Warning: WARNING: --- Note facility enabled --- Notes will be printed --- ERROR: {BEGIN LABELEDLIST OTHER OPTIONS FOR FIELDTYPE} not legal in {LISP --- auto-completed CONTEXT: to {lisp POINTER}. Options for {arg FIELDTYPE} are: {Begin LabeledList Other options for FIELDTYPE} ----> {Label {lisp POINTER}{index POINTER (record field type)}} {Item Field contains a pointer to any ar ENDCONTEXT: Warning: RECLOOK has arglist: (RECNAME TL LOCALDEC PARENT ERROR) Warning: but manual says: (RECORDNAME --- --- --- ---) Warning: RECORDFIELDNAMES has arglist: (RECORDNAME FLG) Warning: but manual says: (RECORDNAME) Warning: DECLAREDATATYPE has arglist: (TYPENAME FIELDSPECS FLG) Warning: but manual says: (TYPENAME FIELDSPECS) Warning: NCREATE has arglist: (TYPE OLDOBJ) Warning: but manual says: (TYPENAME FROM) Warning: EOF - top-level file: {ERIS}<LISPMANUAL>CHAPRECORDPACKAGE.IM;3 Warning: ---------- Tags Warning: RecordDeclarationDATATYPE Warning: RecordDeclarationTYPE? Warning: RecordDeclarations Warning: RecordPackage Warning: RecordSubDeclarations Warning: UserDataTypes Warning: