(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "XCL" PACKAGE "INTERLISP") (filecreated "31-Oct-86 22:42:09" ("compiled on " {eris}sources>cmldeffer.\;38) "31-Oct-86 17:14:43" "COMPILE-FILEd" |in| "Xerox Lisp 31-Oct-86 ..." |dated| "31-Oct-86 17:48:39") (filecreated "31-Oct-86 22:41:31" {eris}sources>cmldeffer.\;38 27991 |changes| |to:| ( functions \\define-type-save-defn) |previous| |date:| "31-Oct-86 17:05:48" {eris}sources>cmldeffer.\;37) (rpaqq cmldeffercoms ((* |;;;| "DEF-DEFINE-TYPE and DEFDEFINER -- Your One-Stop Providers of Customized File Manager Facilities.") (* |;;| "BE VERY CAREFUL CHANGING ANYTHING IN THIS FILE!!! It is heavily self-referential and thick with bootstrapping problems. All but the most trivial changes (and some of those) are very tricky to make without blowing yourself out of the water... You have been warned." ) (initvars (filepkgflg nil)) (* |;;| "The definer data structures and manipulation functions") ( variables *definition-hash-table*) (functions pprint-definer remove-comments) (variables *remove-interlisp-comments*) (functions \\define-type-deldef \\define-type-getdef \\define-type-save-defn) (* |;;| "Prototype definition facility") (variables xcl::*definition-prototypes* ) (functions xcl::add-prototype-fn xcl::prototype-defn-types xcl::prototype-definers-for-type xcl::make-prototype) (* |;;| "The groundwork for bootstrapping") (define-types define-types functions variables) (* |;;| "DefDefiner itself and friends") (functions si::expansion-function si::macro-funcall ) (functions defdefiner \\delete-definer def-define-type without-filepkg) (* |;;| "The most commonly-used definers") (functions cl:defun definline defmacro) (functions cl:defvar cl:defparameter cl:defconstant defglobalvar defglobalparameter) (* |;;| "Don't note changes to these properties/variables") (prop proptype macro-fn undefiners definer-for defined-by) (* |;;| "Arrange for the correct compiler to be used.") (prop filetype cmldeffer))) (rpaq? filepkgflg nil) (cl:proclaim (quote (global *definition-hash-table*))) (or (boundp (quote *definition-hash-table*)) (setq *definition-hash-table* (hasharray 20))) pprint-definer d1 (l (0 define-expression) p 3 \#rpars f 4 prettycomfont f 5 defaultfont f 6 commentflg) @d,o @ @o @id o h@b@bo H k I0o T I U k Iidd o T I U @dk @@bi @@dVk @@bid @id J lk @idd o h (245 terpri 241 prin1 234 printdef 226 spaces 218 dspxposition 213 terpri 209 fitp 202 printdef 189 spaces 169 printdef 157 spaces 145 changefont 140 prin2 135 changefont 130 prin1 122 printdef 113 spaces 108 changefont 103 prin2 97 changefont 92 prin1 81 spaces 76 prin2 71 prin1 61 dspxposition 45 prin1 37 printdef 29 prin1 19 prin2 13 prin1) nil ( 238 ")" 127 ")" 89 "(" 68 "(" 42 ")" 26 " . " 10 "(") remove-comments d1 (l (0 x) f 2 *remove-interlisp-comments*) e@@g3@dgdgdgih1Ri,Rgo@ @ @ Hd@I@@@bHI(72 remove-comments 67 remove-comments 61 cl:warn) (51 :warn 33 |;;;| 27 |;;| 21 \; 10 *) ( 57 "Possible comment not stripped ~S") (cl:proclaim (quote (cl:special *remove-interlisp-comments*))) (or (boundp (quote *remove-interlisp-comments*)) (setq *remove-interlisp-comments* (quote :warn))) (let* ((a0191 (quote *remove-interlisp-comments*)) (a0192 (quote cl::variable)) (a0193 "Either NIL (don't) T (always do) or :WARN (don't and warn)")) (set-documentation a0191 a0192 a0193)) \\define-type-deldef d1 (l (1 type 0 name)) +A` H@H Ag'd@kI@(16 remhash 6 cl:gethash) (25 undefiners 3 *definition-hash-table*) () \\define-type-getdef d1 (l (2 options 1 type 0 name)) *A` H@H BgBgBI I(37 cl:copy-tree 17 cl:gethash 6 cl:gethash) (30 edit 22 edit 3 *definition-hash-table*) () \\define-type-save-defn d1 (l (2 definition 1 type 0 name) f 8 dfnflg f 9 *terminal-io*) {A` qH-oA A`gggl2gl2 KJI @H BL 5LWiWoA@ @_HBONM @ALgg h(118 markaschanged 103 cl::puthash 87 cl:format 66 cl:equal 60 cl:gethash 54 cl::puthash 47 cl:make-hash-table 20 cl:warn 6 cl:gethash) (115 defined 111 changed 41 :rehash-size 36 :size 33 cl:equal 30 :test 26 *definition-hash-table* 3 *definition-hash-table*) ( 82 "~&New ~A definition for ~S" 16 "Couldn't find a hash-table for ~S definitions.