(DEFINE-FILE-INFO READTABLE "XCL" PACKAGE "INTERLISP") (filecreated "29-Oct-86 19:26:12" ("compiled on " {eris}sources>cmldeffer.\;29) "21-Oct-86 04:13:01" "COMPILE-FILEd" |in| "Xerox Lisp 21-Oct-86 ..." |dated| "21-Oct-86 04:48:43") (filecreated "29-Oct-86 19:25:32" {eris}sources>cmldeffer.\;29 27913 |changes| |to:| ( functions \\define-type-save-defn si::macro-funcall defdefiner without-filepkg cl:defun definline \\define-type-deldef \\define-type-getdef def-define-type remove-comments) (vars cmldeffercoms) ( define-types define-types) |previous| |date:| "24-Oct-86 16:54:34" {eris}new-cmldeffer>cmldeffer.\;5) (rpaqq cmldeffercoms ((* |;;;| "DEF-DEFINE-TYPE and DEFDEFINER -- Your One-Stop Providers of Customized File Manager Facilities.") (* |;;| "BE VERY CAREFUL CHANGING ANYTHING IN THIS FILE!!! It is heavily self-referential and thick with bootstrapping problems. All but the most trivial changes (and some of those) are very tricky to make without blowing yourself out of the water... You have been warned." ) (initvars (filepkgflg nil)) (* |;;| "The definer data structures and manipulation functions") ( variables *definition-hash-table*) (functions pprint-definer remove-comments) (functions \\define-type-deldef \\define-type-getdef \\define-type-save-defn) (* |;;| "The groundwork for bootstrapping") (define-types define-types functions variables) (* |;;| "Prototype definition facility") (variables xcl::*definition-prototypes*) (functions xcl::add-prototype-fn xcl::prototype-defn-types xcl::prototype-definers-for-type xcl::make-prototype) (* |;;| "DefDefiner itself and friends") (functions si::expansion-function si::macro-funcall) ( functions defdefiner def-define-type without-filepkg) (* |;;| "The most commonly-used definers") ( functions cl:defun definline defmacro) (functions cl:defvar cl:defparameter cl:defconstant defglobalvar defglobalparameter) (* |;;| "Don't note file package changes to macro-fn.") (prop proptype macro-fn) (* |;;| "Arrange for the correct compiler to be used.") (prop filetype cmldeffer))) (rpaq? filepkgflg nil) (cl:proclaim (quote (global *definition-hash-table*))) (or (boundp (quote *definition-hash-table*)) (setq *definition-hash-table* (hasharray 20))) pprint-definer d1 (l (0 define-expression) p 3 \#rpars f 4 prettycomfont f 5 defaultfont f 6 commentflg) @d,o @ @o @id o h@b@bo H k I0o T I U k Iidd o T I U @dk @@bi @@dVk @@bid @id J lk @idd o h (245 terpri 241 prin1 234 printdef 226 spaces 218 dspxposition 213 terpri 209 fitp 202 printdef 189 spaces 169 printdef 157 spaces 145 changefont 140 prin2 135 changefont 130 prin1 122 printdef 113 spaces 108 changefont 103 prin2 97 changefont 92 prin1 81 spaces 76 prin2 71 prin1 61 dspxposition 45 prin1 37 printdef 29 prin1 19 prin2 13 prin1) nil ( 238 ")" 127 ")" 89 "(" 68 "(" 42 ")" 26 " . " 10 "(") remove-commentsa0001 d1 (l (0 y)) @@g @onil (8 *) ( 18 (\; |;;| |;;;|)) remove-comments d1 (l (0 x)) 3@@kg@b@ @ Hd@I@@HI(28 remove-comments 23 remove-comments) (10 remove-commentsa0001) () \\define-type-deldef d1 (l (1 type 0 name)) +A` H@H Ag'd@kI@(16 remhash 6 cl:gethash) (25 undefiners 3 *definition-hash-table*) () \\define-type-getdef d1 (l (2 options 1 type 0 name)) *A` H@H BgBgBI I(37 cl:copy-tree 17 cl:gethash 6 cl:gethash) (30 edit 22 edit 3 *definition-hash-table*) () \\define-type-save-defn d1 (l (2 definition 1 type 0 name)) OA` aH-oA A`gggl2gl2 KJI @HBNML @Ag (76 markaschanged 67 cl::puthash 54 cl::puthash 47 cl:make-hash-table 20 cl:warn 6 cl:gethash) (73 changed 41 :rehash-size 36 :size 33 cl:equal 30 :test 26 *definition-hash-table* 3 *definition-hash-table*) ( 16 "Couldn't find a hash-table for ~S definitions.