{ File name LispBBB2.mc Description: BitBlt op-code Author: don charnley Last edited: October 8, 1980 6:35 PM Created: October 1983 } {***************************************************************************** BITBLT *****************************************************************************} {OLD: {CAUTION: there is a delicate sharing of .u+D by uTOS and UWidth; during faults UWidth is stored in TOS; at restart {BBpart} it is tested for nonZero and restorted}} {.u+2 thru .u+C must be preserved accross faults; in particular no bitBlt by fault handler} {TOS=0 if virgin BB call; else suspended with saved state on stack under TOS} {2 args one usually 0 in TOS; S points to ptr to BBtable} MAR ← [rhS, S+0], c1, at[BBEntry]; {UWidth}Ybus ← TOS, NZeroBr, c2; TOS ← MD, BRANCH[$, BBpart], c3; MAR ← S ← [rhS, S - 1], c1; S←S-1, CANCELBR[$, 2], c2; TOSH ← MD, c3; {S points to some stack entry that has nothing to do with BB} {BBInit vs BBInit1 differ on advacing PC} PC ← PC + 1{PC16}{1}{%?}{saveRegs does PC←PC-1}, c1; stackP ← 2, c2; , c3; , c1; STK{UBitBltArg} ← TOS, pop, c2; rhMDS ← TOSH LRot0, GOTO[@BITBLT], c3; {@BITBLT returns directly to IBDispOnly; saves and restores L, G, PC} BBpart: {Q ← 166'b, GOTO[sink2], c1;} , c1; PC ← PC + 1{PC16}{1}{%?}{undone by saveRegs}, c2; stackP ← 0C{vestigial}, {GOTO[@BITBLT],} c3; {restore 12 uRegs from memory stack: u2 thru u0D } stackP ← 0D, c1; Rx ← 0C, c2; BBLp: Noop, c3; {Stack pointer points to full odd word } MAR ← S ← [rhS, S +0], c1; S ← S - 2, c2; TT ← MD, c3; Rx ← Rx - 1, ZeroBr, c1; STK ← TT, pop, BRANCH[BBLp, BBLpD], c2; BBLpD: stackP ← 0C{not vestigial}, GOTO[@BITBLT], c3; {@BITBLT returns to IBDispOnly normally or to SaveRegs if fault {or interrupt}} {interupts are temporarily disabled in BB} {S points to some stack entry that has nothing to do with BB} {if faulting save 12 uRegs to memory stack: u2 thru u0D } {then set TOSH,TOS to nonzero to indicate BB suspended (PFault saves TOS)} {at PFault TOS is nonzero and under that is saved regs } SaveRegs: {come here on pageFault}{{state held in stack (faults can't bitblt)}} rhTT ← uFaultParm1, c2; TT ← uFaultParm0, c3; {Stack pointer points to full odd word } {save 12 uRegs from memory stack: u2 thru u0D } stackP ← 02, c1; Rx ← 0C, c2; BBsLp: S{even empty} ← S{odd full} + 1, c3; MAR ← S ← [rhS, S +0], c1; MDR ← smallpl, c2; S ← S + 1, c3; MAR ← S ← [rhS, S +0], c1; MDR ← STK, push, c2; Noop, c3; Rx ← Rx - 1, ZeroBr, c1; BRANCH[BBsLp, BBsLpD], c2; BBsLpD: TOSH ← smallpl, L1 ← L1.NoFixes, c3; TOS ← 1, L0Disp, c1; stackP ← 0, DISP4[bbabn], c2; , c3, at[restore.pf, 10, bbabn]; Bank ← EmuBank, c1; , c2; CROSS[BBFault], c3; uWP ← 0, c3, at[restore.int, 10, bbabn]; Bank ← EmuBank, c1; , c2; CROSS[EmuInt], c3; {S points to some stack entry that has nothing to do with BB} {Normal BB returns undefined : set TOSH, TOS to any valid object (use smallpl)} {@BITBLT returns directly to IBDispOnly; saves and restores L{PV}, G{S}, PC} {stackP was set to zero by BB as we return here; any thing below .u+D is ok} BBThru: Bank ← EmuBank, c1; , c2; CROSS[BBExit], c3; {********************************************* MaskTbl SUBROUTINE 1 cycle *********************************************} { first cycle = c* , one cycle long This subroutine generates a right justified mask. of n ones RETURNS THRU MaskRet } MaskTblB2: TT ← 1, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[0,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← 3, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[1,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← 7, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[2,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← 0F, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[3,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← 1F, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[4,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← 3F, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[5,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← 7F, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[6,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← 0FF, RET[MaskRet], c*, at[7,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← LShift1 0FF, SE←1, RET[MaskRet] {TT ← 1FF}, c*, at[8,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← RShift1 u7FF, RET[MaskRet] {TT ← 3FF}, c*, at[9,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← u7FF, RET[MaskRet] {TT ← 7FF}, c*, at[0A,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← RShift1 u1FFF, RET[MaskRet] {TT ← FFF}, c*, at[0B,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← u1FFF, RET[MaskRet] {TT ← 1FFF}, c*, at[0C,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← uTT3FFF, RET[MaskRet] {TT ← 3FFF}, c*, at[0D,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← RShift1 (~TT xor TT), RET[MaskRet] {TT ← 7FFF}, c*, at[0E,10,MaskTbl]; TT ← ~TT xor TT, RET[MaskRet] {TT ← FFFF}, c*, at[0F,10,MaskTbl]; { E N D }