(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "XCL" PACKAGE "INTERLISP") (filecreated "16-Oct-86 12:19:15" ("compiled on " {eris}sources>cmllist.\;13) "14-Oct-86 21:06:05" "COMPILE-FILEd" |in| "Xerox Lisp 14-Oct-86 ..." |dated| "14-Oct-86 22:24:47") (filecreated "16-Oct-86 12:17:39" {eris}sources>cmllist.\;13 56616 |changes| |to:| (vars cmllistcoms) |previous| |date:| " 8-Oct-86 19:21:15" {eris}sources>cmllist.\;12) (rpaqq cmllistcoms ((* |;;;| "CMLLIST. Common Lisp Lists Covers all of chapter 15 -- By Kelly Roach, Larry Masinter, Ron Fischer, and Frank Shih." ) (coms (* |;;| "Section 15.1 Conses.") (* |;;| "CAR, CDR, ..., CDDDDR (all functions on pages 262-263) are OK.") (* |;;| "CONS is OK.") (fns cl:tree-equal %tree-equal-test %tree-equal-test-not)) (coms (* |;;| "Section 15.2 Lists.") (fns cl:endp cl:list-length) (coms (fns cl:nth %setnth) (prop setfn cl:nth)) (coms (fns cl:first cl:second cl:third cl:fourth cl:fifth cl:sixth cl:seventh cl:eighth cl:ninth cl:tenth cl:rest) (* |;;| "Macros to make SETF work and code optimize") (optimizers cl:first cl:second cl:third cl:fourth cl:fifth cl:sixth cl:seventh cl:eighth cl:ninth cl:tenth cl:rest)) (fns cl:nthcdr) (* |;;| "LAST LIST LIST* are OK.") (fns cl:make-list) (* |;;| "Common Lisp APPEND is different from Interlisp APPEND because Interlisp APPEND copies its last arg while Common Lisp APPEND does not. See page 268 of the silver book." ) (fns cl:append %append) (fns cl:copy-list cl:copy-alist cl:copy-tree cl:revappend) (* |;;| "NCONC is OK.") (fns cl:nreconc) (* |;;| "CL:PUSH and CL:PUSHNEW are macros defined somewhere else. Don't know where that is. POP is OK.") ( fns cl:butlast cl:nbutlast cl:ldiff)) (coms (* |;;| "Section 15.3 Alteration of List Structure.") (* |;;| "RPLACA RPLACD are OK.")) (coms (* |;;| "Section 15.4 Substitution of Expressions.") (declare\: dontcopy doeval@compile (functions splice test-keys-supplied)) (fns %test) (fns xxtest1 xxtest0) (fns cl:subst %subst cl:subst-if %subst-if cl:subst-if-not %subst-if-not cl:nsubst %nsubst cl:nsubst-if %nsubst-if cl:nsubst-if-not %nsubst-if-not) (fns cl:sublis %sublis cl:nsublis %nsublis)) (coms (* |;;| "Section 15.5 Usng Lists as Sets.") (fns cl:member %member cl:member-if cl:member-if-not) (optimizers cl:member) (* |;;| "TAILP is OK.") (fns cl:adjoin) (fns cl:union cl:nunion) (fns cl:intersection cl:nintersection) (fns cl:set-difference cl:nset-difference) (fns cl:set-exclusive-or cl:nset-exclusive-or) (fns cl:subsetp)) (coms (* |;;| "Section 15.6 Association Lists.") (fns cl:acons cl:pairlis) (fns cl:assoc %assoc cl:assoc-if cl:assoc-if-not cl:rassoc cl:rassoc-if cl:rassoc-if-not) ) (coms (* |;;| "Section 7.8.4 Mapping") (fns cl:mapcar cl:maplist cl:mapc cl:mapl cl:mapcan cl:mapcon %map)) (coms (* |;;| "Stuff I'm not sure where to place yet.") (* |;;| "It seems that DELQ ASSQ MEMQ aren't part of Common Lisp but part of Spice Lisp. What functions in the system are currently depending on these functions?" ) (fns delq) (prop dmacro cl:list-every) (p (movd (quote assoc) (quote assq)) (movd (quote fmemb) ( quote memq)))) (* |;;| "Arrange to use the correct compiler.") (prop filetype cmllist) (declare\: donteval@load doeval@compile dontcopy compilervars (addvars (nlama) (nlaml) (lama delq %map cl:mapcon cl:mapcan cl:mapl cl:mapc cl:maplist cl:mapcar cl:rassoc-if-not cl:rassoc-if cl:rassoc cl:assoc-if-not cl:assoc-if %assoc cl:assoc cl:pairlis cl:acons cl:subsetp cl:nset-exclusive-or cl:set-exclusive-or cl:nset-difference cl:set-difference cl:nintersection cl:intersection cl:nunion cl:union cl:adjoin cl:member-if-not cl:member-if %member cl:member %nsublis cl:nsublis %sublis cl:sublis %nsubst-if-not cl:nsubst-if-not %nsubst-if cl:nsubst-if %nsubst cl:nsubst %subst-if-not cl:subst-if-not %subst-if cl:subst-if %subst cl:subst xxtest0 xxtest1 %test cl:ldiff cl:nbutlast cl:butlast cl:nreconc cl:revappend cl:copy-tree cl:copy-alist cl:append cl:make-list cl:nthcdr cl:rest cl:tenth cl:ninth cl:eighth cl:seventh cl:sixth cl:fifth cl:fourth cl:third cl:second cl:first %setnth cl:nth cl:list-length %tree-equal-test-not %tree-equal-test cl:tree-equal))))) cl:tree-equal d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laiHlMdL.hgHl__OdO)h_K7O>o agMkaMl]agOkaOl_OIJO IJN (127 %tree-equal-test 120 %tree-equal-test-not 68 cl:error) (92 :test-not 73 :test 31 eql) ( 65 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") %tree-equal-test d1 (l (2 test 1 y 0 x)) +@A@AB @AbbAh@AlB(15 %tree-equal-test) nil () %tree-equal-test-not d1 (l (2 test-not 1 y 0 x)) -@A%@AB @AbbAh@AlBi(15 %tree-equal-test-not) nil () cl:endp d1 (i 0 object) @iho@ (16 error) nil ( 12 "Arg not list") cl:list-length d1 (l (0 list)) 1j@dId H HkIJHdjhHlIJ(17 cl:endp 10 cl:endp) nil () cl:nth d1 (l (1 list 0 n)) @A (4 cl:nthcdr) nil () %setnth d1 (l (2 newval 1 list 0 n)) Bj@o@ @HjHAd o@ ABBbHkX(47 \\fzerop 43 cl:error 32 cl:endp 11 cl:error) nil ( 39 "~S is too large an index for SETF of NTH." 7 "~S is an illegal N for SETF of NTH.") (putprops cl:nth setfn %setnth) cl:first d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:second d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:third d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:fourth d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:fifth d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:sixth d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:seventh d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:eighth d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:ninth d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:tenth d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl:rest d1 (l (0 list)) @nil nil () cl::|optimize-FIRST| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @gHnil (7 car) () (putprop (quote cl:first) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:first) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-FIRST|)))) cl::|optimize-SECOND| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @gHnil (7 cadr) () (putprop (quote cl:second) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:second) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-SECOND|)))) cl::|optimize-THIRD| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @gHhnil (8 caddr) () (putprop (quote cl:third) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:third) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-THIRD|)))) cl::|optimize-FOURTH| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @gHhnil (8 cadddr) () (putprop (quote cl:fourth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:fourth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-FOURTH|)))) cl::|optimize-FIFTH| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggHhhnil (11 cddddr 8 car) () (putprop (quote cl:fifth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:fifth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-FIFTH|)))) cl::|optimize-SIXTH| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggHhhnil (11 cddddr 8 cadr) () (putprop (quote cl:sixth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:sixth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-SIXTH|)))) cl::|optimize-SEVENTH| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggHhhnil (11 cddddr 8 caddr) () (putprop (quote cl:seventh) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:seventh) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-SEVENTH|)))) cl::|optimize-EIGHTH| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggHhhnil (11 cddddr 8 cadddr) () (putprop (quote cl:eighth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:eighth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-EIGHTH|)))) cl::|optimize-NINTH| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggdHhhhnil (11 cddddr 8 car) () (putprop (quote cl:ninth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:ninth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-NINTH|)))) cl::|optimize-TENTH| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @ggdHhhhnil (11 cddddr 8 cadr) () (putprop (quote cl:tenth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:tenth) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-TENTH|)))) cl::|optimize-REST| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) @gHhnil (8 cdr) () (putprop (quote cl:rest) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:rest) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-REST|)))) cl:nthcdr d1 (l (1 list 0 n)) 5@3 j@hihio@ @j AAd hb@kb(37 cl:endp 29 %= 23 cl:error) nil ( 19 "N = ~S is illegal for NTHCDR.") cl:make-list d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) SekaQHlKdJhjIoI agKkaKl[Ih]jMdd NkLN(71 \\fzerop 35 cl:error) (40 :initial-element) ( 31 "~S is an illegal size for MAKE-LIST.") cl:append d1 (p 4 n p 2 n p 1 val p 0 l) 3e HdjhkkaHaYkHkKLLaI LmԼI(39 %append) nil () %append d1 (p 1 tail p 0 answer i 1 l2 i 0 l1) 8`@ A@@bhX@ IAKJHI@@bhMLI(24 cl:endp 6 cl:endp) nil () cl:copy-list d1 (l (0 l)) @dhHY@bdI@H&nil nil () cl:copy-alist d1 (l (0 alist)) I@d.o@ @@@h!@HYdhiJIHJdIdI&(13 cl:error) nil ( 9 "~S is not a list.") cl:copy-tree d1 (l (0 object)) @hi@@ @ (18 cl:copy-tree 13 cl:copy-tree) nil () cl:revappend d1 (l (1 y 0 x)) @AHd IHIX(9 cl:endp) nil () cl:nreconc d1 (l (1 y 0 x)) @ A (7 \\nconc2 3 cl:nreverse) nil () cl:butlast d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) LekaalHklajJjI kջJKhIIh]K_J MNdL&LOkհ(54 %= 29 length) nil () cl:nbutlast d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) Eeka!lHklajJjI kջJKhIIKNJ MhILLNkվ(50 %= 29 length) nil () cl:ldiff d1 (l (1 sublist 0 list)) @!hhYHHAIJdH&HXnil nil () %test d1 (l (4 key 3 test-not 2 test 1 keyitem 0 item)) !B@AkDlBC@AkDlChi(30 shouldnt) nil () xxtest1 d1 (l (3 key 2 test 1 keyitem 0 item)) @AkClBnil nil () xxtest0 d1 (l (3 key 2 test-not 1 keyitem 0 item)) @AkClBhinil nil () cl:subst d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka lalaHlMdLAhHl__OdO@h_Hl__OdO@h_NPOJo JagMkaMl]agOkaOl_agOkaOl_NOg^Og_IJKNOO (184 %subst 88 cl:error) (169 cl:identity 161 eql 135 :key 113 :test-not 94 :test) ( 85 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") %subst d1 (l (5 key 4 test-not 3 test 2 tree 1 old 0 new)) =ABCDE @BB@ABCDE @ABCDE HdBIBBHI(38 %subst 27 %subst 8 %test) nil () cl:subst-if d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) <ekaQlalaHlMdLgIJKN agMkaMl](38 %subst-if) (43 :key 30 cl:identity) () %subst-if d1 (l (3 key 2 tree 1 test 0 new)) 5BdkCkA@B@ABC @ABC HdBIBBHI(30 %subst-if 22 %subst-if) nil () cl:subst-if-not d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) <ekaQlalaHlMdLgIJKN agMkaMl](38 %subst-if-not) (43 :key 30 cl:identity) () %subst-if-not d1 (l (3 key 2 tree 1 test 0 new)) 9BkCkAhi@BB@ABC @ABC HdBIBBHI(34 %subst-if-not 26 %subst-if-not) nil () cl:nsubst d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka lalaHlMdLAhHl__OdO@h_Hl__OdO@h_NPOJo JagMkaMl]agOkaOl_agOkaOl_NOg^Og_IJKNOO (184 %nsubst 88 cl:error) (169 cl:identity 161 eql 135 :key 113 :test-not 94 :test) ( 85 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") %nsubst d1 (l (5 key 4 test-not 3 test 2 tree 1 old 0 new)) MPABCDE @BXBAHCDE H@JI@AHCDE AHCDE H@LKBH(61 %test 50 %nsubst 30 %test 11 %test) nil () cl:nsubst-if d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) <ekaQlalaHlMdLgIJKN agMkaMl](38 %nsubst-if) (43 :key 30 cl:identity) () %nsubst-if d1 (l (3 key 2 tree 1 test 0 new)) QBdkCkA@BB]dkCkAH@JIkCkAH@LKBM_@AMC ONMX(68 %nsubst-if) nil () cl:nsubst-if-not d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) <ekaQlalaHlMdLgIJKN agMkaMl](38 %nsubst-if-not) (43 :key 30 cl:identity) () %nsubst-if-not d1 (l (3 key 2 tree 1 test 0 new)) ^BkCkAhi@BBB]dkCkAhiH@JIkCkAhiH@LKBM_@AMC ONMX(81 %nsubst-if-not) nil () cl:sublis d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_IJMOO (176 %sublis 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") %sublis d1 (l (4 key 3 test-not 2 test 1 tree 0 alist)) DAkD@BCg AA@ABCD @ABCD HdAIAAHI(45 %sublis 35 %sublis 16 %assoc 12 cl:symbol-function) (9 cl:identity) () cl:nsublis d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laHlLdK?hHl_OdNAh_Hl__OdOAh_OQOJo LagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_OOg_MgIJOOM (176 %nsublis 82 cl:error) (164 cl:identity 156 eql 129 :test-not 107 :test 88 :key) ( 79 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") %nsublis d1 (l (4 key 3 test-not 2 test 1 tree 0 alist)) | AkD@BCg AAhA]d kD@BCg X'NHJIkD@BCg XNHLKAM_@MBCD _OOM^(108 %nsublis 82 %assoc 78 cl:symbol-function 52 %assoc 48 cl:symbol-function 19 %assoc 15 cl:symbol-function) (75 cl:identity 45 cl:identity 12 cl:identity) () cl:member d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_MJ_IOMO hiOOOJ_IOOO hiOO(218 xxtest0 184 xxtest1 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") %member d1 (l (4 key 3 test-not 2 test 1 list 0 item)) AHY@IBCD hiII(18 %test) nil () cl:member-if d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) \ekaQlaHlLdKgJd'hagLkaLl\ioJ J^d hkMkINN(73 cl:endp 66 cl:error) (41 :key 26 cl:identity) ( 62 "~S is not a list.") cl:member-if-not d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) `ekaQlaHlLdKgJd'hagLkaLl\ioJ J^d hkMkIhiNN(73 cl:endp 66 cl:error) (41 :key 26 cl:identity) ( 62 "~S is not a list.") cl::|optimize-MEMBER| d1 (l (2 $$ctx 1 $$env 0 $$whole)) K@ HHZJgL ogL ]d_Mhi_gL ]>o_Lo N O O K O"BO>Odg6O"d_O_OkO3hiiho_OOO OgOgOhigIKho o __gOIhhgOgKOggOO OOgOhhOhggOhhhg(235 gensym 228 gensym 97 constantexpressionp 93 constantexpressionp 88 constantexpressionp 83 constantexpressionp 79 keyword-test 61 find-keyword 36 find-keyword 22 find-keyword) (328 ignoremacro 306 return 303 |do| 286 car 271 |when| 267 |unless| 260 |on| 255 |for| 244 let 214 fmemb 201 cl:identity 192 eq 115 eql 57 :key 32 :test-not 18 :test) ( 232 "MEMBER-ITEM" 225 "MEMBER" 165 (eq) 76 (:key :test-not :test) 68 (function cl:identity) 28 (function eql)) (putprop (quote cl:member) (quote compiler:optimizer-list) (union (getprop (quote cl:member) (quote compiler:optimizer-list)) (list (quote cl::|optimize-MEMBER|)))) cl:adjoin d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_IdkOJMOO JJ(181 %member 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:union d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) ekalaHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_I_J_O_kOIMOO hiOO_O(194 %member 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:nunion d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) ekalaHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_I_Jd OkOIMOO hiJ_O_O_OOOJZ(193 %member 174 cl:endp 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:intersection