(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "XCL" PACKAGE "INTERLISP") (filecreated "16-Oct-86 14:45:38" ("compiled on " {eris}sources>llsymbol.\;3) "14-Oct-86 21:06:05" "COMPILE-FILEd" |in| "Xerox Lisp 14-Oct-86 ..." |dated| "14-Oct-86 22:24:47") (filecreated "16-Oct-86 14:44:57" {eris}sources>llsymbol.\;3 8713 |previous| |date:| " 9-Oct-86 18:21:37" {eris}sources>llsymbol.\;2) (rpaqq llsymbolcoms ((* |;;| "Symbol functions.") (* |;;| "SET BOUNDP and REMPROP are already in Interlisp-D") (functions cl:makunbound cl:symbol-name cl:symbol-value get cl:getf cl:get-properties) (p (movd (quote getproplist) (quote cl:symbol-plist))) (functions cl:fboundp cl:fmakunbound cl:symbol-function setf-symbol-function) (variables *gensym-counter* *gensym-prefix*) (functions cl\:copy-symbol cl:gensym cl\:make-keyword cl\:gentemp cl\:keywordp) (prop filetype llsymbol))) cl:makunbound d1 (l (0 cl:symbol)) @g @(6 set) (3 nobind) () (let* ((a4025 (quote cl:makunbound)) (a4026 (quote cl:function)) (a4027 "Make a symbol unbound.")) ( progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a4025 a4026 a4027))) a4027)) cl:symbol-name d1 (l (0 cl:symbol)) @H@ igHg b(25 check-type-fail 13 mkstring) (22 cl:symbol 18 cl:symbol 7 litatom) () cl:symbol-value d1 (l (0 cl:symbol)) @H@,igHg b(23 check-type-fail) (20 cl:symbol 16 cl:symbol 7 litatom) () get d1 (l (2 default 1 indicator 0 cl:symbol)) @AB (9 cl:getf) nil () (let* ((a4034 (quote get)) (a4035 (quote cl:function)) (a4036 "Look on the property list of SYMBOL for the specified INDICATOR. If this is found, return the associated value, else return DEFAULT." )) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a4034 a4035 a4036))) a4036) ) cl:getf d1 (l (2 default 1 indicator 0 place)) -@HBl@o HXHdA(26 error 23 concat) nil ( 20 " is a malformed property list.") (let* ((a4038 (quote cl:getf)) (a4039 (quote cl:function)) (a4040 "Searches the property list stored in Place for an indicator EQ to Indicator. If one is found, the corresponding value is returned, else the Default is returned." )) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a4038 a4039 a4040))) a4040) ) cl:get-properties d1 (l (1 indicator-list 0 place)) ;@Hddd l@o HXHdA HHH (56 cl:values 44 memq 30 error 27 concat 11 cl:values) nil ( 24 " is a malformed proprty list.") (let* ((a4042 (quote cl:get-properties)) (a4043 (quote cl:function)) (a4044 "Like GETF, except that Indicator-List is a list of indicators which will be looked for in the property list stored in Place. Three values are returned, see manual for details." )) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a4042 a4043 a4044))) a4044) ) (movd (quote getproplist) (quote cl:symbol-plist)) cl:fboundp d1 (l (0 fn)) @l@ @ @ i(20 cl:macro-function 15 argtype 10 cl:special-form-p) nil () cl:fmakunbound d1 (l (0 cl:symbol)) @ @(3 putd) nil () cl:symbol-function d1 (l (0 fn)) @ @ @ gg@ (27 cl:error 15 getd 9 cl:macro-function 3 cl:special-form-p) (23 :name 20 undefined-function) () setf-symbol-function d1 (l (1 val 0 fn)) @Ad A AAdl i (29 putd 25 getd 12 exprp 5 ccodep) nil () (cl:proclaim (quote (cl:special *gensym-counter*))) (or (boundp (quote *gensym-counter*)) (setq *gensym-counter* 0)) (cl:proclaim (quote (cl:special *gensym-prefix*))) (or (boundp (quote *gensym-prefix*)) (setq *gensym-prefix* "G")) cl\:copy-symbol d1 (l (1 copy-props 0 sym)) J@H1@ A!H@ H@ H@ HigHg b(67 check-type-fail 52 copy 40 setf-symbol-function 37 cl:symbol-function 31 set 28 cl:symbol-value 17 cl:make-symbol 14 cl:symbol-name) (64 cl:symbol 60 sym 7 litatom) () cl:gensym d1 (l (0 x) f 2 *gensym-counter* f 3 *gensym-prefix*) <@HY @cI3 @cgHo SR Rkc(51 cl\:make-symbol 48 concat 45 mkstring 38 check-type-fail 12 cl:stringp) (30 x) ( 35 (or null string integer)) cl\:make-keyword d1 (l (0 cl:symbol)) @ ` (9 cl\:intern 3 cl:symbol-name) (6 *keyword-package*) () cl\:gentemp d1 (l (0 |-args-|) f 7 *package*) eekHokaQlHWlaI[ J\'jIM ^J $NJ igKg YigLg ZMk԰(91 check-type-fail 77 check-type-fail 65 cl\:intern 58 cl:find-symbol 53 concat 50 mkstring) (88 package 84 package 74 stringp 70 prefix 41 package 34 stringp) ( 11 "T") cl\:keywordp d1 (l (0 object)) @l @ `(10 cl:symbol-package) (13 *keyword-package*) () (putprops llsymbol filetype cl:compile-file) (putprops llsymbol copyright ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) nil