Subject: Documentation
To: Sheil
cc: Sannella

Listed below are the various files and tools I have used to maintain the Interlisp Manual.  Most of the documentation on using these tools is in the .TXT files mentioned below:

files on {Phylum}<LispUsers>:

IMTRAN.  (& .DCOM & .txt)  ---  Original IM-to-Tex translation program used to format the Interlisp Manual.

IMTEDIT.  (& .DCOM & .txt)  ---  IM-to-formatted-Tedit translation program built on IMTRAN.

IMNAME.  (& .DCOM & .txt)  ---  IM-format database program.

IMCOMPARE.  (& .DCOM & .txt)  ---  Interactive Text file comparison program.  Indispensible in maintaining the file IMChanges.txt.

files on {Phylum}<LispManual>

*.IM  ---  files containing the manual in IM format.

*.PRESS  ---  press files containing the formatted manual.

*.IMPTR & *.IMPAGE  ---  files containing the index information used to generate the index and table of contents for the manual.

INTERLISP.IMNAMEHASH  ---  the IMNAME database for the entire Interlisp Manual.  This should be updated occasionally, as described in IMNAME.txt  (warning: because this is a HUGE database, the updating program crunches for a long time --- several hours).

IMChanges.txt  ---  For each file that has been changed since the manual was completed (9/15/83), there are some lines about what has changed.  This should be updated as the manual is modified, so that when the next version of the manual is produced, we can tell what has been changed.

Org.txt  ---  This file shows the organization of the manual into chapters, and into individual IM format text files.  This should be kept up-to-date as the manual is reorganized.

~~~~   This message is stored as {Phylum}<LispManual>Doc.txt   ~~~~