{Begin Chapter Interlisp-D Specifics}
{Title Interlisp-D Specifics}

Interlisp-D is an implementation of the Interlisp language that runs on the Xerox 1100, 1108, and 1132 machines.  It is completely upward compatable with the older Interlisp-10, except as specified in this manual.  The most significant extension to Interlisp is the window display package, described on {PageRef Tag WindowPackage}.  However, Interlisp-D also offers many other extensions, which are described in detail below.

{Begin SubSec Interlisp-D Interrupt Characters}
{Title Interlisp-D Interrupt Characters}

{index interrupt characters}

{Tag InterruptCharsD}

The table below gives the interrupt characters currently enabled in Interlisp-D.  Many of these are the same as those used in the Tenex version of Interlisp-10, but some have been removed, and some have had their meanings changed.  It is possible to change the assignments of control characters to interrupts using {fn INTERRUPTCHAR} ({PageRef Fn INTERRUPTCHAR}).

Note:  In Interlisp-D with multiple processes, it is not sufficient to say that "the computation" is broken, aborted, etc; it is necessary to specify which process is being acted upon.  Most of the interrupt characters below refer to the TTY process, which is the one currently receiving keyboard input.  Control-H can be used to break arbitrary processes.  For more information, see {PageRef Tag ProcessInterrupts}.

{Begin LabeledList interrupt characters currently enabled in Interlisp-D}

{Indent 15percent}

{Name control-B{index control-B}}
{Text Causes a break within the TTY process.  Use control-G to break a particular process.

Note that this break occurs at the next function call, so it is like control-H in Interlisp-10; it is always safe to resume the computation.  There is no interrupt character like control-B in Interlisp-10}

{Name control-D{index control-D}}
{Text Aborts the TTY process, and unwinds its stack to the top level.  Calls {fn RESET} ({PageRef Fn RESET}).}

{Name control-E{index control-E}}
{Text Aborts the TTY process, and unwinds its stack to the last {fn ERRORSET}.  Calls {fn ERROR!} ({PageRef Fn ERROR!}).}

{Name control-H{index control-H}}
{Text Pops up a menu listing all of the currently-running processes.  Selecting one of the processes will cause the break to take place in that process.}

{Name control-P{index control-P}}
{Text Changes the {fn PRINTLEVEL} setting, as described on {PageRef Fn PRINTLEVEL}.}

{Name control-T{index control-T}}
{Text Prints status information for the TTY process.}

{End LabeledList interrupt characters currently enabled in Interlisp-D}

{note add something about SHIFT-SHIFT-CTRL-DEL emergency call to RAID --Ron}

Note:  The control-O,{index control-O} and control-S{index control-S} interrupt characters from the Tenex version of Interlisp-10 are not enabled in Interlisp-D.  

}{End SubSec Interlisp-D Interrupt Characters}

{Include IDdiff}

{Include IDfiles}

{Include IDhardcopy}

{Include IDimagestreams}

{Include IDperformance}

{Include Proc}

{Include Promptforword}

}{End Chapter Interlisp-D Specifics}