{File name : PixelBlt.mc
Author : Gwan Santosa & Don Charnley
Date : 17-Apr-85 15:31:21

Original design by : Don Charnley
Date : 18-Mar-85 11:58:22

	combine the source and dest pixel-maps together
	using the Combine Array as follows:
		It is page alligned!
		The Combine Array is 256 entries of 4 nibl's each
		It is addressed by the source nibl value
		concatenated with the dest nibl value
		the dest nibl is replaced with the following nibl:
			(dstX even, dstY even) ← entry[0]
			(dstX odd, dstY even) ← entry[1]
			(dstX even, dstY odd) ← entry[2]
			(dstX odd, dstY odd) ← entry[3]
	This allows texturing, which increases the effective
	number of "colors" beyond 16.

	called with the following parameters:
		S-16	Combine Array:  {pointer - page alligned!!}
		S-14	Source BitMap: {BitMap}
		S-12	Source X: {of "transfer area" upper left pixel}
		S-10	Source Y: {of "transfer area" upper left pixel}
		S-8	Dest BitMap: {BitMap}
		S-6	Dest X: {of "transfer area" upper left pixel}
		S-4	Dest Y: {of "transfer area" upper left pixel}
		S-2	Transfer width: {smallp - pixels}
		S-0	Untransfered width: {smallp - pixels / 0 on initial call}
		tos	Transfer height: {smallp - lines}

	"BitMap" is a six word record of the following format:

	0:	BitMapBaseHi -- High word of Virtual Addr of [X = 0, Y = Height - 1] of BitMap {upper left screen corner}
	1:	BitMapBaseLo -- Low word of Virtual Addr of [X = 0, Y = Height - 1] of BitMap {upper left screen corner}
	2:	BitMapRasterWidth {words}
	3:	BitMapHeight {lines}
	4:	BitMapWidth {bits}
	5:	BitMapBitsPerPixel {1 or 4 or 8} 4 = nibl

	inner loop looks like the following:
	for each dest nibl:
		get next source nibl{4 bits}
		get next dest nibl{4 bits}
		Vals ← CombineArray[srcnibl,,dstnibl]{16 bits}
		newDstNibl ← Vals[2*(dstY mod 2) + (dstX mod 2)]{4 bits}
		replace dest nibl with newDstNibl

	registers and links
	Srclink -- {0, 1, 2, 3} which src nibl, used to know when to refill
	Dstlink -- {0, 1, 2, 3} which dst nibl, used to know when to refill
	Loclink -- {0, 1, 2, 3} which nibl of entry desired
	Share Dstlink and Loclink using three bits [dY mod 2, which dst nibl]

	SrcReg -- holds unprocessed src nibls
	DstReg -- holds partially processed dst nibls {old and new}
	DN -- temp dst nibl for lookup {=Q, in the inner loop}
	rSAddr -- address of current src word
	rDAddr -- address of current dst word
	rArray -- real address of array
	entry -- temp for array index and value {=Rx, in the inner loop}
	pixelcount -- number of pixels remaining

	Perform the operation from the bottom up, so that only the number of lines
	and tos-1 need to be updated in case of page fault or interrupt
	if page fault from within a line, save pixel count in tos-1

		read stack parameters
		save regs
		calculate links: src start nibl, dst start nibl, (dst Y mod 2)
		calculate number of dest pixels
LINE:	fetch first dest word, and allign in DstReg
		fetch first source word and allign in SrcReg
	enter loop
		loop till line finished
		write last dest word
		update number of lines remaining, exit if done
		test for interrupts
		update src and dest virtual addresses
		reload src start nibl, dst start nibl, (dst Y mod 2)

Set[L2NBRET1, 02];
Set[L2NBRET2, 04];
Set[L0.PX.NR.0A, 0A];
Set[L0.PX.NR.04, 04];
Set[L0.PX.NR.05, 05];
Set[L0.PX.NR.06, 06];
Set[L0.PX.NR.07, 07];
Set[L0NB3, 0B];
Set[L0NB4, 0C];
Set[L0NB5, 0D];
Set[L1.PX.NR.0A, 0A];
Set[L1.PX.NR.04, 04];
Set[L1.PX.NR.05, 05];
Set[L1.PX.NR.06, 06];
Set[L1.PX.NR.07, 07];
Set[L1SAVE, 9];

RegDef[SrcReg, R, 3]; {=PV}
RegDef[DstReg, R, 5]; {=PC}
RegDef[rSAddr, R, 0]; {=TOS}
RegDef[rhSAddr, RH, 0]; {=rhTOS}
RegDef[rDAddr, R, 1]; {=TOSH}
RegDef[rhDAddr, RH, 1]; {=rhTOSH}
RegDef[rArray, R, 4]; {=S}
RegDef[rhArray, RH, 4]; {=rhS}

RegDef[urSAddr, U, 38]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[urhSAddr, U, 41]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[urDAddr, U, 43]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[urhDAddr, U, 19]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[upixelcount, U, 45]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uXoffset, U, 46]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
{RegDef[uSrcflag, U, 47]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uDstflag, U, 0C]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}}

RegDef[uSrcBITMAPLo, U, 5D]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uSrcBITMAPHi, U, 19]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uSrcXLo, U,57]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uSrcYLo, U,05]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uDstBITMAPHi, U, 35]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uDstBITMAPLo, U, 04]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uDstXLo, U, 26]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uDstYLo, U, 31]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uTrnWidthLo, U, 3A]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uUnTrnWidthLo, U, 5C]; {tmp, used in PixelBlt}
RegDef[uTrnHeightLo, U, 0D]; {= uTOS, used in PixelBlt}

Fetch stack parameters

@PIXELOP:	opcode[305'b],

	Bank ← PIXELBank, 			c1; This section is stored in PixelBltB1.mc
	uTOS ← TOS,				c2;

	Xbus ← ibNA, XDisp,			c1; This section is stored in PixelBltB2.mc

	uS ← S,					c3, at[00, 10, PIXELDISP];	

NNBOP:	MAR ← [rhS, S - 1],					c1; {Point to UnTrnWidthHi}
	Ybus ← TOSH xor smallpl, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,	c2; {Check if transfer height not NIL}
	Q ← MD,	BRANCH[NBTE3, $],				c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],				c1; {Point to UnTrnWidthLo}
	S ← S - 2, L1 ← L1.NoFixesB2,			c2;
	TT ← MD,					c3;

	MAR ← [rhS, S -1],				c1; {Point to TrnWidthHi}
	Ybus ← Q xor smallpl, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,	c2; {Check if UnTrnWidth not NIL}
	Q ← MD,	BRANCH[NBTE1, $],			c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],				c1; {Point to TrnWidthLo}
	S ← S - 2, 					c2;
	Rx ← MD,					c3;
	Ybus ← Q xor smallpl, ZeroBr,			c1; {Check if transfer width not NIL}
	uUnTrnWidthLo ← TT, ZeroBr, BRANCH[NBTE2, $],	c2;
	uTrnWidthLo ← Rx, ZeroBr, BRANCH[WNZ, WZ],	c3; {Check TrnWidth}
WZ:	BRANCH[GOTR1, NOTR1],				c1; {In between lines case}
GOTR1:	upixelcount ← Rx,				c2; {Load number of pixel per line}
	uXoffset ← 0, GOTO[NFM],			c3; {X offset = 0}			
WNZ:	upixelcount ← TT, BRANCH[GOTR2, NOTR2],		c1; {Load number of pixel left}
GOTR2:	Rx ← Rx - TT, NegBr,				c2; {Calculate X offset}
	uXoffset ← Rx, BRANCH[$, NOTR4],      		c3; 
NFM:	MAR ← [rhS, S -1],				c1; {Point to DstYHi}
	uTrnHeightLo ← TOS, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,	c2; {Check if transfer height is 0}
	Q ← MD, L2 ← L2NBRET1, BRANCH[$, NOTR3],	c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],				c1; {Point to DstYLo}
	S ← S - 2, L3 ← 1,				c2;
	Rx ← MD, 					c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S -1], 				c1; {Point to DstXHi}
	Ybus ← Q xor smallpl, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,	c2; {Check if Dst Y not NIL}
	Q ← MD,	BRANCH[NBYE1, $],			c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0], 				c1; {Point to DstXLo}
	Ybus ← Q xor smallpl, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,	c2; {Check if Dst X not NIL}
	TT ← MD, BRANCH[NBXE1, $],			c3;
	,						c1;
	S ← S - 2,					c2;
	uDstXLo ← TT,					c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S -1], 				c1; {Point to DstBITMAPHi}
	uDstYLo ← Rx, CANCELBR[$, 2],			c2;
	Rx ← MD,					c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],				c1; {Point to DstBITMAPLo}
	S ← S + 8, 					c2;
	TT ← MD, CALL[GetandTestBitMapParams],		c3;
	S ← S - 10'd, 					c3, at[L2NBRET1, 10, GetBitMapParamsRet];
PXBK1:	MAR ← [rhS, S -1], 				c1; {Point to SrcYHi}
	Ybus ← Q xor 4, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,		c2; {Check if 4 bits per pixel bitmap}
	Q ← MD,	BRANCH[NBPXE1, $],			c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],				c1; {Point to SrcYLo}
	S ← S - 2, L1 ← L1.NoFixesB2,			c2;
	TT ← MD,					c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S -1], 				c1; {Point to SrcXHi}
	Ybus ← Q xor smallpl, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,	c2; {Check if Src Y not NIL}
	Q ← MD,	BRANCH[NBYE2, $],			c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0], L3 ← 0,			c1; {Point to SrcXLo}
	Ybus ← Q xor smallpl, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,	c2; {Check if Src X not NIL}
	Rx ← MD, BRANCH[NBXE2, $],			c3;
	S ← S - 2,					c1;
	uSrcXLo ← Rx,					c2;
	uSrcYLo ← TT,					c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S -1], 				c1; {Point to SrcBITMAPHi}
	CANCELBR[$, 2],					c2;
	Rx ← MD,					c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0], L2 ← L2NBRET2, 		c1; {Point to SrcBITMAPLo}
	S ← S + 14'd, 					c2;
	TT ← MD, CALL[GetandTestBitMapParams],		c3;
	S ← S - 16'd,					c3, at[L2NBRET2, 10, GetBitMapParamsRet];
PXBK2:	MAR ← [rhS, S -1], 				c1; {Point to CmbARRAYHi}
	Ybus ← Q xor 4, CANCELBR[$, 2], ZeroBr,		c2; {Check if 4 bits per pixel bitmap}
	Q ← MD,	 BRANCH[NBPXE2, $],			c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],				c1; {Point to CmbARRAYLo}
	rhTT ← Q LRot0, 				c2; {Set up high VA of color table}
	TT ← MD,					c3; {Set up low VA of color table}
	Map ← [rhTT, TT + 0], L1 ← L1.NoFixesB2,	c1;
	S ← S + 16'd, L0 ← L0NB5,			c2;
	rhRx ← Rx ← MD, XRefBr,				c3;
PXBK4:	BRANCH[NBCH3, $],				c1, at[L0NB5, 10, RMapFixCallerB2];
	Q ← uBITMAPHEIGHT, L1 ← L1SAVE,			c2; {Save registers}	
	rhArray ← Rx LRot0, CALL[SaveAllRegsB2],	c3; {Load the real address of color table}

Check boundaries
PXBK3:	rArray ← Rx,				c1, at[L1SAVE, 10, SaveRegsB2Ret];
	TT ← uSrcYLo, 				c2; {Check 1st Y of Src}	
	Ybus ← Q - TT - 1, NegBr,		c3;

PXBKE:	TT ← TOS + TT, BRANCH[$, NBE1],		c1; {TOS = TrnHeight}
	Ybus ← Q - TT, NegBr,			c2; {Check 2nd Y of Src}
	TT ← uDstYLo, BRANCH[$, NBE2],		c3; {Load Y Dst}
	Q ← uDBitMapHeight,			c1;
	Ybus ← Q - TT - 1, NegBr,		c2; {Check 1st Y of Dst}
	TT ← TOS + TT, BRANCH[$, NBE3],		c3;
	Ybus ← Q - TT, NegBr,			c1; {Check 2nd Y of Dst}
	Q ← uSrcXLo, BRANCH[$, NBE4],		c2; {Load X Src}
	TT ← RShift1 uBITMAPWIDTH, SE ← 0, 	c3; {Divide Src Bitmapwidth by 4}
	TT ← RShift1 TT, SE ← 0,		c1;
	Ybus ← TT - Q - 1, NegBr,		c2; {Check 1st X of Src}
	Rx ← uTrnWidthLo, BRANCH[$, NBE5],	c3;
	Q ← Q + Rx,						c1;
	Ybus ← TT - Q, NegBr,					c2; {Check 2nd X of Src}
	TT ← RShift1 uDBitMapWidth, SE ← 0, BRANCH[$, NBE6],	c3; {Divide Dst Bitmapwidth by 4}
	TT ← RShift1 TT, SE ← 0,		c1;
	Q ← uDstXLo,				c2;
	Ybus ← TT - Q - 1, NegBr,		c3; {Check 1st X of Dst}
	Rx ← Q + Rx, BRANCH[$, NBE7],		c1;
	Ybus ← TT - Rx, NegBr,			c2; {Check 2nd X of Dst}
	Q ← uDstYLo, BRANCH[$, NBE8],		c3;	
LINE:	Q ← Q + TOS, L0 ← L0NB3,		c1;
	Rx ← uDBitMapHeight,			c2;
	Q ← Rx - Q,				c3;
	TOS ← uDBRasterWidth, CALL[MTPL],	c1; {Calculate Y*Bitmaprasterwidth of Dst}

	Rx ← uDstYLo,			c3, at[L0NB3, 10, MULCALLER];
	TOS ← uTrnHeightLo,		c1;
	TOS ← TOS - 1,			c2;
	TOS ← TOS + Rx,			c3;
	TOS ← TOS LShift1, SE ← 0,	c1;	
	PV ← TOS LShift1, SE ← 0,	c2; {Multiply Y by 4}
	Rx ← uDstXLo,			c3;
	Rx ← Rx and 03,			c1;
	Noop,				c2;
	Noop,				c3;
	TOS ← uXoffset,			c1;
	Rx ← Rx + TOS,			c2; {Calculate the starting X for Dst}	
	PV ← PV + Rx, YDisp,		c3;
	Rx ← uDstXLo, DISP4[L3VAL, 8],	c1; 
	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 00,		c2, at[08, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 000}
	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 01,		c2, at[09, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 001}

	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 02,		c2, at[0A, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 010}

	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 03,		c2, at[0B, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 011}

	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 04,		c2, at[0C, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 100}

	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 05,		c2, at[0D, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 101}

	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 06,		c2, at[0E, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 110}

	Rx ← Rx + TOS, L3 ← 07,		c2, at[0F, 10, L3VAL];	
	GOTO[DSCO],			c3; {Current YXX = 111}
DSCO:	Rx ← RShift1 Rx, SE ← 0,		c1; {Divide X by 4}
	Rx ← RShift1 Rx, SE ← 0,		c2;	
	Q ← Rx + Q, CarryBr,			c3;
	Rx ← uDBMBaseLo, BRANCH[NBNA1, NBA1],	c1; {Load low word of base VA of Dst bitmap}
NBA1:	TT ← TT + 1, GOTO[NBCM1],		c2; {Propagate carry to high word}

NBNA1:	Noop,					c2;

NBCM1:	Rx ← Rx + Q, CarryBr,			c3; {Set up low word of VA of Dst bitmap}

    	Q ← uDBMBaseHi, BRANCH[NBNA2, NBA2],	c1; {Load high word of base VA of Dst bitmap}
NBA2:	TT ← TT + 1, GOTO[NBCM2],		c2; {Propagate carry to high word}

NBNA2:	Noop,					c2;

NBCM2:	Q ← TT + Q, 				c3;

	rhTT ← Q LRot0,				c1; {Set up high word of VA of Dst bitmap}	
	urhDAddr ← Q,				c2; {Save it}
	urDAddr ← Rx,				c3;
PXBK5:	Map ← TT ← [rhTT, Rx], L1 ← L1.PX.NR.0A,	c1;
	TOS ← uBITMAPRASTERWIDTH, L0 ← L0.PX.NR.0A,	c2; {Save low word of VA for remapping}
	rhRx ← Rx ← MD, XwdDisp,			c3;
PXBK6:	MAR ← Q ← [rhRx, TT + 0], DISP2[NBCH1],	c1, at[L0.PX.NR.0A, 10, NRWMapFixCallerB2];
	rDAddr ← Q,				c2, at[1, 4, NBCH1]; {Save the low word of real address}
	DstReg ← MD,				c3; {Fetch Dst}
	rhDAddr ← Rx LRot0,		c1; {Save the high word of real address}	
	Q ← uSrcYLo, L0 ← L0NB4,	c2;
	TT ← uTrnHeightLo, 		c3;
	Q ← TT + Q,			c2;
	Q ← Rx - Q,			c3;
	CALL[MTPL],			c1; {Calculate Y*Bitmaprasterwidth of Src}
	TOS ← uSrcXLo,			c3, at[L0NB4, 10, MULCALLER];
	Rx ← uXoffset,			c1;
	Rx ← TOS + Rx, YDisp,		c2; {Calculate initial X of Src}
	DISP4[L2VAL, 0C],		c3;
	L2 ← 0C,			c1, at[0C, 10, L2VAL];
	GOTO[SRCO],			c2; {Current XX = 00}

	L2 ← 0D,			c1, at[0D, 10, L2VAL];
	GOTO[SRCO],			c2; {Current XX = 01}

	L2 ← 0E,			c1, at[0E, 10, L2VAL];
	GOTO[SRCO],			c2; {Current XX = 10}

	L2 ← 0F,			c1, at[0F, 10, L2VAL];
	GOTO[SRCO],			c2; {Current XX = 11}
SRCO:	Rx ← RShift1 Rx, SE ← 0, 	c3; {Divide X by 4}
	Rx ← RShift1 Rx, SE ← 0, 	c1;
	Q ← Rx + Q, CarryBr, 		c2;
NBA3:	TT ← TT + 1, GOTO[NBCM3],		c1;

NBNA3:	Noop,					c1;
NBCM3:	Rx ← Rx + Q, CarryBr,			c2;

NBA4:	TT ← TT + 1, GOTO[NBCM4],		c1;

NBNA4:	Noop,				c1;
NBCM4:	Q ← TT + Q, 			c2;
	rhTT ← Q LRot0,			c3;
	urhSAddr ← Q,			c1; {Save the high word of VA of Src for remapping}
	urSAddr ← Rx, 			c2;
	L1 ← L1.PX.NR.04,		c3; 
PXBK7:	Map ← TT ← [rhTT, Rx],		c1;
	L0 ← L0.PX.NR.04,		c2; {Save the low word of VA of Src for remapping}
	rhRx ← Rx ← MD, XwdDisp,	c3;
PXBK8:	MAR ← Q ← [rhRx, TT + 0], DISP2[NBCH2],	c1, at[L0.PX.NR.04, 10, NRWMapFixCallerB2];
	rhSAddr ← Rx LRot0,			c2, at[1, 4, NBCH2]; 
	SrcReg ← MD,				c3; {Fetch Src}
	rSAddr ← Q, L2Disp,			c1; {Save the high word of real address of Src}
	DISP4[srcSel, 0C],			c2;
	GOTO[SCO0],				c3, at[0C, 10, srcSel]; {XX = 00}
	GOTO[SCO1],				c3, at[0F, 10, srcSel]; {XX = 11}

	SrcReg ← SrcReg LRot12, GOTO[SCO2],	c3, at[0E, 10, srcSel]; {XX = 10}
	SrcReg ← SrcReg LRot8, GOTO[SCO3],	c3, at[0D, 10, srcSel]; {XX = 01}

Inner loop

{Case 1 : already have src nibl in SrcReg}

SCO1:	SrcReg ← SrcReg LRot4, L2 ← 0C, 		c1, at[0F, 10, srcNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
							    {Current XX = 11, Next = 00}
	Rx ← SrcReg and 0F0, GOTO[GotSrcNibl], L3Disp,	c2; {get nibl in bits 8-11}

SCO2:	SrcReg ← SrcReg LRot4, L2 ← 0F, 		c1, at[0E, 10, srcNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
							    {Current XX = 10, Next = 11}
	Rx ← SrcReg and 0F0, GOTO[GotSrcNibl], L3Disp,	c2; {get nibl in bits 8-11}

SCO3:	SrcReg ← SrcReg LRot4, L2 ← 0E, 		c1, at[0D, 10, srcNext];{allign for curr nibl}
							    {Current XX = 01, Next = 10}
	Rx ← SrcReg and 0F0, GOTO[GotSrcNibl], L3Disp,	c2; {get nibl in bits 8-11}

{Case 2: need to read next src word}

	MAR ← rSAddr ←  [rhSAddr, rSAddr + 1],		c1, at[0C, 10, srcNext];		    
	BRANCH[$, fixSAddr, 1],				c2;
SCONT:	SrcReg ← MD,					c3;

SCO0:	SrcReg ← SrcReg LRot8, L2 ← 0D,			c1; {Current XX = 00, Next = 01}
	Rx ← SrcReg and 0F0, GOTO[GotSrcNibl], L3Disp,	c2; {get src nibl in bits 8-11}


	DISP4[dstNext, 04],				c3;

{First pass}
DCO0:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot4, 	 		c1, at[04, 10, dstNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
	                			    {Current XX = 00, Next = 01}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get nibl in bits 12-15}

DCO1:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot8,  		c1, at[05, 10, dstNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
						    {Current XX = 01, Next = 10}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get nibl in bits 12-15}

DCO2:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot12,  		c1, at[06, 10, dstNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
						    {Current XX = 10, Next = 11}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get nibl in bits 12-15}
DCO3:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot0, 			c1, at[07, 10, dstNext]; 
						    {Position the right nibble at bits 12 - 15}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get dst nibl in bits 12-15}	

{Case 1: already have dst nibl in DstReg}

DCO00:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot4, 	 		c1, at[0C, 10, dstNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
	                			    {Current XX = 00, Next = 01}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get nibl in bits 12-15}

DCO01:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot4,  		c1, at[0D, 10, dstNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
						    {Current XX = 01, Next = 10}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get nibl in bits 12-15}

DCO03:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot4,  		c1, at[0E, 10, dstNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
						    {Current XX = 10, Next = 11}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get nibl in bits 12-15}

{Case 2: need next dest word}

DCO02:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot4,  		c1, at[0F, 10, dstNext]; {allign for curr nibl}
						    {Current XX = 10, Next = 11}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get nibl in bits 12-15}

DCO03:	MAR ← [rhDAddr, rDAddr + 0],		c1, at[0F, 10, dstNext]; {write last value}
	MDR ← DstReg,				c2;
	,					c3;

	MAR ← rDAddr ← [rhDAddr, rDAddr + 1],	c1; {read next value}
	BRANCH[$, fixDAddr, 1],			c2;
	DstReg ← MD,				c3;

DCONT:	DstReg ← DstReg LRot4, 			c1; {Position the right nibble at bits 12 - 15}
	Q ← DstReg and 0F, GOTO[GotDstNibl],	c2; {get dst nibl in bits 12-15}}

	Rx ← Rx or Q,				c3; {Concatenate Src and Dst}

	MAR ← [rhArray, Rx{src,,dst} + 0],	c1; {Fetch entry from color table}
	DstReg ← DstReg and ~0F, L3Disp,	c2; {erase orig value of Dst nibble}
	Rx{val} ← MD, DISP4[loc, 8],		c3;

CLY0:	Rx ← Rx LRot4, L3 ← 09,			c1, at[08, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 000, Entry 0, Next: YXX = 001, Entry 1}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx, GOTO[entryready],	c3;

CLY1:	Rx ← Rx LRot8, L3 ← 0A,			c1, at[09, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 001, Entry 1, Next: YXX = 010, Entry 0}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx, GOTO[entryready],	c3;
CLY2:	Rx ← Rx LRot4, L3 ← 0B,			c1, at[0A, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 010, Entry 0, Next: YXX = 011, Entry 1}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx, GOTO[entryready],	c3;

CLY3:	Rx ← Rx LRot8, L3 ← 08,			c1, at[0B, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 011, Entry 1, Next: YXX = 000, Entry 0}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx, 			c3;
	MAR ← [rhDAddr, rDAddr + 0],		c1; {write}
	MDR ← DstReg,				c2;
	,					c3;

	MAR ← rDAddr ← [rhDAddr, rDAddr + 1],	c1; {read next value}
	BRANCH[$, fixDAddr1, 1],		c2;
	DstReg ← MD, GOTO[entryready],		c3;

CLY4:	Rx ← Rx LRot12, L3 ← 0D,		c1, at[0C, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 100, Entry 2, Next: YXX = 101, Entry 3}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx, GOTO[entryready],	c3;

CLY5:	Rx ← Rx LRot0, L3 ← 0E,			c1, at[0D, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 101, Entry 3, Next: YXX = 110, Entry 2}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx, GOTO[entryready],	c3;

CLY6:	Rx ← Rx LRot12, L3 ← 0F,		c1, at[0E, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 110, Entry 2, Next: YXX = 111, Entry 3}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx, GOTO[entryready],	c3;

CLY7:	Rx ← Rx LRot0, L3 ← 0C,			c1, at[0F, 10, loc];
	Rx ← Rx and 0F, 			c2; {Current YXX = 111, Entry 3, Next: YXX = 100, Entry 2}
	DstReg ← DstReg or Rx,			c3; {insert new value}
	MAR ← [rhDAddr, rDAddr + 0],		c1; {write}
	MDR ← DstReg,				c2;
	,					c3;

	MAR ← rDAddr ← [rhDAddr, rDAddr + 1],	c1; {read next value}
	BRANCH[$, fixDAddr2, 1],		c2;
	DstReg ← MD, GOTO[entryready],		c3;


	Q ← upixelcount, 			c1;	
	Q ← Q - 1, ZeroBr,			c2; {Decrement pixel count}
	BRANCH[$, LNFN],			c3; 
PXBKB:	Noop ,					c1;
	L2Disp,					c2;
	upixelcount ← Q, DISP4[srcNext, 0C],	c3; {loop back}	

Update # of lines
LNFN:	Q ← uTrnWidthLo, L3Disp,		c1;
	upixelcount ← Q, DISP4[DstAllign, 0C],	c2; {Initialize pixel count}
	DstReg ← DstReg LRot0,	GOTO[PXBKC],	c3, at[0C, 10, DstAllign];
	DstReg ← DstReg LRot4,	GOTO[PXBKC],	c3, at[0F, 10, DstAllign];

	DstReg ← DstReg LRot8,	GOTO[PXBKC],	c3, at[0E, 10, DstAllign];
	DstReg ← DstReg LRot12,	GOTO[PXBKC],	c3, at[0D, 10, DstAllign];