~%One will be created.") (let* ((a10696 (quote define-types)) (a10697 (quote define-types)) (a10698 (quote "Definition type"))) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a10696 a10697 a10698))) a10698)) (setq prettydefmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (define-types x (p * (mapcar (quote x) (function (lambda (item ) (cl:do ((def (getdef item (quote define-types)))) (def def) (cl:cerror "Re-fetch the definition" "No ~S definition for ~S" (quote define-types) item)))))))) prettydefmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (setq prettytypelst (cl:adjoin (quote (changeddefine-typeslst define-types "Definition type")) prettytypelst :test (quote cl:equal))) (cl:proclaim (quote (global changeddefine-typeslst))) (or (boundp (quote changeddefine-typeslst)) (setq changeddefine-typeslst nil)) (cond ((not (cl:gethash (quote define-types) *definition-hash-table*)) (let* ((a10699 (quote define-types)) (a10700 *definition-hash-table*) (a10702 (cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50))) (cl::puthash a10699 a10700 a10702)))) (setq filepkgtypes (cl:adjoin (quote define-types) filepkgtypes)) (let* ((a10703 (quote define-types)) (a10704 (quote getdef)) (a10706 (quote \\define-type-getdef))) ( putprop a10703 a10704 a10706)) (let* ((a10707 (quote define-types)) (a10708 (quote deldef)) (a10710 (quote \\define-type-deldef))) ( putprop a10707 a10708 a10710)) (let* ((a10711 (quote define-types)) (a10712 (quote filepkgcontents)) (a10714 (quote nill))) (putprop a10711 a10712 a10714)) (let* ((a10719 (quote define-types)) (a10720 (quote undefiners)) (a10722 (cl:adjoin (quote nil) (get a10719 a10720)))) (putprop a10719 a10720 a10722)) (let* ((a10723 (quote functions)) (a10724 (quote define-types)) (a10725 (quote "Common Lisp functions" ))) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a10723 a10724 a10725))) a10725)) (setq prettydefmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (functions x (p * (mapcar (quote x) (function (lambda (item) ( cl:do ((def (getdef item (quote functions)))) (def def) (cl:cerror "Re-fetch the definition" "No ~S definition for ~S" (quote functions) item)))))))) prettydefmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (setq prettytypelst (cl:adjoin (quote (changedfunctionslst functions "Common Lisp functions")) prettytypelst :test (quote cl:equal))) (cl:proclaim (quote (global changedfunctionslst))) (or (boundp (quote changedfunctionslst)) (setq changedfunctionslst nil)) (cond ((not (cl:gethash (quote functions) *definition-hash-table*)) (let* ((a10726 (quote functions)) (a10727 *definition-hash-table*) (a10729 (cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50))) (cl::puthash a10726 a10727 a10729)))) (setq filepkgtypes (cl:adjoin (quote functions) filepkgtypes)) (let* ((a10730 (quote functions)) (a10731 (quote getdef)) (a10733 (quote \\define-type-getdef))) ( putprop a10730 a10731 a10733)) (let* ((a10734 (quote functions)) (a10735 (quote deldef)) (a10737 (quote \\define-type-deldef))) ( putprop a10734 a10735 a10737)) (let* ((a10738 (quote functions)) (a10739 (quote filepkgcontents)) (a10741 (quote nill))) (putprop a10738 a10739 a10741)) (let* ((a10742 (quote functions)) (a10743 (quote undefiners)) (a10745 (cl:adjoin (quote nil) (get a10742 a10743)))) (putprop a10742 a10743 a10745)) (let* ((a10746 (quote variables)) (a10747 (quote define-types)) (a10748 (quote "Common Lisp variables" ))) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a10746 a10747 a10748))) a10748)) (setq prettydefmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (variables x (p * (mapcar (quote x) (function (lambda (item) ( cl:do ((def (getdef item (quote variables)))) (def def) (cl:cerror "Re-fetch the definition" "No ~S definition for ~S" (quote variables) item)))))))) prettydefmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (setq prettytypelst (cl:adjoin (quote (changedvariableslst variables "Common Lisp variables")) prettytypelst :test (quote cl:equal))) (cl:proclaim (quote (global changedvariableslst))) (or (boundp (quote changedvariableslst)) (setq changedvariableslst nil)) (cond ((not (cl:gethash (quote variables) *definition-hash-table*)) (let* ((a10749 (quote variables)) (a10750 *definition-hash-table*) (a10752 (cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50))) (cl::puthash a10749 a10750 a10752)))) (setq filepkgtypes (cl:adjoin (quote variables) filepkgtypes)) (let* ((a10753 (quote variables)) (a10754 (quote getdef)) (a10756 (quote \\define-type-getdef))) ( putprop a10753 a10754 a10756)) (let* ((a10757 (quote variables)) (a10758 (quote deldef)) (a10760 (quote \\define-type-deldef))) ( putprop a10757 a10758 a10760)) (let* ((a10761 (quote variables)) (a10762 (quote filepkgcontents)) (a10764 (quote nill))) (putprop a10761 a10762 a10764)) (let* ((a10765 (quote variables)) (a10766 (quote undefiners)) (a10768 (cl:adjoin (quote nil) (get a10765 a10766)))) (putprop a10765 a10766 a10768)) (cl:proclaim (quote (global xcl::*definition-prototypes*))) (or (boundp (quote xcl::*definition-prototypes*)) (setq xcl::*definition-prototypes* nil)) (let* ((a10769 (quote xcl::*definition-prototypes*)) (a10770 (quote cl::variable)) (a10771 "An AList mapping file-manager types to ALists from definer-names to prototype-functions")) (progn ( cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) (set-documentation a10769 a10770 a10771))) a10771)) xcl::add-prototype-fn d1 (l (2 cl::prototype-fn 1 cl::definer 0 type)) ?@h`gg @` AAH HABIIdJBKdL(33 cl:assoc 24 cl:assoc 14 cl:adjoin) (21 xcl::*definition-prototypes* 17 xcl::*definition-prototypes* 11 car 8 :key 5 xcl::*definition-prototypes*) () xcl::prototype-defn-types d1 nil g` (8 cl:mapcar) (5 xcl::*definition-prototypes* 2 car) () xcl::prototype-definers-for-type d1 (l (0 type)) g@`  (13 cl:mapcar 9 cl:assoc) (6 xcl::*definition-prototypes* 2 car) () xcl::make-prototype d1 (l (2 cl::definer 1 type 0 cl::name)) BA`  H @ABlH(11 cl:assoc 7 cl:assoc) (4 xcl::*definition-prototypes*) () si::expansion-function d1 (l (2 si::body 1 si::arg-list 0 si::name)) AAgB@hgg  AHHZJgoKg@Ihh L (62 cl:values 56 \\append2 19 \\mvlist 16 parse-defmacro) (45 cl:block 37 cl:lambda 12 si::$$macro-environment 9 :environment 3 si::$$macro-form) ( 41 (si::$$macro-form si::$$macro-environment)) si::|expand-MACRO-FUNCALL| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @AHHZJKLlInil nil () (setf-macro-function (quote si::macro-funcall) (quote si::|expand-MACRO-FUNCALL|)) (let* ((a10785 (quote defdefiner)) (a10786 (quote definer-for)) (a10788 (quote functions))) (putprop a10785 a10786 a10788)) (let* ((a10789 (quote functions)) (a10790 (quote defined-by)) (a10792 (cl:adjoin (quote defdefiner) ( get a10789 a10790)))) (putprop a10789 a10790 a10792)) |expand-DEFDEFINERA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @HHZJ\LIII_g_h__OBd__dgO_*gO_OgO_ooO IMN __O_ggggIhogKhhggIhggKhohgIogogOohhggggggOhhohgogogogggKhhhohhohhhggIghoO#ggOhggIhohhO"ggKhgIhgOhhhOgggIhoOhh (470 \\append2 467 \\append2 124 \\mvlist 121 si::expansion-function 110 cl:cerror) (446 quote 443 cl:documentation 440 cl:setf 421 cl:function 414 quote 407 quote 404 xcl::add-prototype-fn 381 quote 378 get 370 quote 367 cl:pushnew 350 pprint-definer 346 quote 343 cl:pushnew 296 quote 293 \\\, 290 quote 283 \\define-type-save-defn 276 cl:unless 269 cl:eval-when 249 cl:function 246 \\\, 243 si::macro-funcall 240 without-filepkg 237 progn 234 bquote 218 cl::defined-object-name 211 let* 203 defmacro 186 quote 183 get 176 quote 173 cl:pushnew 162 quote 149 quote 146 get 143 cl:setf 140 progn 88 :prototype 73 :name 59 :undefiner 35 cl:second) ( 454 ((quote cl:function)) 389 ((quote undefiners)) 358 (prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal)) 325 ((quote (\\\, cl::defined-object-name))) 310 ((quote (\\\, cl::original-macro-call))) 287 (quote (\\\, cl::defined-object-name)) 280 (null filepkgflg) 273 (cl:eval) 261 ((\\\, cl::macro-call-without-comments) (\\\, cl::env)) 224 (cl::macro-call-without-comments) 215 (cl::macro-call-without-comments (remove-comments cl::original-macro-call)) 208 (&whole cl::original-macro-call &environment cl::env) 194 ((quote defined-by)) 157 ((quote definer-for)) 105 "Unrecognized option to DefDefiner: ~S" 101 "Ignore the bogus option") |expand-DEFDEFINER| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) f@1AH ZdggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (90 quote 70 quote 59 quote 56 \\define-type-save-defn 49 cl:unless 42 cl:eval-when 29 |expand-DEFDEFINERA0001| 26 si::macro-funcall 23 without-filepkg 20 progn) ( 67 (quote functions) 53 (null filepkgflg) 46 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defdefiner) (quote |expand-DEFDEFINER|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defdefiner . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test ( quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote defdefiner) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote defdefiner) cl::name (quote ("Type" ("Arg-list") "Body"))))))) (let* ((a10802 (quote def-define-type)) (a10803 (quote definer-for)) (a10805 (quote define-types))) ( putprop a10802 a10803 a10805)) (let* ((a10806 (quote define-types)) (a10807 (quote defined-by)) (a10809 (cl:adjoin (quote def-define-type) (get a10806 a10807)))) (putprop a10806 a10807 a10809)) |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPEA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @aHHZJgL dgoI o I Lo ggggIhogKhhggIggggoggogggggIhhhhogoogIhohhhhhhhoggNIKhhogNogggIhogggIhoohggIhogggIhoogggIhoogggIhooggMhggIhohh(60 keyword-test 51 cl:intern 48 cl:symbol-package 44 cl:concatenate 37 string 22 find-keyword) (404 quote 401 get 394 quote 391 cl:pushnew 372 quote 369 get 366 cl:setf 347 quote 344 get 341 cl:setf 322 quote 319 get 316 cl:setf 303 quote 300 cl:pushnew 277 quote 274 cl:gethash 271 cl:setf 258 quote 255 cl:gethash 252 cl:unless 242 defglobalvar 223 quote 220 cl:pushnew 172 quote 161 cl:cerror 141 quote 138 item 135 getdef 132 def 129 cl:do 122 lambda 119 function 112 mapcar 109 * 106 p 103 x 99 quote 96 cl:pushnew 85 quote 72 quote 69 cl:documentation 66 cl:setf 63 progn 29 string 18 :undefiner) ( 412 ((quote undefiners)) 386 ((quote nill)) 380 ((quote filepkgcontents)) 361 ((quote \\define-type-deldef)) 355 ((quote deldef)) 336 ((quote \\define-type-getdef)) 330 ((quote getdef)) 311 (filepkgtypes) 291 ((cl:make-hash-table :test (quote cl:equal) :size 50 :rehash-size 50)) 285 (*definition-hash-table*) 266 (*definition-hash-table*) 247 (nil) 237 (prettytypelst :test (quote cl:equal)) 215 (prettydefmacros :test (quote cl:equal)) 180 (item) 169 "No ~S definition for ~S" 165 "Re-fetch the definition" 158 (def def) 126 (item) 116 (quote x) 80 ((quote define-types)) 57 (:undefiner) 41 "LST" 33 "CHANGED") |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPE| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPEA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote define-types) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote def-define-type) (quote |expand-DEF-DEFINE-TYPE|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (def-define-type . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote define-types) (quote def-define-type) (cl:function (lambda (name) (and ( cl:symbolp name) (list* (quote def-define-type) name (quote ("Description string"))))))) (let* ((a10811 (quote def-define-type)) (a10812 (quote cl:function)) (a10813 "Define NAME as a new definition type")) (progn (cond ((cl:fboundp (quote set-documentation)) ( set-documentation a10811 a10812 a10813))) a10813)) |expand-WITHOUT-FILEPKG| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) 8@ggoHgogogoHhhhnil (34 let 27 cl:unless 20 cl:eval-when 10 cl:eval-when 7 progn) ( 38 (filepkgflg (dfnflg t)) 31 (or (eq dfnflg (quote prop)) (eq dfnflg (quote allprop))) 24 (cl:eval) 14 (cl:load)) (setf-macro-function (quote without-filepkg) (quote |expand-WITHOUT-FILEPKG|)) (let* ((a10820 (quote cl:defun)) (a10821 (quote definer-for)) (a10823 (quote functions))) (putprop a10820 a10821 a10823)) (let* ((a10824 (quote functions)) (a10825 (quote defined-by)) (a10827 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defun) (get a10824 a10825)))) (putprop a10824 a10825 a10827)) |expand-DEFUNA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) x@qHHZJAi \LL_ggggIhhggKNgIMh hhOgggIhoOhh(75 \\append2 22 \\mvlist 19 parse-body) (97 quote 94 cl:documentation 91 cl:setf 66 cl:block 61 cl:lambda 58 cl:function 48 quote 45 cl:symbol-function 42 cl:setf 39 progn) ( 105 ((quote cl:function))) cl::|expand-DEFUN| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFUNA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote functions) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defun) (quote cl::|expand-DEFUN|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defun . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote cl:defun) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote cl:defun) cl::name (quote (("Arg List") "Body"))))))) (let* ((a10835 (quote definline)) (a10836 (quote definer-for)) (a10838 (quote functions))) (putprop a10835 a10836 a10838)) (let* ((a10839 (quote functions)) (a10840 (quote defined-by)) (a10842 (cl:adjoin (quote definline) ( get a10839 a10840)))) (putprop a10839 a10840 a10842)) |expand-DEFINLINEA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) ~ @ HHZJALMi ^_N_gKOgIOh _ggIKLgIoIhI oggOhohh(92 xcl:pack 89 cl:symbol-package 56 \\append2 26 \\mvlist 23 parse-body) (102 quote 99 cons 76 defoptimizer 67 cl:defun 64 progn 46 cl:block 40 cl:lambda) ( 111 (args) 96 (&rest args) 81 "definline-") |expand-DEFINLINE| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFINLINEA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote functions) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote definline) (quote |expand-DEFINLINE|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (definline . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote definline) (cl:function (lambda (name) (and (cl:symbolp name) (list* (quote definline) name (quote (("Arg List") "Body"))))))) (let* ((a10848 (quote defmacro)) (a10849 (quote definer-for)) (a10851 (quote functions))) (putprop a10848 a10849 a10851)) (let* ((a10852 (quote functions)) (a10853 (quote defined-by)) (a10855 (cl:adjoin (quote defmacro) (get a10852 a10853)))) (putprop a10852 a10853 a10855)) |expand-DEFMACROA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) @HHZJIIloI oIhI IKL ^_N_gogggMhhgOhhgggIhhgMhhOgggIhoOhh(57 \\mvlist 54 si::expansion-function 47 xcl:pack 44 cl:symbol-package 31 cl:error) (143 quote 140 cl:documentation 137 cl:setf 122 quote 112 quote 109 cl:macro-function 106 cl:setf 94 cl:function 84 quote 81 cl:symbol-function 78 cl:setf 71 cl:eval-when) ( 151 ((quote cl:function)) 75 (cl:eval cl:compile cl:load) 36 "expand-" 27 "Illegal name used in DEFMACRO: ~S") cl::|expand-DEFMACRO| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFMACROA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote functions) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defmacro) (quote cl::|expand-DEFMACRO|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defmacro . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote functions) (quote defmacro) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote defmacro) cl::name (quote ((cl::arg-list) "Body"))))))) (let* ((a10860 (quote cl:defvar)) (a10861 (quote definer-for)) (a10863 (quote variables))) (putprop a10860 a10861 a10863)) (let* ((a10864 (quote variables)) (a10865 (quote defined-by)) (a10867 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defvar) ( get a10864 a10865)))) (putprop a10864 a10865 a10867)) |expand-DEFVARA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) y@QHHZdJhhJJggggIhhhL!gggIhhgIKhhhMgggIhoMhh (116 \\append2) (96 quote 93 cl:documentation 90 cl:setf 72 setq 62 quote 59 boundp 56 or 40 cl:special 37 quote 34 cl:proclaim 31 progn) ( 104 ((quote cl::variable))) cl::|expand-DEFVAR| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFVARA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote variables) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defvar) (quote cl::|expand-DEFVAR|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defvar . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote cl:defvar) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and ( cl:symbolp cl::name) (list (quote cl:defvar) cl::name))))) (let* ((a10874 (quote cl:defparameter)) (a10875 (quote definer-for)) (a10877 (quote variables))) ( putprop a10874 a10875 a10877)) (let* ((a10878 (quote variables)) (a10879 (quote defined-by)) (a10881 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defparameter ) (get a10878 a10879)))) (putprop a10878 a10879 a10881)) |expand-DEFPARAMETERA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) T@AHHZJdggggIhhhgIKhLgggIhoLhhnil (61 quote 58 cl:documentation 55 cl:setf 43 setq 30 cl:special 27 quote 24 cl:proclaim 21 progn) ( 69 ((quote cl::variable))) cl::|expand-DEFPARAMETER| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFPARAMETERA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote variables) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defparameter) (quote cl::|expand-DEFPARAMETER|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defparameter . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote cl:defparameter) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) ( and (cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote cl:defparameter) cl::name (quote ("Value" "Documentation string"))))))) (let* ((a10887 (quote cl:defconstant)) (a10888 (quote definer-for)) (a10890 (quote variables))) ( putprop a10887 a10888 a10890)) (let* ((a10891 (quote variables)) (a10892 (quote defined-by)) (a10894 (cl:adjoin (quote cl:defconstant ) (get a10891 a10892)))) (putprop a10891 a10892 