{File name <tajo>BusExt.mc
Description: DandeLion Interlisp Emulator Bus Extension
Author: Purcell
Created: 31-May-84 16:45:34
Purcell  8-Mar-85 18:32:51  add bytes reversed code 
Purcell 6-Mar-85 14:57:37  fix bug in pcbus 
charnley   early feb   {%L} change for intermezzo 
Purcell 4-Aug-84  3:07:29  remove delay; mask adc to 12 bits 
Purcell 4-Aug-84  1:02:24  add delay to pcblt 
Purcell 1-Aug-84 20:48:27  forgot to "←ib" after "←ibNA"; 5 needed in pipe primed
Purcell 30-Jul-84 20:59:53  start more pipe on inputs (4) (5 needs work]
Purcell 28-Jul-84 15:56:16 check out
Purcell 28-Jul-84 11:53:43 more desk checking of block, test bit 9
Purcell 27-Jul-84  0:42:14 restart pc bus block opcode
Purcell 11-Jul-84 22:39:45 pc bus block write
Purcell 11-Jul-84 16:41:15 add pipe delay in input and move TOSH← earlier
Purcell 10-Jul-84  9:29:57 fix Y0 bug in output
Purcell 26-Jun-84 14:19:53
{INPUT:	TOSH ← smallpl, DISP4[MiscIn],	c1, at[0D,10, MiscDisp];}



L3Disp values initialized to alpha byte
1,2 bit data size: 0=word, 1=byte, 2=reversed bytes, 3=nibble
4 bit	0=output, 1=input
8 bit	extra states

0	read/output word
1,9	read/output bytes
2,A	read/output bytes reversed
3,7,B,F read/output nibbles
4	input/write word
5,D	input/write bytes
6,E	input/write bytes reversed

{PV}	RegDef[rAddr, R, 3]; {pc bus address low 16 bits}
{TOSH}	RegDef[rDataIn, R, 1]; 
{TT}	RegDef[rDataOut, R, 2]; {rDataOut not needed during cross so alias with and use TT}

{Rx	real
TOS	word count remaining (end input/write at 0; end read/output at -1)(fetch from virt+TOS-1)
Q	used by mapping routine
RegDef[uVirtL, U, 27];{TT}{uTT}		{ok}
RegDef[uVirtH, U, 0C];{TOS}{ibNA}	{BitBlt}{OK}
RegDef[uBusCtl, U, 2];{fZ=2}		{BitBlt}{OK}
RegDef[uAddr, U, 33];{rAddr}{fZ=3}	{OK} - moved to 43
RegDef[uDataOut, U, 12];{fZ=2}	{OK} - moved to 42

{L0	unused
L1	Fix {L1.NoFixes}
L2	0=normal, 1=test loop
L3	phase and op}

PCBKW:	FloatNop,	L1 ← L1.NoFixes,		c1, opcode[60'b];
	uPV ← PV, L2 ← 0,		c2;
	Rx ← 0FF + 1,	c3;

	Q ← uPPsave,	c1;
	PPort ← Q and ~Rx,	c2;
	,	c3;

pcA1:	MAR ← [rhS, S+0],	c1;
	S ← S - 2, 	c2;
	rAddr{L} ← MD, FloatNop,	c3;
pcA2:	MAR ← [rhS, S+0],	c1;
	S ← S - 2, 		c2;
	FLTimes.WA.WB{% fZ=3}, Float.M, Xbus{mBusAddrM} ← MD,	c3;
pcA3:	MAR ← [rhS, S+0],	c1;
	S ← S - 1,		c2;
	uTOS ← TOS, TT ← MD{virtL},	c3;
pcA4:	Rx{2*TOS} ← TOS LShift1, Xbus ← ibNA, XDisp,	c1;
	rDataIn{4*TOS} ← Rx LShift1, DISP4[pcAdd, 0C],	c2;

	rAddr ← rAddr + TOS, GOTO[pcArg],	c3, at[0C, 10, pcAdd];{word addressing}
	rAddr ← rAddr + Rx{2*TOS}, GOTO[pcArg],	c3, at[0D, 10, pcAdd];{byte addressing}
	rAddr ← rAddr + Rx{2*TOS}, GOTO[pcArg],	c3, at[0E, 10, pcAdd];{byte reversed}
	rAddr ← rAddr + rDataIn{4*TOS}, GOTO[pcArg],	c3, at[0F, 10, pcAdd];{nibble addressing}

pcArg:	MAR ← [rhS, S+0],	c1;
	S ← S + 5,		c2;
	uVirtL ← TT, TT ← MD{virtH}, 	c3;
	rAddr ← rAddr -1,	c1;
	uAddr ← rAddr, Rx ← 0{force remap}, 		c2;
	uVirtH ← TT, Xbus ← ibNA, XDisp,	c3;
pcBCtl:	TOSH ← 0{uBusCtl}, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, BRANCH[pcBOut, pcBIn, 0B],	c1;
pcBIn:	TOSH ← TOSH or 1, GOTO[pcCtlj],	c2; {set mBusCtl for reads}
pcBOut:	TOSH ← TOSH or 2, GOTO[pcCtlj],	c2; {set mBusCtl for writes}
pcCtlj: uBusCtl ← TOSH,		c3;

	Xbus ← ib, XDisp,	c1;
	Float.M, Xbus{mBusCtl} ← uBusCtl, L3 ← 0, DISP4[pcBlk],	c2;

{pcRead subroutine; return to pcReadRet+L3, use uAddr, update uAddr, read virt+TOS-1}	
pcRead:	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx-1], BRANCH[$, pcDn2],	c1;
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcRcr, 1],	c2;
pcRead3:	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataOut ← MD, RET[pcReadRet],		c3;
{pcBus subroutine: return to pcBusRet+L3, used both for input and output; rDataIn ignored on output}
pcBus2:	Noop, c2;
pcBus3:	uAddr ← rAddr,	c3;
	uDataOut ← rDataOut,	c1;{% good for 5; ok others ?}
	Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c2;

pcBus:	Noop,	c3;
pcBus1:	Noop, CANCELBR[$, 3],	c1;
	Noop,	c2;
	Ybus ← rDataIn, Xbus ← PPort, XwdDisp{9(,10)},	c3;

{pcBus1:}	Q ← rDataIn or FloatResult, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcWait, 1],	c1;
	rDataIn ← Q, Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut, RET[pcBusRet],	c2;
pcWait: Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L, CANCELBR[pcBus, 0F],	c2;

{0: Block Read/Output Words}{uAddr=rAddr=last, TOS=cnt}
	CALL[pcRead],	c3, at[0, 10, pcBlk];

{pcRead:	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx-1],	c1;
pcRead2: rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcRcr, 1],	c2;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataOut ← MD, RET[pcReadRet],		c3;
pcOW:	TOS ← TOS -1, CarryBr, c1, at[0, 10, pcReadRet];
	uDataOut ← rDataOut, BRANCH[pcDn, pcBus, 0E], c2;

{pcBus:	Xbus ← PPort, XwdDisp{9,10},	c3;
pcBus1:	Q ← rDataIn or FloatResult, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcWait, 1],	c1;
	rDataIn ← Q, Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut, RET[pcBusRet],	c2;
	Noop, CALL[pcRead], c3, at[0, 10, pcBusRet], c3;

{1: Block Read/Output Bytes}
	CALL[pcRead],	c3, at[1, 10, pcBlk];
{pcRead:	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx-1],	c1;
pcRead2: rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcRcr, 1],	c2;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataOut ← MD, RET[pcReadRet],		c3;
pcOB:	TOS ← TOS -1, CarryBr, L3 ← 9, c1, at[1, 10, pcReadRet];
	uDataOut ← rDataOut, BRANCH[pcDn, pcBus, 0E], c2;
	rDataOut ← rDataOut LRot8, L3 ← 1, c3, at[9, 10, pcBusRet];
pcOBB:	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, GOTO[pcBus2], c1;

