ERROR: {VARDEF not legal in { --- auto-completed CONTEXT: hen evaluated, converts a {lisp BITMAP} to a file format that the printer will accept. }} {{VarDef ----> {Name PRINTFILETYPES} {Text The variable {var PRINTFILETYPES} similarly contains some properties fo ENDCONTEXT: ERROR: {VARDEF found between labeled args of {BEGIN SUBSEC HARDCOPY FACILITIES} --- auto-completed CONTEXT: ting on the current line will continue. {var PRESSTABSTOPS} is initially {lisp (8000)}. }} {VarDef ----> {Name FONTWIDTHSFILES} {Text Value is a file name or a list of file names to be searched for inform ENDCONTEXT: ERROR: {FNDEF found between labeled args of {FNDEF --- auto-completed CONTEXT: {lisp (HARDCOPYW {arg WINDOW})}, which sends an image of window to the default printer. }} {FnDef ----> {Name PRINTFILETYPE} {Args FILE} {Text Attempts to determine the print format that {arg FILE} is in ENDCONTEXT: ERROR: Garbage chars found between labeled args of {FNDEF --- auto-completed CONTEXT: P (function)} while press files are recognized by {fn PRESSFILEP}), and conversion functions. } H ----> ardcopy output may also be obtained by writing a file on the printer device {lisp LPT},{index LPT (p ENDCONTEXT: ERROR: unmatched right bracket at top level -- ignored CONTEXT: directly as the file name, e.g. {lisp {bracket LPT}QUAKE} to talk about the printer {lisp QUAKE}. } ----> {End SubSec HardCopy Facilities} ENDCONTEXT: ERROR: Unmatched {END SUBSEC HARDCOPY FACILITIES} --- flushed CONTEXT: {lisp {bracket LPT}QUAKE} to talk about the printer {lisp QUAKE}. }{End SubSec HardCopy Facilities} ----> ENDCONTEXT: Warning: EOF - top-level file: {ERIS}<LISPMANUAL>IDHARDCOPY.IM;5 Warning: ---------- BAD.TO.NAME Warning: Warning: TEXT Warning: