Good> : used only for LISP.SYSOUT for MAKEINIT bootstrap TR> : used for saving the technical reports for Interlisp-D These are part of the 'release', i.e., should contain only part of what we release, and be snapshot when we relese: LISPCORE>NEXT => Lisp>Harmony>Basics (more or less) LISPCORE>CM => Lisp>Harmony>CM, with rename of internals These release merely by changing "LISPCORE" to "Lisp>Harmony": LispCore>Doc documentation about the release LISPCORE>DLION dlion microcode LISPCORE>DLIONINITIAL>SHUGART>KLAMATH sources for Lisp11SAx000Initial.db LISPCORE>DLIONINITIAL>TRIDENT>KLAMATH sources for Lisp11TriInitial.db LISPCORE>LIBRARY sources, .DCOM and documentation for library LISPCORE>LISPUSERS new versions of LispUsers packages coordinated with Harmony LISPCORE>MASS new version of MicroAssembler, destined to getting back into SDD LISPCORE>MESA LISPCORE>MESASOURCES>* (several subdirectories) LISPCORE>SOURCES LISPCORE>UCODE environment for compiling dolphin/dorado microcode LISPCORE>BCPL environment for making Lisp.RUN for Dolphin/Dorado LISPCORE>DLIONDOMINO sources for domino (8085 code in DLion) LISPCORE>DEMO needs to be cleaned up; some go on LispUsers, some on This should be archived and deleted: LISPCORE>DLISP Warren Teitelman's DLisp sources The following should be cleaned up, moved to other directories, private directories, or deleted: LISPCORE>DIG temporary working directory -- clean up when DIG released LISPCORE>DLIONINITIAL>TRIDENT>SIERRA obsolete, archive & delete LISPCORE>DRAWFILES contains a few hacks, can read in with READDRAW and show on iris? LISPCORE>INTERPRESS temporary working directory LISPCORE>MAIL => LISPCORE>INTERNAL>MAIL (??) LISPCORE>MISC I guess some of the other stuff can go here. Need to clean out junk from here LISPCORE>NEW temporary working directory LISPCORE>NEW>ARCHIVE temporary working directory LISPCORE>OLDDOC old documentation files which need to be cleaned up and rewritten, etc. LISPCORE>ONCOCIN was for ONCOCIN demo. Has some files which we may want to import LISPCORE>TEST some old test files LISPCORE>UNKNOWN apropriate name, but should be cleaned up... plus any file on not on a subdirectory. Some files on Carol>* and Fugue.6>* should be moved forward to Harmony> if they don't appear on LispCore