	CALL[pcRead], c3, at[1, 10, pcBusRet], c3;

{2: Block Read/Output Bytes Reversed}
	Ybus ← TOS, ZeroBr, CALL[pcRead],	c3, at[2, 10, pcBlk];
{pcRead:	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx-1],	c1;
pcRead2: rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcRcr, 1],	c2;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataOut ← MD, RET[pcReadRet],		c3;
{pcOBr:	TOS ← TOS -1, CarryBr, L3 ← 0A, c1, at[2, 10, pcReadRet];
	rDataOut ← rDataOut LRot8, BRANCH[pcDnR, pcBusR, 0E], c2;
pcBusR:	uDataOut ← rDataOut, Xbus ← PPort, XwdDisp{9(,10)}, GOTO[pcBus1],	c3;
pcDnR:	S ← S - 6, L2Disp, GOTO[pcDn1],	c3;
pcOBr:	rDataOut ← rDataOut LRot8,	c1, at[2, 10, pcReadRet];
	uDataOut ← rDataOut, L3 ← 0A, c2;
	TOS ← TOS-1, Xbus ← PPort, XwdDisp{9(,10)}, GOTO[pcBus1], c3;
{TOS was tested for zero at Read}	

	rDataOut ← rDataOut LRot8, L3 ← 2, c3, at[0A, 10, pcBusRet];
pcOBBr:	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, GOTO[pcBus2], c1;

	Ybus ← TOS, ZeroBr, , CALL[pcRead], c3, at[2, 10, pcBusRet], c3;

{3: Block Read/Output Nibbles}
	CALL[pcRead],	c3, at[3, 10, pcBlk];
{pcRead:	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx-1],	c1;
pcRead2: rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcRcr, 1],	c2;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataOut ← MD, RET[pcReadRet],		c3;}

pcON:	TOS ← TOS -1, CarryBr, L3 ← 7, c1, at[3, 10, pcReadRet];
	uDataOut ← rDataOut, BRANCH[pcDn, pcBus, 0E], c2;
	rDataOut ← rDataOut LRot12, L3 ← 0B, c3, at[7, 10, pcBusRet];
pcONN:	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, GOTO[pcBus2], c1;

	rDataOut ← rDataOut LRot12, L3 ← 0F, c3, at[0B, 10, pcBusRet];
pcONNN:	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, GOTO[pcBus2], c1;

	rDataOut ← rDataOut LRot12, L3 ← 3, c3, at[0F, 10, pcBusRet];
pcONNNN: rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, GOTO[pcBus2], c1;

	Noop, CALL[pcRead], c3, at[3, 10, pcBusRet], c3;

{4: Block Input/Write Words}
	rAddr ← rAddr -1,	c3, at[4, 10, pcBlk];
pcInPipeStart:	uAddr ← rAddr, c1;
	Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut,	c2;
	Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, 	c3;
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c1;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, GOTO[pcBus], c2;
pcIW:	TOS ← TOS -1, NZeroBr, c1, at[4, 10, pcWriteRet];
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, BRANCH[pcDn, pcBus, 0E], c2;
{pcBus:	Xbus ← PPort, XwdDisp{9,10},	c*;
	Q ← rDataIn or FloatResult, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcWait, 1],	c*;
	rDataIn ← Q, Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut, RET[pcBusRet],	c*;
	rDataIn ← rDataIn, CALL[pcWrite], c3, at[4, 10, pcBusRet];
pcWrite: MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx-1],	c1;
pcWrite2: MDR ← rDataIn, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcWcr, 1],	c2;
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L, RET[pcWriteRet],	c3;
{5: Block Input/Write Bytes}
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, GOTO[pcInPipeStart],	c3, at[5, 10, pcBlk];
{	uAddr ← rAddr, c1;
	Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut,	c2;
	Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, 	c3;
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c1;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, GOTO[pcBus], c2;}

