{LispFmemb.mc cal: 13-Dec-84 13:53:18 } {- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # name len-1 stk level effect UFN table entry 34 FMEMB 0 -1 FMEMB (FMEMB arg list) if list=NIL, return NIL if list is not LISTP, call UFN if (CAR list)=arg, return list list ← (CDR list) loop } @FMEMB: opcode[34'b], {fetch tos-1} MAR ← [rhS, S - 1], L3 ← L3.fmemb, c1; Ybus ← TOSH or TOS, ZeroBr, CANCELBR[fmcomm, 2], c2;{test if tos = nil} fmcomm: TT ← MD, BRANCH[$, commretnil] c3;{hi 16 bits of tos-1} MAR ← [rhS, S + 0], c1; uTOSHm1 ← TT, c2;{uTOSHm1 ← hi 16 bits of tos-1} TT ← MD, c3;{lo 16 bits of tos-1} uTOSm1 ← TT, c1;{uTOSm1 ← lo 16 bits of tos-1} TT ← TOSH and 0FF, c2; Rx ← TOS, CALL[CADR] c3; { CADR SUBROUTINE: takes ptr to CONS cell, returns CAR and CDR of cell Rx has lo bits of VA of cell TT has hi bits of VA of cell L3 used for return thru CADRret trashes Q, L0, L1, rhRx, rhTT trashes uTT, uRx, UQSave returns: TT has hi bits of CDR of cell Rx has lo bits of CDR of cell uCARlo has lo bits of CAR of cell uCARhi has hi bits of CAR of cell will ufnX if cdrcell not NIL or type list will pagefault {NoFixes} if cell page faults } at[L3.fmemb, 10, CADRret], {test if CAR = tos-1} Q ← uTOSm1, c1; Q ← Q xor uCARlo, c2; Ybus ← Q , ZeroBr, c3; Q ← uTOSHm1, BRANCH[fmlonok, $], c1; Q ← Q xor uCARhi, c2; Ybus ← Q - 1, PgCarryBr, c3; BRANCH[fmCARequaltosm1, fmhinok], c1; fmlonok: Ybus ← Rx or TT, ZeroBr, GOTO[fmgoagain], c2; fmhinok: Ybus ← Rx or TT, ZeroBr, GOTO[fmgoagain], c2; fmgoagain: TOS ← Rx, MesaIntBr, BRANCH[fmtestint, fmretnil], c3;{will use old return point} fmCARequaltosm1: {tos-1 = car} S ← S - 2, IBDisp, L2 ← L2.0, GOTO[DNI.pc1], c2;{return current TOSH TOS} commretnil: GOTO[fmnilexit], c1; fmretnil: {return nil} CANCELBR[fmnilexit], c1; fmnilexit: TOSH ← 0, c2; TOS ← 0, GOTO[fmexit] c3; fmexit: S ← S - 2, GOTO[IB.pc1], c1; {test for interrupt} fmtestint: TOSH ← TT and 0FF, BRANCH[fmnoint1, $], c1; Ybus ← uWP, ZeroBr, c2; Ybus ← uWDC, NZeroBr, BRANCH[$, fmnoint2], c3; uWP ← 0, BRANCH[fmIntNow, fmnoint3], c1; fmIntNow: , c2; GOTO[BLTIntNow], c3; { ClrIntErr, Rx ← 1, c1; uWDC ← Rx,{off interrupts} c2; Rx ← KbdFXP, L2 ← 0, GOTO[PUNT], c3; } fmnoint2: CANCELBR[$], c1; fmnoint3: GOTO[fmNOint], c2; fmnoint1: GOTO[fmNOint], c2; fmNOint: CALL[CADR], c3; {- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # name len-1 stk level effect UFN table entry 26 ASSOC 0 -1 FASSOC (ASSOC key alist) returns the first sublist of alist whose car is EQ key else returns nil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -} { if (CAR (CAR alist) ) = key then return (CAR alist) alist ← (CDR alist) interrupt test and loopback } @ASSOC: opcode[26'b], MAR ← [rhS, S - 1], L3 ← L3.fassoc1, c1; Ybus ← TOSH or TOS, ZeroBr, CANCELBR[fmcomm, 2], c2; { SUBROUTINE: takes ptr to CONS cell, returns CAR and CDR of cell Rx has lo bits of VA of cell TT has hi bits of VA of cell L3 used for return thru CADRret trashes Q, L0, L1, rhRx, rhTT trashes uTT, uRx, uPV returns: TT has hi bits of CDR of cell Rx has lo bits of CDR of cell uCARlo has lo bits of CAR of cell uCARhi has hi bits of CAR of cell will ufnX if cdrcell not NIL or type list will pagefault {NoFixes} if cell page faults } at[L3.fassoc1, 10, CADRret], {save CDR} uCDRhi ← TT, c1; uCDRlo ← Rx, c2; {save CAR} TT ← uCARhi, L3 ← L3.fassoc2, c3; Rx ← uCARlo, c1; uCARsavlo ← Rx, c2; uCARsavhi ← TT, CALL[CADR], c3; at[L3.fassoc2, 10, CADRret], {compare CAR with tos-1} Q ← uTOSHm1, c1; Q ← Q xor uCARhi, c2; Rx ← Q, c3; Q ← uTOSm1, c1; Q ← Q xor uCARlo, c2; Ybus ← Q or Rx, ZeroBr, c3; BRANCH[fassocback, fassocfound], c1; fassocback: TT ← uCDRhi, L3 ← L3.fassoc1, c2; Rx ← uCDRlo, c3; Ybus ← TT or Rx, ZeroBr, c1; TOS ← Rx, BRANCH[$, fassocretnil], c2; GOTO[fmtestint], c3; fassocfound: TOSH ← uCARsavhi, c2; TOS ← uCARsavlo, GOTO[fmexit], c3; fassocretnil: TOSH ← 0, GOTO[fmexit], c3; {- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # name len-1 stk level effect UFN table entry 47 LISTGET 0 -1 ?? (LISTGET prop plist) returns the first value of plist whose property is EQ key else returns nil - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -} { if (CAR plist) = key then return (CAR (CDR plist) ) plist ← (CDR (CDR plist) ) interrupt test and loopback } @LISTGET: opcode[47'b], MAR ← [rhS, S - 1], L3 ← L3.fprop1, c1; Ybus ← TOSH or TOS, ZeroBr, CANCELBR[fmcomm, 2], c2; at[L3.fprop1, 10, CADRret], {test if CAR = tos-1} Q ← uTOSm1, c1; Q ← Q xor uCARlo, c2; Ybus ← Q , ZeroBr, c3; Q ← uTOSHm1, BRANCH[fplonok, $], c1; Q ← Q xor uCARhi, L3 ← L3.fprop2, c2; Ybus ← Q - 1, PgCarryBr, c3; BRANCH[fpCARequaltosm1, fphinok], c1; fplonok: GOTO[fpgoagain], c2; fphinok: GOTO[fpgoagain], c2; fpgoagain: {plist ← (CDR (CDR plist) ) . . loopback} CALL[CADR], c3; at[L3.fprop2, 10, CADRret], Ybus ← Rx or TT, ZeroBr, c1; TOSH ← TT, BRANCH[$, fpretnil], c2; TOS ← Rx, MesaIntBr, GOTO[fmtestint], c3; fpretnil: TOS ← 0, GOTO[fmexit], c3; fpCARequaltosm1: {return (CAR (CDR plist) )} L3 ← L3.fprop3, GOTO[fpgoagain], c2; at[L3.fprop3, 10, CADRret], TOSH ← uCARhi, c1; TOS ← uCARlo, c2; GOTO[fmexit], c3; { E N D }