(TOP "Xerox Quintus Prolog Online Documentation System" NIL)
(U "Xerox Quintus Prolog User's Guide" NIL)
(U00 "Introduction" NIL)
(U0000 "Overview" T)
(U0001 "Symbols and Conventions" T)
(U01 "Getting Started" NIL)
(U0100 "Overview" T)
(U0101 "Using Prolog With TEdit" NIL)
(U010100 "Overview" T)
(U010101 "Using TEdit -- An Overview" T)
(U010102 "Prolog Restrictions Under TEdit" T)
(U010103 "Entering Prolog" T)
(U0102 "Using the Top-Level Prolog Prompt" NIL)
(U010200 "Basic Information" T)
(U010201 "Returning to the Top-Level Prolog Prompt" T)
(U010202 "Halting the Execution of Prolog" T)
(U02 "Loading Programs" NIL)
(U0200 "Overview" T)
(U0201 "Loading a File into Prolog" T)
(U0202 "Loading Programs Through TEdit" NIL)
(U020200 "Basic Information" T)
(U0203 "Loading Programs Without TEdit" T)
(U0204 "Using Embedded Consult or Compile Commands" T)
(U0205 "Syntax Error Messages" T)
(U0206 "Style Warnings" T)
(U0207 "Defining Procedures Directly" T)
(U0208 "Using an Initialization File" T)
(U03 "Running Programs" NIL)
(U0300 "Overview" T)
(U0301 "Asking Questions" T)
(U0302 "Locating Procedures Through TEdit" T)
(U0303 "Interrupting the Execution of a Program" T)
(U0304 "Error Messages for Built-in Predicates" T)
(U0305 "Undefined Procedures" T)
(U0306 "Executing Interlisp-D Functions From Within Prolog" NIL)
(U030600 "Overview" T)
(U0307 "Creating Dynamic Predicates" T)
(U04 "Debugging Programs" NIL)
(U0400 "Overview" T)
(U0401 "Background Information" T)
(U0402 "Turning the Debugger On" T)
(U0403 "Turning the Debugger Off" T)
(U0404 "Tracing Every Step in the Execution of a Procedure" T)
(U0405 "Debugging Only Selected Procedures" NIL)
(U040500 "Basic Information" T)
(U040501 "Setting Spypoints" T)
(U040502 "Using Spypoints to Debug a Procedure" T)
(U040503 "Removing Spypoints" T)
(U0406 "Requesting More or Less Detailed Debugging" T)
(U0407 "Requesting More or Less Frequent Prompting" T)
(U0408 "Obtaining Information about the Debugger and Spypoints" T)
(U0409 "Debugging Example" NIL)
(U040900 "Basic Information" T)
(U040901 "Using System Warnings" T)
(U040902 "Exhaustively Tracing the Execution of a Program" T)
(U040903 "Using the Skip and Retry Options" T)
(U040904 "Using Spypoints" T)
(U0410 "Format of Debugging Messages" T)
(U0411 "Options Available During Debugging" NIL)
(U041100 "Basic Information" T)
(U041101 "Basic Options" T)
(U0412 "Redefining Procedures While Executing Your Program" T)
(U0413 "Debugging Compiled Procedures" T)
(U05 "Programming Style" NIL)
(U0500 "Overview" T)
(U0501 "Program Layout" NIL)
(U050100 "Introduction" T)
(U050101 "Normal Layout" T)
(U050102 "Disjunction and Conditionals" T)
(U050103 "TEdit-Related Restrictions" T)
(U0502 "Using "Cut"" NIL)
(U050200 "Overview" T)
(U050201 "Making Procedures Determinate" T)
(U050202 "Terminating a Backtracking Loop" T)
(U0503 "Indexing" NIL)
(U050300 "Overview" T)
(U050301 "Data Tables" T)
(U050302 "Improved Determinacy Detection" T)
(U0504 "Tail Recursion Optimization" T)
(U06 "Glossary" T)
(U07 "Porting Programs to Xerox Quintus Prolog" NIL)
(U0700 "Overview" T)
(U0701 "Floating Point" T)
(U0702 "The Compiler/Interpreter Interface" T)
(U0703 "Style Checking" T)
(U0704 "Miscellaneous" T)
