{ dbLispRplX.mc Created: 14-Feb-84 10:54:19 by don Last edit: 14-Feb-84 10:54:23 by don Last edit: 30-Jul-85 18:07:47 by mitch --- daybreakified } SetTask[0]; #LispRplX: { - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # name len-1 stk level effect UFN table entry 30 RPLACA 0 -1 RPLACA if tos-1 not LISTP, call UFN Fetch @[tos-1]. if cdrcode=0, follow indirect Do RPLPTR with tos { returned value is: tos-1} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # name len-1 stk level effect UFN table entry 31 RPLACD 0 -1 RPLACD if tos-1 not listp, call ufn fetch @ tos-1 if cdrcode=0, follow indirect if cdrcode<200Q {a} rplptr cell+2*cdrcode with tos {bcd} elseif tos is NIL {c} if CDRCODE #{>} 200, deleteref cell.base+2*(cdrcode-200) change cdrcode to 200 {d} else return elseif tos is on same page as cell {b} if cdrcode#200, addref TOS deleteref cell.base+2*(cdrcode-200) change cdrcode to 200+(cell# of TOS) else call UFN {this punts on cases where RPLACD must allocate space} { returned value is: tos-1} - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - } { all these start by verifying that tos-1 is a LISTP } @RPLACA: opcode[30'b], MAR ← [rhS, S - 1], L3 ← L3.RPLACA, c1; rhRx ← crhTypeTable, CANCELBR[rplTypC3, 2], c2; @RPLACD: opcode[31'b], MAR ← [rhS, S - 1], L3 ← L3.RPLACD, c1; rhRx ← crhTypeTable, CANCELBR[rplTypC3, 2], c2; rplTypC3: rhTT ← TT ← MD, c3; MAR ← [rhS, S + 0], c1; , c2; Rx ← MD, c3; Q ← Rx, c1; , c2; , c3; MAR ← Rx ← [Rx, TT + 0], c1;{byte merge} Rx ← Rx LRot8, c2; Rx ← Rx RShift1, getTypemsBit, c3; MAR ← [rhRx, Rx + 0], L1 ← L1.NoFixes, c1; Rx ← ListType, c2; Rx ← MD xor Rx, L0 ← L0.RedoRplX, c3; rplxmap: Map ← TT ← [rhTT, Q], c1; Ybus ← Rx - 1, PgCarryBr, c2; rhRx ← Rx ← MD, XwdDisp, BRANCH[$, rplUfn], c3; uTOSm1 ← TT, DISP2[rplxremap], c1, at[L0.RedoRplX, 10, WxMapFixCaller]; Q ← rhTT, c2, at[PgDirty, 4, rplxremap]; uTOSHm1 ← Q, c3; MAR ← Rx ← [rhRx, TT + 0], c1; uSavAddr ← Rx, L3Disp, c2; rhTT ← TT ← MD, DISP4[rpls], c3; MAR ← [rhRx, Rx + 1], GOTO[rplad], c1, at[L3.RPLACA, 10, rpls]; MAR ← [rhRx, Rx + 1], GOTO[rplad], c1, at[L3.RPLACD, 10, rpls]; rplad: Rx ← TT LRot8, CANCELBR[$, 2], c2; Q ← MD, c3; Ybus ← Rx - 1, PgCarryBr, c1; uSavOldHi ← TT, BRANCH[rplindir, rpldir], c2; rplindir: Rx ← 0, GOTO[rplxmap], c3; {cdrcode = 0'b} rpldir: TT ← Q, L3Disp, c3; DISP4[rplacxNow], c1; at[L3.RPLACA, 10, rplacxNow], , c2; GOTO[RplGo], c3; { RplGo: performs delref on cell contents performs addref on tos replaces cell contents with tos, but retains high byte setup: TOSH has high tos value TOS has low tos value uSavOldHi has high contents of cell TT has low contents of cell rhRx has high real addr of cell uSavAddr has low real addr of cell L3 used for return via RplEnd TT returns with uGcLov { # 0 if overflows from GcLookup} trashes Q, Rx, rhTT, L2 no ufns or faults can occur } rplxC3xx: at[L3.RPLACA, 10, RplEnd], , c3; rplxC1xx: MAR ← [rhS, S + 0], c1; , c2; TOS ← MD, c3; MAR ← [rhS, S - 1], c1; Ybus ← uGcLov, NZeroBr, CANCELBR[$, 2], c2; TOSH ← MD, BRANCH[rplxNoOvXit, rplxOvXit], c3; rplxNoOvXit: S ← S - 2, GOTO[IB.pc1], c1; rplxOvXit: {if overflow entries, exit via GCSCAN } S ← S - 2, L3{ib's} ← 0, c1; Rx ← AtomGCSCAN {371'b}, GOTO[RplFNXIT], c2; { end of rplaca -- start of rplacd } at[L3.RPLACD, 10, rplacxNow], {if cdrcode < 200'b, then rplptr page[tos-1] + (2 * cdrcode) with tos} Rx ← Rx + Rx, PgCarryBr, c2; uuRx ← Rx, BRANCH[rpldnexta, rpldnextbcd], c3; {rplptr page[tos-1] + (2 * cdrcode) with tos} rpldnexta: TT ← Rx, c1;{cdrcode < 200'b} L3 ← L3.RPLACA{share