a10894)) |expand-DEFCONSTANTA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) _@AHHZJdggIKhggIhggIhhoLgggIhoLhhnil (72 quote 69 cl:documentation 66 cl:setf 46 constant 43 quote 36 quote 33 puthash 24 setq 21 progn) ( 80 ((quote cl::variable)) 57 (compvarmacrohash)) cl::|expand-DEFCONSTANT| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFCONSTANTA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote variables) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote cl:defconstant) (quote cl::|expand-DEFCONSTANT|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (cl:defconstant . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test ( quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote cl:defconstant) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) ( and (cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote cl:defconstant) cl::name (quote ("Value" "Documentation string"))))))) (let* ((a10899 (quote defglobalvar)) (a10900 (quote definer-for)) (a10902 (quote variables))) (putprop a10899 a10900 a10902)) (let* ((a10903 (quote variables)) (a10904 (quote defined-by)) (a10906 (cl:adjoin (quote defglobalvar) (get a10903 a10904)))) (putprop a10903 a10904 a10906)) |expand-DEFGLOBALVARA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) y@QHHZdJhhJJggggIhhhL!gggIhhgIKhhhMgggIhoMhh (116 \\append2) (96 quote 93 cl:documentation 90 cl:setf 72 setq 62 quote 59 boundp 56 or 40 global 37 quote 34 cl:proclaim 31 progn) ( 104 ((quote cl::variable))) |expand-DEFGLOBALVAR| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFGLOBALVARA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote variables) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defglobalvar) (quote |expand-DEFGLOBALVAR|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defglobalvar . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test ( quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote defglobalvar) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and (cl:symbolp cl::name) (list (quote defglobalvar) cl::name))))) (let* ((a10912 (quote defglobalparameter)) (a10913 (quote definer-for)) (a10915 (quote variables))) ( putprop a10912 a10913 a10915)) (let* ((a10916 (quote variables)) (a10917 (quote defined-by)) (a10919 (cl:adjoin (quote defglobalparameter) (get a10916 a10917)))) (putprop a10916 a10917 a10919)) |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETERA0001| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) T@AHHZJdggggIhhhgIKhLgggIhoLhhnil (61 quote 58 cl:documentation 55 cl:setf 43 setq 30 global 27 quote 24 cl:proclaim 21 progn) ( 69 ((quote cl::variable))) |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETER| d1 (l (1 si::$$macro-environment 0 si::$$macro-form)) b@1AH ZggggJIhhgogoggKhogHhhhhgKhh(9 remove-comments) (86 quote 66 quote 55 quote 52 \\define-type-save-defn 45 cl:unless 38 cl:eval-when 25 |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETERA0001| 22 si::macro-funcall 19 without-filepkg 16 progn) ( 63 (quote variables) 49 (null filepkgflg) 42 (cl:eval)) (setf-macro-function (quote defglobalparameter) (quote |expand-DEFGLOBALPARAMETER|)) (setq prettyprintmacros (cl:adjoin (quote (defglobalparameter . pprint-definer)) prettyprintmacros :test (quote cl:equal))) (xcl::add-prototype-fn (quote variables) (quote defglobalparameter) (cl:function (cl:lambda (cl::name) (and (cl:symbolp cl::name) (list* (quote defglobalparameter) cl::name (quote ("Value" "Documentation string"))))))) (putprops macro-fn proptype functions) (putprops cmldeffer filetype cl:compile-file) (putprops cmldeffer copyright ("Xerox Corporation" 1986 1900)) nil