" U050202) ("backtracking" "backtracking through all solutions" R210204) ("bagof/3" "bagof/3 -- built-in predicate" R1602) ("bagof/3" "bagof/3 -- built-in predicate" R210204) ("body" "body of a clause" R0301) ("break" "break, debugging option" U041101) ("break/0" "break/0 -- built-in predicate" R1103) ("break/0" "break/0 -- built-in predicate" R0404) ("built-in" "built-in operators, list of" R20) ("built-in" "built-in operators, list of" U09) ("built-in" "built-in predicates, error messages for" U0304) ("built-in" "built-in predicates, list of" R19) ("built-in" "built-in predicates, list of" U08) ("built-in" "built-in predicates, Prolog-20" U0705) ("built-in-operators" "built-in-operators" R20) ("built-in-operators" "built-in-operators" U09) ("b[reak]" "b[reak] - debugger option" R120404) ("C/3" "C/3 -- built-in predicate" R1703) ("C/3" "C/3 -- built-in predicate" R170403) ("call" "call port of a procedure box" R1201) ("call/1" "call/1 -- built-in predicate" R0504) ("character" "character escaping" R2105) ("character" "character escaping" R210701) ("character" "character escaping flag" R210713) ("characters" "characters, ASCII code of" R0701) ("characters" "characters, input and output of" R0602) ("characters" "characters, strings of" R020106) ("character_count/2" "character_count/2 -- built-in predicate" R060601) ("checker" "checker" U0706) ("clause" "clause instance" R0302) ("clause" "clause ordering for a predicate" R210203) ("clause/2" "clause/2 -- built-in predicate" R1305) ("clause/3" "clause/3 -- built-in predicate" R1405) ("clauses" "clauses" R0301) ("clauses" "clauses for a predicate in multiple files" R210301) ("clauses" "clauses, database references to" R1401) ("close/1" "close/1 -- built-in predicate" R060304) ("closing" "closing an input or output file" R060304) ("comma" "comma" R0501) ("comments" "comments" R0205) ("compare/3" "compare/3 -- built-in predicate" R0908) ("comparison" "comparison, of arbitrary terms" R09) ("comparison" "comparison, of numbers" R0703) ("compatibilty" "compatibilty checker" U0706) ("compile" "compile - during program execution" R0404) ("compile/1" "compile/1 -- built-in predicate" R0402) ("compile/1" "compile/1, alternative to" R210706) ("compiled" "compiled procedures, debugging" R120406) ("compiled" "compiled procedures, debugging" U0413) ("compiler" "compiler" U0201) ("compiler" "compiler" U0702) ("compiling" "compiling a subsidiary file" U0204) ("compiling-a-file" "compiling-a-file" U0203) ("complement" "complement of an integer" R0701) ("compound" "compound terms" R020105) ("conditionals" "conditionals" R0506) ("conditionals" "conditionals" R0507) ("conjunction" "conjunction" R0301) ("conjunction" "conjunction" R0501) ("conjunction" "conjunction, bitwise" R0701) ("constants" "constants" R0201) ("consult" "consult - during program execution" R0404) ("consult/1" "consult/1 -- built-in predicate" R0401) ("consult/1" "consult/1, alternative to" R210706) ("consulting" "consulting a file" U0203) ("consulting" "consulting a file" U0702) ("consulting" "consulting a subsidiary file" U0204) ("consulting-a-file" "consulting-a-file" U0203) ("control" "control c interrupts" R1101) ("control-Z" "control-Z" U0001) ("control-Z" "control-Z" U010202) ("creep" "creep" U041101) ("creeping" "creeping" R120202) ("current_atom/1" "current_atom/1 -- built-in predicate" R1003) ("current_input/1" "current_input/1 -- built-in predicate" R060311) ("current_key/2" "current_key/2 -- built-in predicate" R210705) ("current_op/3" "current_op/3 -- built-in predicate" R020302) ("current_output/1" "current_output/1 -- built-in predicate" R060312) ("current_predicate/2" "current_predicate/2 -- built-in predicate" R1004) ("current_stream/3" "current_stream/3 -- built-in predicate" R060305) ("cut" "cut" R0304) ("cut" "cut" U0502) ("cut" "cut, local cut (->)" R0507) ("c[reep]" "c[reep] - debugger option" R120401) ("database" "database references" R14) ("debug" "debug" U0402) ("debug" "debug mode" R120201) ("debug-options" "debug-options" U0411) ("debug/0" "debug/0 -- built-in predicate" R120501) ("debugger" "debugger, format of messages" U0410) ("debugger" "debugger, options for" U0411) ("debugger" "debugger, state of" U0408) ("debugger" "debugger, turning off" U0403) ("debugger" "debugger, turning on" U0402) ("debugger" "debugger, use with compiled procedures" U0413) ("debugging" "debugging" R12) ("debugging" "debugging flag" R210713) ("debugging" "debugging options" U0411) ("debugging" "debugging, built-in predicates for" R1205) ("debugging" "debugging, current state of" R120505) ("debugging" "debugging, exhaustive tracing" R120202) ("debugging" "debugging, leashing" R120510) ("debugging" "debugging, options when prompted by debugger" R1204) ("debugging" "debugging, removing spypoints" R120507) ("debugging" "debugging, removing spypoints" R120508) ("debugging" "debugging, selected procedures only" R120203) ("debugging" "debugging, setting spypoints" R120506) ("debugging" "debugging, trapping calls to undefined pre..." R120509) ("debugging" "debugging, turning off" R120404) ("debugging" "debugging, turning off" R120503) ("debugging" "debugging, turning off" R120504) ("debugging" "debugging, turning on" R120501) ("debugging" "debugging, turning on" R120502) ("debugging" "debugging, use with compiled procedures" R120406) ("debugging-a-procedure" "debugging-a-procedure" U0402) ("debugging-option-g" "debugging-option-g" U041101) ("debugging/0" "debugging/0 -- built-in predicate" R120505) ("declarative" "declarative interpretation of clauses" R0302) ("definite" "definite clause grammars" R1701) ("depth/1" "depth/1 -- built-in predicate" R1108) ("directives" "directives" R0301) ("directories" "directories, searching" R210712) ("disjunction" "disjunction" R0301) ("disjunction" "disjunction" R0502) ("disjunction" "disjunction" U050102) ("disjunction" "disjunction, bitwise" R0701) ("display/1" "display/1 -- built-in predicate" R060103) ("division" "division" U07) ("division" "division, floating point" R0701) ("division" "division, integer" R0701) ("dynamic" "dynamic" R1301) ("dynamic" "dynamic predicates" U0307) ("dynamic" "dynamic predicates" U0702) ("dynamic" "dynamic procedures and declarations" R1301) ("dynamic-procedures" "dynamic-procedures" U0307) ("dynamic/1" "dynamic/1 -- built-in predicate" R210203) ("d[isplay]" "d[isplay] - debugger option" R120402) ("embedded-commands" "embedded-commands" U0204) ("end" "end of file, on character input" R060201) ("end" "end of file, on term input" R060101) ("end" "end of file, sending from keyboard" R1103) ("end-of-file" "end-of-file character" U0001) ("end_of_file" "end_of_file" R060101) ("ensure_loaded/1" "ensure_loaded/1 -- built-in predicate" R210706) ("equality" "equality, arithmetic" R070301) ("equality" "equality, floating point" R0703) ("equality" "equality, of terms" R0902) ("equality" "equality, unification" R1802) ("equals" "equals" R1802) ("erase/1" "erase/1 -- built-in predicate" R1406) ("erase/1" "erase/1 -- built-in predicate" R210201) ("error" "error conditions" R0102) ("error-conditions" "error-conditions" R0102) ("escaping" "escaping, character" R2105) ("escaping" "escaping, character" R210701) ("executing" "executing Interlisp-D functions from withi..." U0306) ("executing" "executing Lisp functions from within Prolog" S0103) ("exit" "exit