HEADLINE documentation
D. Austin Henderson, Jr.
Last revised: August 5, 1982

<LISPUSERS>HEADLINE (and .DCOM) contains three functions for
manipulating windows which contain headlines ("headline windows").


Creates a headline window with Phrase printed in font Font at
position Position aligned as per Alignment; the window is just
large enough to hold the headline. Phrase is any Lisp object. Font
defines a font as per FONTCREATE (eg. (TIMESROMAN 18 BOLD) ); if
NIL, TimesromanD 36 is used. Position is a position giving the
reference point for placing the window; if NIL, the user is given a
chance to position the window with MOVEW. If Postion is given,
Alignment gives the alignment of the window with respect to
Position as (xalignment . yalignment) where xalignment is one of
LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT and yalignment is one of BOTTOM, CENTER, or
TOP; for convenience, if Position is CENTER then it is taken to
mean (CENTER . CENTER), etc.


Creates a set of vertically arranged headline windows. Titles is a
list of (phrase font) sublists where phrase and font are as in
Headline. Alignment is one of LEFT, CENTER, or RIGHT, indicating
how the windows are aligned with each other; defaults to CENTER.
Separation indicates the spacing between the bottoms of the
windows; defaults to 70. Position indicates where the top (first)
of the windows is to appear; defaults to somewhere near the top
center of the screen.


Closes all the active headline windows.