~%One will be created.") (cl:proclaim (quote (global xcl::*definition-prototypes*))) (or (boundp (quote xcl::*definition-prototypes*)) (setq xcl::*definition-prototypes* nil)) xcl::add-prototype-fn d1 (l (2 cl::prototype-fn 1 cl::definer 0 type)) -@` AAH HABIIdJBKdL(15 cl:assoc 6 cl:assoc) (3 xcl::*definition-prototypes*) () xcl::prototype-defn-types d1 nil *`AH\ILJ K ZYLK Z(36 list 25 list) (2 xcl::*definition-prototypes*) () xcl::prototype-definers-for-type d1 (l (0 type)) -`@'AH\ILJK ZYLK Z(39 list 27 list) (2 xcl::*definition-prototypes*) () xcl::make-prototype d1 (l (2 cl::definer 1 type 0 cl::name)) `A'B'H @ABlHnil (2 xcl::*definition-prototypes*) () (let* ((a0194 (quote define-types)) (a0195 (quote define-types)) (a0196 (quote "Definition type"))) ( set-documentation a0194 a0195 a0196)) (setq prettydefmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (define-types x (p * (mapcar (quote x) (function (lambda (item ) (cl:do ((def (getdef item (quote define-types)))) (def def) (cl:cerror "Re-fetch the definition" "No ~S definition for ~S" (quote define-types) item)))))))) prettydefmacros :test (quote equal))) (setq prettytypelst (cl:adjoin (quote (changeddefine-typeslst define-types "Definition type")) prettytypelst :test (quote equal))) (cl:proclaim (quote (global changeddefine-typeslst))) (or (boundp (quote changeddefine-typeslst)) (setq changeddefine-typeslst nil)) (cond ((not (cl:gethash (quote define-types) *definition-hash-table*)) (let* ((a0197 (quote define-types)) (a0198 *definition-hash-table*) (a0200 (cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50))) (cl::puthash a0197 a0198 a0200)))) (setq filepkgtypes (cl:adjoin (quote define-types) filepkgtypes)) (let* ((a0201 (quote define-types)) (a0202 (quote getdef)) (a0204 (quote \\define-type-getdef))) ( putprop a0201 a0202 a0204)) (let* ((a0205 (quote define-types)) (a0206 (quote deldef)) (a0208 (quote \\define-type-deldef))) ( putprop a0205 a0206 a0208)) (let* ((a0209 (quote define-types)) (a0210 (quote filepkgcontents)) (a0212 (quote nill))) (putprop a0209 a0210 a0212)) (setq xcl::*definition-prototypes* (cl:adjoin (cons (quote define-types) nil) xcl::*definition-prototypes* :key (quote car))) (let* ((a0213 (quote functions)) (a0214 (quote define-types)) (a0215 (quote "functions or macros"))) ( set-documentation a0213 a0214 a0215)) (setq prettydefmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (functions x (p * (mapcar (quote x) (function (lambda (item) ( cl:do ((def (getdef item (quote functions)))) (def def) (cl:cerror "Re-fetch the definition" "No ~S definition for ~S" (quote functions) item)))))))) prettydefmacros :test (quote equal))) (setq prettytypelst (cl:adjoin (quote (changedfunctionslst functions "functions or macros")) prettytypelst :test (quote equal))) (cl:proclaim (quote (global changedfunctionslst))) (or (boundp (quote changedfunctionslst)) (setq changedfunctionslst nil)) (cond ((not (cl:gethash (quote functions) *definition-hash-table*)) (let* ((a0216 (quote functions)) ( a0217 *definition-hash-table*) (a0219 (cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50))) (cl::puthash a0216 a0217 a0219)))) (setq filepkgtypes (cl:adjoin (quote functions) filepkgtypes)) (let* ((a0220 (quote functions)) (a0221 (quote getdef)) (a0223 (quote \\define-type-getdef))) (putprop a0220 a0221 a0223)) (let* ((a0224 (quote functions)) (a0225 (quote deldef)) (a0227 (quote \\define-type-deldef))) (putprop a0224 a0225 a0227)) (let* ((a0228 (quote functions)) (a0229 (quote filepkgcontents)) (a0231 (quote nill))) (putprop a0228 a0229 a0231)) (setq xcl::*definition-prototypes* (cl:adjoin (cons (quote functions) nil) xcl::*definition-prototypes* :key (quote car))) (let* ((a0232 (quote functions)) (a0233 (quote undefiners)) (a0235 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:fmakunbound) ( get a0232 a0233)))) (putprop a0232 a0233 a0235)) (let* ((a0236 (quote variables)) (a0237 (quote define-types)) (a0238 (quote "Common Lisp variables"))) (set-documentation a0236 a0237 a0238)) (setq prettydefmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (variables x (p * (mapcar (quote x) (function (lambda (item) ( cl:do ((def (getdef item (quote variables)))) (def def) (cl:cerror "Re-fetch the definition" "No ~S definition for ~S" (quote variables) item)))))))) prettydefmacros :test (quote equal))) (setq prettytypelst (cl:adjoin (quote (changedvariableslst variables "Common Lisp variables")) prettytypelst :test (quote equal))) (cl:proclaim (quote (global changedvariableslst))) (or (boundp (quote changedvariableslst)) (setq changedvariableslst nil)) (cond ((not (cl:gethash (quote variables) *definition-hash-table*)) (let* ((a0239 (quote variables)) ( a0240 *definition-hash-table*) (a0242 (cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50))) (cl::puthash a0239 a0240 a0242)))) (setq filepkgtypes (cl:adjoin (quote variables) filepkgtypes)) (let* ((a0243 (quote variables)) (a0244 (quote getdef)) (a0246 (quote \\define-type-getdef))) (putprop a0243 a0244 a0246)) (let* ((a0247 (quote variables)) (a0248 (quote deldef)) (a0250 (quote \\define-type-deldef))) (putprop a0247 a0248 a0250)) (let* ((a0251 (quote variables)) (a0252 (quote filepkgcontents)) (a0254 (quote nill))) (putprop a0251 a0252 a0254)) (setq xcl::*definition-prototypes* (cl:adjoin (cons (quote variables) nil) xcl::*definition-prototypes* :key (quote car))) si::expansion-function d1 (l (2 si::body 1 si::arg-list 0 si::name)) AAgB@hgg  AHHZJgoKg@I L (62 cl:values 56 append 53 list 50 list 19 \\mvlist 16 parse-defmacro) (45 cl:block 37 cl:lambda 12 si::$$macro-environment 9 :environment 3 si::$$macro-form) ( 41 (si::$$macro-form si::$$macro-environment)) si::|expand-MACRO-FUNCALL| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @AHHZJKLlInil nil () (setf-macro-function (quote si::macro-funcall) (quote si::|expand-MACRO-FUNCALL|)) (let* ((a0263 (quote defdefiner)) (a0264 (quote definer-for)) (a0266 (quote functions))) (putprop a0263 a0264 a0266)) (let* ((a0267 (quote functions)) (a0268 (quote defined-by)) (a0270 (cl:adjoin (quote defdefiner) (get a0267 a0268)))) (putprop a0267 a0268 a0270)) |expand-DEFDEFINERA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @HHZJ\LIII_g_h__OJd__dgO_2gO_%OdgO_gooO IMN __O_ggggI ogK ggI ggK o gIogogOo ggggggO o gogogogggK o o ggIg oO#ggO ggI o O!ggK gI gO OgggI oO (467 append 464 list 461 list 450 list 433 list 430 list 427 list 419 list 412 list 398 list 395 list 386 list 376 list 355 list 341 list 338 list 335 list 325 list 322 list 312 list 309 list 306 list 272 list 263 list 260 list 237 list 234 list 206 list 197 list 187 list 177 list 174 list 161 list 132 \\mvlist 129 si::expansion-function 118 cl:cerror) (446 quote 443 cl:documentation 440 cl:setf 422 function 415 quote 408 quote 405 xcl::add-prototype-fn 382 quote 379 get 371 quote 368 cl:pushnew 351 pprint-definer 347 quote 344 cl:pushnew 302 quote 299 \\\, 296 quote 289 \\define-type-save-defn 282 cl:unless 275 cl:eval-when 255 cl:function 252 \\\, 249 si::macro-funcall 246 without-filepkg 243 progn 240 bquote 224 cl::defined-object-name 217 let* 209 defmacro 193 quote 190 get 183 quote 180 cl:pushnew 170 quote 157 quote 154 get 151 cl:setf 148 progn 103 cl:otherwise 89 :prototype 73 :name 59 :undefiner 35 cl:second) ( 454 ((quote cl:function)) 390 ((quote undefiners)) 359 (prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal)) 329 ((quote (\\\, cl::defined-object-name))) 316 ((quote (\\\, cl::original-macro-call))) 293 (quote (\\\, cl::defined-object-name)) 286 (null filepkgflg) 279 (cl:eval) 267 ((\\\, cl::macro-call-without-comments) (\\\, cl::env)) 230 (cl::macro-call-without-comments) 221 (cl::macro-call-without-comments (remove-comments cl::original-macro-call)) 214 (&whole cl::original-macro-call &environment cl::env) 201 ((quote defined-by)) 165 ((quote definer-for)) 113 "Unrecognized option to DefDefiner: ~S" 109 "Ignore the bogus option") |expand-DEFDEFINER| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) ^@1AH ZdggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (91 list 88 list 81 list 78 list 75 list 72 list 61 list 37 list 34 list 9 remove-comments) (84 quote 68 quote 57 quote 54 \\define-type-save-defn 47 cl:unless 40 cl:eval-when 29 |expand-DEFDEFINERA0001| 26 si::macro-funcall 23 without-filepkg 20 progn) ( 65 (quote functions) 51 (null filepkgflg) 44 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defdefiner) (quote |expand-DEFDEFINER|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defdefiner . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test ( quote equal))) (let* ((a0272 (quote defdefiner)) (a0273 (quote undefiners)) (a0275 (cl:adjoin (quote cl::\\delete-definer) (get a0272 a0273)))) (putprop a0272 a0273 a0275)) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote defdefiner) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote defdefiner) cl::name (quote ("Type" ("Arg-list") "Body"))))))) \\delete-definer d1 (l (0 name)) 2@ ,@g'@g Hdg@Hg' (47 /putprop 44 remove 24 /remprop 3 litatom) (40 defined-by 31 defined-by 21 definer-for 13 definer-for) () (let* ((a0284 (quote def-define-type)) (a0285 (quote definer-for)) (a0287 (quote define-types))) ( putprop a0284 a0285 a0287)) (let* ((a0288 (quote define-types)) (a0289 (quote defined-by)) (a0291 (cl:adjoin (quote def-define-type) (get a0288 a0289)))) (putprop a0288 a0289 a0291)) |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPEA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @aHHZJgL dgoI o I Lo ggggI ogK ggIggggoggogggggI ogoogI o oggNIK ogNogggI ogggI oo ggI ogggI oogggI oogggI oogggI ooM"ggM ggI o (439 list 436 list 427 list 417 list 392 list 367 list 342 list 317 list 298 list 288 list 273 list 254 list 225 list 222 list 204 list 201 list 198 list 195 list 192 list 189 list 186 list 175 list 153 list 150 list 147 list 144 list 92 list 89 list 76 list 60 keyword-test 51 cl:intern 48 cl:symbol-package 44 cl:concatenate 37 string 22 find-keyword) (423 quote 420 get 413 quote 410 cl:pushnew 388 quote 385 cons 382 cl:pushnew 363 quote 360 get 357 cl:setf 338 quote 335 get 332 cl:setf 313 quote 310 get 307 cl:setf 294 quote 291 cl:pushnew 269 quote 266 cl:gethash 263 cl:setf 250 quote 247 cl:gethash 244 cl:unless 234 defglobalvar 216 quote 213 cl:pushnew 171 quote 160 cl:cerror 140 quote 137 item 134 getdef 131 def 128 cl:do 121 lambda 118 function 111 mapcar 108 * 105 p 102 x 98 quote 95 cl:pushnew 85 quote 72 quote 69 cl:documentation 66 cl:setf 63 progn 29 string 18 :undefiner) ( 431 ((quote undefiners)) 402 (xcl::*definition-prototypes* :key (quote car)) 396 (nil) 377 ((quote nill)) 371 ((quote filepkgcontents)) 352 ((quote \\define-type-deldef)) 346 ((quote deldef)) 327 ((quote \\define-type-getdef)) 321 ((quote getdef)) 302 (filepkgtypes) 283 ((cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50)) 277 (*definition-hash-table*) 258 (*definition-hash-table*) 239 (nil) 229 (prettytypelst :test (quote equal)) 208 (prettydefmacros :test (quote equal)) 179 (item) 168 "No ~S definition for ~S" 164 "Re-fetch the definition" 157 (def def) 125 (item) 115 (quote x) 80 ((quote define-types)) 57 (:undefiner) 41 "LST" 33 "CHANGED") |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPE| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPEA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote define-types) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote def-define-type) (quote |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPE|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (def-define-type . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote define-types) (quote def-define-type) (function (lambda (name) (and ( cl:symbolp name) (list* (quote def-define-type) name (quote ("Description string"))))))) (let* ((a0293 (quote def-define-type)) (a0294 (quote cl:function)) (a0295 "Define NAME as a new definition type")) (set-documentation a0293 a0294 a0295)) |expand-WITHOUT-FILEPKG| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) 5@ggoHgogogoH (50 list 47 list 44 list) (34 let 27 cl:unless 20 cl:eval-when 10 cl:eval-when 7 progn) ( 38 (filepkgflg (dfnflg t)) 31 (or (eq dfnflg (quote prop)) (eq dfnflg (quote allprop))) 24 (cl:eval) 14 (cl:load)) (setf-macro-function (quote without-filepkg) (quote |expand-WITHOUT-FILEPKG|)) (let* ((a0302 (quote cl:defun)) (a0303 (quote definer-for)) (a0305 (quote functions))) (putprop a0302 a0303 a0305)) (let* ((a0306 (quote functions)) (a0307 (quote defined-by)) (a0309 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defun) (get a0306 a0307)))) (putprop a0306 a0307 a0309)) cl::|expand-DEFUNA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) x@qHHZJAi \LL_ggggI ggKNgIM  OgggI oO (115 list 112 list 101 list 84 list 81 list 76 append 73 list 55 list 52 list 22 \\mvlist 19 parse-body) (97 quote 94 cl:documentation 91 cl:setf 66 cl:block 61 cl:lambda 58 cl:function 48 quote 45 cl:symbol-function 42 cl:setf 39 progn) ( 105 ((quote cl:function))) cl::|expand-DEFUN| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 cl::|expand-DEFUNA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote functions) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defun) (quote cl::|expand-DEFUN|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defun . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote cl:defun) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote cl:defun) cl::name (quote (("Arg List") "Body"))))))) (let* ((a0317 (quote definline)) (a0318 (quote definer-for)) (a0320 (quote functions))) (putprop a0317 a0318 a0320)) (let* ((a0321 (quote functions)) (a0322 (quote defined-by)) (a0324 (cl:adjoin (quote definline) (get a0321 a0322)))) (putprop a0321 a0322 a0324)) |expand-DEFINLINEA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) | @ HHZJALMi ^_N_gKOgIO _ggIKLgIoI I oggO o  (121 list 118 list 108 list 93 xcl:pack 90 cl:symbol-package 86 list 57 append 54 list 26 \\mvlist 23 parse-body) (103 quote 100 cons 77 defoptimizer 68 cl:defun 65 progn 46 cl:block 40 cl:lambda) ( 112 (args) 97 (&rest args) 82 "definline-") |expand-DEFINLINE| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFINLINEA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote functions) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote definline) (quote |expand-DEFINLINE|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (definline . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote definline) (function (lambda (name) (and (cl:symbolp name) (list* (quote definline) name (quote (("Arg List") "Body"))))))) (let* ((a0330 (quote defmacro)) (a0331 (quote definer-for)) (a0333 (quote functions))) (putprop a0330 a0331 a0333)) (let* ((a0334 (quote functions)) (a0335 (quote defined-by)) (a0337 (cl:adjoin (quote defmacro) (get a0334 a0335)))) (putprop a0334 a0335 a0337)) cl::|expand-DEFMACROA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @HHZJII oI oI I IKL ^_N_gogggM gO gggI gM OgggI oO (158 list 155 list 144 list 127 list 124 list 117 list 114 list 101 list 98 list 90 list 87 list 56 \\mvlist 53 si::expansion-function 46 xcl:pack 43 cl:symbol-package 39 list 30 cl:error 21 litatom) (140 quote 137 cl:documentation 134 cl:setf 120 quote 110 quote 107 cl:macro-function 104 cl:setf 93 cl:function 83 quote 80 cl:symbol-function 77 cl:setf 70 cl:eval-when) ( 148 ((quote cl:function)) 74 (cl:eval cl:compile cl:load) 35 "expand-" 26 "Illegal name used in DEFMACRO: ~S") cl::|expand-DEFMACRO| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 cl::|expand-DEFMACROA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote functions) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defmacro) (quote cl::|expand-DEFMACRO|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defmacro . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote defmacro) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote defmacro) cl::name (quote ((cl::arg-list) "Body"))))))) (let* ((a0342 (quote cl:defvar)) (a0343 (quote definer-for)) (a0345 (quote variables))) (putprop a0342 a0343 a0345)) (let* ((a0346 (quote variables)) (a0347 (quote defined-by)) (a0349 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defvar) (get a0346 a0347)))) (putprop a0346 a0347 a0349)) cl::|expand-DEFVARA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) x@QHHZdJhhJJggggI L gggI gIK MgggI oM (115 append 112 list 109 list 99 list 83 list 80 list 77 list 69 list 66 list 50 list 47 list 44 list) (95 quote 92 cl:documentation 89 cl:setf 72 setq 62 quote 59 boundp 56 or 40 cl:special 37 quote 34 cl:proclaim 31 progn) ( 103 ((quote cl::variable))) cl::|expand-DEFVAR| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 cl::|expand-DEFVARA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote variables) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defvar) (quote cl::|expand-DEFVAR|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defvar . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote cl:defvar) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list (quote cl:defvar) cl::name))))) (let* ((a0356 (quote cl:defparameter)) (a0357 (quote definer-for)) (a0359 (quote variables))) (putprop a0356 a0357 a0359)) (let* ((a0360 (quote variables)) (a0361 (quote defined-by)) (a0363 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defparameter) (get a0360 a0361)))) (putprop a0360 a0361 a0363)) cl::|expand-DEFPARAMETERA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) S@AHHZJdggggI gIK LgggI oL (77 list 74 list 64 list 48 list 40 list 37 list 34 list) (60 quote 57 cl:documentation 54 cl:setf 43 setq 30 cl:special 27 quote 24 cl:proclaim 21 progn) ( 68 ((quote cl::variable))) cl::|expand-DEFPARAMETER| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 cl::|expand-DEFPARAMETERA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote variables) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defparameter) (quote cl::|expand-DEFPARAMETER|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defparameter . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote cl:defparameter) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and (cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote cl:defparameter) cl::name (quote ("Value" "Documentation string")) ))))) (let* ((a0369 (quote cl:defconstant)) (a0370 (quote definer-for)) (a0372 (quote variables))) (putprop a0369 a0370 a0372)) (let* ((a0373 (quote variables)) (a0374 (quote defined-by)) (a0376 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defconstant) ( get a0373 a0374)))) (putprop a0373 a0374 a0376)) cl::|expand-DEFCONSTANTA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) ^@AHHZJdggIK ggI ggI oLgggI oL (88 list 85 list 75 list 52 list 49 list 39 list 29 list) (71 quote 68 cl:documentation 65 cl:setf 45 constant 42 quote 35 quote 32 puthash 24 setq 21 progn) ( 79 ((quote cl::variable)) 56 (compvarmacrohash)) cl::|expand-DEFCONSTANT| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 cl::|expand-DEFCONSTANTA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote variables) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defconstant) (quote cl::|expand-DEFCONSTANT|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defconstant . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test ( quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote cl:defconstant) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote cl:defconstant) cl::name (quote ("Value" "Documentation string")))) ))) (let* ((a0381 (quote defglobalvar)) (a0382 (quote definer-for)) (a0384 (quote variables))) (putprop a0381 a0382 a0384)) (let* ((a0385 (quote variables)) (a0386 (quote defined-by)) (a0388 (cl:adjoin (quote defglobalvar) ( get a0385 a0386)))) (putprop a0385 a0386 a0388)) |expand-DEFGLOBALVARA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) x@QHHZdJhhJJggggI L gggI gIK MgggI oM (115 append 112 list 109 list 99 list 83 list 80 list 77 list 69 list 66 list 50 list 47 list 44 list) (95 quote 92 cl:documentation 89 cl:setf 72 setq 62 quote 59 boundp 56 or 40 global 37 quote 34 cl:proclaim 31 progn) ( 103 ((quote cl::variable))) |expand-DEFGLOBALVAR| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFGLOBALVARA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote variables) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defglobalvar) (quote |expand-DEFGLOBALVAR|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defglobalvar . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test ( quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote defglobalvar) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list (quote defglobalvar) cl::name))))) (let* ((a0394 (quote defglobalparameter)) (a0395 (quote definer-for)) (a0397 (quote variables))) ( putprop a0394 a0395 a0397)) (let* ((a0398 (quote variables)) (a0399 (quote defined-by)) (a0401 (cl:adjoin (quote defglobalparameter) (get a0398 a0399)))) (putprop a0398 a0399 a0401)) |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETERA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) S@AHHZJdggggI gIK LgggI oL (77 list 74 list 64 list 48 list 40 list 37 list 34 list) (60 quote 57 cl:documentation 54 cl:setf 43 setq 30 global 27 quote 24 cl:proclaim 21 progn) ( 68 ((quote cl::variable))) |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETER| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) Z@1AH ZggggJI gogoggK ogH gK (87 list 84 list 77 list 74 list 71 list 68 list 57 list 33 list 30 list 9 remove-comments) (80 quote 64 quote 53 quote 50 \\define-type-save-defn 43 cl:unless 36 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETERA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 61 (quote variables) 47 (null filepkgflg) 40 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defglobalparameter) (quote |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETER|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defglobalparameter . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote defglobalparameter) (function (cl:lambda (cl::name) ( and (cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote defglobalparameter) cl::name (quote ("Value" "Documentation string"))))))) (putprops macro-fn proptype functions) (putprops undefiners proptype ignore) (putprops definer-for proptype ignore) (putprops defined-by proptype ignore) (putprops cmldeffer filetype cl:compile-file) (putprops cmldeffer copyright ("Xerox Corporation" 1986 1900)) nil