port of a procedure box" R1201) ("expand_term/2" "expand_term/2 -- built-in predicate" R170401) ("fail" "fail" U0410) ("fail" "fail port of a procedure box" R1201) ("fail/0" "fail/0 -- built-in predicate" R0510) ("failing" "failing through all solutions" R210204) ("false" "false" U0410) ("false/0" "false/0 -- built-in predicate" R0511) ("file" "file names, absolute" R210707) ("file" "file names, absolute" S030201) ("file" "file, searching for in a library" R210601) ("file" "file, searching for in a library" S030101) ("file" "file, user pseudo" R210203) ("file-handling" "file-handling" R0603) ("fileerrors" "fileerrors flag" R210713) ("fileerrors/0" "fileerrors/0 -- built-in predicate" R060307) ("files" "files, clauses for predicates in multiple ..." R210301) ("files" "files, closing" R060304) ("files" "files, loading" R210706) ("files" "files, opening" R060302) ("find" "find definition" U041101) ("find-definition" "find-definition" U0302) ("find-definition" "find-definition command" R210301) ("find-more-definition" "find-more-definition command" R210301) ("finding" "finding the source code for a procedure - ..." R120404) ("flag" "flag, character escaping" R210713) ("flag" "flag, debugging" R210713) ("flag" "flag, fileerrors" R210713) ("float/1" "float/1 -- built-in predicate" R0805) ("floating" "floating point" U07) ("floats" "floats" R020102) ("floats" "floats, coercion of integers to" R0701) ("floats" "floats, equality of" R0703) ("floats" "floats, range of" S0104) ("floats" "floats, syntax of" R020102) ("flush_output/1" "flush_output/1 -- built-in predicate" R060308) ("foreign-interface" "foreign-interface" S0106) ("formal" "formal syntax" R0206) ("format/2" "format/2 -- built-in predicate" R210703) ("format/3" "format/3 -- built-in predicate" R210704) ("formatted" "formatted printing" R210703) ("functor" "functor" R020105) ("functor/3" "functor/3 -- built-in predicate" R0808) ("f[ail]" "f[ail] - debugger option" R120403) ("g" "g - debugger option" R120402) ("get/1" "get/1 -- built-in predicate" R060202) ("get/2" "get/2 -- built-in predicate" R0605) ("get0/1" "get0/1 -- built-in predicate" R060201) ("get0/2" "get0/2 -- built-in predicate" R0605) ("goals" "goals" R0301) ("grammar-rules" "grammar-rules" R17) ("grammars" "grammars" R17) ("halt" "halt" U010202) ("halt/0" "halt/0 -- built-in predicate" R1102) ("head" "head of a clause" R0301) ("help" "help, debugging option" U041101) ("h[elp]" "h[elp] - debugger option" R120405) ("if-then" "if-then" R0507) ("if-then-else" "if-then-else" R0506) ("indexing" "indexing" U0503) ("initialisation" "initialisation, prolog.ini files" S0101) ("initialization" "initialization file" U0208) ("input" "input and output" R06) ("input" "input and output, of characters" R0602) ("input" "input and output, of terms" R0601) ("input" "input and output, streams" R0603) ("input" "input and output, with explicit stream arg..." R0604) ("input" "input and output, with explicit stream arg..." R0605) ("instance/2" "instance/2 -- built-in predicate" R1407) ("instantiated" "instantiated" R0801) ("integer/1" "integer/1 -- built-in predicate" R0804) ("integers" "integers" R020101) ("integers" "integers, coercion of floats to" R0701) ("integers" "integers, range of" R07) ("integers" "integers, syntax of" R020101) ("interlisp-D" "interlisp-D functions, executing from with..." U0306) ("internal" "internal database" R15) ("interpreter" "interpreter" U0201) ("interpreter" "interpreter" U0702) ("interrupting" "interrupting program execution" U0303) ("interrupting" "interrupting Prolog" R1101) ("is/2" "is/2 -- built-in predicate" R0702) ("iteration" "iteration" R0512) ("keys" "keys, recorded" R210705) ("keysort/2" "keysort/2 -- built-in predicate" R0910) ("leap" "leap" U041101) ("leash/1" "leash/1 -- built-in predicate" R120510) ("leashing" "leashing" R120204) ("length/2" "length/2 -- built-in predicate" R1803) ("library" "library, searching for a file in" R210601) ("library" "library, searching for a file in" S030101) ("library/1" "library/1 -- built-in predicate" R210601) ("library/1" "library/1 -- built-in predicate" S030101) ("library_directory/1" "library_directory/1 -- built-in predicate" R210601) ("library_directory/1" "library_directory/1 -- built-in predicate" R210712) ("library_directory/1" "library_directory/1 -- built-in predicate" S030101) ("line_count/2" "line_count/2 -- built-in predicate" R060602) ("line_position/2" "line_position/2 -- built-in predicate" R060603) ("Lisp" "Lisp functions, executing from within Prolog" S0103) ("Lisp" "Lisp interface" S0106) ("lisp_apply" "lisp_apply" S0103) ("lisp_predicate" "lisp_predicate" S0106) ("list" "list as goal" R0401) ("listing/1" "listing/1 -- built-in predicate" R1002) ("listing0" "listing0 -- built-in predicate" R1001) ("lists" "lists" R020106) ("loading" "loading a program into Prolog, without" U0203) ("loading" "loading programs, consulting and compiling" R0304) ("loading" "loading, files" R210201) ("loading" "loading, files" R210706) ("loading" "loading, predicate" R210201) ("loading-programs" "loading-programs" U02) ("loading-programs-without-tedit" "loading-programs-without-tedit" U0203) ("local" "local cut" R0507) ("local-cut" "local-cut" R0507) ("locating" "locating procedures with TEdit" U0302) ("loops" "loops" R0512) ("l[eap]" "l[eap] - debugger option" R120401) ("maxdepth/1" "maxdepth/1 -- built-in predicate" R1107) ("memory" "memory, Prologs use of, general description" S0107) ("minus" "minus, subtraction" R0701) ("minus" "minus, unary minus" R0701) ("mod" "mod, remainder after integer division" R0701) ("multifile/1" "multifile/1 -- built-in predicate" R210301) ("multiplication" "multiplication" R0701) ("name" "name of a functor" R020105) ("name/2" "name/2 -- built-in predicate" R0811) ("negation" "negation, bitwise" R0701) ("negation" "negation, by failure" R0505) ("nl/0" "nl/0 -- built-in predicate" R060205) ("nl/1" "nl/1 -- built-in predicate" R0605) ("nodebug" "nodebug" U041101) ("nodebug" "nodebug" U0403) ("nodebug/0" "nodebug/0 -- built-in predicate" R120503) ("nofileerrors/0" "nofileerrors/0 -- built-in predicate" R060306) ("nonvar/1" "nonvar/1 -- built-in predicate" R0802) ("nospy" "nospy" U040503) ("nospy" "nospy, debugging option" U041101) ("nospy/1" "nospy/1 -- built-in predicate" R120507) ("nospyall" "nospyall" U040503) ("nospyall/0" "nospyall/0 -- built-in predicate" R120508) ("not-provable" "not-provable" R0505) ("not-provable" "not-provable (\+)" R0505) ("notrace" "notrace" U0403) ("notrace/0" "notrace/0 -- built-in predicate" R120504) ("no_style_check/1" "no_style_check/1 -- built-in predicate" R040302) ("number/1" "number/1 -- built-in predicate" R0806) ("numbervars/3" "numbervars/3 -- built-in predicate" R1801) ("n[odebug]" "n[odebug] - debugger option" R120404) ("occur" "occur check" R0303) ("op/3" "op/3 -- built-in predicate" R020301) ("open/3" "open/3 -- built-in predicate" R060302) ("opening" "opening a file for input or output" R060302) ("open_null_stream/1" "open_null_stream/1 -- built-in predicate" R060303) ("operators" "operators" R0202) ("operators" "operators, associativity of" R0202) ("operators" "operators, built-in predicates for handling" R0203) ("operators" "operators, declaring" R020301) ("operators" "operators, precedence of" R0202) ("operators" "operators, type