(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "XCL" PACKAGE "INTERLISP") (filecreated "16-Oct-86 16:56:02" ("compiled on " {eris}sources>cmltypes.\;13) "14-Oct-86 21:06:05" "COMPILE-FILEd" |in| "Xerox Lisp 14-Oct-86 ..." |dated| "14-Oct-86 22:24:47") (filecreated "16-Oct-86 16:55:00" {eris}sources>cmltypes.\;13 46053 |changes| |to:| (fns \\typep.pred) |previous| |date:| "16-Oct-86 13:51:50" {eris}sources>cmltypes.\;12) (rpaqq cmltypescoms ((* |;;;| "Predicates") (functions cl:equal cl:equalp) (* \; "EQL is now in the init") (* |;;;| "Typep and friends") (functions coerce cl:typecase typep cl:type-of ) (* |;;;| "Optimizers") (optimizers coerce false true typep cl:numberp cl:floatp) (* \; "Optimize by constant fold and coerce to EQ where possible") (prop bytemacro cl:equal cl:equalp) (* |;;;| "for DEFTYPE") (functions cl:deftype type-expander setf-type-expander) (define-types types) ( setfs type-expander) (* |;;;| "Support functions") (fns array-type false symbol-type true \\range.type ) (functions cl:numberp cl:floatp) (* |;;;| "for SUBTYPEP ") (functions si::datatype-p si::sub-datatype-p sub-subtypep cl:subtypep type-expand handle-type1-meta-expression handle-type2-meta-expression) (variables %no-super-type type-meta-expressions) (* |;;;| "For TYPEP") ( fns \\typep.pred) (types cl:atom bignum bit cl:character cons cl:double-float cl:fixnum float cl:function cl:hash-table integer cl:keyword list cl:long-float cl:member cl:mod null cl:number package cl:short-float cl::signed-byte cl:standard-char cl:string-char cl:single-float cl:symbol cl::unsigned-byte cl:rational cl:readtable cl:common cl:compiled-function complex sequence) (* |;;;| "Array Types") (types cl:array cl:vector cl:simple-string string cl:simple-array cl:simple-vector cl:bit-vector cl:simple-bit-vector) (* |;;;| "for TYPE-OF Interlisp types that have different common Lisp names") (prop cmltype character fixp floatp general-array listp litatom oned-array smallp stringp harrayp twod-array) (prop cmlsubtypedescriminator cl:symbol cl:array) (* |;;;| "tell the filepkg what to do with the \"deftype\" property") (coms (prop proptype cl:deftype)) (* |;;;| "Compiler options") (prop filetype cmltypes) (declare\: donteval@load doeval@compile dontcopy ( localvars . t)) (declare\: donteval@load doeval@compile dontcopy compilervars (addvars (nlama) (nlaml) (lama))))) cl:equal d1 (l (1 y 0 x)) @A:@1HdAo@A f@A  A T@A Hd 7A @@ YA :4IjJKhii@KAKhihKkԻ A @A (133 %pathname-equal 126 cl:pathnamep 80 cl:length 75 cl:length 69 cl:bit-vector-p 62 cl:bit-vector-p 56 cl:string= 49 cl:stringp 44 cl:stringp 40 cl:equal 31 cl:equal) (120 pathname 17 listp) () cl:equalp d1 (l (1 y 0 x))  @A:@ Hd3A3@A A@A x@A HdGAb@ӹlaIhiIlzhiIl ՀIAӺlaJhiJlzhiJl ՀJ A @A HdA @A  9A @ [A :KjLMhi@MAM hihMkԽH RA @ A @ A _@ j__OOhi=NOOO hiOk_@ _A _O dU_i_@ OA nO(370 cl:equalp 367 fetchfield 361 fetchfield 342 getdescriptors 330 typename 324 typename 305 cl:equalp 275 cl:array-total-size 267 \\flatten-array 263 \\flatten-array 257 cl:equal 254 cl:array-dimensions 250 cl:array-dimensions 244 cl:arrayp 238 cl:arrayp 221 cl:equalp 194 cl:length 189 cl:length 183 cl:vectorp 177 cl:vectorp 173 %pathname-equal 166 cl:pathnamep 154 string-equal 147 cl:stringp 142 cl:stringp 62 cl:equalp 53 cl:equalp 32 %=) (160 pathname 111 character 81 character 75 character 68 character 36 listp) () coerce d1 (l (1 result-type 0 object)) bAdi@g@ AgAgAgAdg@g@dd ʿ @ @@Ag@ oA (95 cl:error 86 cl:map 70 cl:vectorp 65 complex 59 cl:complexp 15 cl:character) (82 cl:identity 77 listp 51 complex 47 