(U0705 "Built-in Predicates" T)
(U0706 "Running the Compatibility Checker" T)
(U08 "Built-in Predicates" T)
(U09 "Built-in Operators" T)
(R "Xerox Quintus Prolog Reference Manual" NIL)
(R01 "Introduction" NIL)
(R0100 "Overview" T)
(R0101 "Notation used in this Manual" T)
(R0102 "Error Conditions" T)
(R0103 "System-Dependent Features" T)
(R02 "Syntax" NIL)
(R0200 "Overview" T)
(R0201 "Terms" NIL)
(R020100 "Overview" T)
(R020101 "Integers" T)
(R020102 "Floating Point Numbers" T)
(R020103 "Atoms" T)
(R020104 "Variables" T)
(R020105 "Compound Terms" T)
(R020106 "Lists" T)
(R0202 "Operators" T)
(R0203 "Built-in Predicates for Handling Operators" NIL)
(R020301 "op(+Precedence,+Type,+Name)" T)
(R020302 "current←op(?Precedence,?Type,?Op)" T)
(R0204 "Syntax Restrictions" T)
(R0205 "Comments" T)
(R0206 "Formal Syntax" NIL)
(R020600 "Overview" T)
(R020601 "Notation" T)
(R020602 "Syntax of Sentences as Terms" T)
(R020603 "Syntax of Terms as Tokens" T)
(R020604 "Syntax of Tokens as Character Strings" T)
(R020605 "Notes" T)
(R03 "Semantics" NIL)
(R0301 "Programs" T)
(R0302 "Declarative and Procedural Semantics" T)
(R0303 "Occur Check" T)
(R0304 "The Cut" T)
(R04 "Loading Programs, Consulting and Compiling" NIL)
(R0400 "Overview" T)
(R0401 "consult(+File)" T)
(R0402 "compile(+File)" T)
(R0403 "Style Checking" NIL)
(R040300 "Overview" T)
(R040301 "style←check(+X)" T)
(R040302 "no←style←check(+X)" T)
(R0404 "Redefining Procedures during Program Execution" T)
(R05 "Control" NIL)
(R0501 "+P , +Q" T)
(R0502 "+P ; +Q" T)
(R0503 "!" T)
(R0504 "call(+X)" T)
(R0505 "\+ +P" T)
(R0506 "+P -> +Q ; +R" T)
(R0507 "+P -> +Q" T)
(R0508 "true" T)
(R0509 "otherwise" T)
(R0510 "fail" T)
(R0511 "false" T)
(R0512 "repeat" T)
(R06 "Input and Output" NIL)
(R0600 "Introduction" T)
(R0601 "Input and Output of Terms" NIL)
(R060101 "read(-X)" T)
(R060102 "write(?X)" T)
(R060103 "display(?X)" T)
(R060104 "writeq(?X)" T)
(R060105 "print(?X)" T)
(R0602 "Input and Output of Characters" NIL)
(R060200 "Overview" T)
(R060201 "get0(-N)" T)
(R060202 "get(-N)" T)
(R060203 "skip(+N)" T)
(R060204 "put(+N)" T)
(R060205 "nl" T)
(R060206 "tab(+N)" T)
(R0603 "Stream Handling" NIL)
(R060301 "Streams" T)
(R060302 "open(+File,+Mode,-Stream)" T)
(R060303 "open←null←stream(-Stream)" T)
(R060304 "close(+Stream)" T)
(R060305 "current←stream(?File,?Mode,?Stream)" T)
(R060306 "nofileerrors" T)
(R060307 "fileerrors" T)
(R060308 "flush←output(+Stream)" T)
(R060309 "set←input(+Stream)" T)
(R060310 "set←output(+Stream)" T)
(R060311 "current←input(-Stream)" T)
(R060312 "current←output(-Stream)" T)
(R0604 "Stream Based Input and Output of Terms" T)
(R0605 "Stream Based Input and Output of Characters" T)
(R0606 "Reading the State of Opened Streams" NIL)
(R060601 "character←count(+Stream,-N)" T)
(R060602 "line←count(+Stream,-N)" T)
(R060603 "line←position(+Stream,-N)" T)
(R0607 "Prolog-20 Compatible File Handling" NIL)
(R060700 "Overview" T)
(R060701 "see(+X)" T)
(R060702 "seeing(-S)" T)
(R060703 "seen" T)
(R060704 "tell(+F)" T)
(R060705 "telling(-S)" T)
(R060706 "told" T)
(R0608 "Prolog-20 Compatible Character I/O to Terminal" NIL)
(R060800 "Overview" T)
(R060801 "ttyget0(-N)" T)
(R060802 "ttyget(-N)" T)
(R060803 "ttyskip(+N)" T)