exit from RplPtr}, c2; Rx ← uSavAddr, c3; MAR ← Rx ← [Rx, TT + 0], c1; uSavAddr ← Rx, c2; TT ← MD, c3; MAR ← [rhRx, Rx + 1], c1; uSavOldHi ← TT, CANCELBR[$, 2], c2; TT ← MD, GOTO[RplGo], c3; rpldnextbcd: Ybus ← TOS or TOSH, ZeroBr, c1;{cdrcode >= 200'b} uGcLov ← 0, BRANCH[rpldnextb, rpldnextcd], c2; rpldnextcd: {tos = NIL} Ybus ← Rx - 1, PgCarryBr, c3;{test if cdrcode = 200'b} BRANCH[rpldnextd, rpldnextc], c1; rpldnextc: {cdrcode > 200} {change cdrcode to 200} Rx ← uSavAddr, c2; TT ← uSavOldHi, c3; TT ← TT and 0FF, c1; TT ← LShift1 TT, c2; TT ← RShift1 TT, SE ← 1, c3; MAR ← [rhRx, Rx + 0], c1; MDR ← TT, c2; {delref cell page + 2 * cdrcode} {setup for GcLookup: Rx ← addrHi & 0FF TT ← addrLo uGcLov ← 0 {before first call only} L2 used for return via GcLookRet {c2} Q ← Q.AddRef or Q.DelRef Trashes rhTT and rhRx } Rx ← uTOSHm1, L2 ← L2.rplx1, c3; TT ← uTOSm1, c1; TOS ← uuRx, c2; Q ← Q.DelRef, c3; MAR ← TT ← [TT, TOS + 0], CALL[GcLookup], c1;{byte merge} {GcLookup Subroutine here} at[L2.rplx1,10,GcLookRet], GOTO[rplxC3xx], c2; rpldnextd: {cdrcode = 200} {all thru} uGcLov ← 0, GOTO[rplxC3xx], c2; rpldnextb: {tos # NIL} {test if tos on same page as cell { = uTOSHm1,,uTOSm1 } } {if not then can ufn} Q ← uTOSHm1, c3; Q ← Q xor TOSH, c1; Ybus ← Q - 1, PgCarryBr, c2; Q ← uTOSm1, BRANCH[rplxhiok, rplxhinok], c3; rplxhinok: GOTO[ufnX2], c1; rplxhiok: Q ← TOS xor Q, c1; Ybus ← Q and ~u0FF, ZeroBr, c2; BRANCH[rplxlonok, rplxlook], c3; rplxlonok: GOTO[ufnX2], c1; rplxlook: { current state: uuRx and Rx low 8 bits contain 2 * (cdrcode - 200'b) uTOSHm1,,uTOSm1 contains VA of cell TT contains cell low contents rhTT contains cell virtual addr high tos is in TOSH,,TOS rhRx contains cell real addr high uSavAddr contains cell real addr low uSavOldHi contains cell high contents } {change cdrcode to 200'b + cell#[tos]} TT ← uSavOldHi, c1; TT ← TT and 0FF, c2; Rx ← RShift1 TOS, c3; Rx ← Rx or 80, c1; Rx ← Rx and 0FF, c2; Rx ← Rx LRot8, c3; TT ← TT or Rx, c1; Rx ← uSavAddr, c2; Q ← Q.AddRef{for later}, c3; MAR ← [rhRx, Rx + 0], c1; MDR ← TT, c2; {addref tos} {setup for GcLookup: Rx ← addrHi & 0FF TT ← addrLo uGcLov ← 0 {before first call only} L2 used for return via GcLookRet {to c2} Q ← Q.AddRef, Q.DelRef Trashes rhTT and rhRx } Rx ← TOSH and 0FF, L2 ← L2.rplx2, c3; TT ← TOS, CALL[GcLookup], c1; {GcLookup Subroutine here} at[L2.rplx2, 10, GcLookRet], {if old cdrcode # 200, then delref rhTT,,TThi,,Rxlo} Rx ← uuRx, c2;{for low 8 bits of delref} TT ← uTOSm1, c3;{for mid 8 bits of delref} {setup for delref rhTT,,TThi,,Rxlo} MAR ← TT ← [TT, Rx + 0], L2 ← L2.rplx1,{shares exit} c1;{byte merge} Rx ← uSavOldHi, c2; Rx ← Rx LRot8, c3; Rx ← LShift1 Rx, SE ← 0, c1; Ybus ← Rx - 1, PgCarryBr, c2; Rx ← uTOSHm1, BRANCH[rplxDfin, $], c3; Q ← Q.DelRef, CALL[GcLookup], c1; {GcLookup Subroutine here} rplxDfin: , c1; GOTO[rplxC3xx], c2; { exceptions } GOTO[WxLMapFix], c2, at[PgClean, 4, rplxremap]; GOTO[WxLMapFix], c2, at[PgProt, 4, rplxremap]; GOTO[WxLMapFix], c2, at[PgVacant, 4, rplxremap]; rplUfn: CANCELBR[ufnX2, 3], c1; {************************* Write Map Update Subroutine {extra} **************************} {Timing: 4 cycles} {Enter at cycle 3, returns to cycle1} {returns thru L0 if map fixed ok} {returns thru L1 if wants to trap} WxLMapFix: Xbus ← Rx LRot0, XwdDisp, c3; Map ← [rhTT, TT], WriteDISP2[FixWxFlags, 1], c1; FixWxFlags: MDR ← Rx or 0C0, L0Disp, GOTO[ReWxrite], c2, at[PgWrtOK,4,FixWxFlags]; GOTO[RWTrap], c2, at[PgNoWrt,4,FixWxFlags]; ReWxrite: Xbus ← PgDirty, XDisp, RET[WxMapFixCaller], c3; { E N D }