floatp 40 cl:long-float 33 cl:double-float 27 cl:single-float 20 float 9 cl:character) ( 91 "Cannot coerce to type: ~S") (let* ((a0472 (quote coerce)) (a0473 (quote cl:function)) (a0474 "Coerce object to result-type if possible")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) ( set-documentation a0472 a0473 a0474))) a0474)) |expand-TYPECASEA0001| d1 (l (0 cl::form)) 5@dgdiihiggg@hh@donil (29 quote 26 cl::$$type-value 23 typep 5 cl:otherwise) ( 47 (nil)) cl::|expand-TYPECASE| d1 (l (1 $$macro-environment 0 $$macro-form)) (@!HHggIhhggJ h(32 cl:mapcar) (28 |expand-TYPECASEA0001| 25 cond 16 cl::$$type-value 13 let) () (setf-macro-function (quote cl:typecase) (quote cl::|expand-TYPECASE|)) (let* ((a0477 (quote cl:typecase)) (a0478 (quote cl:function)) (a0479 "Type dispatch, order is important, more specific types should appear first")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0477 a0478 a0479))) a0479)) typep d1 (l (1 type 0 object)) @kA i(5 \\typep.pred) nil () (let* ((a0480 (quote typep)) (a0481 (quote cl:function)) (a0482 "Check if OBJECT is of type TYPE")) ( progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0480 a0481 a0482))) a0482)) cl:type-of d1 (l (0 x)) $@ Hg HXdg Y@kIH(24 getprop 13 getprop 3 typename) (21 cmlsubtypedescriminator 10 cmltype) () cl::|optimize-COERCE| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) i@!HH ZdiIggIhJdgggIhIgIhhgJgJgJggIhg(13 constantexpressionp) (102 compiler:pass 94 float 89 cl:long-float 83 cl:double-float 77 cl:single-float 70 float 57 complex 49 cl:complexp 46 cl:if 39 complex 29 cl:character 24 cl:character) () (putprop (quote coerce) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote coerce) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-COERCE|)))) |optimize-FALSE| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ghHnil (7 prog1) () (putprop (quote false) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote false) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote |optimize-FALSE|)))) |optimize-TRUE| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @giHnil (7 prog1) () (putprop (quote true) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote true) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote |optimize-TRUE|)))) cl::|optimize-TYPEP| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) )@!HH ZgJ Ihog(24 \\typep.pred 13 constantexpressionp) (38 compiler:pass 19 and) ( 32 (t)) (putprop (quote typep) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote typep) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-TYPEP|)))) cl::|optimize-NUMBERP| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggHhonil (11 numberp 8 and) ( 19 (t)) (putprop (quote cl:numberp) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:numberp) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-NUMBERP|)))) cl::|optimize-FLOATP| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggHhonil (11 floatp 8 and) ( 19 (t)) (putprop (quote cl:floatp) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:floatp) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-FLOATP|)))) (putprops cl:equal bytemacro comp.eq) (putprops cl:equalp bytemacro comp.eq) cl::|expand-DEFTYPE| d1 (l (1 $$macro-environment 0 $$macro-form)) ( @  @HH[KggJhiJlhioJ oJhJ _LgMJhgo  __O__OgogggOhhggoOgJOhh hhgggJhhgOhhNgggJhoNhhhgoggggJhogIhhhhgJhh(161 \\append2 90 \\mvlist 87 parse-defmacro 66 xcl:pack 63 cl:symbol-package 50 cl:error 4 remove-comments) (284 quote 264 quote 253 quote 250 \\define-type-save-defn 247 filepkgflg 244 and 237 cl:eval-when 210 quote 207 cl:documentation 204 cl:setf 189 quote 179 quote 176 type-expander 173 cl:setf 149 cl:block 140 cl:lambda 137 cl:function 126 quote 123 cl:symbol-function 120 cl:setf 113 cl:eval-when 79 :default-default 73 $$type-form 26 without-filepkg 23 progn) ( 261 (quote types) 241 (cl:eval) 218 ((quote type)) 144 ($$type-form) 117 (cl:eval cl:compile cl:load) 83 (quote cl:*) 55 "type-expand-" 46 "Illegal name used in DEFTYPE: ~S") (setf-macro-function (quote cl:deftype) (quote cl::|expand-DEFTYPE|)) (addtovar prettyprintmacros (cl:deftype . pprint-definer)) type-expander d1 (l (0 type)) ,@Hd@@gHo g'(32 check-type-fail) (40 type-expander 24 type 16 listp 8 litatom) ( 29 (or cl:symbol cons)) |expand-SETF-TYPE-EXPANDER| d1 (l (1 $$macro-environment 0 $$macro-form)) @!HHgIoJhnil (14 put) ( 19 (quote type-expander)) (setf-macro-function (quote setf-type-expander) (quote |expand-SETF-TYPE-EXPANDER|)) (addtovar prettydefmacros (types x (p * (mapcar (quote x) (function (lambda (item) (cl:do ((def ( getdef item (quote types)))) (def def) (cl:cerror "Re-fetch the definition" "No ~S definition for ~S" (quote types) item)))))))) (addtovar prettytypelst (changedtypeslst types "Common Lisp type definitions")) (cond ((not (cl:gethash (quote types) *definition-hash-table*)) (let* ((a0493 (quote types)) (a0494 *definition-hash-table*) (a0496 (cl:make-hash-table (quote :test) (quote cl:equal) (quote :size) 50 ( quote :rehash-size) 50))) (cl:puthash a0493 a0494 a0496)))) (addtovar filepkgtypes types) (putprops types getdef \\define-type-getdef) (putprops types filepkgcontents nill) (putprops types proptype types) (remprop (quote type-expander) (quote setf-method-expander)) (putprops type-expander setf-inverse setf-type-expander) array-type d1 (l (0 array)) @ 1@ SHk:>@ @d gIh gIh@ ZigIhgJIhhg@ @ hHk:/@ @d gKh gKhg@ Khg@ @ h(154 cl:array-dimensions 150 cl:array-element-type 137 cl:array-element-type 121 cl:bit-vector-p 108 cl:stringp 102 cl:array-total-size 88 cl:array-dimensions 84 cl:array-element-type 53 cl:array-element-type 40 cl:simple-bit-vector-p 27 cl:simple-string-p 21 cl:array-total-size 10 simple-array-p 3 cl:array-rank) (146 cl:array 133 cl:vector 125 cl:bit-vector 113 string 80 cl:simple-array 68 cl:simple-array 60 cl:simple-vector 44 cl:simple-bit-vector 32 cl:simple-string) () false d1 nil hnil nil () symbol-type d1 (l (0 x)) @ gg(3 cl:keywordp) (11 cl:symbol 7 cl:keyword) () true d1 nil inil nil () \\range.type d1 (l (3 rangelist 2 high 1 low 0 basetype)) ?AgbBgbAdgBg@AgBglg@ggogAghiAgAohBghbgiBggBhh hhhbgCHRg@ggogA4gAoBggBhhhhhbgbgAIBIIIAdkBdkIJKhiKLhi LMhiIbHXa(128 \\append2) (235 < 226 < 198 x 195 <= 181 <= 174 and 167 lambda 164 satisfies 160 and 148 < 118 x 115 <= 103 < 92 cl:* 79 <= 65 cl:* 61 and 54 lambda 51 satisfies 47 and 41 cl:* 35 cl:* 27 cl:* 20 cl:* 12 cl:* 4 cl:*) ( 186 (x) 171 (x) 84 (x) 58 (x)) cl:numberp d1 (l (0 x)) @3inil nil () cl:floatp d1 (l (0 x)) @inil nil () si::datatype-p d1 (l (0 name)) @ i(3 \\typenumberfromname) nil () (let* ((a0497 (quote si::datatype-p)) (a0498 (quote cl:function)) (a0499 "Returns T if name is a datatype known to the XAIE type system")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0497 a0498 a0499))) a0499)) si::sub-datatype-p d1 (l (1 type2 0 type1)) '@ !A HZdjhIi`J(10 \\typenumberfromname 3 \\typenumberfromname) (27 |\\DTDSpaceBase|) () (let* ((a0501 (quote si::sub-datatype-p)) (a0502 (quote cl:function)) (a0503 "Returns T if type2 is a (not necessarily proper) supertype of type1.")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp ( quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0501 a0502 a0503))) a0503)) sub-subtypep d1 (l (1 type2 0 type1)) @dA gid Adighi @d1A+@dg#Agg@A i @@o @A AA@ 1H@ A ZA HJIK HIA J @K dd o @A (198 handle-type2-meta-expression 191 member 182 cl:values 176 sub-subtypep 166 sub-subtypep 157 sub-subtypep 146 type-expand 139 type-expander 134 type-expand 124 type-expander 115 handle-type1-meta-expression 109 member 96 \\do-throw 93 \\mvlist 90 cl:values 86 si::sub-datatype-p 45 \\do-throw 42 \\mvlist 39 cl:values 21 \\do-throw 18 \\mvlist 15 cl:values 5 cl:equal) (77 hairy-subtypep 71 datatype 62 datatype 34 hairy-subtypep 10 hairy-subtypep) ( 188 (and or) 106 (and or)) (let* ((a0504 (quote sub-subtypep)) (a0505 (quote cl:function)) (a0506 "Returns (T T) iff type1 is a subtype of type2.")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation) ) (set-documentation a0504 a0505 a0506))) a0506)) subtypepa0001 d1 (f 0 type1 f 1 type2) PQ hd (9 cl:values 4 sub-subtypep) nil () cl:subtypep d1 (i 1 type2 i 0 type1) gg (8 \\catch-funcall) (5 subtypepa0001 2 hairy-subtypep) () (let* ((a0507 (quote cl:subtypep)) (a0508 (quote cl:function)) (a0509 "Returns T if type1 is a subtype of type2. If second value is (), couldn't decide.")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0507 a0508 a0509 ))) a0509)) type-expand d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) deka1lH$IZdIIgJo la[%I\dIhIgLo kKoI (97 cl:error 85 check-type-fail 47 type-expander 44 check-type-fail) (77 form 70 listp 60 litatom 36 form 28 listp 20 litatom) ( 93 "no type expander for ~s" 82 (or cl:symbol cons) 41 (or cl:symbol cons)) (let* ((a0510 (quote type-expand)) (a0511 (quote cl:function)) (a0512 "expands a type form according to deftypes in effect. The caller must ensure there is an expander for the form" )) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0510 a0511 a0512))) a0512) ) handle-type1-meta-expression d1 (l (1 type2 0 type1)) @QHdghg#@Yd7dA gid IHg=@Zgid A ]MLKghi Jo (125 error 114 \\do-throw 111 \\mvlist 108 cl:values 87 \\mvlist 84 cl:subtypep 78 \\do-throw 75 \\mvlist 72 cl:values 48 \\do-throw 45 \\mvlist 42 cl:values 31 cl:subtypep) (103 hairy-subtypep 67 hairy-subtypep 56 or 37 hairy-subtypep 16 and 9 satisfies) ( 122 "an entry in TYPE-META-EXPRESSIONS is not handled by handle-type1-meta-expression") handle-type2-meta-expression d1 (l (1 type2 0 type1)) AqHdg@AYgid @J ]MLKfghi Ig%A^dH_@O gid NHg%@ @gg@A i o (164 error 156 \\do-throw 153 \\mvlist 150 cl:values 146 si::sub-datatype-p 111 \\do-throw 108 \\mvlist 105 cl:values 96 sub-subtypep 70 \\do-throw 67 \\mvlist 64 cl:values 43 \\mvlist 40 cl:subtypep 32 \\do-throw 29 \\mvlist 26 cl:values) (137 hairy-subtypep 131 datatype 119 datatype 100 hairy-subtypep 77 or 59 hairy-subtypep 21 hairy-subtypep 9 and) ( 161 "an entry in TYPE-META-EXPRESSIONS is not handled by handle-type2-meta-expression") (setq %no-super-type 0) (puthash (quote %no-super-type) (quote (constant %no-super-type)) compvarmacrohash) (let* ((a0515 (quote %no-super-type)) (a0516 (quote variable)) (a0517 "the value in the dtdsupertype field which indicates no super type.")