PXBKC:	MAR ← [rhDAddr, rDAddr + 0],		c1; {Write the last value}
	MDR ← DstReg,				c2;
	Q ← uTrnHeightLo, 			c3;
	Q ← Q - 1, ZeroBr,			c1;
	uTrnHeightLo ← Q, BRANCH[$, NBEX],	c2;

Handle Interrupts

	uXoffset ← 0, MesaIntBr, 		c3;
	Ybus ← uWDC, NZeroBr, BRANCH[NBNI1, $],	c1;
	Ybus ← uWP, ZeroBr, BRANCH[$, NBNI2],	c2;
	uWP ← 0, BRANCH[NBIN, NBNI3],		c3;

NBIN:	TOS ← uTrnHeightLo,			c1;
	TOSH ← uTOSH,				c2;
	rhS ← nRhS, 				c3;
	Noop,					c1;		
	S ← uS,					c2;	
	Q ← 0,					c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],			c1;		       
	MDR ← Q, 				c2;
	PV ← uPVx,				c3;
	Bank ← EmuBank,				c1;
	rhPV ← nRhS,				c2;
	PC ← uPC, CROSS[EmuInt],		c3;
	ClrIntErr, Rx ← 1,			c1, at[EmuInt];
	uWDC ← Rx,				c2;
	Rx ← KbdFXP, L2 ← 0, GOTO[PUNT],	c3;}				
NBNI1:	Q ← uDstYLo, CANCELBR[$],		c2;

	TOS ← uTrnHeightLo, GOTO[LINE],		c3;
NBNI2:	CANCELBR[$],				c3;

NBNI3:	Q ← uDstYLo,  				c1;
	TOS ← uTrnHeightLo,			c2;
	GOTO[LINE],				c3;

	uRx ← Rx,				c3;
	TT ← urDAddr,				c1; {Retrieve original rDAddr}	
	Q ← 0FF + 1,				c2; {Load Q with 100}
	TT ← TT + Q, CarryBr,			c3; {Add rDAddr with 100}
	Q ← urhDAddr, BRANCH[NBND1, NBAD1],	c1;
NBAD1:	Q ← Q + 1,				c2;
	Noop,					c3;
	Noop,					c1;	
NBND1:	rhTT ← Q LRot0,				c2;
	urhDAddr ← Q,				c3;
NBMP1:	Map ← [rhTT, TT + 0], L1 ← L1.PX.NR.05,	c1;
	urDAddr ← TT, L0 ← L0.PX.NR.05,		c2;
	rhRx ← Rx ← MD, XwdDisp,		c3;
	MAR ← Q ← [rhRx, rDAddr + 0], DISP2[NBMAP1],	c1, at[L0.PX.NR.05, 10, NRWMapFixCallerB2];
	rDAddr ← Q, 					c2, at[1, 4, NBMAP1];
	DstReg ← MD,					c3;
	Q ← rhRx,				c1;
	rhDAddr ← Q LRot0,			c2;
	Rx ← uRx, GOTO[entryready],		c3;

	uRx ← Rx,				c3;
	TT ← urDAddr,				c1; {Retrieve original rDAddr}	
	Q ← 0FF + 1,				c2; {Load Q with 100}
	TT ← TT + Q, CarryBr,			c3; {Add rDAddr with 100}
	Q ← urhDAddr, BRANCH[NBND10, NBAD10],	c1;
NBAD10:	Q ← Q + 1,				c2;
	Noop,					c3;
	Noop,					c1;	
NBND10:	rhTT ← Q LRot0,				c2;
	urhDAddr ← Q,				c3;
NBMP10:	Map ← [rhTT, TT + 0], L1 ← L1.PX.NR.06,	c1;
	urDAddr ← TT, L0 ← L0.PX.NR.06,		c2;
	rhRx ← Rx ← MD, XwdDisp,		c3;
	MAR ← Q ← [rhRx, rDAddr + 0], DISP2[NBMAP3],	c1, at[L0.PX.NR.06, 10, NRWMapFixCallerB2];
	rDAddr ← Q, 					c2, at[1, 4, NBMAP3];
	DstReg ← MD,					c3;
	Q ← rhRx,					c1;
	rhDAddr ← Q LRot0,			c2;
	Rx ← uRx, GOTO[entryready],		c3;
Set up registers and memories

	S ← uS,					c1, at[L1.PX.NR.06, 10, NTrapFixesB2];
	rhS ← nRhS,				c2;
	Q ← upixelcount,			c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],			c1;
	MDR ← Q,				c2;
	Q ← 0,					c3;
	GOTO[RestoreAllRegsAndPFB2],		c1;