of" R0202) ("or" "or" R0301) ("or" "or" R0502) ("or" "or, bitwise" R0701) ("ordering" "ordering of clauses for a predicate" R210203) ("otherwise" "otherwise" U0410) ("otherwise/0" "otherwise/0 -- built-in predicate" R0509) ("output" "output" R06) ("period" "period character (.)" R0301) ("phrase/2" "phrase/2 -- built-in predicate" R170402) ("port" "port of a procedure box" R1201) ("porting" "porting programs" U07) ("porting-programs" "porting-programs" U07) ("portray/1" "portray/1 -- user-defined predicate" R060105) ("position" "position in a stream" R210711) ("precedence" "precedence of operators" R0202) ("predicate" "predicate specifications" R210202) ("predicates" "predicates" R0301) ("predicates" "predicates, in multiple files" R210301) ("predicates" "predicates, removing from system" R210201) ("predicates" "predicates, static and dynamic" U0307) ("predicate_property/2" "predicate_property/2 -- built-in predicate" R210710) ("principal" "principal functor of a term" R020105) ("print" "print depth limit in debugger" R120402) ("print/1" "print/1 -- built-in predicate" R060105) ("print/2" "print/2 -- built-in predicate" R0604) ("printing" "printing, formatted" R210703) ("procedural" "procedural interpretation of clauses" R0302) ("procedure" "procedure calls" R0301) ("procedures" "procedures" R0301) ("procedures" "procedures, defining directly into Prolog" U0207) ("procedures" "procedures, determinate" U050201) ("procedures" "procedures, locating with TEdit" U0302) ("procedures" "procedures, redefining during program" U0412) ("procedures" "procedures, undefined" R120509) ("program" "program execution, interrupting" U0303) ("program" "program layout" U050101) ("programs" "programs" R0301) ("programs" "programs, loading into Prolog without" U0203) ("programs" "programs, running" U03) ("prolog" "prolog commands" U0102) ("prolog" "prolog compiler" U0201) ("prolog" "prolog interpreter" U0201) ("prolog" "prolog prompt, top-level" U0102) ("prolog" "prolog, entering" U010103) ("prolog-20-file-handling" "prolog-20-file-handling" R0607) ("prolog-ini" "prolog-ini" S0101) ("prolog.ini" "prolog.ini files" S0101) ("prolog_flag/3" "prolog_flag/3 -- built-in predicate" R210713) ("prompt/2" "prompt/2 -- built-in predicate" R1804) ("prompts" "prompts" U0102) ("properties" "properties of predicates" R210710) ("pseudo" "pseudo file, user" R210203) ("put/1" "put/1 -- built-in predicate" R060204) ("put/2" "put/2 -- built-in predicate" R0605) ("p[rint]" "p[rint] - debugger option" R120402) ("querying" "querying the data base" U0301) ("questions" "questions" R0301) ("Quintus" "Quintus Prolog library" R2104) ("quoting" "quoting atoms" R210701) ("random" "random access to streams" R210711) ("read/1" "read/1 -- built-in predicate" R210701) ("read/1" "read/1 -- built-in predicate" R060101) ("read/2" "read/2 -- built-in predicate" R210701) ("read/2" "read/2 -- built-in predicate" R0604) ("recorda/3" "recorda/3 -- built-in predicate" R1501) ("recorded" "recorded keys" R210705) ("recorded/3" "recorded/3 -- built-in predicate" R1503) ("recordz/3" "recordz/3 -- built-in predicate" R1502) ("redefining-during-execution" "redefining-during-execution" R0404) ("redo" "redo port of a procedure box" R1201) ("release" "release 1.5 changes" R2101) ("release" "release 1.5 changes" S03) ("remainder" "remainder (mod)" R0701) ("removing" "removing predicates" R210201) ("removing" "removing spypoints" U040503) ("repeat/0" "repeat/0 -- built-in predicate" R0512) ("retract/1" "retract/1 -- built-in predicate" R1306) ("retract/1" "retract/1 -- built-in predicate" R210201) ("retries" "retries" U041101) ("retry" "retry" U041101) ("running" "running a program" U03) ("running-programs" "running-programs" U03) ("r[etry]" "r[etry] - debugger option" R120401) ("r[etry]" "r[etry] - debugger option" R120403) ("saved" "saved state, equivalent under Interlisp-D" S0102) ("searching" "searching directories for a file" R210712) ("searching" "searching for a file in a library" R210601) ("searching" "searching for a file in a library" S030101) ("see/1" "see/1 -- built-in predicate" R060701) ("seeing/1" "seeing/1 -- built-in predicate" R060702) ("seen/0" "seen/0 -- built-in predicate" R060703) ("semantics" "semantics" R03) ("semicolon" "semicolon" R0502) ("sentences" "sentences, clauses and directives" R0301) ("setof/3" "setof/3 -- built-in predicate" R1601) ("setof/3" "setof/3 -- built-in predicate" R210204) ("sets" "sets" R16) ("sets" "sets, collecting all the solutions to a goal" R16) ("setting-spypoints" "setting-spypoints" U040501) ("set_input/1" "set_input/1 -- built-in predicate" R060309) ("set_output/1" "set_output/1 -- built-in predicate" R060310) ("shifting" "shifting" R0701) ("single-stepping" "single-stepping" R120202) ("skeletal" "skeletal predicate specification" R210202) ("skip" "skip" U0410) ("skip" "skip" U041101) ("skip/1" "skip/1 -- built-in predicate" R060203) ("skip/2" "skip/2 -- built-in predicate" R0605) ("solutions" "solutions, finding all" R210204) ("sort/2" "sort/2 -- built-in predicate" R0909) ("source_file/1" "source_file/1 -- built-in predicate" R210708) ("source_file/2" "source_file/2 -- built-in predicate" R210709) ("specifications" "specifications, predicate" R210202) ("spy" "spy this, debugging option" U041101) ("spy/1" "spy/1 -- built-in predicate" R120506) ("spypoint-example" "spypoint-example" U040904) ("spypoints" "spypoints" R120203) ("spypoints" "spypoints, removing" R120404) ("spypoints" "spypoints, removing" R120507) ("spypoints" "spypoints, removing" R120508) ("spypoints" "spypoints, removing" U040503) ("spypoints" "spypoints, setting" R120404) ("spypoints" "spypoints, setting" R120506) ("spypoints" "spypoints, setting" U040501) ("standard" "standard order on terms" R0901) ("standard" "standard syntax" R210701) ("static" "static predicates" U0307) ("static" "static procedures" R1301) ("statistics/0" "statistics/0 -- built-in predicate" S010701) ("statistics/2" "statistics/2 -- built-in predicate" S010702) ("stream" "stream position information for terminal I/O" R210801) ("streams" "streams" R0603) ("streams" "streams, closing" R060304) ("streams" "streams, current input and output" R06) ("streams" "streams, finding out what streams are open" R060305) ("streams" "streams, I/O of characters on a specified ..." R0605) ("streams" "streams, I/O of terms on a specified stream" R0604) ("streams" "streams, opening" R060302) ("streams" "streams, random access to" R210711) ("streams" "streams, reading the state of" R0606) ("streams" "streams, using under Interlisp-D" S0105) ("stream_position/3" "stream_position/3 -- built-in predicate" R210711) ("strings" "strings, lists of ASCII characters" R020106) ("style" "style checking, predicates for control of" R0403) ("style" "style conventions" U0206) ("style" "style warning facility" U0206) ("style" "style warning facility" U0703) ("style-checking" "style-checking" U0206) ("style-restrictions" "style-restrictions" U050103) ("style_check/1" "style_check/1 -- built-in predicate" R040301) ("subgoal_of/2" "subgoal_of/2 -- built-in predicate" R1106) ("subsidiary" "subsidiary file, compiling or consulting" U0204) ("subtraction" "subtraction" R0701) ("syntax" "syntax" R02) ("syntax" "syntax errors" U0205) ("syntax" "syntax, formal" R0206) ("syntax" "syntax, of atoms" R020103) ("syntax" "syntax, of compound terms" R020105) ("syntax" "syntax, of floats" R020102) ("syntax" "syntax, of integers" R020101) ("syntax" "syntax, of lists" R020106) ("syntax" "syntax, of variables" R020104) ("syntax" "syntax, restrictions" R0204) ("syntax" "syntax, standard" R210701) ("SYSOUT" "SYSOUT" S0102) ("s[kip]" "s[kip] - debugger option" R120401) ("tab/1" "tab/1 -- built-in predicate" R060206) ("tab/2" "tab/2 -- built-in predicate" R0605) ("tail" "tail recursion optimization" U0504) ("tedit" "tedit interface" S0201) ("TEdit" "TEdit restrictions" U010102) ("tedit" "tedit, style restrictions" U050103) ("tell/1" "tell/1 -- built-in predicate" R060704) ("telling/1" "telling/1 -- built-in predicate" R060705) ("terminal" "terminal I/O, stream position information ..." R210801) ("terms" "terms" R0201) ("terms" "terms, arguments of" R0809) ("terms" "terms, comparison of" R09) ("terms" "terms, compound" R020105) ("terms" "terms, input and output of" R0601) ("terms" "terms, ordering on" R0901) ("terms" "terms, predicates for looking at" R08) ("terms" "terms, principal functor of" R0808) ("term_expansion/2" "term_expansion/2 -- user-defined predicate" R170401) ("timing" "timing - statistics(runtime,[Absolute,Rela..." S010702) ("told/0" "told/0 -- built-in predicate" R060706) ("trace" "trace" U0402) ("trace" "trace flag" R210713) ("trace" "trace mode" R120201) ("trace-example" "trace-example" U0404) ("trace/0" "trace/0 -- built-in predicate" R120502) ("tracing" "tracing" R120202) ("tracing-a-procedure" "tracing-a-procedure" U0402) ("true" "true" U0410) ("true/0" "true/0 -- built-in predicate" R0508) ("ttyflush/0" "ttyflush/0 -- built-in predicate" R060807) ("ttyget/1" "ttyget/1 -- built-in predicate" R060802) ("ttyget0/1" "ttyget0/1 -- built-in predicate" R060801) ("ttynl/0" "ttynl/0 -- built-in predicate" R060805) ("ttyput/1" "ttyput/1 -- built-in predicate" R060804) ("ttyskip/1" "ttyskip/1 -- built-in predicate" R060803) ("ttytab/1" "ttytab/1 -- built-in predicate" R060806) ("unary" "unary minus" R0701) ("undefined" "undefined procedures" R120509) ("undefined" "undefined procedures, system response to" U0305) ("unification" "unification" R0302) ("unification" "unification, successive" R210204) ("uninstantiated" "uninstantiated" R0801) ("univ" "univ" R0810) ("unknown-procedures" "unknown-procedures" R120509) ("unknown/2" "unknown/2 -- built-in predicate" R120509) ("user" "user - pseudo file" R210203) ("user" "user - pseudo file" R060301) ("user_error" "user_error - reserved stream" R060301) ("user_input" "user_input - reserved stream" R060301) ("user_output" "user_output - reserved stream" R060301) ("values" "values function" S0106) ("var/1" "var/1 -- built-in predicate" R0801) ("variables" "variables" R020104) ("variables" "variables, instantiation of" R0801) ("variables" "variables, scope of" R0301) ("write/1" "write/1 -- built-in predicate" R060102) ("write/2" "write/2 -- built-in predicate" R0604) ("writeq/1" "writeq/1 -- built-in predicate" R060104) ("writeq/2" "writeq/2 -- built-in predicate" R0604) ("write_canonical/1" "write_canonical/1 -- built-in predicate" R210701) ("write_canonical/2" "write_canonical/2 -- built-in predicate" R210702) ("w[rite]" "w[rite] - debugger option" R120402) ("x" "x - debugger option" R120403) ("xerox" "xerox Quintus Prolog style conventions" U0206) ("[File]" "[File], consulting a file" R0401) ("[]" "[]" R020106) ("\+" "\+ -- built-in predicate" R0505) ("\" "\, bitwise complement" R0701) ("\/" "\/, bitwise disjunction" R0701) ("\==" "\== -- built-in predicate" R0903) ("^" "^" R1603) ("^" "^ -- built-in predicate" R1603) ("|" "|" R020106) ("|" "|" R0301) ("|" "|" R0502) ("|" "|" R0506)