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp ( quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0515 a0516 a0517))) a0517)) (setq type-meta-expressions (quote (and or))) (puthash (quote type-meta-expressions) (quote (constant type-meta-expressions)) compvarmacrohash) (let* ((a0518 (quote type-meta-expressions)) (a0519 (quote variable)) (a0520 "the expressions that sub-subtypep knows how to dissect")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a0518 a0519 a0520))) a0520)) \\typep.preda0001 d1 (l (0 pred)) @ gh(3 \\typep.pred) (6 x) () \\typep.pred d1 (l (0 type) p 2 dfnflg) @d` @dHdg@ng"goggg@hhhHHgHgHggo@g@ h@ Y@kI oo@ ` ig@dg H@hkHbG@d /o@ g@hgg@hhh @ oo@ (256 cl:cerror 242 type-expander 233 eval 203 cl:warn 192 si::datatype-p 170 type-expander 152 puthash 145 cl:cerror 132 \\typep.pred 123 type-expander 111 cl:mapcar 12 gethash) (218 datatype 215 quote 210 cl:deftype 166 false 159 true 149 clisparray 106 \\typep.preda0001 97 openlambda 91 not 85 or 79 and 59 quote 56 x 53 typenamep 46 openlambda 40 datatype 29 satisfies 9 clisparray) ( 252 "No type definition for ~S. Specify one with DEFTYPE." 248 "Use the deftype you have specified." 199 "Installing DEFTYPE for datatype ~S" 141 "No type definition for ~S. Specify one with DEFTYPE." 137 "Look again for a deftype on ~S." 101 (x) 50 (x)) cl::|type-expand-ATOM| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies cl:atom)) (put (quote cl:atom) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-ATOM|)) cl::|type-expand-BIGNUM| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (or (datatype fixp) (datatype bignum))) (put (quote bignum) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-BIGNUM|)) cl::|type-expand-BIT| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (cl:mod 2)) (put (quote bit) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-BIT|)) cl::|type-expand-CHARACTER| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies cl:characterp)) (put (quote cl:character) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-CHARACTER|)) cl::|type-expand-CONS| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (datatype listp)) (put (quote cons) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-CONS|)) cl::|type-expand-DOUBLE-FLOAT| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) @gHnil (7 float) () (put (quote cl:double-float) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-DOUBLE-FLOAT|)) cl::|type-expand-FIXNUM| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (datatype smallp)) (put (quote cl:fixnum) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-FIXNUM|)) cl::|type-expand-FLOAT| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) %@!H gHHgoIJ (34 \\range.type) (24 cl:* 10 cl:*) ( 29 (datatype floatp)) (put (quote float) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-FLOAT|)) cl::|type-expand-FUNCTION| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies cl:functionp)) (put (quote cl:function) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-FUNCTION|)) cl::|type-expand-HASH-TABLE| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (datatype harrayp)) (put (quote cl:hash-table) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-HASH-TABLE|)) cl::|type-expand-INTEGER| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) )@!H gHHgoIJo (38 \\range.type) (24 cl:* 10 cl:*) ( 35 ((-65536 65535 cl:fixnum) (0 1 (cl:member 0 1))) 29 (satisfies cl:integerp)) (put (quote integer) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-INTEGER|)) cl::|type-expand-KEYWORD| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies cl:keywordp)) (put (quote cl:keyword) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-KEYWORD|)) cl::|type-expand-LIST| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) `@gHgoggggogggogggHhhhhohhhnil (61 quote 58 element 55 typep 48 cl:lambda 45 cl:function 42 cl:every 35 lambda 32 satisfies 29 list 26 and 13 cl:* 