(R060804 "ttyput(+N)" T)
(R060805 "ttynl" T)
(R060806 "ttytab(+N)" T)
(R060807 "ttyflush" T)
(R07 "Arithmetic" NIL)
(R0700 "Overview" T)
(R0701 "Arithmetic Expressions" T)
(R0702 "-X is +Expression" T)
(R0703 "Arithmetic Comparison" NIL)
(R070300 "Introduction" T)
(R070301 "+X =:= +Y" T)
(R070302 "+X =\= +Y" T)
(R070303 "+X < +Y" T)
(R070304 "+X > +Y" T)
(R070305 "+X =< +Y" T)
(R070306 "+X >= +Y" T)
(R08 "Looking at Terms" NIL)
(R0800 "Introduction" T)
(R0801 "var(?X)" T)
(R0802 "nonvar(?X)" T)
(R0803 "atom(?X)" T)
(R0804 "integer(?X)" T)
(R0805 "float(?X)" T)
(R0806 "number(?X)" T)
(R0807 "atomic(?X)" T)
(R0808 "functor(?Term,?Name,?Arity)" T)
(R0809 "arg(+I,+T,-X)" T)
(R0810 "?X =.. ?Y" T)
(R0811 "name(?X,?L)" T)
(R09 "Comparison of Terms" NIL)
(R0900 "Introduction" T)
(R0901 "Standard Order on Terms" T)
(R0902 "?T1 == ?T2" T)
(R0903 "?T1 \== ?T2" T)
(R0904 "?T1 @< ?T2" T)
(R0905 "?T1 @> ?T2" T)
(R0906 "?T1 @=< ?T2" T)
(R0907 "?T1 @>= ?T2" T)
(R0908 "compare(?Op,?T1,?T2)" T)
(R0909 "sort(+L1,-L2)" T)
(R0910 "keysort(+L1,-L2)" T)
(R10 "Looking at the Program State" NIL)
(R1001 "listing" T)
(R1002 "listing(+Predicate)" T)
(R1003 "current←atom(?Atom)" T)
(R1004 "current←predicate(?Name,?Term)" T)
(R11 "Looking at and Controlling the Execution State" NIL)
(R1101 "Control c interrupts" T)
(R1102 "halt" T)
(R1103 "break" T)
(R1104 "abort" T)
(R1105 "ancestors(-L)" T)
(R1106 "subgoal←of(?S)" T)
(R1107 "maxdepth(+D)" T)
(R1108 "depth(-D)" T)
(R12 "Debugging" NIL)
(R1200 "Introduction" T)
(R1201 "The Procedure Box Control Flow Model" T)
(R1202 "Debugger Concepts" NIL)
(R120201 "Trace Mode and Debug Mode" T)
(R120202 "Exhaustive Tracing" T)
(R120203 "Debugging Selected Procedures" T)
(R120204 "Leashing" T)
(R120205 "Choosing An Option At A Debugging Port" T)
(R120206 "Summary" T)
(R1203 "Format Of Debugging Messages" T)
(R1204 "Options Available During Debugging" NIL)
(R120400 "Introduction" T)
(R120401 "Basic Control Options" T)
(R120402 "Printing Options" T)
(R120403 "Advanced Control Options" T)
(R120404 "Environment Options" T)
(R120405 "Help Options" T)
(R120406 "Debugging Compiled Procedures" T)
(R1205 "Built-in Predicates for Debugging" NIL)
(R120501 "debug" T)
(R120502 "trace" T)
(R120503 "nodebug" T)
(R120504 "notrace" T)
(R120505 "debugging" T)
(R120506 "spy +X" T)
(R120507 "nospy +X" T)
(R120508 "nospyall" T)
(R120509 "unknown(-OldAction,+NewAction)" T)
(R120510 "leash(+Mode)" T)
(R13 "Modification of the Database" NIL)
(R1300 "Introduction" T)
(R1301 "Dynamic and Static Procedures" T)
(R1302 "assert(+Clause)" T)
(R1303 "asserta(+Clause)" T)
(R1304 "assertz(+Clause)" T)
(R1305 "clause(+Head,?Body)" T)
(R1306 "retract(+Clause)" T)
(R1307 "abolish(+Name,+Arity)" T)
(R14 "Database References" NIL)
(R1401 "Definition" T)
(R1402 "assert(+Clause,-Ref)" T)
(R1403 "asserta(+Clause,-Ref)" T)
(R1404 "assertz(+Clause,-Ref)" T)
(R1405 "clause(?Head,?Body,?Ref)" T)
(R1406 "erase(+Ref)" T)
(R1407 "instance(+Ref,-Term)" T)
(R15 "The Internal Database" NIL)
(R1500 "Overview" T)
(R1501 "recorda(+Key,?Term,-Ref)" T)
(R1502 "recordz(+Key,?Term,-Ref)" T)
(R1503 "recorded(+Key,?Term,?Ref)" T)
(R16 "Sets: Collecting All the Solutions to a Goal" NIL)
(R1600 "Introduction" T)