 {{	Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut,	c3, at[5, 10, pcBlk];
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c1;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, GOTO[pcBus], c2;}}

pcIB:	TOS ← TOS -1, NZeroBr, L3 ← 5, c1, at[0D, 10, pcWriteRet];
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, BRANCH[pcDn, pcBus, 0E], c2;
	rDataIn ← rDataIn {and 0F}, L3 ← 0D, c3, at[5, 10, pcBusRet];
pcIBB:	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr,  c1;
	rDataIn ← rDataIn LRot8,  GOTO[pcBus3], c2;
{pcBus3:	uAddr ← rAddr, c3;
	uDataOut ← rDataOut,	c1;
	Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c2;

	Xbus ← PPort, XwdDisp{9(,10)},	c3;

pcBus1:	Q ← rDataIn or FloatResult, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcWait, 1],	c1;
	rDataIn ← Q, Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut, RET[pcBusRet],	c2;
{no BX debug}	
	rDataIn ← rDataIn LRot8, CALL[pcWrite], c3, at[0D, 10, pcBusRet];

{BX debug  3-Mar-85 16:56:43}
{       Xbus ← rDataIn LRot8, XLDisp, c3, at[0D, 10, pcBusRet];
	Ybus ← rDataIn, NZeroBr, BRANCH[bxE, bxO, 2], c1;
bxE:	Noop, BRANCH[bxZ, bxNZ], c2;
bxO:	Noop, BRANCH[bxZ, bxNZ], c2;
bxZ:	CALL[pcWrite], c3;
bxNZ:	CALL[pcWrite], c3;

{6: Block Input/Write Bytes Reversed}
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, GOTO[pcInPipeStart],	c3, at[6, 10, pcBlk];
{	uAddr ← rAddr, c1;
	Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut,	c2;
	Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, 	c3;
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c1;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, GOTO[pcBus], c2;

	Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut,	c3, at[6, 10, pcBlk];
	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c1;
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, GOTO[pcBus], c2;

pcIBr:	TOS ← TOS -1, NZeroBr, L3 ← 6, c1, at[0E, 10, pcWriteRet];
	uAddr ← rAddr, rDataIn ← 0, BRANCH[pcDn, pcBus, 0E], c2;
	rDataIn ← rDataIn {and 0F}, L3 ← 0E, c3, at[6, 10, pcBusRet];
pcIBBr:	rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr,  c1;
	rDataIn ← rDataIn LRot8,  GOTO[pcBus3], c2;
{pcBus3:	uAddr ← rAddr, c3;
	uDataOut ← rDataOut,	c1;
	Xbus ← FloatResult{mBusIData}, FLFloatA{fZ=2}, Float.L,	c2;

	Xbus ← PPort, XwdDisp{9(,10)},	c3;

pcBus1:	Q ← rDataIn or FloatResult, L3Disp, BRANCH[$, pcWait, 1],	c1;
	rDataIn ← Q, Float.L, Xbus{mBusOData} ← uDataOut, RET[pcBusRet],	c2;
	rDataIn ← rDataIn LRot0, CALL[pcWrite], c3, at[0E, 10, pcBusRet];


{Remap to Virt+TOS-1}{don't fault if TOS=0}	
pcWcr:	Noop, CANCELBR[pcCr, 0F],	c3;
pcRcr:	rAddr ← rAddr +1, CANCELBR[pcCr, 0F],	c3;
pcCr:	TOS ← TOS -1, CarryBr,	c1;
	TT ← uVirtL, BRANCH[pcCz, pcCnz],	c2;
pcCz:	rhTT ← uVirtH, GOTO[pcMp],	c3;
pcCnz:	TT ← TT + TOS, CarryBr,	rhTT ← uVirtH, GOTO[pcMp],	c3;
pcInc:	Q ← rhTT+1, 	LOOPHOLE[byteTiming], c2;
	rhTT ← Q LRot0,	c3;

