(;; SCCS   : @(#)ARITH.LSP	3.14 2/4/86
;;; File   : $xerox/arith.lsp
;;; Author : Richard A. O'Keefe
;;; Purpose: Define the arithmetic instructions.
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;	WARNING: This material is CONFIDENTIAL and proprietary to Quintus
;;	Computer Systems Inc.  This notice is protection against inadvertent
;;	disclosure and does not constitute publication or reflect any intent
;;	to publish.
;;	Copyright (C) 1985, by Quintus Computer Systems, Inc.
;;	All rights reserved.
;;	CAVEAT LECTOR: This software is under development.  No warrantee is
;;	made that it is any use for anything at all.
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------

;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;	The D-machine version of the arithmetic instructions differs from
;;	the VAX and Sun emulators.  Instead of holding unboxed numbers, T0
;;	and T1 hold ordinary Lisp pointers to SMALLPs, FIXPs, FLOATPs, or
;;	whatever.  There are several reasons for this.  One is that it is
;;	easiest to do it this way.  Another important one is that in JAZZ
;;	I am told there will be BIGNUMs, so that the two-fold distinction
;;	which that VAX and Sun emulators assume will not be adequate.  As
;;	a consequence of this change, there is no distinction between the
;;	two modes here as there is in the VAX/Sun versions: we always stay
;;	in whatever mode we happened to be in when we started.
;;	A difference between the Lisp emulator and the existing emulators
;;	is the way that division by zero is handled.  The existing
;;	emulators check for zero and simply fail.  Arithmetic overflow
;;	is handling by taking whatever the hardware gives you for integers,
;;	and infinities for floating point numbers.  Allowing infinities
;;	was a glaringly stupid mistake, we cannot possibly make that work
;;	on the VAX nor on the 1108, and we may change the SUN version to
;;	trap floating point overflows as well.  The Koto version of Lisp
;;	supports bignums, so integer overflow isn't a problem.  But we
;;	want to do something sensible with floating pointer overflow and
;;	all kinds of integer division as well, so we run with


;;	enabled.  Floating overflow is supposed to be caught; for some
;;	reason zero divide is slipping through.

;;  (raw.float)
;;  Takes the floating point number in T0 and turns it into a FIXP
;;  with the same bits.  T0 is first floated, if necessary.

(def.both.mode raw.float (extend)
    (LET ((Ptr (FLOAT (get.nb T0)) ))
	(put.nb T0 (\MAKENUMBER (\GETBASE Ptr 0) (\GETBASE Ptr 1)))
    (continue 0)

;;  (float)
;;  ensures that T0 is a floating point number.

(def.both.mode float (extend)
    (if (NOT (FLOATP (get.nb T0))) then
	(put.nb T0 (FLOAT (get.nb T0)) ))
    (continue 0)

;;  (fix)
;;  ensures that T0 is a fixed point number.
;;  Note that this can cause an overflow trap.

(def.both.mode fix (extend)
    (if (FLOATP (get.nb T0)) then
	(put.nb T0 (FIX (get.nb T0)) ))
    (continue 0)

;;  (minus)
;;  negates a number.
;;  does (IMINUS -2↑31) cause an integer overflow trap?  It should.

(def.both.mode minus (extend)
    (put.nb T0 (MINUS (get.nb T0)))
    (continue 0)

;;  (boolean.not)
;;  takes the complement of a number.

(def.both.mode boolean.not (extend)
    (put.nb T0 (LOGNOT (get.nb T0)))
    (continue 0)

;;  All the two-argument arithmetic operations follow a common pattern.
;;  They just apply a Lisp function to T0 and T1, and put the result in
;;  T0.  So, to save my effort, they are defined via a macro.

(def.macro def.binop (Op Fn)
   `(def.both.mode ,Op (extend)
	(put.nb T0 (,Fn (get.nb T1) (get.nb T0)) )
	(continue 0)

(def.binop add			PLUS)
(def.binop subtract		DIFFERENCE)
(def.binop multiply		TIMES)
(def.binop divide		FQUOTIENT)
(def.binop integer.divide	IQUOTIENT)
(def.binop modulus		REMAINDER)

(def.binop boolean.and		LOGAND)
(def.binop boolean.or		LOGOR)
(def.binop boolean.xor		LOGXOR)
(def.binop left.shift		LSH)	; *NOT* LLSH
(def.binop right.shift		RSH)	; *NOT* LRSH

;;  There are two versions of each arithmetic relation.
;;  <foo> succeeds if the relation holds, fails otherwise.
;;  <foo.else L> falls through if the relation holds, or
;;  jumps to L if the relation fails to hold.  For convenience,
;;  the jump instructions are like other jumps, [opcode:8|addr:24]
;;  and the other ones are [extend:8|opcode:8].  As a matter of
;;  fact, these instructions can only appear at the end of a
;;  block of arithmetic instructions, so if we arranged for load
;;  instructions to set read mode, we could double up the other
;;  arithmetic instructions, particularly the jumps and stores.