(R1601 "setof(?Template,+Goal,-Set)" T)
(R1602 "bagof(?Template,+Goal,-Bag)" T)
(R1603 "X↑P" T)
(R17 "Grammar Rules" NIL)
(R1701 "Definite Clause Grammars" T)
(R1702 "An Example" T)
(R1703 "Translation of Grammar Rules into Prolog Clauses" T)
(R1704 "Grammar-Related Built-in Predicates" NIL)
(R170401 "expand←term(+T1,-T2)" T)
(R170402 "phrase(+Phrase,?List)" T)
(R170403 "'C'(?S1,?Terminal,?S2)" T)
(R18 "Miscellaneous Built-in Predicates" NIL)
(R1801 "numbervars(?X,+N0,-N1)" T)
(R1802 "?X = ?Y" T)
(R1803 "length(?L,?N)" T)
(R1804 "prompt(-Old,+New)" T)
(R19 "Built-in Predicates" T)
(R20 "Built-in Operators" T)
(R21 "Documentation Supplement for Quintus Prolog Release 1.5" NIL)
(R2101 "Summary of Quintus Prolog Release 1.5" T)
(R2102 "Clarification of Terminology and Concepts" T)
(R210200 "Introduction" NIL)
(R210201 "Loading a File or Predicate" T)
(R210202 "Predicate Specifications" T)
(R210203 "The Ordering of Clauses for a Predicate" T)
(R210204 "Finding All Solutions to a Goal" T)
(R2103 "Defining Clauses for a Predicate in Multiple Files" T)
(R210300 "Introduction" NIL)
(R210301 "Multifile Declarations" T)
(R2104 "The Quintus Prolog Library" T)
(R2105 "Character Escaping" T)
(R2106 "File Specifications" NIL)
(R210601 "Searching for a File in a List of Libraries" T)
(R2107 "New Built-in Predicates" NIL)
(R210701 "write←canonical(?Term)" T)
(R210702 "write←canonical(+Stream,?Term)" T)
(R210703 "format(+Ctrl,+Arguments)" T)
(R210704 "format(+Stream,+Ctrl,+Arguments)" T)
(R210705 "current←key(?KeyName,?KeyTerm)" T)
(R210706 "ensure←loaded(+FileSpec)" T)
(R210707 "absolute←file←name(+RelFileSpec,-AbsFileSpec)" T)
(R210708 "source←file(-FileSpec)" T)
(R210709 "source←file(?PredSpec,?FileSpec)" T)
(R210710 "predicate←property(?PredSpec,?PredProperty)" T)
(R210711 "stream←position(+Stream,-Old,+New)" T)
(R210712 "library←directory(?DirSpec)" T)
(R210713 "prolog←flag(+FlagName,-OldValue,+NewValue)" T)
(R2108 "Changes in Quintus Prolog Release 1.5" NIL)
(R210801 "Stream Position Information for Terminal I/O" T)
(S "Xerox Quintus Prolog System-Dependent Features Manual" NIL)
(S01 "System-Dependent Features of Xerox Quintus Prolog" NIL)
(S0100 "Overview" T)
(S0101 "Initialization Files" T)
(S0102 "Saved States and Interlisp-D" T)
(S0103 "Executing Lisp Functions from Within Prolog" T)
(S0104 "Arithmetic limits" T)
(S0105 "I/O Streams" T)
(S0106 "The Lisp Interface" T)
(S0107 "Memory Use" NIL)
(S010700 "Overview" T)
(S010701 "statistics" T)
(S010702 "statistics(?Keyword,-List)" T)
(S02 "Comparison of Xerox Quintus Prolog and Prolog-20" NIL)
(S0201 "The TEdit Interface" T)
(S0202 "The Foreign Function Interface" T)
(S0203 "Floating Point" T)
(S0204 "Improved Compiler/Interpreter Interface" T)
(S0205 "Improved Debugger" T)
(S0206 "Style Checking" T)
(S0207 "Stream-Based Input and Output" T)
(S0208 "Improved Handling of Database References" T)
(S0209 "Memory Management" T)
(S0210 "Miscellaneous" T)
(S03 "System-Dependent Changes Within Xerox Quintus Prolog Release" NIL)
(S0300 "Overview" T)
(S0301 "File Specifications" NIL)
(S030101 "Searching for a File in a List of Libraries" T)
(S0302 "New Built-in Predicates" NIL)
(S030201 "absolute←file←name(+RelFileSpec,-AbsFileSpec)" T)