{File name:  MoreLispDefs.dfn
 Description: Definitions for Dandelion Lisp Microcode,
 Created: 24-Apr-84 11:45:51
 Last Edited:     24-Apr-84 11:45:58 - charnley

{	L0  return values for WLMapFixB2 }
Set[L0.DLMap, 1];{DrawLine}
Set[L0.RedoFtARG, 2];{FFT}
Set[L0.RedoFtAB, 3];{FFT}
Set[L0.RedoFtCD, 4];{FFT}

{	L0  return values for RLMapFixB2 }
Set[L0.xRedoFtFF, 1];{FFT}
Set[L0.RedofptGet, 2];{GetFPT}
Set[L0.RedoCreate, 5];{FloatIt subr}
Set[L0.RedoFLFix, 6];{FloatIt subr}
Set[L0.RedoPOLY0,	3];{polynomial}
Set[L0.RedoPOLY1,	4];{polynomial}

{	L1  fix values for RWTrap }
Set[L1.DLFixesB2, 1];{DrawLine}
Set[L1.NoFixesB2, 2];{FFT}
Set[L1.RestoreTosB2, 3];
Set[L1.FFTFixesB2, 4];{FFT}

{	LispMatrix stuff}
RegDef[rA, R, 6],{Rx}
RegDef[rB, R, 0],{TOS}
RegDef[rC, R, 1],{TOSH}

RegDef[rhrA, RH, 6],{Rx}
RegDef[rhrB, RH, 0],{TOS}
RegDef[rhrC, RH, 1],{TOSH}

RegDef[urAVlo, U, 002],	{Low VA of matrix A}
RegDef[urAVhi, U, 003],	{High VA of matrix A}
RegDef[urBVlo, U, 060],	{Low VA of matrix B}
RegDef[urBVhi, U, 005],	{High VA of matrix B}
RegDef[urCVlo, U, 006],	{Low VA of matrix C}
RegDef[urCVhi, U, 007],	{High VA of matrix C}
RegDef[uNinit, U, 008],	{Initial value of nCOUNT}
RegDef[uKinit, U, 00A],	{Initial value of kCOUNT}
RegDef[umCOUNT, U, 00B], {Current value of mCOUNT}
RegDef[ukCOUNT, U, 00C], {Current value of kCOUNT}
RegDef[unCOUNT, U, 041], {Current value of nCOUNT, when saved}
RegDef[udeltaA1, U, 031],	{-2(N-1)}
RegDef[udeltaB0, U, 033],	{+2K}
RegDef[udeltaB1, U, 035],	{-2(N-1)(K)+2}
RegDef[udeltaB2, U, 037],	{-2(N)(K)+2}
Set[L0.delta0, 0],
Set[L0.delta1, 1],
Set[L0.delta2, 2],
Set[L0.deltaI, 3],

Set[L1.mxnotfirst, 1],
Set[L1.mxfirst, 2],
{Set[L1.matufn, 7],}

Set[ib.poly, 0],
Set[ib.333, 1],
Set[ib.444, 2],
Set[ib.133, 3],
Set[ib.331, 4],
Set[ib.144, 5],
Set[ib.441, 6];

{	DRAWLINE stuff}

RegDef[umXX0,	U,	02];{move to fZ=0 before using} {TWiddle factor 4 word complex float}
RegDef[ulXX,	U,	03];
RegDef[umYY0,	U,	04];{move to fZ=0 before using; STK points here}
RegDef[ulYY0,	U,	05];{fp chip doesn't like ulYY here for some STRANGE reason}
RegDef[uFFvH,	U,	06];{Virtual Address of source (From) array base.}
RegDef[uFFvL,	U,	07];
RegDef[uABvH,	U,	08];{Virtual Address of destination array base.}
RegDef[uABvL,	U,	09];
RegDef[uCDvH,	U,	0A];{Virtual Address of midpoint in destination array base.}
RegDef[uCDvL,	U,	0B];
RegDef[uTCnt,	U,	0C];{count of butterflies with same twiddle (x4)}
RegDef[uHCnt,	U,	0D];{high portion of count of butterflies remaining (x4)}
Set[ft.twiddle.offset, 4 ];
Set[ft.twiddle.delta.offset, 20'd ];{Twiddle Delta(8 words): address of complex zero followed by packed complex root of unity to change twiddle}
Set[ft.HCnt.offset, 11'd ];

RegDef[umXX,	U,	50];	{umXX,FTimes{0}}
RegDef[umYY,	U,	60];{uRx}	{umYY,FTimes{0}}
RegDef[ulYY,	U,	51];{alternate home for ulYY see ulYY0}

RegDef[uArgH,	U,	68];{virtual address of argument record}
RegDef[uArgL,	U,	69];{rA=Rx}
RegDef[ulCC,	U, 	4];	{ulCC, STK{FPlus}}
RegDef[umYW,	U, 	4];	{umYW, STK{FPlus}}

