cal   8-Dec-83 14:11:01
last modified by cal  24-Jan-84 11:01:21 for new LCS booting

Set[PFaultB0, 103];{in bank 0}
Set[DLEntry, 113];
Set[DLExit, 112];
Set[DLBank, 1],
Set[EmuBank, 0],

	Set[BBEntry, 101];{in bank 2}
	Set[BBExit, 102];{in bank 1}
	Set[BBFault, 103];{in bank 1}
	Set[PFaultB1, 103];{in bank 1}
	Set[LispStart, 104];{in banks 0 and 1}
	{ Set[Start01, 105];{in both banks}
	  Set[Start02, 106];{in both banks}
	  Set[Start03, 107];{in both banks}}
	Set[LOGOUT, 108];{in both banks 0 and 1}
	Set[B1sink1 , 10F];{in bank 1}
	Set[DLExit, 112];
	Set[DLEntry, 113];
	Set[FFTExit, 114];
	Set[FFTEntry, 115];
	Set[CCEntry, 116];
	Set[UB1Start, 117];
	Set[UB2Start, 118];
	Set[UNminmax, 122];
	Set[UNcomplastC1, 123];
	Set[GetFPT, 124];
	Set[ufnB1, 125];
	Set[FOP1, 126],
	Set[FOP2, 127],
	Set[IBLT, 128],
	Set[FPTCode, 129],
	Set[POLYcode, 12A];
	Set[EmuInt, 12C],{paired with +1}
	Set[LOGOBank, 0],
	Set[EmuBank, 1],
	Set[DLBank, 2],
	Set[FFTBank, 2],
	Set[LispStartBank, 1],
	Set[SinkBank, 1],
	Set[LUBank, 2],
	Set[FAOPBank, 2],
	Set[FPTBank, 2],
	Set[PolyBank, 2];

MacroDef[CROSS, GOTOABS[#1]];

	{ E N D }