d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) ekalaHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_h_I_O_kOJMOO OO_O(194 %member 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:nintersection d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) ekalaHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_h_Id OkOJMOO I_O_O_OOOIY(193 %member 174 cl:endp 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:set-difference d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) ekalaHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_h_I_O_kOJMOO hiOO_O(194 %member 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:nset-difference d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) ekalaHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_h_Id OkOJMOO hiI_O_O_OOOIY(193 %member 174 cl:endp 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:set-exclusive-or d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) ekalaHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_h_I_ J_(O_kOJMOO hiOO_O_ kOIMOO hiO O_O(234 %member 199 %member 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:nset-exclusive-or d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) peka laHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_PI_h_OkO_h_$J_ OhkO_ OOO lOhiOO lM\i_OOOgMgOgO OOOgMgOgO O"OYOO$OO|O_$oiO_"OHO"JJI(301 cl:delete 274 cl:delete 81 cl:error) (295 :key 290 :test-not 286 :test 268 :key 263 :test-not 259 :test 162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:subsetp d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_I_ikOJMOO hO(188 %member 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:acons d1 (l (2 alist 1 datum 0 key)) @ABnil nil () cl:pairlis d1 (l (2 alist 1 data 0 keys)) p@AHd I BH MI GHIh[HIHd I JBMLKH I J_HIhONJo h(108 cl:error 78 cl:endp 72 cl:endp 58 cl:endp 52 cl:endp 30 cl:endp 24 cl:endp 17 cl:endp 11 cl:endp) nil ( 105 "PAIRLIS keys and data have different length.") cl:assoc d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_IJMOO (176 %assoc 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") %assoc d1 (l (4 key 3 test-not 2 test 1 alist 0 item)) #AHd h@HBCD HHX(24 %test 8 cl:endp) nil () cl:assoc-if d1 (l (1 alist 0 predicate)) AHd hHdk@HHX(8 cl:endp) nil () cl:assoc-if-not d1 (l (1 alist 0 predicate)) "AHd hHk@hiHHX(8 cl:endp) nil () cl:rassoc d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) eka laHlLdK>hHl_OdN@h_Hl__OdO@h_MPOJo JagLkaLl\agOkaOl_agOkaOl_MOg]Og_J_d hIOMOO OO(192 %test 172 cl:endp 81 cl:error) (162 cl:identity 154 eql 128 :key 106 :test-not 87 :test) ( 78 "Both TEST and TEST-NOT supplied.") cl:rassoc-if d1 (l (1 alist 0 predicate)) AHd hHdk@HHX(8 cl:endp) nil () cl:rassoc-if-not d1 (l (1 alist 0 predicate)) "AHd hHk@hiHHX(8 cl:endp) nil () cl:mapcar d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) F eka!laHl2MdLNIJKgi a_OOh_Mk]O&_(38 %map) (34 :list) () cl:maplist d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) F eka!laHl2MdLNIJKgh a_OOh_Mk]O&_(38 %map) (34 :list) () cl:mapc d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) D eka!laHl2MdLNIJKhi a_OOh_Mk]O&_(36 %map) nil () cl:mapl d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) D eka!laHl2MdLNIJKhd a_OOh_Mk]O&_(36 %map) nil () cl:mapcan d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) F eka!laHl2MdLNIJKgi a_OOh_Mk]O&_(38 %map) (34 :nconc) () cl:mapcon d1 (l (0 |-args-|)) F eka!laHl2MdLNIJKgh a_OOh_Mk]O&_(38 %map) (34 :nconc) () %map d1 (l (3 take-car 2 accumulate 1 original-arglists 0 function)) lA qhhYHddiBIAH_COOLO^NMO@L BdgJK g 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