RegDef[FF,	R,	3];{PV}  {Real address in "From" array. Equal to Source + 2*(HCnt + RCnt) }
RegDef[rhFF,	RH,	3];
RegDef[AB,	R,	4];{S} {Real address in destination array. Equal to Dest + HCnt + WCnt) } 
RegDef[rhAB,	RH,	4];
RegDef[CD,	R,	1];{TOSH}{Real address in destination array. Equal to Dest + HCnt + WCnt) }
RegDef[rhCD,	RH,	1];

RegDef[rmAW,	R,	2];{TT}
RegDef[rlBW2,	R,	2];{TT}
RegDef[rTCnt,	R,	2];{TT}
RegDef[rmBW,	R,	6];{Rx}
RegDef[rlDY,	R,	6];{Rx}
{RegDef[rmCY,	R,	6];{Rx}{remove eventually}}
RegDef[rRCnt,	R,	2];{TT}{uRCnt, rRCnt, FMinus} 
RegDef[uRCnt,	U,	26];{uPV}{low portion of count of butterflies remaining to Read(x4)}
RegDef[uWCnt,	U,	47];{low portion of count of butterflies remaining to Write(x4)}
RegDef[ulDY,	U,	54];

{RegDef[TOS,	R,	0];}
{RegDef[rmDY,	R,	0];}
{RegDef[rlCY,	R,	0];{remove eventually}}
RegDef[rmYW,	R, 	0];
RegDef[rmAA,	R,	0];
RegDef[rlDW,	R,	0];
RegDef[rmDW,	R,	0];
RegDef[rlCW2,	R,	0];

{RegDef[PC,	R, 	5];}
RegDef[rlDD,	R, 	5];
RegDef[rlBW,	R, 	5];
RegDef[rmCW,	R, 	5];
RegDef[umCW,	U, 	58];	{rmCW,umCW}
RegDef[rlCC,	R, 	5];
RegDef[rlCW,	R, 	5];
RegDef[ulCW,	U, 	52];	{rlCW,ulCW}
RegDef[rHCnt,	R, 	5];
RegDef[rlAW,	R, 	5];
RegDef[rmDY,	R, 	5];	{rmDY,umDY}
RegDef[umDY,	U, 	56];	{umDY,FMinus{6}}
{RegDef[rlDY,	R, 	5];}{moved to 6=Rx}
RegDef[rlBB,	R, 	5];
RegDef[ulBB,	U, 	53];
RegDef[rlYW,	R, 	5];
RegDef[rlAA,	R, 	5];
RegDef[ulAA,	U, 	55];	{rlAA,ulAA,FMinusB{5}}

{	reg defs for polynomial}
RegDef[uAinitH,	U,	57];	{A(0) H}
RegDef[uAinitL,	U,	58];	{A(0) L}
RegDef[uXHi,	U,	30];	{X H}
RegDef[uXLo,	U,	05];	{X L}
RegDef[uDegree,	U,	42];	{The degree of polynomial}
RegDef[uTTtmp,	U,	43];	{Virtual address, tmp}
RegDef[uAnxtH,	U,	44];	{New A, H word, tmp}

{*** Commented out for daybreak 
MacroDef[fpUMS, FloatUMS];
MacroDef[fpULS, FloatULS];
MacroDef[fpUMP, FloatUMP];
MacroDef[fpULP, FloatULP];
MacroDef[FloatR, FloatResult];
MacroDef[FTimes, FLTimes.A.B];
MacroDef[FPlus, FLPlus];
MacroDef[FMinus, FLBMinusA];
MacroDef[FMinusB, FLAMinusB];
*** Commented out for daybreak}

RegDef[uBlock0, UY, 0];

Set[L2.init, 3 ];
Set[L2.start, 7{2} ];
Set[L2.middle, 1 ];
Set[L2.finish, 0 ];


RegDef[Kount, R, 0],{TOS}
RegDef[S1, R, 1],{TOSH}
RegDef[rhS1, RH, 1],
RegDef[Zorch, R, 2],{TT}
RegDef[rhZorch, RH, 2],
RegDef[S2, R, 3],{PV}; {init to 0 to force remap}
RegDef[rhS2, RH, 3],
RegDef[uStemp, U, 53];
RegDef[D, R, 4],{S}  {init to 0 to force remap}
RegDef[rhD, RH, 4],
RegDef[Stemp, R, 5],{PC}
RegDef[Stemp2, R, 6],{Rx}
RegDef[Zimph, R, 6],

RegDef[uDLo, U, 02],
RegDef[uDHi, U, 03],
RegDef[uS1Lo, U, 30],
RegDef[uS1Hi, U, 35],
RegDef[uS2Lo, U, 38],
RegDef[uS2Hi, U, 07],