(def.macro def.relop (Fn Op1 Op2)
	(def.both.mode ,Op1 (extend)
	    (if (,Fn (get.nb T1) (get.nb T0)) then
		(continue 0)
	(def.both.mode ,Op2 (address)
	    (if (,Fn (get.nb T1) (get.nb T0)) then
		(continue 1)
		(continue.at (address.operand))

(def.relop	EQP	    equal.to		equal.to.else)
(def.relop	(LAMBDA (X Y) (NOT (EQP X Y)))
			    not.equal.to	not.equal.to.else)
(def.relop	LESSP	    less.than		less.than.else)
(def.relop	GEQ	    not.less.than	not.less.than.else)
(def.relop	GREATERP    greater.than	greater.than.else)
(def.relop	LEQ	    not.greater.than	not.greater.than.else)

;;  (store.variable.Xn n)
;;  stores the number in T0 in the previously uninitialised variable Xn.
;;  We set the tag of T0, but it is safe to continue in arithmetic mode,
;;  because the arithmetic operations ignore that tag.  We have to use
;;  tag.other here rather than tag.number because, thanks to the new
;;  improved choice point code, T0 might be a Prolog choice point handle.

(def.macro store.variable (store)
   `(LET ((Ptr (get.nb T0)))
	(if (AND (NOT (SMALLP Ptr)) (NUMBERP Ptr)) then
	(,store N (tag.other Ptr))

(def.both.mode store.variable.Xn (areg)
    (store.variable put.Aval)
    (continue 0)

;;  (store.variable.XnM n)
;;  is for the X registers stored in memory.

(def.both.mode store.variable.XnM (amem)
    (store.variable put.Amem)
    (continue 0)

;;  (store.variable.Yn n)
;;  is much the same.

(def.both.mode store.variable.Yn (yreg)
    (store.variable put.Yval)
    (continue 0)

;;  (store.value.Xn n) and
;;  (store.value.Yn n)
;;  are really a form of unification.  For the moment, the simplest
;;  thing to do is to set up T0 and T1 and go ahead with a call to
;;  the general unifier.  We could save some time by making a special
;;  case unify.constant routine, but it wouldn't save all that much
;;  effort, as we still have to check for boxed numbers.   Because
;;  maintaining Lisp reference counts is so expensive, we want to
;;  avoid calling QP.ADD.REF if we possibly can.  The same criteria
;;  apply to all flavours of store value, even store.value.Xn, as
;;  Xn might hold an unbound variable.  So the store.value macro
;;  packages up the reference count maintenance and tag repair for
;;  all flavours of store.value.  We use tag.other because gettopval
;;  is sometimes used to load procedure record addresses!

(def.open store.value ()
    (LET ((Ptr (get.nb T0)))
	(if (AND (EQ (tag.of T1) ref.tag.8)	; might store into memory
		 (NOT (SMALLP Ptr))		; might need a ref count
		 (NUMBERP Ptr)) then		; filter out BLOCKDATAPs
	    (QP.ADD.REF Ptr)
	(put.32 T0 (tag.other Ptr))
    (unify.and.continue 0)

(def.both.mode store.value.Xn (areg)
    (put.32 T1 (get.Aval N))

(def.both.mode store.value.XnM (amem)
    (put.32 T1 (get.Amem N))

(def.both.mode store.value.Yn (yreg)
    (put.32 T1 (get.Yval N))

;;  (store.integer cell) and
;;  (store.float cell)
;;  could be done the same way, by just going off to the general unifier.
;;  Indeed, the whole of the "store" family could be handled by just the
;;  store.variable.An instruction, followed by unification against that
;;  A register.  store.integer can check immediately for a FIXP, and
;;  store.float can check immediately for a FLOATP; this is no real gain
;;  as these instructions are vanishingly rare.