6 cl:*) ( 80 (x) 52 (element) 39 (x) 19 (or null cons)) (put (quote list) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-LIST|)) cl::|type-expand-LONG-FLOAT| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) @gHnil (7 float) () (put (quote cl:long-float) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-LONG-FLOAT|)) cl::|type-expand-MEMBER| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) )@ggogggHhhhhnil (23 quote 20 x 17 cl:member 10 lambda 7 satisfies) ( 14 (x)) (put (quote cl:member) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-MEMBER|)) cl::|type-expand-MOD| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) @gjHkhnil (8 integer) () (put (quote cl:mod) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-MOD|)) cl::|type-expand-NULL| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies null)) (put (quote null) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-NULL|)) cl::|type-expand-NUMBER| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies numberp)) (put (quote cl:number) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-NUMBER|)) cl::|type-expand-PACKAGE| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (datatype package)) (put (quote package) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-PACKAGE|)) cl::|type-expand-SHORT-FLOAT| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) @gHnil (7 float) () (put (quote cl:short-float) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-SHORT-FLOAT|)) cl::|type-expand-SIGNED-BYTE| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) /@gHgglHk gjIIkh(30 cl:expt) (34 integer 18 integer 13 cl:* 6 cl:*) () (put (quote cl::signed-byte) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-SIGNED-BYTE|)) cl::|type-expand-STANDARD-CHAR| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies cl:standard-char-p)) (put (quote cl:standard-char) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-STANDARD-CHAR|)) cl::|type-expand-STRING-CHAR| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies cl:string-char-p)) (put (quote cl:string-char) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-STRING-CHAR|)) cl::|type-expand-SINGLE-FLOAT| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) @gHnil (7 float) () (put (quote cl:single-float) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-SINGLE-FLOAT|)) cl::|type-expand-SYMBOL| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (datatype litatom)) (put (quote cl:symbol) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-SYMBOL|)) cl::|type-expand-UNSIGNED-BYTE| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) *@gHgogjlH hh(33 cl:expt) (26 integer 13 cl:* 6 cl:*) ( 19 (integer 0)) (put (quote cl::unsigned-byte) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-UNSIGNED-BYTE|)) cl::|type-expand-RATIONAL| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (or ratio integer)) (put (quote cl:rational) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-RATIONAL|)) cl::|type-expand-READTABLE| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (datatype readtablep)) (put (quote cl:readtable) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-READTABLE|)) cl::|type-expand-COMMON| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) inil nil () (put (quote cl:common) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-COMMON|)) cl::|type-expand-COMPILED-FUNCTION| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) onil nil ( 3 (satisfies cl:compiled-function-p)) (put (quote