  {RegDef[uTOS, U, 0D],}
  {RegDef[uTOSH, U, 1D],}

RegDef[uS, U, 04B],
RegDef[urhS, U, 051],
RegDef[uPVx, U, 03B],
RegDef[urhPV, U, 034],
  {RegDef[uPC, U, 05B],}
  {RegDef[ufloat, U, 042],{fZ value for Float}}

RegDef[uXdisp, U, 041],{LMG}
RegDef[uWidth, U, 042],{LMG}
RegDef[uICount, U, 043],{LMG}
RegDef[uNBits, U, 044],{LMG}
RegDef[umask, U, 045],{LMG}
RegDef[uShiftedPattLo, U, 03A],{LMG}
RegDef[uShiftedPattHi, U, 037],{LMG}

{	from LispMakeGraph}
RegDef[umaskrealLo, U, 045],
RegDef[umaskrealHi, U, 046];

{	from LFAM.mc}
RegDef[uFLAmB, U, 35];

{     RestoreRegsRet}
Set[L1.LFApf, 1],
Set[L1.LFAexit, 3],
Set[L1.LFGexit, 4],
Set[L1.matufn, 7],{because of CANCELBR's}
Set[L1.matexit, 0A];{LispMatrix}

{     LFASaveRegsRet}
Set[L1.LFA2prep, 3],
Set[L1.LFA1prep, 4],
Set[L1.LMGprep, 5],
Set[L1.lm, 9];{LispMatrix}

  {RegDef[TOS, R, 0],{TOS}
   RegDef[TOSH, R, 1],{TOSH}
   RegDef[TT, R, 2],{TT}
   RegDef[PV, R, 3],{PV}
   RegDef[rhPV, R, 3],{PV}
   RegDef[S, R, 4],{S}
   RegDef[rhS, RH, 4],{S}
   RegDef[PC, R, 5],{PC}
   RegDef[Rx, R, 6],{Rx} }

   {S2 remap returns}
Set[L0.S2timeslooptimes, 01],{uses 3 also}
Set[L0.S2timesloopplus, 05],{uses 7 also}
Set[L0.S2timesloopminus, 09],{uses 0B also}
Set[L0.PERM, 04],
Set[L0.lfam.s2a, 02],
Set[L0.S2mag0, 06],

   {S1 remap returns}
Set[L0.S1init2, 1],
Set[L0.S1timesloop, 2],
{Set[L0.PERM, 4],{uses 5 also} }
Set[L0.EXP, 6],
Set[L0.COMPLEX, 7],
Set[L0.FLOAT, 8],
Set[L0.MAGx, 9],
Set[L0.FLOATx, 03],
Set[L0.lfam.s1a, 0C],
Set[L0.S1mag0, 0D],
{Set[L0.MAGD2, 0A],}
Set[L0.MAG, 0B],

   {D remap returns}
Set[L0.Dtimesloop, 1],
{Set[L0.PERM, 4],}
{Set[L0.EXP, 6],}
{Set[L0.COMPLEX, 7],}
{Set[L0.FLOAT, 8],}
Set[L0.MAGD1, 9],
Set[L0.MAGD2, 0A],
Set[L0.MAGD3, 0],
Set[L0.COMPLEXx, 3],
Set[L0.lfam.di, 05],
Set[L0.lfam.da, 0C],
Set[L0.lfam.db, 0D],
Set[L0.lfam.dd, 0E],
Set[L0.lfam.df, 02],
{Set[L0.MAG, 0B],}

Set[L2.Xtimes, 0],
Set[L2.perm, 1],
Set[L2.Xplus, 2],
Set[L2.minus, 3],
Set[L2.magic, 04],
Set[L2.Triple, 5];{TripleCheck}

Set[L2.exp, 08],
Set[L2.mag, 09],
Set[L2.float, 0A],
Set[L2.complex, 0B],

	{for TripleCheck}
Set[L0.trS2i, 1];
Set[L0.trS1i, 2];
Set[L0.trDi, 3];
Set[L0.trS2, 4];
Set[L0.trS1, 5];
Set[L0.trD, 6];

	{for LispMakeGraph}
 {    LMGremapDret}
Set[L0.LMGDinit, 4],
Set[L0.LMGD1, 2],
Set[L0.LMGD2, 3],
Set[L0.LMGD3, 5],
{     LMGremapS1ret}
Set[L0.LMGS1init, 4],
Set[L0.LMGS1S2, 6],
{     LMGremapS2ret}
{Set[L0.LMGS1S2, 6],}
{     AllignRet}
{Set[L0.LMGS1S2, 6],}

   {GetFPT remap returns}
Set[L2.btou, 1],

	;{ E N D }