This file is a record of all of the significant changes to the Interlisp Reference Manual files. This should be periodically updated, so that when the next version of the manual is released, it will be possible to publish a list of the changes. Terminology note: In the list below, when something is "put in a note", it is still in the file, but it will not appear in the manual --- It is essentially de-documented. This list is correct as of 11-Jan-84. ->;13 6-Jan-84 Array output syntax put in note. ARRAY fndef reworded. Added error messages in ELT, SETA. Seperate subsection on Interlisp-10 arrays put in note. <<>> ->;33 6-Jan-84 Added description of behavior in Interlisp-D to STORAGE. <<>> DISMISS fndef reworded. APROPOS fndef expanded. ALLFLG arg = function added. QUIETFLG added. (text needs to be revised). addition example of NEGATE. ->;22 8-Dec-83 16:05 Sannella.PA changed index type (Record Package) -> (Record Operator). Added fndef RECORDACCESSFORM ->;11 14-Oct-83 04:26 Masinter.PA Correction: If the value of CONSTANT does not have a readable print-name, the expression will be evaluated at load-time, NOT first-execution time. New: LOADTIMECONSTANT is a version of CONSTANT that will always defer the evaluation until load-time. ->;5 5-Jan-84 Expanded text for fn IDATE. New text for fn GDATE. Interlisp-10 info flushed. ->;14 8-Jan-84 expanded vardef DEDITTYPEINCOMS added DT.EDITMACROS ->;8 22-Apr-84 19:06:25 PST Sheil.PA Modified def of EditCom BIND to remove mention of FN EDITCOM ->;21 12-Oct-83 17:48 Masinter.PA In Fn HELP, default message "HELP!" changed to "Help!" Max of 9 interrupt channels only for Interlisp-10. ->;14 28-Oct-83 16:24 Sannella.PA fn COURIERTRACE put in note "because of possible sensitivity" Subsection "NS Printing" note-ized (includes var NS.DEFAULT.PRINTER, fn OPEN.NS.PRINTING.STREAM, fn NSPRINT, fn NSPRINTER.STATUS, fn NSPRINTER.PROPERTIES). fn CH.LOOKUP.USER note-ized because "currently returns users passwords" subsec "Pathnames and NS Fileservers" flushed. fn NSDIRECTORY flushed. ->;24 6-Jan-84 beginning slightly modified to remove explicit mention that filename is given as litatom. mention of NIL as "primary" input or output file. argname to fn OPENFILE changed from MACHINE.DEPENDENT.PARAMETERS to PARAMETERS added to OPENFILE fndef "A non-list {arg ATTRIB} in {arg PARAMETERS} is treated as the pair {lisp ({arg ATTRIB} {lisp T})}." Fndef of SETFILEINFO rewritten. Added EOL attribute (end-of-line convention) for GETFILEINFO and SETFILEINFO. (explanation should be expanded) ->;35 6-Jan-84 Subsec "IDATE Format" renamed to "Time/Date Functions"; IDATE info note-ized (the IDATE fndef has been rewritten elsewhere). ->;29 6-Jan-84 flushed "Currently, {fn SYSOUT} does not work for partitions other than the default" extended "Renaming Files" subsec to tell about some devices (including DSK and FLOPPY) handling simple RENAMEFILEs without doing a copy. rewrote subsec "End Of Line Convention" so it only talkes about internal convention (not about files); flushed note about var #EOLCHARS. rewrote section on STREAMs; added fns OPENSTREAM, STREAMP reworded 1108 floppy disk subsec; added fn FLOPPY.FORMAT. subsec "Page Mapping" flushed. intro to subsec "File Servers" rewritten. expanded info on NS file servers. ->;12 9-Jan-84 flushed fn PRINTERMODE, PRINTINGHOST added fn PRINTERTYPE added vars DEFAULTPRINTINGHOST, DEFAULTPRINTERTYPE added vardef PRINTERTYPES (needs to be re-written) fndef HARDCOPYW rewritten. flushed fndef PRINTERDEVICE added "closing file {LPT}QUAKE will send to printer QUAKE." ->;12 1-Nov-83 10:36 vanMelle.PA added fndef SKIPSEPRS ->;11 14-Oct-83 09:35 Masinter.PA modified note on CAR/CDR of non-list to include info on fns \CAR.UFN and \CDR.UFN, and var CAR/CDRERR (do not document) ->;11 3-Nov-83 13:32 Sannella.PA arg to fn PROMPTFORWORD changed from TERMINCHAR.LST to TERMINCHARS.LST. value may be either a list or a single char code. ->;24 28-Oct-83 fn SETREADMACROFLG only in Interlisp-10 (dummy in Interlisp-D) in desc. of back-quote, ",@" -> ".," in back-quote, only Xerox 1100 can type back-quote as shift-linefeed <<>> ->;8 11-Jan-84 added info about RESETSTATE=HARDRESET in Interlisp-D -> TEDIT.IM;17 9-Jan-84 added fndefs for TEDIT.SEL.AS.STRING, COERCETEXTOBJ, TEDIT.INCLUDE modified fndef TEDIT.LOOKS: added "A SELORCH# of NIL will use the current selection."; added new properties WEIGHT, SLOPE, EXPANSION added fndef TEDIT.PARALOOKS added fndef TEDIT.KILL form of item for TEDIT.ADD.MENUITEM changed from (name fn) -> (name (QUOTE fn)) ->;19 7-Nov-83 15:26 BURTON.PA rewrote fndef DSPRIGHTMARGIN; var SCREENWIDTH flushed. rewrote fndef MOVETOUPPERLEFT; changed arg name DISPLAYSTREAM to IMAGESTREAM; ->;20 9-Jan-83 modified fndef GETBOXPOSITION modified fndef GETREGION modified fndef MENU; new arg RELEASECONTROLFLG modified fndef ADDMENU; new arg DONTOPENFLG; added "If the WHENSELECTEDFN of {arg MENU} is NIL, it will be set to BACKGROUNDWHENSELECTEDFN which calls EVAL.AS.PROCESS instead of EVAL." added new Menu Field SUBITEMFN; new fn DEFAULTSUBITEMFN <<>> added new Menu Field MENUTITLEFONT added new fndefs for MAXMENUITEMWIDTH, MAXMENUITEMHEIGHT, MENUREGION added another menu example ->;14 9-Jan-84 changed fndef READBITMAP, PRINTBITMAP --- added FILE arg modified fndef FONTCREATE to allow DEVICE=INTERPRESS ->;43 9-Jan-84 modified fndef DOWINDOWCOM; uses DOWINDOWCOMFN window property modified fndef CREATEW rewrote fndef DECODE/WINDOW/OR/DISPLAYSTREAM added fndef MINIMUMWINDOWSIZE; uses MINSIZE window property rewrote fndef SHAPEW added fndef SHAPEW1 modified fndef MOVEW; uses CALCULATEREGION window property changed fndef WINDOWADDPROP; added arg FIRSTFLG modified fndef SHRINKWxGACHA 4GACHA ,GACHA Øz¸