(FILECREATED "17-Mar-86 13:18:20" {ERIS}<LISPCORE>SOURCES>TEDITPATCH.;1 3740 changes to: (VARS TEDITPATCHCOMS)) (* Copyright (c) 1986 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.) (PRETTYCOMPRINT TEDITPATCHCOMS) (RPAQQ TEDITPATCHCOMS ((FNS TEDIT.GET.OBJECT))) (DEFINEQ (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT [LAMBDA (STREAM PIECE FILE CURCH#) (* rrb "17-Mar-86 13:17") (* Get an object from the file) (* CURCH# = fileptr within the text section of the file where the object's text starts.) (PROG ((TEXTOBJ (fetch (TEXTSTREAM TEXTOBJ) of STREAM)) FILEPTRSAVE NAMELEN GETFN OBJ) (SETQ GETFN (\ATMIN FILE)) (* The GETFN for this kind of IMAGEOBJ) (SETQ FILEPTRSAVE (GETFILEPTR FILE)) (* Save our file location thru the building of the object) (SETFILEPTR FILE CURCH#) (SETQ OBJ (READIMAGEOBJ FILE GETFN NIL (DIFFERENCE FILEPTRSAVE CURCH#))) (COND ((IMAGEOBJPROP OBJ (QUOTE UNKNOWNGETFN)) (* If the object has an unknown getfn property, then it's an encapsulated object. Warn the user) (TEDIT.PROMPTPRINT STREAM "WARNING: Document contains unknown image objects." T))) (SETFILEPTR FILE FILEPTRSAVE) (replace POBJ of PIECE with OBJ) (replace PFILE of PIECE with NIL) (replace PSTR of PIECE with NIL) [replace PLOOKS of PIECE with (COND ((fetch PREVPIECE of PIECE) (fetch PLOOKS of (fetch PREVPIECE of PIECE)) ) (T (OR (fetch DEFAULTCHARLOOKS of TEXTOBJ) (\TEDIT.UNIQUIFY.CHARLOOKS ( CHARLOOKS.FROM.FONT DEFAULTFONT ) TEXTOBJ] (RETURN (fetch POBJ of PIECE]) ) (PUTPROPS TEDITPATCH COPYRIGHT ("Xerox Corporation" 1986)) (DECLARE: DONTCOPY (FILEMAP (NIL (283 3659 (TEDIT.GET.OBJECT 293 . 3657))))) STOP