cl:compiled-function) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-COMPILED-FUNCTION|)) cl::|type-expand-COMPLEX| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) `@gHgoggggoggogHhhgogHhhhhhhnil (70 quote 63 typep 52 quote 45 typep 42 and 35 lambda 32 satisfies 29 complex 26 and 13 cl:* 6 cl:*) ( 67 (complex-imagpart x) 49 (complex-realpart x) 39 (x) 19 (datatype complex)) (put (quote complex) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-COMPLEX|)) cl::|type-expand-SEQUENCE| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) `@gHgoggggogggogggHhhhhohhhnil (61 quote 58 element 55 typep 48 cl:lambda 45 cl:function 42 cl:every 35 lambda 32 satisfies 29 sequence 26 and 13 cl:* 6 cl:*) ( 80 (x) 52 (element) 39 (x) 19 (or cl:vector list)) (put (quote sequence) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-SEQUENCE|)) cl::|type-expand-ARRAY| d1 (l (0 $$type-form))  @QH gHHgZJgg IghiI Jdg=IgoggogogogIhhhhhoVIdggggIgIogggogogogIhhhhhJ[ighi-hPggogogoJ hIghKigogIhhhhhJh\i]gMhihJk gJhLggogogoJ hJjNOIg7h5ghigggOhNhO_NOk_^igogIhhh hhogIJh (517 cl:error 490 \\append2 389 cl:length 347 cl:length 261 cl:length 54 %get-canonical-cml-type 39 cl:make-list) (508 cl:array 477 quote 470 equal 434 x 431 cl:array-dimension 428 eql 418 cl:* 408 cl:* 381 eql 374 and 367 lambda 364 satisfies 351 cl:vector 331 smallp 325 cl:* 290 quote 283 equal 269 cl:* 253 eql 246 and 239 lambda 236 satisfies 223 cl:* 193 quote 186 equal 179 and 172 lambda 169 satisfies 165 cl:bit-vector 153 bit 148 string 143 cl:string-char 139 cl:vector 134 cl:* 102 quote 95 equal 88 and 81 lambda 78 satisfies 68 cl:* 60 cl:* 44 cl:* 36 cl:* 33 :initial-element 28 smallp 24 cl:* 10 cl:*) ( 505 "Bad (final) array type designator: ~S" 474 (cl:array-element-type x) 385 (cl:array-rank x) 378 (cl:arrayp x) 371 (x) 287 (cl:array-element-type x) 257 (cl:array-rank x) 250 (cl:arrayp x) 243 (x) 190 (cl:array-element-type x) 183 (cl:vectorp x) 176 (x) 160 (unsigned-byte 1) 126 (cl:*) 99 (cl:array-element-type x) 92 (cl:arrayp x) 85 (x) 74 (satisfies cl:arrayp)) (put (quote cl:array) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-ARRAY|)) cl::|type-expand-VECTOR| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) @!H gHHgIdg7JgoggogogoJhhhhggJhIo gJhggogogogI hhJghigoJhhhh(147 %get-canonical-cml-type 107 member) (168 eql 158 cl:* 143 quote 136 equal 129 and 122 lambda 119 satisfies 111 cl:bit-vector 94 string 89 cl:string-char 65 eql 58 and 51 lambda 48 satisfies 38 cl:* 30 cl:* 24 cl:* 10 cl:*) ( 172 (cl:array-total-size v) 140 (cl:array-element-type v) 133 (cl:vectorp v) 126 (v) 104 (bit (unsigned-byte 1)) 69 (cl:array-total-size v) 62 (cl:vectorp v) 55 (v) 44 (satisfies cl:vectorp)) (put (quote cl:vector) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-VECTOR|)) cl::|type-expand-SIMPLE-STRING| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) B@gHgoggogogoHhhhhnil (43 eql 36 and 29 lambda 26 satisfies 13 cl:* 6 cl:*) ( 47 (cl:array-total-size v) 40 (cl:simple-string-p v) 33 (v) 19 (satisfies cl:simple-string-p)) (put (quote cl:simple-string) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-SIMPLE-STRING|)) cl::|type-expand-STRING| d1 (l (0 $$type-form)) B@gHgoggogogoHhhhhnil (43 eql 36 and 29 lambda 26 satisfies 13 cl:* 6 cl:*) ( 47 (cl:array-total-size x) 40 (cl:stringp x) 33 (x) 19 (satisfies cl:stringp)) (put (quote string) (quote type-expander) (quote cl::|type-expand-STRING|)) cl::|type-expand-SIMPLE-ARRAY| d1 (l (0 $$type-form))  @QH gHHgZJgg IghiI Jdg=IgoggogogogIhhhhhodIdgggIdogigggogooIghigogIhhhhhJ[ighi-hPggogogoJ hIghKigogIhhhhhJh\i]gMhi