	S ← uS,					c1, at[L1.PX.NR.05, 10, NTrapFixesB2];
	rhS ← nRhS,				c2;
	Q ← upixelcount,			c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],			c1;
	MDR ← Q,				c2;
	Q ← 0,					c3;
	GOTO[RestoreAllRegsAndPFB2],		c1;


	TT ← urSAddr,				c3; {Retrieve original rSAddr}
	Q ← 0FF + 1,				c1; {Load Q with 100}
	TT ← TT + Q, CarryBr,			c2; {Add rSAddr with 100}
	Q ← urhSAddr, BRANCH[NBNS1, NBAS1],	c3;
NBAS1:	Q ← Q + 1,				c1;
	rhTT ← Q LRot0,				c2;
	urhDAddr ← Q, GOTO[NBMP2],		c3;
NBNS1:	rhTT ← Q LRot0,				c1;
	Noop,					c2;
	Noop,					c3;	
NBMP2:	Map ← [rhTT, TT + 0], L1 ← L1.PX.NR.07,	c1;
	urSAddr ← TT, L0 ← L0.PX.NR.07,		c2;
	rhRx ← Rx ← MD, XwdDisp,		c3;
	MAR ← Q ← [rhRx, rSAddr + 0], DISP2[NBMAP2],	c1, at[L0.PX.NR.07, 10, NRWMapFixCallerB2];
	rSAddr ← Q, 					c2, at[1, 4, NBMAP2];
	SrcReg ← MD,					c3;
	Q ← rhRx,			c1;
	rhSAddr ← Q LRot0, 		c2;
	GOTO[SCO0],			c3;
Set up registers and memories

	S ← uS,				c1, at[L1.PX.NR.07, 10, NTrapFixesB2];
	rhS ← nRhS,			c2;
	Q ← upixelcount,		c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],		c1;
	MDR ← Q,			c2;
	Q ← 0,				c3;
	GOTO[RestoreAllRegsAndPFB2],	c1;
	S ← uS,				c1, at[L1.PX.NR.0A, 10, NTrapFixesB2];
	rhS ← nRhS,			c2;
	Q ← upixelcount,		c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],		c1;
	MDR ← Q,			c2;
	Q ← 0,				c3;
	GOTO[RestoreAllRegsAndPFB2],	c1;

	S ← uS,				c1, at[L1.PX.NR.04, 10, NTrapFixesB2];
	rhS ← nRhS,			c2;
	Q ← upixelcount,		c3;
	MAR ← [rhS, S + 0],		c1;
	MDR ← Q,			c2;
	Q ← 0,				c3;
	GOTO[RestoreAllRegsAndPFB2],	c1;

NBCH3:	CALL[RLMapFixB2],	c2;

	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[0, 4, NBCH1];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[2, 4, NBCH1];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[3, 4, NBCH1];

	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[0, 4, NBCH2];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[2, 4, NBCH2];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[3, 4, NBCH2];

	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[0, 4, NBMAP1];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[2, 4, NBMAP1];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[3, 4, NBMAP1];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[0, 4, NBMAP3];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[2, 4, NBMAP3];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[3, 4, NBMAP3];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[0, 4, NBMAP2];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[2, 4, NBMAP2];
	GOTO[NRWLMapFixB2],	c2, at[3, 4, NBMAP2];

Error cases

NBYE1:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1; 

NBYE2:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1; 

NBXE1:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1; 

NBXE2:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1; 

NBPXE1:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1; 

NBPXE2:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1; 

NBTE1:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],		c1; 

NBTE2:	S ← uS, CANCELBR[ufnX1, 3],	c3; 

NBTE3:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],		c1; 

NBE1:	S ← uS, 			c2; 
	rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX1],	c3;
NBE2:	S ← uS,	GOTO[NBE09],		c1; 
	{rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;}
NBE3:	S ← uS, GOTO[NBE09],		c1; 
	{rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;}
NBE7:	Noop,				c2;
	{S ← uS, 			c2; 
	rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX1],	c3;}
NBE4:	S ← uS, 			c3;

	rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1;
NBE5:	S ← uS, GOTO[NBE09],		c1; 
	{rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;}
NBE6:	S ← uS,  GOTO[NBE09],		c1; 
	{rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;}
NBE8:	S ← uS, 			c1; 
NBE09:	rhS ← nRhS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;

NOTR3:	Noop,			c1;

NOTR1:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;

NOTR4:	Noop,			c1;

NOTR2:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;

NOTR1:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;

NOTR2:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX3],	c2;

NOTR3:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1;

NOTR4:	S ← uS, GOTO[ufnX2],	c1;}


NBEX:	Q ← 18'd, 					c3;

	Xbus ← ib, GOTO[RestoreAllRegsAndExitB2],	c1;
	{ E N D }