pcMp:	Map ← Q ← [rhTT, TT], BRANCH[pcMp2, pcInc],	c1;
pcMp2:	TOS ← TOS + 1,	c2;
	Rx ← rhRx ← MD, XwdDisp,	c3;
	Map ← Q ← [rhTT, TT], BRANCH[$, pcFault, 1],	c1;
	MDR ← Rx or 30,	c2;
	L3Disp,		c3;

pcMpD:	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, TT+0], BRANCH[pcRead2, pcWrite2, 0B],	c1;
pcRead2: rAddr ← rAddr -1, Float.L, Xbus{mBusAddrL} ← uAddr, L3Disp, GOTO[pcRead3],	c2;
{% fix ups}
pcFault: TOSH ← smallpl,	c2;
	Q ← uPPsave,	c3;
	PPort ← Q,	c1;
	PV ← uPV, GOTO[RWTrap], c2;

pcDn2:	, CANCELBR[$, 2],	c2;
pcDn:	, {L2Disp,}	c3;

pcDn1:	TOSH ← smallpl, L2Disp, CANCELBR[$, 3], {BRANCH[$, pcRep],}	c1;
	PV ← uPV, BRANCH[$, pcRep],	c2;
	Rx ← uPPsave,	c3;
	PPort ← Rx, L2 ← L2.0,	c1;
	S ← S - 6, IBDisp, c2;
	PC ← PC + 1,  L2 ← L2.0, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;

{pcRep:	, c2;}
pcRep:	TOS ← uTOS, GOTO[pcA1],	c3;

BusX:	FloatNop{free BX in 2 BX cycles},	c2, at[09,10,MiscIn];{read L}
	TOS ← TOS LRot12, {FloatUMS,}		c3;
	Ybus ← TOS, AltUaddr,			c1;
	FloatULP, TOS ← FloatResult,	c2;
pcInDn:	TOS ← FloatResult, 	c3;

	GOTO[IB.nop],	c1;

	FloatNop{free BX in 2 BX cycles},	c2, at[0A,10,MiscIn];{read M}
	TOS ← TOS LRot12, {FloatUMS,}	c3;
	Ybus ← TOS, AltUaddr,			c1;
	FloatUMP, TOS ← FloatResult, GOTO[pcInDn],	c2;

	{TT ← MD,}				c3, at[0,10,MiscOut];{Write L}	
{%L	FloatNop{free BX in 2 BX cycles},	c1;
	TOS ← TOS LRot12, FloatUMS,		c2;
	rhRx ← nRhS, Rx ← S + 2,						c3;
	FloatNop{free BX in 2 BX cycles}, Rx ← S - 0 - 1,	c1;
	TOS ← TOS LRot12, FloatUMS,		c2;
	rhRx ← nRhS, Rx ← Rx + 3,						c3;
	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx + 0],						c1;
	Ybus ← TOS, AltUaddr, L2 ← L2.0, IBDisp,			c2;
	FloatULP, Xbus ← MD { ← FloatResult}, L2 ← L2.0, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;

	{TT ← MD,}				c3, at[0B,10,MiscOut];{Write M}	
{%L	FloatNop{free BX in 2 BX cycles},	c1;
	TOS ← TOS LRot12, FloatUMS,		c2;
	rhRx ← nRhS, Rx ← S + 2,						c3;
	FloatNop{free BX in 2 BX cycles}, Rx ← S - 0 - 1,	c1;
	TOS ← TOS LRot12, FloatUMS,		c2;
	rhRx ← nRhS, Rx ← Rx + 3,						c3;
	MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, Rx + 0],						c1;
	Ybus ← TOS, AltUaddr, L2 ← L2.0, IBDisp,			c2;
	FloatUMP, Xbus ← MD, L2 ← L2.0, DISPNI[OpTable],	c3;

	{ E N D }