{File name dlBusExt.mc for dlion assembly for dbBusExt.eb Description: Daybreak Interlisp Emulator Bus Extension use daybreak assembler on dbBusExt.mc to make dbBusExt.si and dbBusExt.ml use dlion assembler on dlBusExt.mc to make dlBusExt.eb and rename to dbBusExt Purcell 27-Jul-85 17:12:19 try memory timing Purcell 27-Jul-85 13:17:53 edited Purcell 22-Jul-85 22:50:49 created from BusExt.mc of 17-Apr-85 1:34:04 PST } {INPUT: TOSH _ smallpl, DISP4[MiscIn], c1, at[0D,10, MiscDisp];} { (SETQ MBUS.OUTL (PLUS 0 (LLSH REG 4))) (SETQ MBUS.OUTM (PLUS 11 (LLSH REG 4))) (SETQ MBUS.INL (PLUS 9 (LLSH REG 4))) (SETQ MBUS.INM (PLUS 10 (LLSH REG 4))) (\DEVICE.OUTPUT DATA MBUS.OUTL) (\DEVICE.OUTPUT DATA MBUS.OUTM) (SETQ DATA (\DEVICE.INPUT MBUS.INL)) (SETQ DATA (\DEVICE.INPUT MBUS.INM)) } RegDef[uDummy, UY, 0]; RegDef[uDat, U, 0D];{uTOS}{~0D = mBusStat or mBusIData} {OpTable: , c1, at[500];} BusX: Noop, c2, at[09,10,MiscIn];{read L} TOS _ TOS LRot12, c3; Ybus _ ~TOS, AltUaddr, c1; Float.L, {TOS _ FloatResult}FloatA_ uDummy, c2; pcInDn: TOS _ FloatA_ FloatResult, c3; GOTO[IB.nop], c1; Noop, c2, at[0A,10,MiscIn];{read M} TOS _ TOS LRot12, c3; Ybus _ ~TOS, AltUaddr, c1; Float.M, {FloatResult}FloatA_ uDummy,GOTO[pcInDn], c2; Noop, c3, at[0,10,MiscOut];{Write L} Rx _ S + 2, c1; Q _ rhS, c2; rhRx _ Q LRot0, c3; MAR _ Rx _ [rhRx, Rx + 0], c1; TOS _ TOS LRot12, c2; TT _ MD, c3; uDat _ TT, c1; Ybus _ ~TOS, AltUaddr, L2 _ L2.0, IBDisp, c2; Float.L, Xbus _ uDat, L2 _ L2.0, DISPNI[OpTable], c3; label: Noop, c3, at[0B,10,MiscOut];{Write M} Rx _ S + 2, c1; Q _ rhS, c2; rhRx _ Q LRot0, c3; MAR _ Rx _ [rhRx, Rx + 0], c1; TOS _ TOS LRot12, c2; TT _ MD, c3; MAR _ Rx _ [rhRx, Rx + 0],{uDat _ TT,} c1; Ybus _ ~TOS, AltUaddr, L2 _ L2.0, IBDisp, c2; Float.M, Xbus _ MD{uDat}, L2 _ L2.0, DISPNI[OpTable], c3; { E N D }