The Xerox Quintus Prolog online documentation system uses a post-Koto version of the Interlisp-D library package DInfo.  For the Koto-compatable release of Xerox Quintus Prolog a version of DInfo called XQPInfo was generated.  It is just post-Koto DInfo with "DInfo" textually replaced everywhere by "XQPInfo" so that it does not clash with Koto DInfo.  In the release following Koto, Xerox Quintus Prolog should not use XQPInfo, but DInfo instead.

XQPINFO & XQPINFO.DCOM -- modified DInfo as described above.

XQPM & XQPM.DCOM  -- Koto versions of manual specific code (analogous to HelpSys for IRM).

XQPM.FILETITLES and XQPM.INDEX -- data files used by XQPM.SETUP in XQPM.   Provided by Quintus.

XQPM.NEXT -- Post-koto version of XQPM.  Rename this to XQPM and compile it and DInfo will be used in place of XQPInfo.

XQPM.TEDIT -- documentation for XQPM.NEXT.