File:    [Phylum]<LispUsers>PAGEHOLD.tty
Created:  May 21, 1984, by JonL White

PAGEHOLD advises PAGEFULLFN to achieve

  **** No video inversion of the TTY window when being "held"

  **** Automatic release of "hold" after a certain interval of time 

  **** Continued holding while either shift key is being depressed

  **** Immediate release of holding when a shift key is released
        (from having been depressed, of course)

  **** Reversion to system-installed default behaviour if the CTRL
        key is depressed during "holding".

The aforementioned "interval of time" is held in the variable 
whose default setting is 10.  A setting of 0 causes immediate
auto-release  -- i.e., no "holding" -- unless a shift key is
depressed, in which case it "holds" until release of the shift.
A non-numeric value in PAGE.WAIT.SECS merely invokes the system-
installed "holding" behaviour.

Future extensions:  

  Currently, there is no indication of holding other than the
quiescent state of printing to the TTY window;  I plan to add
a feature whereby an informative phrase will be alternatively
winked on and off in the title of a "held" window.
  Also, pressing a shift or CTRL key is the only way (other than
timeout) to release a "hold"; I plan to permit mousing the title
region to cause release too.