(def.both.mode store.integer (extend cell)
    (put.32 T1 (cell.operand))
    (if (AND (FIXP (get.nb T0)) (EQP (get.nb T0) (get.nb T1)) ) then
	(continue 2)

(def.both.mode store.float (extend cell)
    (put.32 T1 (cell.operand))
    (if (AND (FLOATP (get.nb T0)) (EQP (get.nb T0) (get.nb T1)) ) then
	(continue 2)

;;  In an earlier version of this file, the load instructions used to
;;  demand that an integer or float be yielded.  But now that BIGNUMS
;;  are available, this is no longer right, and more importantly, the
;;  pseudo-Prolog code that maintains dynamic clauses expects X =\= 0
;;  to work correctly for any "address" X.  So now we accept any kind
;;  of constant.   If we do arithmetic on a non-numeric value, Inter-
;;  LOSS is perfectly capable of spotting the error and reporting it.
;;  As we don't check, "Y = a, X is Y" will succeed in compiled code,
;;  and it isn't supposed to (and won't in interpreted code).  We can
;;  live with that.  When we find a constant, we leave the tag in T0.
;;  It doesn't matter, nothing is going to look at it.  The final (?)
;;  idea is to reject atoms but accept "others".

(def.subr load.value.error ()			; print an error message
    ;;  Check whether we can change (MKATOM &) -> &
[Warning: Arithmetic predicate has failed - tried to evaluate a non number]%
[         Use the interpreter and debugger to locate this error]%
"   ) 0)

(def.open load.value ()
    (PROG (Tag)
	(while (EQ (SETQ Tag (tag.of T0)) ref.tag.8)
	    ;;  variable.  Dereference, see if unbound.
	    (put.24 R  (untag.ref T0))
	    (put.32 T0 (get.cell R 0))
	    (if (EQ (get.nb T0) (get.24 R)) then
		(load.value.error)	; unbound variable, never ok
	(if (ILESSP Tag immed.tag.8) then
	    (load.value.error)		; not a constant
    ;;  T0 is a smallp, fixp, floatp, or "other"
    (continue 0)

(def.both.mode load.value.Xn (areg)
    (put.32 T1 (get.32 T0))		; "push" T0
    (put.32 T0 (get.Aval N))

(def.both.mode load.value.XnM (amem)
    (put.32 T1 (get.32 T0))		; "push" T0
    (put.32 T0 (get.Amem N))		; #TAIL

(def.both.mode load.value.Yn (yreg)
    (put.32 T1 (get.32 T0))		; "push" T0
    (put.32 T0 (get.Yval N))

;;  When it comes to loading a constant, we don't need to have separate
;;  load.integer and load.float instructions.  The Sun/VAX emulators use
;;  them so that (1) they can work out fast what mode they are supposed
;;  to be in, and (2) they can put 32-bit boxed numbers in line in the
;;  code.  We don't use the mode that way, and there isn't any advantage
;;  to having in-line constants.  Indeed, it'd cost us more boxing.
;;  So there is only the
;;  (load.constant cell)
;;  instruction, which copies the pointer part of the cell to T0.  (The
;;  tag is copied too, but nobody cares about that.)

(def.both.mode load.constant (extend cell)
    (put.32 T1 (get.32 T0))		; "push" T0
    (put.32 T0 (cell.operand))
    (continue 2)

;;  There are four instructions which take 16-bit integer arguments.
;;  load.{pos/neg}.word are there for compactness; they are one word
;;  shorter than load.cell.  All things considered, I wonder if I am
;;  wise to keep them?

(def.both.mode load.pos.word (extend word)
    (put.32 T1 (get.32 T0))
    (put.nb T0 (get.code P 0))
    (continue 1)

(def.both.mode load.neg.word (extend word)
    (put.32 T1 (get.32 T0))
    (put.nb T0 (\VAG2 (CONSTANT (\HILOC -1)) (get.code P 0)))
    (continue 1)

;;  add.{pos/neg}.word add a 17-bit integer to T0.  They have to do
;;  this without disturbing T1, so we use R as a scratch register.
;;  This really needs some thought.  add.constant would be one word
;;  longer, and would not be all that much slower.

(def.both.mode add.pos.word (extend word)
    (put.nb T0 (PLUS (get.nb T0) (get.code P 0)))
    (continue 1)

(def.both.mode add.neg.word (extend word)
    (put.nb T0 (PLUS (get.nb T0)
	(\VAG2 (CONSTANT (\HILOC -1)) (get.code P 0))))
    (continue 1)